View Full Version : A new low for Donald Trump

01-07-2024, 01:32 AM
In a string of endless lows, another one is just added by that horrible person Donald Trump, who, unbelievably was once president. How on Earth is that possible? How can anyone, who wants to vote at all, look at this guy and decide to vote for him?


01-07-2024, 03:59 AM
The idea that Americans should just get over mass shootings is a pretty standard Republican view, though they usually cover it with more hypocritical guff about 'thoughts and prayers'.

I think his comments about political opponents being vermin and immigrants poisoning the blood of the country were worse.

01-07-2024, 05:50 AM
Is the narrative any clearer now- what they want is to return to 1860 because those two dates: 1865, 1965 mark the moments when white supremacy was effectively challenged, indeed, de-legitimised.

Thus, Haley can’t bring herself to mention slavery, while Trump claims there was no need for a war when negotiation was an option- implying he would have negotiated a deal. This from a man who ‘negotiated’ the surrender of the US to the Taliban.

And is sent by God to be ‘Caretaker’ of the US.

Low? It is becoming a bizarre freak show, and that is the aim: be as crazy and disruptive as possible, tear everything down.

But look beyond the screaming headlines and you find Project 2025 and some truly dangerous people.



01-07-2024, 06:29 AM
There is no such thing as a "low" for Trump. He is entirely self-absorbed. People need to get over the school shooting because he can't figure out how to make it about him.

01-07-2024, 12:55 PM
You are both completely right. I am not from U.S.A, so I do not follow much of what he does, simply because it is so terrible, lying and hurtful. I remember watching a clip once, where he talked about Finnish people trying to prevent forest fires by raking the forest floors. People around him were just shaking their heads or looking away. And this was just a mild example of how he lies all the time.

01-07-2024, 01:08 PM
Donald Trump is a fascist who quotes Adolf Hitler.



KnightHawk 2.0
01-08-2024, 12:21 AM
There is no new low for the MAGA King And Petulent Child Donald Trump,that he is willing to stoop too.

01-08-2024, 09:16 AM
Yes. What an awful man. Sexist, racist, fascist, liar, megalomaniac and, no doubt, dictator wherever he gets his will.

01-08-2024, 02:12 PM
Donald Trump is a fascist who quotes Adolf Hitler.



Trump's rhetoric
Trump's Hitler rhetoric

01-08-2024, 03:29 PM
And the lows go lower:

01-08-2024, 05:03 PM
It is unfathomable to me that anyone would vote for him. I actually have no words for it.

01-08-2024, 07:49 PM
It is unfathomable to me that anyone would vote for him. I actually have no words for it.

Yet tens of millions will vote for him if they can.

01-08-2024, 08:21 PM
Yes. Dictators can only exist if someone votes for them to be their dictators. Like Adolf Hitler and Vladimir Putin. And Donald Trump.

01-09-2024, 01:34 AM
The problem is that it's a one way street. People can vote in a dictator if they are unhappy with how things are, but they never leave office voluntarily. This is the democratic dilemma.

It's not even clear that he would leave office in 2029 if he gets a second term. Once you pack the country's institutions with your own loyalists all kinds of things are possible. They had term limits in Russia but Putin is still there. It's hard to believe Republicans will force him out if he invents some pretext to ignore the Constitution and refuses to leave.

KnightHawk 2.0
01-09-2024, 01:39 AM
And the lows go lower:
https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/06/politics/trump-civil-war-negotiated/index.htmlIndeed they do. He also the same person who said that there were airplanes back in 1775. Donald-MAGA King-Trump's comments shows he doesn't know shit about history,and lives in an alternate reality.

01-09-2024, 02:32 AM
Yet tens of millions will vote for him if they can.

What's really hard to fathom is that Trump's approval rating seems to be improving the worse he gets, whereas Biden's has gotten worse even though problems like inflation and violent crime have been declining.

01-09-2024, 02:49 AM
Trump Derangement syndrome is out of control on here.

01-09-2024, 04:58 AM
Trump Derangement syndrome is out of control on here.

Trump's derangement is widely documented. Listen to any speech of his or any interview with him.

01-09-2024, 06:33 AM
What is the purpose of the verifiable rubbish we hear?

That the people convicted of breaking the law by smashing their way into the Capitol building, threatening to murder the Vice President and the Speaker, succeeding in causing the death and injury of Capitol staff, and now in prison are actually ‘Hostages’?

