View Full Version : Politics and Religion
Pages :
- State of the Union
- Ann Coulter
- Is Wal-Mart good for America?
- Pat Robertson suggests God smote Sharon
- Did Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld gang "do" 9/11?
- Is It Time To Nationalize The Oil Industry?
- Please start a Politics Forum
- Republicans Unfit to Adopt
- Walter Cronkite:Telling the Truth About the War on Drugs
- S.D. Governor Signs Abortion Ban Into Law
- ...and the land of the freeeeeeeeee." - Not.
- 20 Questions for President Bush About Iraq
- McKinney's Softened Image Takes a Blow(DemsGoneWild)
- Celebrate Diversity
- The Gay Republican: Oxymoron, or Just Moron?
- When the President Talks to God
- Who runs this country...
- Peaceful resolution - Iran Nukes
- Chef Mike's Religious Hate
- Highlights of President Jeb Bush's First Term 2008-2012
- American soldiers make me sick
- Satanism
- OT: Should he (George Bush) stay or should he go? a poll.
- Osama says al-Zarqawi was a Great Knight?!?
- Hamdan vs Rumsfeld USSC ( YES ! )
- A Question For Quinn (re: North Korea's Nukes)
- (D) Sen. Biden " You cannot enter a 7-11...
- Politics Test
- Another Reason To Vote For Hillary In 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!
- off topic...California law to ban/exterminate Pit Bulls
- 50 Easy Questions to Ask Any Republican...
- WWIII - how likely?
- Israel- What is up with these folks?
- future warfare
- And they said Bush couldn't get any dumber..................
- Shrubya Vetoes Senate Stem Cell Bill
- The U.N. and the Jewish Question
- Nobel Peace Laureate: "I Would Love To Kill George Bush
- How will our resident HA right-wing lackeys...?
- What the Government doest want you to know about 9/11.
- Al-Jazeerah Endorses Democrats
- Republican Hypocrisy on Teen Pregnancy
- PBS Frontline investigation..........Intelligence failures
- Rolling Stone Exclusive: Plot to Invade Iran
- UN Peacekeepers Killed used by Hizballah
- "Peace" activists gone wild(Kill Bush!)
- Leftists J Leopold@L Johnson Gone Wild on the Attack
- Maliki and his Hezbollah Ties Exposed...
- Wal-Mart opposes living wage initiative
- political science made easy
- (Lunatic Leftie) Kofi Annan shows his stripes/NYDaily
- cindy sheehan....moves to crawford tx.
- UN Report UNIFIL Reveals It Is Useless
- DNC Plan? Pander and Run/ WAPO
- Sheehan Move/Locals Not Amused/ KXXV TV
- A breath of fresh air from an American Jew on the situation
- You just lost me, Israel, you dumb fucks.
- Hezbollah Parades Corpses for PR/Press
- Photos that damn Hezbollah/HeraldSun
- China says yes to trade unions at Walmart
- Top 5 Myths about America
- John Kerry in Iowa (summer2006)
- Democrats Scrambling(DNC Meltdown) Wash.Post
- Blood In The Water:Swiftboating NeoNuts...
- Robert Hill Releasing Target of 2257 Investigation
- On the Ground with Lamont/Lieberman (Huff.Post tolerance)
- Sharpton/Jackson to Oppose Sen. Lieberman(NY Post)
- The Hezbollah ARE the real war criminals in the middle east
- Caricature Elicits Sharp Reaction From Lieberman/NY Sun
- Air Amercia Losing Listeners (NY Post)
- Has the Politics and Religion section been shut down?
- Nuke dump timeline questioned
- Bush Administration outsources the War on Terror
- Hezbollywood Horror/Qana and the Hezbos` Sockpuppets
- Hezbo`s Tactics/video links
- Rep. John Dingell (D-MI) Is Not Against Hezbollah/audio
- Dave Chapelle
- so are those two kidnapped israeli soldiers dead or what?
