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  1. American Legion to Rangel: Apologize Now(US N.Wire) (0 replies)
  2. Rangel- Only the poor Enlist,ergo the Draft (LOL Alert) (0 replies)
  3. Breaking the Strongholds of Satan (3 replies)
  4. A Awesome Testimony (5 replies)
  5. Dems To GOP Vermin: Give Up The Documents! (0 replies)
  6. Strange Coincidence? (11 replies)
  7. Hitler and Islam (14 replies)
  9. U.S. Mint to unveil presidential coins (1 replies)
  10. DEMOCRAT calls for reinstating the DRAFT (11 replies)
  11. Neocons Blame Bush for Iraq Fiasco (2 replies)
  12. Study:Conservatives More Generous than Libs(Syc.com) (20 replies)
  13. Slate Mag.- Place Pelosi on Probation (Slate.com) (4 replies)
  14. Speaker Pelosi Tempts Disaster (NY Times) (0 replies)
  15. Dem. Kucinich-Defund the Troops (kucinich.us) (0 replies)
  16. FOX News: They Distort, We Deride (0 replies)
  17. Revolt:Dems Deny Pelosi`s Choice-Murtha(Breibart) (0 replies)
  18. Soldier Who Pleaded Guilty Tells of Rape And Killing of Girl (0 replies)
  19. LOLZ!!! Punk ass student gets PWN3D!!! (Tazed) (10 replies)
  20. Senator-elect Jim Webb(D-VA) on Class Struggle(WSJ) (4 replies)
  21. UK Poll: 61% Favor Iraq Withdrawal This Year (1 replies)
  22. Hey there! Here come the Nazi's!!! (2 replies)
  23. Quit Iraq?Zinni Calls Dems Out(NYTimes) (17 replies)
  24. Senate Dems to Tell Iraq Terrorists, 'We Quit'(?)(breitbart) (0 replies)
  25. The US Navy welcomed the latest member of its fleet today. (5 replies)
  26. 57% Now Believe Dems Have Zero Plan (Ipsos-AP) (24 replies)
  27. Hooray for Robert Gates? (1 replies)
  28. Ken Mehlman's Gay Ad (parody) LMAO Alert (2 replies)
  29. The Truth About Afghanistan (14 replies)
  30. Saudi Arabia: Iraq a major terror base (3 replies)
  31. Democrats to Resurrect Iraq Oversight Agency (2 replies)
  32. Democrats will push for Iraq withdrawal(Reuters) (0 replies)
  33. Iraqi People Fear Democrat Victory(Chig.Trib.) (66 replies)
  34. Dems Good for Open Borders(Reuters) (4 replies)
  35. (D) John Conyers and His Muslim Jihad(Investors.com) (0 replies)
  36. MSNBC Live Internet Poll: Impeach Bush? (11 replies)
  37. A Come-to-Daddy Moment (6 replies)
  38. Triple Setback for Religious Right (0 replies)
  39. Conservatives turn on NeoCons (0 replies)
  40. The Great Divider's Split Personality (0 replies)
  41. Social conservative's cultural war is misleading (8 replies)
  42. Now they tell us (0 replies)
  44. RUMSFELD RESIGNS! (2 replies)
  45. Just Who is Nancy Pelosi ? (2 replies)
  46. South Dakota Overturns Abortion Ban (2 replies)
  47. REPUGS LOSE HOUSE! (1 replies)
  48. Dems take NEGLIGIBLE lead in National Elections! LMAO (24 replies)
  49. Republicans Turn Their Back On Another Friend (15 replies)
  50. Saddam Sentenced to Death by Hanging (32 replies)
  51. Air Force V. Army-Send Kerry a Message (1 replies)
  52. YouTube:Transsexuals From Iran (2 replies)
  53. NY Times Admits: Saddam Had WMD Capability(NYTimes) (3 replies)
  54. Dhimmicrats, STAY HOME! YOUR VOTE DON'T COUNT! (1 replies)
  55. Bush #1 Bible-Banger Haggard: 'I did not snort, or suck' (4 replies)
  56. Welcome to Jesus Camp (3 replies)
  57. Seattle bus driver fired after obscene gesture at Bush (1 replies)
  58. Evangelist steps down amid gay sex claim (1 replies)
  59. Jon Carry gets PWNED (4 replies)
  60. G.I.S DROP SMART BOMB ON KERRY(NYPost) (0 replies)
  61. Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades Endorse Democrats (3 replies)
