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05-17-2009, 08:55 PM
[quote=jjhill]One of my favorite quotes "The oppressed are always defensive, the oppressor is always aggressive, and surprised when the people turn back on him the force he has used against them"

That quote is very relevant to this thread, especially with the vilification of black men that been going on.
Actually, it has no relevance and you have shown that your the true racist with hard feelings towards whites, what a disgrace. You should be thanking whites and kissing their asses. Without white people you wouldn't have any of the opportunities that you do today.

You were never oppressed by white people and no one you know was. As I said before, most white people in the US today weren't even here during US slavery and have nothing to do with it.

The oppressors and oppressed? wow your a dumb piece of dirt.

You have all the white people to thank! The white people who gave your mom that good job, the white people who defended your grandfather from being falsely accused, all the white people who've let you have all these great opportunities, and all others. But yet your a dumb bitter bitch about something that hasn't at all affected you, just has given you more opportunities.

So what do you think of the great black people? since you place so much blame on those damn white people, I've already said all the great things they do for you.

What do these "great" blacks do for you? Get you to commit crimes? Sell your father and auntie crack? Encourage you to drop out of school?

What other great things??????

Your a moron, show some fucking gratitude to the great white people. Stop trying to make out blacks to be some great people who've never done anything wrong to you. Grew up in the hood?? man your fucking stupid.[/quote

You're an insercure frighten idiot,suckalot...keep sucking :lol:

05-17-2009, 09:11 PM
im liking the avatar sug

05-17-2009, 09:17 PM
Showtime---uhh,if the Lazy Lakers wake up

05-17-2009, 09:20 PM
yup! Now they're saying if the lakers advance their going to lose to the nuggets. So either it's gonna be King James vs kobe, or king james vs carmelo.

05-17-2009, 09:21 PM
im liking the avatar sug

All yours be smokin'

05-17-2009, 09:22 PM
One of my favorite quotes "The oppressed are always defensive, the oppressor is always aggressive, and surprised when the people turn back on him the force he has used against them"

That quote is very relevant to this thread, especially with the vilification of black men that been going on.
Actually, it has no relevance and you have shown that your the true racist with hard feelings towards whites, what a disgrace. You should be thanking whites and kissing their asses. Without white people you wouldn't have any of the opportunities that you do today.

You were never oppressed by white people and no one you know was. As I said before, most white people in the US today weren't even here during US slavery and have nothing to do with it.

The oppressors and oppressed? wow your a dumb piece of dirt.

You have all the white people to thank! The white people who gave your mom that good job, the white people who defended your grandfather from being falsely accused, all the white people who've let you have all these great opportunities, and all others. But yet your a dumb bitter bitch about something that hasn't at all affected you, just has given you more opportunities.

So what do you think of the great black people? since you place so much blame on those damn white people, I've already said all the great things they do for you.

What do these "great" blacks do for you? Get you to commit crimes? Sell your father and auntie crack? Encourage you to drop out of school?

What other great things??????

Your a moron, show some fucking gratitude to the great white people. Stop trying to make out blacks to be some great people who've never done anything wrong to you. Grew up in the hood?? man your fucking stupid.
It's white people like you that give us a bad name. You do know the president of the USA is black, right? Idiot.

05-17-2009, 09:23 PM
im liking the avatar sug

All yours be smokin'

Thanks man!

05-17-2009, 09:34 PM
wheres my blade......

05-17-2009, 09:39 PM
wheres my blade......

sexy mutha fuckin' ass

05-17-2009, 09:39 PM

05-17-2009, 09:41 PM
my rubix cube already kno :wink:

05-17-2009, 09:42 PM

05-17-2009, 09:44 PM
my rubix cube already kno :wink:

lol yuuuuuuuppppp someone need to get cut

05-17-2009, 09:44 PM
takes the vodka away from ruby

05-18-2009, 12:09 AM
One of my favorite quotes "The oppressed are always defensive, the oppressor is always aggressive, and surprised when the people turn back on him the force he has used against them"

That quote is very relevant to this thread, especially with the vilification of black men that been going on.
Actually, it has no relevance and you have shown that your the true racist with hard feelings towards whites, what a disgrace. You should be thanking whites and kissing their asses. Without white people you wouldn't have any of the opportunities that you do today.

You were never oppressed by white people and no one you know was. As I said before, most white people in the US today weren't even here during US slavery and have nothing to do with it.

The oppressors and oppressed? wow your a dumb piece of dirt.

You have all the white people to thank! The white people who gave your mom that good job, the white people who defended your grandfather from being falsely accused, all the white people who've let you have all these great opportunities, and all others. But yet your a dumb bitter bitch about something that hasn't at all affected you, just has given you more opportunities.

So what do you think of the great black people? since you place so much blame on those damn white people, I've already said all the great things they do for you.

What do these "great" blacks do for you? Get you to commit crimes? Sell your father and auntie crack? Encourage you to drop out of school?

What other great things??????

Your a moron, show some fucking gratitude to the great white people. Stop trying to make out blacks to be some great people who've never done anything wrong to you. Grew up in the hood?? man your fucking stupid.

See,. how can we get these type of comments without a forum like this.... lol he has been dying to have the chance to say this to somebody

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-18-2009, 01:37 AM
:lol: Unbothered yet still posting..An oxymoron. SMH



Oxymorons refer only to two opposing words grouped together to make a phrase.
Not two opposing ideas or actions.

swing and miss champ.

K, you got me on that one! I stand corrected miss perfect. lol

But I guess when you said these things to sucklot (5th post below. Note the sequence of post),

Imma start hating/holding generalizations against all transgendered people cuz of the two or three that pissed me off when I was 18. Sounds stupid right?

Beginning in 1931 or 1932 and continuing throughout the duration of the Asian/Pacific wars, the Japanese Government instituted a system of sexual slavery throughout the territories it occupied. During that time, women were recruited by force, coercion, or deception into sexual slavery for the Japanese military. These women were euphemistically referred to as "comfort women" by the Japanese Imperial Army. Although historians often disagree about the number of "comfort women," the most widely used figure is estimated at 200,000.2 The majority (approximately 80%) came from Korea, then a Japanese colony, and another large percentage came from Japanese-occupied China. Others were taken from, among other countries, the Philippines, Burma, and Indonesia.

