View Full Version : The Elections in France, 2022

04-15-2022, 05:15 PM
The first round of the Presidential election in France was held last weekend, the second round will take place on Sunday April 24th, and be a straight contest between Emmanuel Macron, and Marine Le Pen.

Elections for the National Assembly will take place on the 12th and 19th of June.

The election has been noted for ability of Marine Le Pen to close the gap with Macron, who had scored high ratings at the start of the crisis in Ukraine. There is an overview of the campaign,

Who will win the 2022 French election? | The Week UK (https://www.theweek.co.uk/news/world-news/europe/955436/who-will-win-french-election-2022-polls-odds)

I am not sure if Le Pen will make it, but if she were to do it, some of the polices she claims she will promote will-

-Seek a major reduction in France's contribution to the budget of the EU. Le Pen has praised Brexit, but has scaled down her view that France should also leave -'Frexit'- though budget conflicts would be a problem for the Union and suggests Le Pen has no interest in maintaining the Franco-German alliance that has been the basis of the EU since its inception in 1957.
Marine Le Pen praises Brexit Britain, as she pledges to slash France’s EU contributions (yahoo.com) (https://uk.news.yahoo.com/marine-le-pen-praises-brexit-173646220.html)

-Attack the rights of Jews and Muslims: specifically, a ban on Halal and Kosher butchery which Le Pen says is cruel; but as the link shows, Le Pen supports hunting and bullfighting so the 'cruelty' argument seems thin.
In France's election, a meaty issue unites Jews and Muslims (yahoo.com) (https://uk.yahoo.com/news/frances-election-meaty-issue-unites-075853574.html)

-Le Pen wants France to leave the military alliance with NATO, and seek a 'rapprochement' with Russia when its war with Ukraine is over, primarily to strengthen an alliance against China.
France withdrew from the military alliance with NATO in 1966 when Charles de Gaulle was President (it re-joined in 2009), so this is not some radical new policy, but it does follow the problem Le Pen has with her prior links to Russia via the funding her party received from a Russian bank, and her meetings with Putin. This has been a sore issue for her, but it remains to be seen if voters rank this more highly than her position on the French economy.
Marine Le Pen proposes closer Nato-Russia ties after Ukraine war (yahoo.com) (https://uk.news.yahoo.com/marine-le-pen-proposes-closer-174836426.html)
France's Le Pen warns against sending weapons to Ukraine (yahoo.com) (https://uk.news.yahoo.com/frances-le-pen-warns-against-170452890.html)