This can only be claimed by people who believe the rule of law in the US is not legitimate.

And a President has no right to interfere in the result of a General/Presidential election at any stage, a fact so basic it is simply bare faced cheek for Trump to now claim he didn’t know the rules when he interfered in the Georgia result. And it has nothing to do with free speech when the man and his supporters broke the law in an attempt to force their view on the entire country.

So what is going on here? It is a long established and co-ordinated assault from people like the Atlantic Society and their associates who aim to de-legitimise Government. At every turn of the screw, ridicule politicians, defame them, hail their policies as an overt or covert tool to destroy the very idea of what it means to be an American citizen, as understood c1776.

For Murdoch and the Kochs, Markets must Rule, because they are superior to Government, because Governments are the problem not the solution, and who has done more to undermine the public’s faith in elections, democracy and the rule of law, than Trump?

But just as atheist Trump relies on so-called Christians, so a man who clearly does not believe in free enterprise or ‘Markets know best’ is recruited by those for whom it is their religion.

This dangerous nonsense may not end in November, but it may be the beginning of the end.

01-09-2024, 07:22 AM
Trump Derangement syndrome is out of control on here.

You mean like when people warned that he would refuse to accept an election loss and would resort to any means to overturn it?

Luke Warm
01-09-2024, 11:32 AM
Trump Derangement syndrome is out of control on here.

Good post, Mr. Pizzagate QAnon Infowars Clinton Body Count. Everyone knows George Soros controls the world economy. Trump voters are not deranged, or beta followers who worship authoritarians, or low information gullible marks. Trump just needs another 4 years to finally replace Obamacare or whatever. Mexico will pay for it. Totally. That’s when Trump finally roots out all the pedos in the federal government, because Trump was chosen by God. But make sure the deep state doesn’t steal it again! That’s not God’s plan!

Personally, I’m hoping there won’t be another rightwing domestic terrorist attack like the Oklahoma City bombing (or was that actually a hologram perpetrated by the woke FBI? You tell me).

Anyway, good post.

01-09-2024, 11:37 AM
Can some of you who live in America tell me, what people who vote for Donald Trump say about it? Is he seen as some kind of hero, who will rescue people from their lives by, as so often before, concluding that scapegoats should be made out of others? Is it this aburdly stupid, but absurdly common, gang mentality that is present? I know some people who have literally left America because of how things were and are, because they did not, and do not, see a way out of the chaos. How do you, who live there, see the future of America now?

01-10-2024, 01:25 AM
It's interesting that the same people who say they love Trump because he does what he says he'll do also accuse his critics of being deranged when they take his words seriously.

01-10-2024, 02:07 AM
It's interesting that the same people who say they love Trump because he does what he says he'll do also accuse his critics of being deranged when they take his words seriously.

And they never offer any substantive defense for him, either. They're either dismissive or insulting, or give him credit for something like cheap gas prices, which of course only happened because the bottom dropped out of the oil market due to the pandemic.

01-10-2024, 12:00 PM
Perhaps it is the equivalent of the Stockholm syndrome: People start to have empathy for the terrorist who keeps them as hostages. In Donald Trump's case of his constant lies, for instance.

01-10-2024, 03:26 PM
Again? Maybe someone should claim Trump was born in Scotland, and his birth certificate is fake…?


KnightHawk 2.0
01-18-2024, 05:13 AM
Again? Maybe someone should claim Trump was born in Scotland, and his birth certificate is fake…?

https://uk.news.yahoo.com/trump-keeps-suggesting-people-aren-012726133.htmlCompletely agree someone should make that claim Donald Trump,because he will try to deny it and play the blame game.

01-18-2024, 01:15 PM
The Stigmata! Truly, he is the Son of God, a Holy Man.

What are the mysterious red marks on Trump's hand? (yahoo.com) (https://uk.news.yahoo.com/mysterious-red-marks-trumps-hand-181951395.html)

01-18-2024, 03:38 PM
The Stigmata! Truly, he is the Son of God, a Holy Man.

What are the mysterious red marks on Trump's hand? (yahoo.com) (https://uk.news.yahoo.com/mysterious-red-marks-trumps-hand-181951395.html)


01-22-2024, 02:13 PM
Low, or sideways into another dimension?