Given that fact is now part of our history, you will never see a single Filipino go defensive nor ballistic on any Japanese nationals they come across with!



Do you want a black history lesson regarding the shit that blacks have faced for hundreds of years?

that blacks have face for hundreds of years??? What have they faced for hundreds of years that other races haven't? NOTHING. Have you ever heard of the jews, Nazis, and the Holocaust?? Stop feeling sorry for yourself because in past generations they were discriminated against, all races were discrimanated againg. Your a black man and your crying about stuff that happened over 100 years ago and didn't happen to anyone you knew?

WOWW, woman of all races have went through more than blacks have, so your a black man sobbing about this?? THATS PATHETIC!! your pathetic.

i think you should have aimed that comment at Hara.
JJhill was actually doing what u just did to him to Hara (Why? Their exchange has nothing to do with me. Whatever was said and exchanged between the two of them, is between the two of them?)
He tried to bring Hara down a peg for illustrating the hard times of her race in the past (possibly sugesting 'superior' hardship). <- Suggesting 'superior' hardship IS your perception. NOT what I'm trying to illustrate.

but i know that some people are eager to be hostile towards black americans and their symapthizers who recognize the lingering social and subconscious effects of slavery.

And why should be that aimed at me? I just gave an example and an example that filipino's aren't SCARRED for life because of it unlike blacks!

I was NOT trying to establish that The Philippines and its people suffered more than blacks. lets make that CLEAR! You're interpretation of what I was getting at was OFF!




You didn't even read his post in all its entirety because IF you did, You'd know that he was CLEARLY replying to JHill's statement not mines. NONE of what he said nearly/closely applies to what I've said. I'm NOT even black. So your line:

thats the nature of perception.

parties on the receiving end are better, and more easily informed <snip>

Was flawed due to your own confused perception. You didn't even understand what was being said or to whom it was being directed at or more so suited and applicable.

What I've said about the Japanese imperial army using filipino women as sex slave "comfort women" at that time was NOT to illustrate that my people went through superior hardships than blacks. I made that as an example that even though thta has happened, you won't see Filipino's wanting to attack any Japanese because of the bad things they've done to my people! Is that CLEARER?

But w/e.. this has gone long enough, just wanted to clear that up is all.



05-18-2009, 01:42 AM
The theadthat wont die

05-18-2009, 02:06 AM
alyssa, hara... take off ur bra's and tops and fight! im prepping the mud and video camera

T-girl hound
05-18-2009, 02:09 AM
alyssa, hara... take off ur bra's and tops and fight! im prepping the mud and video camera


05-18-2009, 02:18 AM
Like I said, women of all races from the beginning of time have been through much more oppression than any blacks have been through. So if your a black male and crying about what blacks have been through(like jjhill), you need a huge history lesson and a reality check. Well jjhill I'm sure being the thug that you are, you didn't pay attention in history class did you? Just listen to your idiot uncles stories right?

Seriously stop being so fucking stupid, life moves on and you sound like a little bitch.

05-18-2009, 02:22 AM
Like I said, women of all races from the beginning of time have been through much more oppression than any blacks have been through. So if your a black male and crying about what blacks have been through(like jjhill), you need a huge history lesson and a reality check. Well jjhill I'm sure being the thug that you are, you didn't pay attention in history class did you? Just listen to your idiot uncles stories right?

Seriously stop being so fucking stupid, life moves on and you sound like a little bitch.

Not this loser again. Show me where I was crying about the oppression of black people. You have to feel really dumb because this thug is making a lot more sense then you. We should have a poll on that. Your a cock sucking racist. Keep it up I'm laughing at you :lol:

05-18-2009, 02:25 AM
DIE, thread, DIE!!

Are there no mods on this board, because suckalot should have been jettisoned permanently like yesterday.

Just to give you a tip, suckalot, ( perfect sig BTW), when Black folk talk about slavery and oppression, it's in reference to the particular experience of African slave ancestors in this country, not throughout the history of the world.

Matter of fact, as an American, I have a unique interest in what goes down on this soil, so you keep focusing on the history of global oppression throughout time, I'll worry about what goes on over here.

The fact you would summarize the grand total contribution of Blacks in this country to committing crimes, dropping out of school and whining about oppression reveal how BIG an idiot you really are.

The agricultural economy of the entire South throughout late 19th - early 20th century was based upon the literal and de facto free slave labor of AAs.

And don't think that when Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, there was an automatic reset button that put all of us together on the same starting line.

Go look this one up bonehead, and see how many predominantly white Southern universities would not even admit Black students as late as the early 1970s.

The great Michael Jordan could not have played for Dean Smith in the late 1960s at UNC, nor NY Giants great Lawrence Taylor.

Granted, it's easier being a Black man today than it was yesterday, but as many transgendered folks already know, there's a greater challenge presented when people can discriminate against you based exclusively by what you look like, without even being given a chance to prove your worth or character.

The internet is a really bizarre place!!

The last place you'd think one would have to battle knuckle-dragging xenophobes is at a place like HA , but it appears that racists are sucking and fucking everywhere.

If there are mods on this board, it's time to step up or dudes like suckalot will destroy this community all by themselves.

And don't be surprised if that's his agenda from the jump.

05-18-2009, 02:25 AM
Like I said, women of all races from the beginning of time have been through much more oppression than any blacks have been through. So if your a black male and crying about what blacks have been through(like jjhill), you need a huge history lesson and a reality check. Well jjhill I'm sure being the thug that you are, you didn't pay attention in history class did you? Just listen to your idiot uncles stories right?

Seriously stop being so fucking stupid, life moves on and you sound like a little bitch.

Your seriously making no sense. None at all lmfao. Oh yea dumb ass, not all black guys are thugs, not all black guys do drugs, and etc. It's not the 80's no more.

T-girl hound
05-18-2009, 02:26 AM
Like I said, women of all races from the beginning of time have been through much more oppression than any blacks have been through. So if your a black male and crying about what blacks have been through(like jjhill), you need a huge history lesson and a reality check. Well jjhill I'm sure being the thug that you are, you didn't pay attention in history class did you? Just listen to your idiot uncles stories right?

Seriously stop being so fucking stupid, life moves on and you sound like a little bitch.