  62. Veterans of Afghanistan and Iraq Wars Launch Ad (7 replies)
  63. A.C.O.R.N. Workers Indicted Voter Fraud (KMBC) (0 replies)
  64. S.Hersh(NYTimes) Join Kerry in Slag (1 replies)
  65. Bush owes troops an apology, not Kerry (5 replies)
  66. Jon Carry issues convoluted apology (5 replies)
  67. Dem.J.Webb,1st Pedo,now Plagiarist (0 replies)
  68. Whip it out and just go, man (2 replies)
  69. Guantánamo defense lawyer forced out of Navy (0 replies)
  70. American Legion to Kerry: Apologize Now ! (0 replies)
  71. John Kerry Belittled & Denigrated The US Armed Forces !! (5 replies)
  72. Media Favors Democrats(USAToday) DUH Alert (0 replies)
  73. "We Don`t Like ' Balance' " ABC NEWSonGlobal Warm. (0 replies)
  74. Michael J Fox- Propagandist or Just Plain Stupid ? (17 replies)
  75. The RNC pays people to flood message boards like this!!! (21 replies)
  76. Johnny Reb Webb (Wapo) (4 replies)
  77. Camille Paglia BitchSlaps the Democrats (salon) (0 replies)
  78. Johnny Reb Allen's Swift Boating Of Jim Webb (13 replies)
  79. Ex-Bush Aide Safavian Sentenced To 18 Months (0 replies)
  80. Military Deaths In Iraq Now Surpass 9/11 Deaths (3 replies)
  81. WHAT ABOUT THESE TIDBITS? (3 replies)
  82. NANNY STATE BULLSHIT (4 replies)
  83. New Jersey Court Backs Full Rights for Gay Couples (0 replies)
  86. La Cage Au Foleygate: More GOP Hypocrisy Exposed (0 replies)
  87. GAS GUZZLING LIBERALS (6 replies)
  88. Typical Republican Sleeze Add - Target Harold Ford (0 replies)
  89. Poll shows Muslims in U.S. Vote Democrat(ABC)(LOLalert) (10 replies)
  90. It`s All a Republican Diebold Conspiracy(Reuters) (0 replies)
  91. Republican Sent Threatening Letters To Latino Voters (3 replies)
  92. Why There Almost Certainly Is No God (4 replies)
  93. Democratic Party Volunteers Wane (BayArea.com) (0 replies)
  94. CNN's Broken Government (0 replies)
  95. Bush and Pinochet: Blood Brothers? (9 replies)
  96. Democrats:LEAK, LEAK, ELECT, ELECT?(NYPost) (0 replies)
  97. The New Klan: MoveOn.org (1 replies)
  98. Media Having Secret Conference Calls With Dean (ABC) (2 replies)
  99. Why Did Bush Ignore 9-11 Warnings? (0 replies)
  100. You don`t Know Jack ! (2 replies)
  101. Was 9-11 Also a U.S. Conspiracy? (0 replies)
  102. Democratic suspended over Iraq leak(Treason)Reuters (1 replies)
  103. Neo-Cons: "Cut and Run" or Bring Back Saddam? (1 replies)
  104. Sir Edmund Hillary Clinton Reaches the Summit of Mt. Pitiful (0 replies)
  105. Clinton-Torture is OK ! ! ! (NY Sun) (0 replies)
  106. North Korea and it's Nukes. A little knowledge can be deadly (11 replies)
  107. Reid of the Ritz-MegaRichCorrupt Dems(NYSun) (0 replies)
  108. just another republican porno king (1 replies)
  109. (D) Reid Caught w/ Slush Fund (AP) (0 replies)
  110. D.Sen. Reid,Charged with Fraud?(PhillyInq.) (0 replies)
  111. Air America Files for Bankruptcy AP (LOLALERT) (1 replies)
  112. Senate (D) Reid :CROOKED LAND DEALS!!! (AP) (2 replies)
  113. Rep. Shays: Foley Scandal No Chappaquiddick(H.Courant) (0 replies)
  114. It`s the Economy Stupid(USNews) (8 replies)
  115. Discussing the differences between TS's. kind of a spin off (1 replies)
  117. Clinton,Carter and N.Korea`s Nukes (2 replies)
  118. Kerry: Kill Bush (WhackoAlert!) (0 replies)
  119. October 9-13 Is National Republican Predator Week (0 replies)
  120. Venezuela Pro-Freedom Anti-Chavez Rallies(BBC) (3 replies)
  121. La Cage Au Foley photos! (4 replies)
  122. LMAO (0 replies)
  123. (D) H.Ford jr. Caught Lying:I`m a Lawyer(TFP) (1 replies)
