View Full Version : UK Poll: 61% Favor Iraq Withdrawal This Year

11-16-2006, 05:05 AM
Poll finds widespread support for Iraq withdrawal

Two thirds of the public want British troops to withdraw from Iraq by the end of the year, two new polls show.

A survey for the Guardian finds 61 per cent want troops to leave this year, regardless of the consequences or the decisions made by the US. Just 30 per cent support Tony Blair's pledge to stay as long as is necessary.

Forty-five per cent want an immediate withdrawal and 16 per cent believe it should happen by Christmas. A similar poll in September last year found 51 per cent support for a troop withdrawal, but 41 per cent said the UK should stay until the situation improved.

A separate poll for the Independent, also published today, finds that 62 per cent of respondents want Britain's 7,000-plus troops out of the country immediately. A large majority (72 per cent) believe the war in Iraq is "unwinnable".

The results come after foreign secretary Margaret Beckett yesterday acknowledged the invasion of Iraq may come to be seen as a "foreign policy disaster" for Britain.


11-16-2006, 06:19 AM
A poll taken by Al Qaeda?