Not this loser again. Show me where I was crying about the oppression of black people. You have to feel really dumb because this thug is making a lot more sense then you. We should have a poll on that. Your a cock sucking racist. Keep it up I'm laughing at you :lol:

Fuck him Yosh we both college educated bro's that he would still call thugs regardless

05-18-2009, 02:26 AM
while i agree that sometimes black guys can tend to get pretty defensive when it comes to the issue of discrimination, most of the valid points u could possibly make are now negated by ur blatant attacks against him and his race. Ive seen ghetto, JJ is not. If anyone is acting ghetto here its you. Debating is one thing, name calling and bigotry is something totally diff.

05-18-2009, 02:28 AM
DIE, thread, DIE!!

Are there no mods on this board, because suckalot should have been jettisoned permanently like yesterday.

Just to give you a tip, suckalot, ( perfect sig BTW), when Black folk talk about slavery and oppression, it's in reference to the particular experience of African slave ancestors in this country, not throughout the history of the world.

Matter of fact, as an American, I have a unique interest in what goes down on this soil, so you keep focusing on the

The funny thing gio is, not once in this thread have I said white people have oppressed black people. This dude is just a racist nut lol

05-18-2009, 02:29 AM
Like I said, women of all races from the beginning of time have been through much more oppression than any blacks have been through. So if your a black male and crying about what blacks have been through(like jjhill), you need a huge history lesson and a reality check. Well jjhill I'm sure being the thug that you are, you didn't pay attention in history class did you? Just listen to your idiot uncles stories right?

Seriously stop being so fucking stupid, life moves on and you sound like a little bitch.

Not this loser again. Show me where I was crying about the oppression of black people. You have to feel really dumb because this thug is making a lot more sense then you. We should have a poll on that. Your a cock sucking racist. Keep it up I'm laughing at you :lol:

Fuck him Yosh we both college educated bro's that he would still call thugs regardless

Your right hound, I wasn't thinking yesterday when I stooped to his level

05-18-2009, 02:30 AM
while i agree that sometimes black guys can tend to get pretty defensive when it comes to the issue of discrimination, most of the valid points u could possibly make are now negated by ur blatant attacks against him and his race. Ive seen ghetto, JJ is not. If anyone is acting ghetto here its you. Debating is one thing, name calling and bigotry is something totally diff.

See my rubix cube knows I'm not ghetto :)

05-18-2009, 02:34 AM
your the only one racist here bro. I never said anything about any race, just about 2 dumbass racists, you and brenda.

I know all types of people and am friends with people of all different races. I have no reason to be racist thats ridiculous.

Anyway what race would you be African-American? Black-American? I'd say your just American man because like you said your families probably been here all the way back since slavery. We sure wouldn't call people who are 4th generation Americans, Polish-Americans or Irish-Americans. So how are you at all African? Have you ever been there?? That's not being racist at all but really your just American. Your Grandfather fought for America in the World War!! Your just American bro, it's all good though.

Your actually more American than most of these white people here today, PEACE

Again-I'm not racist at all, I love all people who do good things. I hate gangs and anyone in them, whether they are white black brown or orange.

Thank you BYE

05-18-2009, 02:38 AM
while i agree that sometimes black guys can tend to get pretty defensive when it comes to the issue of discrimination, most of the valid points u could possibly make are now negated by ur blatant attacks against him and his race. Ive seen ghetto, JJ is not. If anyone is acting ghetto here its you. Debating is one thing, name calling and bigotry is something totally diff.

See my rubix cube knows I'm not ghetto :)those things are hard well the 3x3 isnt but the 5x5 fuck its hard to beat those.

05-18-2009, 02:55 AM
Suxkalot, what rock did you crawl out from under?

Every ethnic group in this country acknowledges their cultural history and celebrates it, which doesn't supercede their affiliation as Americans.

The reason you are a RACIST is by making repeated bigoted statements, such as, Black folks should no longer refer to themselves as African American, but I guess it's alright for every other group to let it be known where their people come from?

Or maybe you'd be more comforted if we reverted back to Colored or Negro?

After centuries of living in a country where others have defined who and what we are, it's only natural that Black people would assume agency for their own identity and define their own terms when referring to themselves, and how they would want to be addressed by others in return.

You're a slug, suckalot, and a waste of keystrokes.

Racism will never go away in this lifetime, IMO, because asswipes like you continue to wrap it around yourselves like a second skin.

Do us a favor, Sucky, and just go AWAY. Permanently.

05-18-2009, 03:10 AM
Actually fact is that in this day and age more 'black' people are racist than white. Also I don't think anyone who is a 4th generation American should be identifying themselves by anything other than AMERICAN.

It's people like you that show no love for this country which makes racism continue,

05-18-2009, 03:44 AM
:popcorn and here goes the new brach! This thread should be in a sideshow circus

05-18-2009, 04:01 AM
Only on here could a question about anal sex lead to a frank discussion of race relations. LOL.

It seems I am damm near the Grad Imperial Cyclops of the Klu Klux Klan conspiring to deprive black men of their anal loving? (http://www.metacafe.com/watch/291638/clayton_bigsby/) :smh

edward almond
05-18-2009, 04:56 AM
168 double-blind studies show that whites still are smarter than blacks so who really cares about ass fucking.

05-18-2009, 05:01 AM
Only on here could a question about anal sex lead to a frank discussion of race relations. LOL.

It seems I am damm near the Grad Imperial Cyclops of the Klu Klux Klan conspiring to deprive black men of their anal loving? (http://www.metacafe.com/watch/291638/clayton_bigsby/) :smh

we warned you this was gonna happen

05-18-2009, 05:03 AM
168 double-blind studies show that whites still are smarter than blacks so who really cares about ass fucking.

guys be wiser then me and :trolls :trolls :trolls :trolls :trolls :trolls :trolls :trolls :trolls :trolls :trolls :trolls :trolls :trolls :trolls :trolls :trolls :trolls :trolls :trolls

if you check out his other posts you'll see what this guy is about.

05-18-2009, 05:06 AM
168 double-blind studies show that whites still are smarter than blacks so who really cares about ass fucking.

Excluding your insecure frighten,dumbass.