  124. ABC Scrambling to Put Some Meat on Ross' Story/The Big Lie (1 replies)
  125. No Bush Left Behind (0 replies)
  126. Asleep At The Switch (0 replies)
  128. Rice’s Strategy on Genocide: Stay The Course (0 replies)
  129. National Security Undone (0 replies)
  130. Lying (0 replies)
  131. Execs who gave to Air America face criminal charges(AP) (0 replies)
  132. The FBI,Foley,Age of Consent Law & The BIG LIE (0 replies)
  133. La Cage Au Foley: Diversity Made Me Do It! (0 replies)
  134. DNC Strategy:Out Gays (David Corn The Nation) (0 replies)
  135. Democrat Resigns: (R.)Allen=Da Jooz(Wash.Post) (0 replies)
  136. Khameini: Don't masturbate during Ramadan(LOLAlert) (15 replies)
  137. ABC`s Brian Ross:Caught in the Big Lie Again:FAKE IMs ! (2 replies)
  139. Foley`s(legal age) IM Buddy: Meet Jordan Edmund (0 replies)
  140. Foley,a Closet Democrat ? (0 replies)
  141. NY Democrat:Phone Sex Scandal(taxpayer paid) (1 replies)
  142. Democrat Caught in Naked Pic Scandal:video link(AP) (1 replies)
  143. Democrats= 61% of Sex Scandals(Wash.Post)LOLAlert (2 replies)
  144. DNC Foley Hit `n Run (investors.com) (0 replies)
  145. Crushing Children's Testicles (0 replies)
  146. Clinton Blew it on OBL:Ex-CIA(Chig.Sun) (0 replies)
  147. Clinton`s Whore-child Gone Wild (0 replies)
  148. Bush Sluts Gone Wild! (8 replies)
  149. Good Question...Why Wouldn't You Hate Bush? (76 replies)
  150. GOP Pedophile Foley Resigns...desperate coverup ensues... (26 replies)
  151. U2`s Bono`s Hypocracy(DaytonaNews) (0 replies)
  152. Bill Clinton Blames Others For 911(YouTube) (3 replies)
  153. Spy Agencies Say Iraq War Worsens Terror Threat (3 replies)
  154. "Devil" in the Details: Chavez, Limbaugh and Hypoc (0 replies)
  155. Wreck of the Patrick Fitzgerald(WilsonMSNBC) (0 replies)
  156. 20 Most Corrupt Members Of Congress (3 replies)
  157. 35,000 Rally Against U.N./Iran (12 replies)
  158. UN/Chavez-Marxist Chomsky a must read(Yahoo) (3 replies)
  159. At U.N., Chavez Calls Bush 'The Devil'(Breitbart) (2 replies)
  160. Seanchai is Censoring Me (3 replies)
  161. bin Laden Found - And No One Cares? (12 replies)
  162. Iraq For Sale: The War Profiteers (5 replies)
  163. "NeoCons" Win Sweden Elections(TimesUK) (12 replies)
  164. KILL BUSH ! Film Wins Fipresci Prize (0 replies)
  165. Rove Blew CIA Agent's Cover(Huff.Post)LOLAlert (1 replies)
  166. A SCANDAL GOES DOWN IN PLAMES(Phil.Daily) (0 replies)
  167. The President, His Daughters, and Torture (6 replies)
  168. You Got Away With It... (0 replies)
  169. Is The GOP Actively Aiding And Abetting Al Qaeda? (0 replies)
  170. N.O.Islam Member Gets DNC Nomination(StarTrib.) (1 replies)
  171. Pope Pisses Off Islamofascists(BBC) (5 replies)
  172. Clinton/kosovo/Bosnia&AlQaeda (0 replies)
  173. Murtha to Rummy: Resign!! (0 replies)
  174. Wanted: Dead or Alive....Ali G? (9 replies)
  175. Subverting Democracy With the Big Lie (3 replies)
  176. Air America To Declare Bankruptcy(T.Progress) (4 replies)
  177. NOVAK: ARMITAGE DID NOT TELL ALL(Wilson/Plame) (0 replies)
  178. 9/11 "Hijackers" Trained on U.S. Military Bases (9 replies)
  179. Former Republican Ill. gov. gets 6 1/2 years in prison (0 replies)
  180. War on Terror? (1 replies)
  181. Senate: No prewar Saddam-al-Qaida ties (7 replies)
  182. Gay Republican? (2 replies)
  183. (D) Rockefeller:Iraq Better With Saddam(WCBS) (1 replies)
  184. Clinton`s Path to 9/11 (0 replies)
  185. (D) Reid Threatens to Revoke ABC`s License (0 replies)
  186. Bush/Lieberman pollster guilty of rigging results (1 replies)