Fort This
Fort That
Fort For
Fort When...hey, that's like Fort Wayne, and you know I think Wayne Newton is a great guy and he was in Reno all those years..
Fort What
Fort Then
Fort How
Fort Thus

Fort Whatever

Fort Kim
Fort Vlad
Fort Viktor
Fort Nigel
Fort Ku
Fort Klux
Fort Klan

and so it goes on. Haley was in charge on Jan 6th, All that paper on the road, whales on the beach, showing your id to buy bread, it's never been seen before, it's unbelievable...

Trump Chooses Absolutely Baffling New Topic For Latest Rambling Aside (yahoo.com) (https://uk.news.yahoo.com/trump-chooses-absolutely-baffling-topic-090905507.html)

01-23-2024, 05:55 PM
Another sideshow gig: the strategic competence of the USA: the new Iron Dome, with special effects: Ding Ding! Boom! Whoosh! It's never been seen before.

Trump Attempts to Describe Missile Defense: ‘Ding, Ding, Ding, Boom, Whoosh!’ (yahoo.com) (https://uk.yahoo.com/news/trump-attempts-describe-missile-defense-055659606.html)

Where's Chuck when you need him?

My Ding A Ling (youtube.com) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiCSSIEUukk)

01-29-2024, 02:30 PM
Trump loves bragging about himself, but to claim President Biden is leading the world into 'World War Three' is an example of how bragging and lies should expose him to the ridicule he deserves.

When the US organized the assassination of Qassem Suleimani, head of Iran's Republican Guard, Iran retaliated by killing US troops based in Iraq. John Bolton, who had proposed bombing Iran for years before he joined Trump's team, made a point in his book of documenting Trump's refusal to take action against Iran.

Add in the fact that it was Trump who authorized the US to 'surrender' to the Taliban and even give them the date when US troops would leave the country, and it can be argued it was Trump who laid the foundations for much of today's chaos and violence in the region.

His endorsement of Israel's annexation of the Golan Heights and the chronic refusal of the US to consider Palestinians equal in rights to Israelis, meaning the US admin carried on its 'Do Nothing' policy, has fed into the insane rage we saw with Hamas, and the disproportionate violence of Israel in Gaza.

So this

"“This attack would never have happened if I was president, not even a chance – just like the Iranian-backed Hamas attack on Israel would never have happened, the war in Ukraine would never have happened, and we would right now have peace throughout the world,” he said.“Instead, we are on the brink of World War Three,”"

Is in Trump's own words, absolute 'Bullshit'.

KnightHawk 2.0
01-30-2024, 01:20 AM
Trump loves bragging about himself, but to claim President Biden is leading the world into 'World War Three' is an example of how bragging and lies should expose him to the ridicule he deserves.

When the US organized the assassination of Qassem Suleimani, head of Iran's Republican Guard, Iran retaliated by killing US troops based in Iraq. John Bolton, who had proposed bombing Iran for years before he joined Trump's team, made a point in his book of documenting Trump's refusal to take action against Iran.

Add in the fact that it was Trump who authorized the US to 'surrender' to the Taliban and even give them the date when US troops would leave the country, and it can be argued it was Trump who laid the foundations for much of today's chaos and violence in the region.

His endorsement of Israel's annexation of the Golan Heights and the chronic refusal of the US to consider Palestinians equal in rights to Israelis, meaning the US admin carried on its 'Do Nothing' policy, has fed into the insane rage we saw with Hamas, and the disproportionate violence of Israel in Gaza.

So this

"“This attack would never have happened if I was president, not even a chance – just like the Iranian-backed Hamas attack on Israel would never have happened, the war in Ukraine would never have happened, and we would right now have peace throughout the world,” he said.“Instead, we are on the brink of World War Three,”"

Is in Trump's own words, absolute 'Bullshit'.Well said and completely agree.

02-14-2024, 04:49 AM
Newer and lower:

02-14-2024, 05:43 AM
Newer and lower:

The link below shows just how wrong Trump is with regard to members of NATO and their 'dues', not that he cares about the truth.

Also, while defenders of the speech use the 'dues' argument to justify what he said, also revealing their ignorance, deliberate or otherwise, the key point in the speech was Trump inviting Russia to invade or attack another NATO member country -it echoes his appeal to Russia in the 2016 General Election to attack the American candidate for President, Mrs Hillary Clinton, which I would have thought was disloyal to the point of being Treason.