05-18-2009, 05:13 AM
I pulled this from another thread with him in it

edward almond
Rookie Poster
Rookie Poster
Joined: 06 Nov 2007
Posts: 52
PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 8:46 pm Post subject: white girls always prevail Reply with quote
They are the ones that I look for when I scan through porn because they are the rarest flowers and I prefer them because they are my color.If that is racist . I don't care. Remember almost 100 percent of black men will vote for obama because they are showing who the real racist are. Whites will split their votes. Me I would not vote for a black man because I know whites are smarter.And yes I am a racist. I don't care.

:trolls :trolls :trolls :trolls :trolls :trolls :trolls :trolls :trolls :trolls

05-18-2009, 05:13 AM
DAmn this thing is still goin strong.

05-18-2009, 05:17 AM
Nothing good can come from this thread LOL!! If I weren't on my way out the door I would stay and watch the all too likely pending train wreck.

Sarah has never lied lol, that was the third comment of this thread.

05-18-2009, 05:21 AM
Hmmm,i think his last name says it all"NUT",I believe Obama's mother is one of those "flowers" he spoke of"white".I also believe almond is my angry illegitimate son,so pay him no mind.

05-18-2009, 05:23 AM
Hmmm,i think his last name says it all"NUT",I believe Obama's mother is one of those "flowers" he spoke of"white".I also believe almond is my angry illegitimate son,so pay him no mind.

:lol: couldn't of put it any better myself sug

05-18-2009, 07:00 AM
I pulled this from another thread with him in it

edward almond
Post subject: white girls always prevail Reply with quote
They are the ones that I look for when I scan through porn because they are the rarest flowers

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll: Oh God..Ican't believe someone actually wrote that...sad (actually quite funny - "rarest flowers" and all that...but sad nontheless)

05-18-2009, 07:16 AM
The agricultural economy of the entire South throughout late 19th - early 20th century was based upon the literal and de facto free slave labor of AAs.

Actually the WHOLE country's economy was based on slavery. All that tobacco and cotton that was grown in the south was exported overseas using northern shipping companies. Those shipping companies profited hand over fist from slavery, all the way up to 1861.

The slave trade was abandoned before the civil war (meaning slaves could no longer be bought from african slave traders, all slaves had to be bred domestically to be legal). The United States Navy for years before the Civil War used to chase slaver ships in the Atlantic because slaves headed for US waters were considered contraband.

New York was actually one of the last slave states in the union. The state had a large abolitionist movement, so to appease them the legislators "prohibited" slavery with a law that included a major loop hole designed to continue the practice. The original slavery abolition stature for New York was age based- meaning you could own slaves but once they reached a certain age (IIRC it was 26?) you had to get rid of them (either sell them to an out of state buyer, or free them). So what people started doing is they started breeding slaves in New York State, and then before they were old enough to be freed, they would be shipped down to the south and resold. This is where the term "sold down the river" comes from, the slaves would be piled on boats and sent down the canal and river systems from NY to the great lakes to the Mississippi to the south.

05-18-2009, 07:20 AM
Nothing good can come from this thread LOL!! If I weren't on my way out the door I would stay and watch the all too likely pending train wreck.

Sarah has never lied lol, that was the third comment of this thread.

NEVER? Oh come on now, everyone lies from time to time. I am nowhere close to sainthood, nor do I pretend to be.

05-18-2009, 07:22 AM
i know this sounds so wrong but ive had fantasies of being a slave owner and when the husband leaves, i make the barn full of my servants worship me and turn me inside out

05-18-2009, 07:24 AM
i know this sounds so wrong but ive had fantasies of being a slave owner and when the husband leaves, i make the barn full of my servants worship me and turn me inside out


05-18-2009, 07:35 AM
i know this sounds so wrong but ive had fantasies of being a slave owner and when the husband leaves, i make the barn full of my servants worship me and turn me inside out

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Damn baby, call me kunta.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-18-2009, 07:41 AM
i know this sounds so wrong but ive had fantasies of being a slave owner and when the husband leaves, i make the barn full of my servants worship me and turn me inside out

Lmao :lol:

I've heard that script in the bdsm community fetish! For real!! :lol:



05-18-2009, 07:58 AM
ive had the same fantasy in a ship, and several others i dare not mention.... funny thing is i haven't seen half of my ideas scripted into any ts porn. *lightbulb*

Hara_Juku Tgirl
05-18-2009, 08:01 AM
ive had the same fantasy in a ship, and several others i dare not mention.... funny thing is i haven't seen half of my ideas scripted into any ts porn. *lightbulb*

Sell thoe ideas girl! lol ;)

Now the debate will be: Is this tranny porn story line offensive or hot? And will *I will not mention BUY them?



05-18-2009, 08:19 AM
cant believe this thread made it to 56 pages of nothing

It will probably go past 100.

05-18-2009, 08:26 AM

05-18-2009, 02:54 PM
in porn world nothing is off limits even whenit sometimes should

05-18-2009, 04:03 PM
So, anyone take it up the arse last night? :lol:

05-19-2009, 03:01 AM
Is it just my imagination but is there a real difference between fucking the average black man and the average white man.

It seems that a white man is much more willing to bottom than a black man. I am totally insane or am I right?

I think they are less willing to bottom for white men due to certain connotations. With all the black men being infected with HIV, there are certainly many, many black men bottoming for someone.

If I remember correctly, out of the 4 out gay guys in my unit, all 4 were black. 3 out of the 4 had black boyfriends.

05-19-2009, 03:02 AM
i know this sounds so wrong but ive had fantasies of being a slave owner and when the husband leaves, i make the barn full of my servants worship me and turn me inside out

That's pretty hot! Can I be one of your slave drivers and turn you out too??

05-19-2009, 03:08 AM
Is it just my imagination but is there a real difference between fucking the average black man and the average white man.

It seems that a white man is much more willing to bottom than a black man. I am totally insane or am I right?

I think they are less willing to bottom for white men due to certain connotations. With all the black men being infected with HIV, there are certainly many, many black men bottoming for someone.

If I remember correctly, out of the 4 out gay guys in my unit, all 4 were black. 3 out of the 4 had black boyfriends.

u DO realize u can catch hiv from topping too right

05-19-2009, 03:15 AM
white men, or white people in general tend to be submissive and subordinate


I think I've said it before, but there also seems to be an inordinate amount of black racists, and black supremacists into this genre. I tried to draw a connection to those same guys and the type of people who commit prison rape of young, mentally handicapped white people--but the P.C. police came out to get me.