- Republican state senator joins Democratic Party
- Sheehan`s Kook Brigade off to Syria (AP)
- Cal.Sen.Prez (D) " ..all these CRACKERS..."(SFGate
- Science may explain biblical myth
- Science Fails to Explain Bible "myth"
- Reuters drops Photog/Fake PicsQana(Reuters)
- IDF Women Mmmmmm
- The Last Honest Man/Lieberman (wapo)
- Death Threat from Reuters IP (Ynetnews)
- Dream ComeTrue for Rove(NewRepublic)
- Another repug hypocrite exposed...
- G.Galloway Supports Hezballah(SkyNews)
- Sexual predator O'Reilly defends one of his own...
- .
- "The Bastard" apologizes
- (D) Conyers Ready for War (?)
- Lieberman Vs Lamont(Winner)
- Down Goes McKinney
- Win for the wackadoo wing (Lamont) NYDaily
- Iranians among Hizbollah combat dead/Wash.Post
- Al Quds newspaper (PLO Racists)
- Photo Fraud in Lebanon Slideshow
- No Room for Moderates in the Republican Party
- U.S. Trade Deficit on pace for $700 billion plus
- (D) N.Lamont (JP Morgan)Waterbury RA
- Rally for Lebanon/Hezbos Wash.DC
- Tel Aviv anti war rally
- (R) Sen.Allen says Dirty Word (Macaca?)
- Newsom/Cotchett/Plame Vs Cheney(LOL Alert)
- Afghanistan's economy is booming
- McCain still resents 2000 neo-con attack ad
- Neo-con attack ad pairs Clinton to Bin Laden
- Cable News Ratings (Nielson)
- Democratic(DSCC/DNC) Ad Mixes Hispanics w/OBL (AP)
- Is Bush an Idiot?
- Barack Hussein Osama... gas guzzler
- DNC Delcares War on...AlQaeda?(NYTimes)
- Happy Birthday Fidel ! (S.F.Sentinal)
- North Korea and nukes
- GOP bankrolls Green Party in PA
- Support the Troops
- Judge finds NSA program unconstitutional
- Neo-Con movement is on the march
- Where are the Republican family values?
- Rep. Ney formally withdraws from ballot
- Sen. Hagel says GOP has lost its way
- News: Suspected Ramsey killer Mark Karr wanted sex change!
- U.S. resolution would disarm Hezbollah
- Bush's failing program
- Post Katrina failures
- Deported man was actually U.S. citizen
- McCain faults administration on Iraq
- Neo-cons go after porn
- The draft is coming!
- (D) Davis Travels on Terrorists` Dime(Chi.Trib)
- Judge Nixes Plame Secrecy Bid
- Dems use rule to oust gay candidate(msnbc)
- Hip-Hop Mogul Simmons Endorses (R) Steele
- UN Broadcast IDF Troop Movement
- (D) J. Biden/What Me Worry
- Armitage is Plame Leaker (Newsweek/MSNBC)
- US Violates Geneva Convention! Waaah?!?!!?!
- Plame Out/The Ridiculous End(Slate)
- US Pulling out Troops from Bosnia and Herzegovina(!?)
- Republican Wisdom
- The 10th amendment
- Military To Pay Millions For "Positive" Iraq News.
- Death of a President
- NYT Reporters Forg March(GRPress)
- Will Wilson Sue Richard Armitage? LOL
- Air America Network in Turmoil
- Washington Post Blames Joe Wilson (LOL Alert)
- A 1917 History Lesson from the Honorable "Big John"
- Pentagon Report Gives Neo-Ninnies A Reality Check
- S.F.Gate/Chron. Blame Joe Wilson(LIAR ALERT)
- Wilson/Powell/Armitage=Wrong(NYPost)
- Dangerous Liaisons:Wilson,Armitage and MSM(AT)
- ABC's 'The Path to 9/11' Is Outstanding
- 'The Path To 9/11' is right-wing BS!
- Labor Day and Great Labor Leaders
- Taliban Opium Harvest--Mission Accomplished, shrubya!