Fact check: Debunking five false Trump claims about NATO | CNN Politics (https://edition.cnn.com/2024/02/13/politics/fact-check-trump-nato/index.html)

But hey, Trump can do whatever he wants, say whatever he wants, and people will Bend The Knee. It remains to be seen if any of his Court cases will take place this year, if ever, other than the NYC case that is over, given that the right of Appeal means this agenda will be open for a few more years.

04-03-2024, 06:15 AM
I don't know if exploiting the US Flag is a low blow, he has done it on the trainers, and there is a shadow segment on the Bible that Trump is now selling, which comes with additions not in the previous translations -The US Constitution (which thus means Trump holds up a book whose contents he has never read, being both the Bible and the Constitution), the Bill of Rights, the Oath of Allegiance to the Flag.

I liked this comment someone posted to an article about the Holy Book

"Just wait until he starts marketing his Body of Christ energy bars, Blood of Christ energy drinks, and of course Trump’s Ten Condiments".

Just when you think Trump can’t get any weirder … he launches his own version of the Bible | Zoe Williams | The Guardian (https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/apr/02/when-you-think-trump-cant-get-weirder-he-launches-bible)#

KnightHawk 2.0
04-10-2024, 08:58 AM
I don't know if exploiting the US Flag is a low blow, he has done it on the trainers, and there is a shadow segment on the Bible that Trump is now selling, which comes with additions not in the previous translations -The US Constitution (which thus means Trump holds up a book whose contents he has never read, being both the Bible and the Constitution), the Bill of Rights, the Oath of Allegiance to the Flag.

I liked this comment someone posted to an article about the Holy Book

"Just wait until he starts marketing his Body of Christ energy bars, Blood of Christ energy drinks, and of course Trump’s Ten Condiments".

Just when you think Trump can’t get any weirder … he launches his own version of the Bible | Zoe Williams | The Guardian (https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/apr/02/when-you-think-trump-cant-get-weirder-he-launches-bible)#Not surprised at all the fraudster and charlatan Donald Trump stooping to new low in selling his version of the bible,a book he's never read or knows nothing about. Just another example of the con man coming up with a grift to dupe his brainwashed supporters into giving him their money.

04-11-2024, 04:41 AM
Vanity doesn't go lower than this. But will there be an image of the Great Man that people can walk on with muddy shoes?


""When I’m not in court for my SHAM BIDEN TRIALS, I’m campaigning across the country for our America First agenda," said the solicitation. "And nothing warms my heart like seeing true MAGA Patriots display their 100% AMERICAN MADE 2024 TRUMP DOORMATS; Let EVERYONE KNOW that your family is part of our unstoppable movement to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!""
Trump now wants his supporters to pay him to be a doormat (msn.com) (https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/trump-now-wants-his-supporters-to-pay-him-to-be-a-doormat/ar-BB1lq3uc?ocid=msedgntp&pc=ACTS&cvid=50a10f6b4c7040c0946acebea198aee2&ei=39)

04-19-2024, 10:50 AM
'When they go low, we go high'. Or, in Trump's case, the lower he goes, the more the guys who once went higher find new depths to their depraved, knee-bending adulation, as this compilation proves.

Donald Trump’s GOP Critics Come ‘Crawling Back’ In Humiliating Supercut (yahoo.com) (https://uk.news.yahoo.com/donald-trump-gop-critics-come-083833436.html)

04-19-2024, 10:08 PM
Today's new low: reeking flatulence.

04-19-2024, 11:26 PM
Today's new low: reeking flatulence.

Is it sabotage, or a natural part of his behaviour?

04-20-2024, 12:33 AM
Is it sabotage, or a natural part of his behaviour?

Perhaps it's both.

04-20-2024, 03:27 AM
Today's new low: reeking flatulence.

No wonder Melania doesn't want to share a bedroom.

Looks like his fans in Congress are following his behaviour.

04-20-2024, 05:40 AM
No wonder Melania doesn't want to share a bedroom.

Looks like his fans in Congress are following his behaviour.

Clowns gonna clown.

KnightHawk 2.0
04-21-2024, 02:22 AM
Is it sabotage, or a natural part of his behaviour?It's a combination of both.