These are the same type of racist black dudes who will purposely seek out weak or self-hating white women, and start a relationship. Those same dudes are the type that will flip when they see a white dude or non-black dude with a pretty black lady.

What could be more satisfying to a white male-hating black supremacist than to fuck a white male/transgendered person? Especially if they already view it through a lens of power.

But no one likes to have their fun criticized or analyzed, so I'll just wait to be mocked.

05-19-2009, 03:18 AM
Is it just my imagination but is there a real difference between fucking the average black man and the average white man.

It seems that a white man is much more willing to bottom than a black man. I am totally insane or am I right?

I think they are less willing to bottom for white men due to certain connotations. With all the black men being infected with HIV, there are certainly many, many black men bottoming for someone.

If I remember correctly, out of the 4 out gay guys in my unit, all 4 were black. 3 out of the 4 had black boyfriends.

u DO realize u can catch hiv from topping too right

Yes I do. But the infection rate for black males is what, 10x higher than white males? And that's with white males being WAY more likely to engage in intravenous drug use. So even with a supposedly higher susceptibility to infection (there's some research that indicates a significant percentage of of Western European Caucasians have some resistance to infection) that still doesn't account for the much higher rate.

05-19-2009, 03:37 AM
white men, or white people in general tend to be submissive and subordinate


I think I've said it before, but there also seems to be an inordinate amount of black racists, and black supremacists into this genre. I tried to draw a connection to those same guys and the type of people who commit prison rape of young, mentally handicapped white people--but the P.C. police came out to get me.

These are the same type of racist black dudes who will purposely seek out weak or self-hating white women, and start a relationship. Those same dudes are the type that will flip when they see a white dude or non-black dude with a pretty black lady.

What could be more satisfying to a white male-hating black supremacist than to fuck a white male/transgendered person? Especially if they already view it through a lens of power.

But no one likes to have their fun criticized or analyzed, so I'll just wait to be mocked.


05-19-2009, 03:39 AM
white men, or white people in general tend to be submissive and subordinate


I think I've said it before, but there also seems to be an inordinate amount of black racists, and black supremacists into this genre. I tried to draw a connection to those same guys and the type of people who commit prison rape of young, mentally handicapped white people--but the P.C. police came out to get me.

These are the same type of racist black dudes who will purposely seek out weak or self-hating white women, and start a relationship. Those same dudes are the type that will flip when they see a white dude or non-black dude with a pretty black lady.

What could be more satisfying to a white male-hating black supremacist than to fuck a white male/transgendered person? Especially if they already view it through a lens of power.

But no one likes to have their fun criticized or analyzed, so I'll just wait to be mocked.


I guess you agree?

05-19-2009, 03:54 AM
your the only one racist here bro. I never said anything about any race, just about 2 dumbass racists, you and brenda.

I know all types of people and am friends with people of all different races. I have no reason to be racist thats ridiculous.

Anyway what race would you be African-American? Black-American? I'd say your just American man because like you said your families probably been here all the way back since slavery. We sure wouldn't call people who are 4th generation Americans, Polish-Americans or Irish-Americans. So how are you at all African? Have you ever been there?? That's not being racist at all but really your just American. Your Grandfather fought for America in the World War!! Your just American bro, it's all good though.

Your actually more American than most of these white people here today, PEACE

Again-I'm not racist at all, I love all people who do good things. I hate gangs and anyone in them, whether they are white black brown or orange.

Thank you BYE

Brenda we're not representing our neighborhood well at all. :(

05-19-2009, 04:41 AM
What could be more satisfying to a white male-hating black supremacist than to fuck a white male/transgendered person? Especially if they already view it through a lens of power.

Assuming you're right, wouldn't you say that the reverse is also true?
And that both viewpoints are pretty fucked up?
In which case, what's you're point? :?

05-19-2009, 07:13 AM
What could be more satisfying to a white male-hating black supremacist than to fuck a white male/transgendered person? Especially if they already view it through a lens of power.

Assuming you're right, wouldn't you say that the reverse is also true?
And that both viewpoints are pretty fucked up?
In which case, what's you're point? :?

looks like a black male-hating white supremacist who hates white male-hating black supremacists .

there are some poeple like that in both races .

05-19-2009, 06:37 PM
What could be more satisfying to a white male-hating black supremacist than to fuck a white male/transgendered person? Especially if they already view it through a lens of power.

Assuming you're right, wouldn't you say that the reverse is also true?
And that both viewpoints are pretty fucked up?
In which case, what's you're point? :?

I'll make it more interesting and ask you. What do think my point was?

05-19-2009, 08:09 PM
168 double-blind studies show that whites still are smarter than blacks so who really cares about ass fucking.

That's not what studies say. Studies say that, on average, whites outperform blacks on IQ tests. Also these tests say that East Asians outperform whites. This is a fact and it's also a fact that these tests aren't culturally biased.

That being said, a black genius is just that, as is a white imbecille. I'm afraid you fall into the latter category as you're not able to effectively read these case studies.

05-19-2009, 08:15 PM
168 double-blind studies show that whites still are smarter than blacks so who really cares about ass fucking.

That's not what studies say. Studies say that, on average, whites outperform blacks on IQ tests. Also these tests say that East Asians outperform whites.

Ok, I'm with you so far, I've also seen those studies.

and it's also a fact that these tests aren't culturally biased.

How do you figure? Some of these studies have themselves admitted its a problem to some extent.

That being said, a black genius is just that, as is a white imbecille.

:shock: You honestly believe that!?

05-19-2009, 08:38 PM
168 double-blind studies show that whites still are smarter than blacks so who really cares about ass fucking.

That's not what studies say. Studies say that, on average, whites outperform blacks on IQ tests. Also these tests say that East Asians outperform whites.

Ok, I'm with you so far, I've also seen those studies.

and it's also a fact that these tests aren't culturally biased.

How do you figure? Some of these studies have themselves admitted its a problem to some extent.

That being said, a black genius is just that, as is a white imbecille.

:shock: You honestly believe that!?

We know the tests are not culturally biased against African Americans because we get the same outcome when using nonverbal IQ tests. You might be able to make a case when comparing Europeans and Rwandans, but not culturally similar groups like European and African-Americans. Also, if one must be part of Western culture in order to score well on the tests, how do you explain East Asians?