  187. Sheehan , "kill baby Bush " !? (1 replies)
  188. BUBBA GOES BALLISTIC (NYPost) (0 replies)
  189. Broder:One Leak/ Flood of Silliness/Wilson(WaPo) (0 replies)
  190. CIA disbands Bin Laden unit (2 replies)
  191. GOP secretly channeled millions to Lieberman(Insight) (0 replies)
  192. Russert Vs. Murtha (9 replies)
  193. Murtha and the Code Pink Marxists (6 replies)
  194. Flameout of the Plame game(W.Times) (0 replies)
  195. Another Reality Check from Big John Murtha (0 replies)
  196. MoveOnOrg Attack Lieberman/Da Jooz (NYPost) (3 replies)
  197. Rumsfeld: More Chamberlain Than Churchill (1 replies)
  198. Labor Day and the GOP's War on Workers (6 replies)
  199. Jason Leopold: Plame Leak T.Out (LOL Alert) (0 replies)
  200. The Closets of Karl and Ken (0 replies)
  201. The Wilson/Plame/MSM Cabal Quotes of Lies (6 replies)
  202. Time for Prez to pardon Libby(Bost.Herald) (1 replies)
  203. Islamofascists/M.Brotherhood/AQ (3 replies)
  204. Pentagon 1/4`ly Report- "Not A Civil War" (7 replies)
  205. Taliban Opium Harvest--Mission Accomplished, shrubya! (1 replies)
  206. Labor Day and Great Labor Leaders (3 replies)
  207. 'The Path To 9/11' is right-wing BS! (8 replies)
  208. ABC's 'The Path to 9/11' Is Outstanding (14 replies)
  209. Dangerous Liaisons:Wilson,Armitage and MSM(AT) (0 replies)
  210. Wilson/Powell/Armitage=Wrong(NYPost) (1 replies)
  211. S.F.Gate/Chron. Blame Joe Wilson(LIAR ALERT) (0 replies)
  212. Pentagon Report Gives Neo-Ninnies A Reality Check (0 replies)
  213. A 1917 History Lesson from the Honorable "Big John" (1 replies)
  214. Washington Post Blames Joe Wilson (LOL Alert) (0 replies)
  215. Air America Network in Turmoil (0 replies)
  216. Will Wilson Sue Richard Armitage? LOL (0 replies)
  217. NYT Reporters Forg March(GRPress) (0 replies)
  218. Death of a President (0 replies)
  219. Military To Pay Millions For "Positive" Iraq News. (0 replies)
  220. The 10th amendment (3 replies)
  221. Republican Wisdom (12 replies)
  222. US Pulling out Troops from Bosnia and Herzegovina(!?) (10 replies)
  223. Plame Out/The Ridiculous End(Slate) (0 replies)
  224. US Violates Geneva Convention! Waaah?!?!!?! (1 replies)
  225. Armitage is Plame Leaker (Newsweek/MSNBC) (0 replies)
  226. (D) J. Biden/What Me Worry (4 replies)
  227. UN Broadcast IDF Troop Movement (9 replies)
  228. Hip-Hop Mogul Simmons Endorses (R) Steele (0 replies)
  229. Dems use rule to oust gay candidate(msnbc) (1 replies)
  230. Judge Nixes Plame Secrecy Bid (0 replies)
  231. (D) Davis Travels on Terrorists` Dime(Chi.Trib) (0 replies)
  233. The draft is coming! (0 replies)
  234. Neo-cons go after porn (0 replies)
  235. McCain faults administration on Iraq (0 replies)
  236. Deported man was actually U.S. citizen (5 replies)
  237. Post Katrina failures (0 replies)
  238. Bush's failing program (8 replies)
  239. U.S. resolution would disarm Hezbollah (7 replies)
  240. News: Suspected Ramsey killer Mark Karr wanted sex change! (0 replies)
  241. Sen. Hagel says GOP has lost its way (1 replies)
  242. Rep. Ney formally withdraws from ballot (0 replies)
  243. Where are the Republican family values? (0 replies)
  244. Neo-Con movement is on the march (0 replies)
  245. Judge finds NSA program unconstitutional (16 replies)
  246. Support the Troops (7 replies)
  247. GOP bankrolls Green Party in PA (0 replies)
  248. North Korea and nukes (7 replies)
  249. Happy Birthday Fidel ! (S.F.Sentinal) (7 replies)
  250. DNC Delcares War on...AlQaeda?(NYTimes) (12 replies)