- Pentagon 1/4`ly Report- "Not A Civil War"
- Islamofascists/M.Brotherhood/AQ
- Time for Prez to pardon Libby(Bost.Herald)
- The Wilson/Plame/MSM Cabal Quotes of Lies
- The Closets of Karl and Ken
- Jason Leopold: Plame Leak T.Out (LOL Alert)
- Labor Day and the GOP's War on Workers
- Rumsfeld: More Chamberlain Than Churchill
- MoveOnOrg Attack Lieberman/Da Jooz (NYPost)
- Another Reality Check from Big John Murtha
- Flameout of the Plame game(W.Times)
- Murtha and the Code Pink Marxists
- Russert Vs. Murtha
- GOP secretly channeled millions to Lieberman(Insight)
- CIA disbands Bin Laden unit
- Broder:One Leak/ Flood of Silliness/Wilson(WaPo)
- Sheehan , "kill baby Bush " !?
- Bush/Lieberman pollster guilty of rigging results
- (D) Reid Threatens to Revoke ABC`s License
- Clinton`s Path to 9/11
- (D) Rockefeller:Iraq Better With Saddam(WCBS)
- Gay Republican?
- Senate: No prewar Saddam-al-Qaida ties
- War on Terror?
- Former Republican Ill. gov. gets 6 1/2 years in prison
- 9/11 "Hijackers" Trained on U.S. Military Bases
- Air America To Declare Bankruptcy(T.Progress)
- Subverting Democracy With the Big Lie
- Wanted: Dead or Alive....Ali G?
- Murtha to Rummy: Resign!!
- Clinton/kosovo/Bosnia&AlQaeda
- Pope Pisses Off Islamofascists(BBC)
- N.O.Islam Member Gets DNC Nomination(StarTrib.)
- Is The GOP Actively Aiding And Abetting Al Qaeda?
- You Got Away With It...
- The President, His Daughters, and Torture
- Rove Blew CIA Agent's Cover(Huff.Post)LOLAlert
- KILL BUSH ! Film Wins Fipresci Prize
- "NeoCons" Win Sweden Elections(TimesUK)
- Iraq For Sale: The War Profiteers
- bin Laden Found - And No One Cares?
- Seanchai is Censoring Me
- At U.N., Chavez Calls Bush 'The Devil'(Breitbart)
- UN/Chavez-Marxist Chomsky a must read(Yahoo)
- 35,000 Rally Against U.N./Iran
- 20 Most Corrupt Members Of Congress
- Wreck of the Patrick Fitzgerald(WilsonMSNBC)
- "Devil" in the Details: Chavez, Limbaugh and Hypoc
- Spy Agencies Say Iraq War Worsens Terror Threat
- Bill Clinton Blames Others For 911(YouTube)
- U2`s Bono`s Hypocracy(DaytonaNews)
- GOP Pedophile Foley Resigns...desperate coverup ensues...
- Good Question...Why Wouldn't You Hate Bush?
- Bush Sluts Gone Wild!
- Clinton`s Whore-child Gone Wild
- Clinton Blew it on OBL:Ex-CIA(Chig.Sun)
- Crushing Children's Testicles
- DNC Foley Hit `n Run (
- Democrats= 61% of Sex Scandals(Wash.Post)LOLAlert
- Democrat Caught in Naked Pic Scandal:video link(AP)
- NY Democrat:Phone Sex Scandal(taxpayer paid)
- Foley,a Closet Democrat ?
- Foley`s(legal age) IM Buddy: Meet Jordan Edmund
- ABC`s Brian Ross:Caught in the Big Lie Again:FAKE IMs !
- Khameini: Don't masturbate during Ramadan(LOLAlert)
- Democrat Resigns: (R.)Allen=Da Jooz(Wash.Post)
- DNC Strategy:Out Gays (David Corn The Nation)
- La Cage Au Foley: Diversity Made Me Do It!
- The FBI,Foley,Age of Consent Law & The BIG LIE
- Execs who gave to Air America face criminal charges(AP)
- Lying
- National Security Undone
- Rice’s Strategy on Genocide: Stay The Course
- Asleep At The Switch
- No Bush Left Behind
- ABC Scrambling to Put Some Meat on Ross' Story/The Big Lie
- (D) H.Ford jr. Caught Lying:I`m a Lawyer(TFP)
- La Cage Au Foley photos!
- Venezuela Pro-Freedom Anti-Chavez Rallies(BBC)
- October 9-13 Is National Republican Predator Week
- Kerry: Kill Bush (WhackoAlert!)
- Clinton,Carter and N.Korea`s Nukes
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