I don't understand what you meant by your last sentence.

05-19-2009, 09:05 PM
168 double-blind studies show that whites still are smarter than blacks so who really cares about ass fucking.

That's not what studies say. Studies say that, on average, whites outperform blacks on IQ tests. Also these tests say that East Asians outperform whites. This is a fact and it's also a fact that these tests aren't culturally biased.

That being said, a black genius is just that, as is a white imbecille. I'm afraid you fall into the latter category as you're not able to effectively read these case studies.

An IQ test is a measure of some kinds of intelligence, but not all. The most accurate claim one can make about an IQ test is that it measures IQ.
There is, of course, a tremendous variation in intelligence among individuals of any race.

There is also the problem of different scientists defining 'race' in different ways.

even if there were such a thing as a pure race, that fact would not justify considering that race superior to any other. One might even make a case for the inferiority of such a race. Nature clearly favors variation. Chances of survival under varied and changing conditions increase as the species is more varied. Too much similarity could mean racial disaster, extinction; while variation could mean the survival of some members of the species if disaster should strike. Likewise, a species with several varieties of intelligences, as well as individuals with varying degrees of those intelligences, could well be a sign of superiority, at least in terms of the survival potential of the race.

05-19-2009, 09:37 PM
I generally steer as far clear as I can from these ignorant arguments but as a would be scholar I am eager to have someone post a link to one of these studies.

I remember there was a scholar who posited that whites were inherently more intelligent than blacks roughly two years ago, but his research was almost universally panned and his methods were exposed as fraught with holes.

Currently I am taking a graduate course in Race, Ethnicity and Gender and reading at least two hundred pages per week on these topics so any research that supports the arguments either way should be offered.

05-19-2009, 10:19 PM
If I were white I would be upset (especially male), I would even be racist. Their smarter, yet they are less likely to be hired because of diversity efforts. They have more resources and opportunities, yet they dominate the welfare system. ANY ethnic group can walk into a White night club and leave with three or four white girls. If a white male walks into any other ethnic club, he wont even get a smile (unless he is doing his slim shady thing) I would be pissed off...what will white men have left in the next ten years

05-19-2009, 10:33 PM
168 double-blind studies show that whites still are smarter than blacks so who really cares about ass fucking.

That's not what studies say. Studies say that, on average, whites outperform blacks on IQ tests. Also these tests say that East Asians outperform whites. This is a fact and it's also a fact that these tests aren't culturally biased.

That being said, a black genius is just that, as is a white imbecille. I'm afraid you fall into the latter category as you're not able to effectively read these case studies.

An IQ test is a measure of some kinds of intelligence, but not all. The most accurate claim one can make about an IQ test is that it measures IQ.
There is, of course, a tremendous variation in intelligence among individuals of any race.

There is also the problem of different scientists defining 'race' in different ways.

even if there were such a thing as a pure race, that fact would not justify considering that race superior to any other. One might even make a case for the inferiority of such a race. Nature clearly favors variation. Chances of survival under varied and changing conditions increase as the species is more varied. Too much similarity could mean racial disaster, extinction; while variation could mean the survival of some members of the species if disaster should strike. Likewise, a species with several varieties of intelligences, as well as individuals with varying degrees of those intelligences, could well be a sign of superiority, at least in terms of the survival potential of the race.

I agree with most of this except the top part. IQ is positively correlated with many different measures of success. Of course, as we all know, intelligence isn't the only way to be successful. Most of the people whom I consider to be successful aren't the smartest people I've ever met, but they're certainly the hardest working. Judging one based solely on his intelligence is as shallow as judging someone based on his looks. These are simply inborn traits that took no effort to attain. Character is a far better criterion by which to judge a person.

And yes, there is plenty of racial admixture and there is really no such this as a pure race, but racial differences do exist. One needs to look only at genetic diseases to see this. However, the differences between us are really few and there is no reason for any race to come forward and say it's "superior" to another in general. There's plenty of room for all of us and our different talents.

05-20-2009, 12:47 AM
If I were white I would be upset (especially male), I would even be racist. Their smarter, yet they are less likely to be hired because of diversity efforts. They have more resources and opportunities, yet they dominate the welfare system. ANY ethnic group can walk into a White night club and leave with three or four white girls. If a white male walks into any other ethnic club, he wont even get a smile (unless he is doing his slim shady thing) I would be pissed off...what will white men have left in the next ten years

lol thats not necessarily true. if ur talking about some geeky corner cubicle skinny four eyed white guy then yeah! But have u seen some of these buffed out white guys with their highlights and spray on tans Slurrrrrrpppp!!

05-20-2009, 12:55 AM
If I were white I would be upset (especially male), I would even be racist. Their smarter, yet they are less likely to be hired because of diversity efforts. They have more resources and opportunities, yet they dominate the welfare system. ANY ethnic group can walk into a White night club and leave with three or four white girls. If a white male walks into any other ethnic club, he wont even get a smile (unless he is doing his slim shady thing) I would be pissed off...what will white men have left in the next ten years

lol thats not necessarily true. if ur talking about some geeky corner cubicle skinny four eyed white guy then yeah! But have u seen some of these buffed out white guys with their highlights and spray on tans Slurrrrrrpppp!!

In Richmond VA, they would get eggs thrown at them

05-20-2009, 12:58 AM
If I were white I would be upset (especially male), I would even be racist. Their smarter, yet they are less likely to be hired because of diversity efforts. They have more resources and opportunities, yet they dominate the welfare system. ANY ethnic group can walk into a White night club and leave with three or four white girls. If a white male walks into any other ethnic club, he wont even get a smile (unless he is doing his slim shady thing) I would be pissed off...what will white men have left in the next ten years

lol thats not necessarily true. if ur talking about some geeky corner cubicle skinny four eyed white guy then yeah! But have u seen some of these buffed out white guys with their highlights and spray on tans Slurrrrrrpppp!!

You mean the douche bags that are running around here all over Los Angeles pretending like they are from California? Yes, I have seen them. Douche bags......

05-20-2009, 01:02 AM
ruby shut up you know damn well if a guy is ugly as fuck w/ big balls you want em lol jk

05-20-2009, 01:15 AM
ruby shut up you know damn well if a guy is ugly as fuck w/ big balls you want em lol jk

i have my own big balls to play with

05-20-2009, 01:16 AM
ruby shut up you know damn well if a guy is ugly as fuck w/ big balls you want em lol jk

i have my own big balls to play withlol jokes! FLAMEWARS!!!!!!!!!returned....

05-20-2009, 01:44 AM
168 double-blind studies show that whites still are smarter than blacks so who really cares about ass fucking.

That's not what studies say. Studies say that, on average, whites outperform blacks on IQ tests. Also these tests say that East Asians outperform whites. This is a fact and it's also a fact that these tests aren't culturally biased.

That being said, a black genius is just that, as is a white imbecille. I'm afraid you fall into the latter category as you're not able to effectively read these case studies.

Did you bother to read the fine print? Where it says HOW the derived the sample for comparison? In almost all of those East Asian countries, the children are shunted into different types of schools that will determine what type and quality of education the receive. The top rung goes on to high school/college prep, while the bottom (and many of the mentally challenged) are either apprenticed or prepared for technical school.

As capitalistic or individualistic as Americans try to be, our education system is rather egalitarian. Most people aren't shunted out of primary school into other activities because "on paper" we like to have as much class mobility as possible.

Soooo I would guess that with the difference between Caucasians and Asians being marginal, Caucasians would be even higher than Asians seeing that Asians are grouped tightly around the mean while Caucasians have a more even spread with a higher frequency toward the high IQ than Asians meaning -we have more geniuses AND special needs.

The kicker is when you add in African Americans and Latinos into the mix. I would wager to guess that Africans would probably have the HIGHEST IQ on average (and it would be almost no difference among the racial groups) if there were some fundamental changes in the black community.

I believe the highest adult IQ was found in Nigeria, a University of Lagos Professor had something like 212 on the Mensa scale. The problem seems to be cultures that don't reject sly and unethical behavior as long as it makes money.

Look at all the Nigerian Scams that are run out of Houston's Nigerian Community, or London, Berlin, NYC and Nigeria itself. These folks are NOT stupid. They just use their god-given brains for illegal or unethical purposes. Whenever West Africa gets it's collective shit together, it'll be able to rival Western Europe. That's the sad thing about White/Western Countries. The white people are dying off and those who inherit what our ancestors have crafted probably won't appreciate it.

As for African Americans, I would guess that if the black family wasn't so jacked up, by and large, they would be the same as whites. Nurture has a huge effect on IQ outcomes. Look at what has happened to the Former Soviet Union--these folks did AMAZING things in all realms of Human endevour for the last 100 years or so. With the Collapse of the Soviet Union, things reversed themselves so badly that the average F.S.U. citizen scores below average on IQ tests. But just taking a look at their achievements in the past would suggest that they are very talented.

05-20-2009, 01:51 AM
I generally steer as far clear as I can from these ignorant arguments but as a would be scholar I am eager to have someone post a link to one of these studies.

I remember there was a scholar who posited that whites were inherently more intelligent than blacks roughly two years ago, but his research was almost universally panned and his methods were exposed as fraught with holes.

Currently I am taking a graduate course in Race, Ethnicity and Gender and reading at least two hundred pages per week on these topics so any research that supports the arguments either way should be offered.

Was that Doctor Watson who said that? It was panned because it's no longer Politically Correct to say that. In fact, it's taboo.

I really don't think he was correct anyway. If there is a difference, it would probably be shown to be negligible as more and more black folks move into the middle class. You've got to remember that our ancestors faced conditions far more challenging than what we face today, Natural Selection alone would weed out many of the less intelligent people. If anything, we're ensuring an "idiocracy" with the norms of modern society.

The More intelligent and adaptable you are, the less likely you are to raise kids. But dumb/damaged folks tend to pop out a bunch of kids who in turn pop out a bunch of kids. There aren't mass starvations or plagues to select out most of these folks, and they just keep breeding...

05-20-2009, 02:00 AM
If I were white I would be upset (especially male), I would even be racist. Their smarter, yet they are less likely to be hired because of diversity efforts. They have more resources and opportunities, yet they dominate the welfare system. ANY ethnic group can walk into a White night club and leave with three or four white girls. If a white male walks into any other ethnic club, he wont even get a smile (unless he is doing his slim shady thing) I would be pissed off...what will white men have left in the next ten years

I really don't know wtf you're talking about. If you are only using Richmond as an example, I mean Virginia as a whole seems to have many "wiggerish" or self-hating white folk. Then again, it also seems to be a lot more integrated as well.

In New Jersey, where I'm from, you'll never never see a black dude in a club with a white girl. I live next to the largest (by volume not the coolest) Bar in New Jersey and if you saw a black person in the club, they were 9/10 actually biracial and from the town. A black dude who came in there to pick up white girls would find that they all avoided him.
If he DID try too much, he'd like have his head beat in by a bunch of huge Italians or little Irish guys. That's just the way it was. Very segregated. As for Asians, they are pretty few and far between. Indians, usually they were with other Indians, and they could be with whoever they wanted as long as they didn't get fresh--I've seen a few foreign guys get slapped out by some blonde because he didn't understand that the easy blonde image that hollywood exports to the world isn't always true.
Latinos--too hard to tell, they seem to love Latin women too much to bother with White girls and it's not like people have a sign over their head saying "Latino" not "Italian" or "Russian" "Greek" whatever.

I don't understand how that could fly in Virginia or anywhere else. You would think it would make dudes rather uncomfortable if it actually bit into their "pool" of available women.

05-20-2009, 02:02 AM
I generally steer as far clear as I can from these ignorant arguments but as a would be scholar I am eager to have someone post a link to one of these studies.

I remember there was a scholar who posited that whites were inherently more intelligent than blacks roughly two years ago, but his research was almost universally panned and his methods were exposed as fraught with holes.

Currently I am taking a graduate course in Race, Ethnicity and Gender and reading at least two hundred pages per week on these topics so any research that supports the arguments either way should be offered.

I hope your also taking a class on Statistics because the R.E.G. class could have it's own built in bias. The Professor could be trading one subjective viewpoint for another.

05-20-2009, 02:24 AM
If I were white I would be upset (especially male), I would even be racist. Their smarter, yet they are less likely to be hired because of diversity efforts. They have more resources and opportunities, yet they dominate the welfare system. ANY ethnic group can walk into a White night club and leave with three or four white girls. If a white male walks into any other ethnic club, he wont even get a smile (unless he is doing his slim shady thing) I would be pissed off...what will white men have left in the next ten years

I really don't know wtf you're talking about. If you are only using Richmond as an example, I mean Virginia as a whole seems to have many "wiggerish" or self-hating white folk. Then again, it also seems to be a lot more integrated as well.

In New Jersey, where I'm from, you'll never never see a black dude in a club with a white girl. I live next to the largest (by volume not the coolest) Bar in New Jersey and if you saw a black person in the club, they were 9/10 actually biracial and from the town. A black dude who came in there to pick up white girls would find that they all avoided him.
If he DID try too much, he'd like have his head beat in by a bunch of huge Italians or little Irish guys. That's just the way it was. Very segregated. As for Asians, they are pretty few and far between. Indians, usually they were with other Indians, and they could be with whoever they wanted as long as they didn't get fresh--I've seen a few foreign guys get slapped out by some blonde because he didn't understand that the easy blonde image that hollywood exports to the world isn't always true.
Latinos--too hard to tell, they seem to love Latin women too much to bother with White girls and it's not like people have a sign over their head saying "Latino" not "Italian" or "Russian" "Greek" whatever.

I don't understand how that could fly in Virginia or anywhere else. You would think it would make dudes rather uncomfortable if it actually bit into their "pool" of available women.

Sorry my man, been all over Jersey, NY , west coast, down south the one thing that is consistant, ALL the white girls caint wait to have my 9 inches down their throats. Ask the white TS's on this board if you think thats not what all white women want.

05-20-2009, 02:26 AM
If I were white I would be upset (especially male), I would even be racist. Their smarter, yet they are less likely to be hired because of diversity efforts. They have more resources and opportunities, yet they dominate the welfare system. ANY ethnic group can walk into a White night club and leave with three or four white girls. If a white male walks into any other ethnic club, he wont even get a smile (unless he is doing his slim shady thing) I would be pissed off...what will white men have left in the next ten years

I really don't know wtf you're talking about. If you are only using Richmond as an example, I mean Virginia as a whole seems to have many "wiggerish" or self-hating white folk. Then again, it also seems to be a lot more integrated as well.

In New Jersey, where I'm from, you'll never never see a black dude in a club with a white girl. I live next to the largest (by volume not the coolest) Bar in New Jersey and if you saw a black person in the club, they were 9/10 actually biracial and from the town. A black dude who came in there to pick up white girls would find that they all avoided him.
If he DID try too much, he'd like have his head beat in by a bunch of huge Italians or little Irish guys. That's just the way it was. Very segregated. As for Asians, they are pretty few and far between. Indians, usually they were with other Indians, and they could be with whoever they wanted as long as they didn't get fresh--I've seen a few foreign guys get slapped out by some blonde because he didn't understand that the easy blonde image that hollywood exports to the world isn't always true.
Latinos--too hard to tell, they seem to love Latin women too much to bother with White girls and it's not like people have a sign over their head saying "Latino" not "Italian" or "Russian" "Greek" whatever.

I don't understand how that could fly in Virginia or anywhere else. You would think it would make dudes rather uncomfortable if it actually bit into their "pool" of available women.

Sorry my man, been all over Jersey, NY , west coast, down south the one thing that is consistant, ALL the white girls caint wait to have my 9 inches down their throats. Ask the white TS's on this board if you think thats not what all white women want.

I'm sorry but you're trolling the wrong person.

05-20-2009, 02:29 AM
I don't even know what trolling means. Im in the bottom percentage of iq scores remember

05-20-2009, 02:37 AM
I don't even know what trolling means. I'm in the bottom percentage of iq scores remember

I'm saying that your posts smack of a young fool who knows his lonely palm better than pulling lots of white girls at the club.[/b]

05-20-2009, 02:39 AM
I don't even know what trolling means. I'm in the bottom percentage of iq scores remember

I'm saying that your posts smack of a young fool who knows his lonely palm better than pulling lots of white girls at the club.[/b]

Well, at least you have demonstrated who is civilized and who is not

05-20-2009, 03:48 AM
I generally steer as far clear as I can from these ignorant arguments but as a would be scholar I am eager to have someone post a link to one of these studies.

I remember there was a scholar who posited that whites were inherently more intelligent than blacks roughly two years ago, but his research was almost universally panned and his methods were exposed as fraught with holes.

Currently I am taking a graduate course in Race, Ethnicity and Gender and reading at least two hundred pages per week on these topics so any research that supports the arguments either way should be offered.

Was that Doctor Watson who said that? It was panned because it's no longer Politically Correct to say that. In fact, it's taboo.

It was Dr. Watson but he was panned due to his shoddy work not so much for his point of view. People were shocked that a Nobel Laureate would step out with little evidence and much more of his personal biases. He was educated at University of Chicago, Indiana and Harvard before settling in NYC so his background led people to expect more.

I really don't think he was correct anyway. If there is a difference, it would probably be shown to be negligible as more and more black folks move into the middle class. You've got to remember that our ancestors faced conditions far more challenging than what we face today, Natural Selection alone would weed out many of the less intelligent people. If anything, we're ensuring an "idiocracy" with the norms of modern society.

You bring up a good point about socio-economic factors contributing to performance, but other factors such as institutional racism, inferior school funding based on the tax base and other factors also lead to poor performance.

The More intelligent and adaptable you are, the less likely you are to raise kids. But dumb/damaged folks tend to pop out a bunch of kids who in turn pop out a bunch of kids. There aren't mass starvations or plagues to select out most of these folks, and they just keep breeding...

Actually people are having far fewer children now than in the past as our society has shifted from agrarian to industrial and now to a service economy. More mouths that used to work the fields now are just more mouths. The stereotype of the welfare mom with eight kids is far more the exception than the rule. The current birthrate in the US is 2.1 which is barely enough to replace the existing population.

I hope your also taking a class on Statistics because the R.E.G. class could have it's own built in bias. The Professor could be trading one subjective viewpoint for another.
One of the things stressed in the school is self awareness and critical thinking. Most studies worth their salt offer research methods, sample sizes and limitations, then we as students have to dissect the info and try to remove our own biases. My whole point here was as individuals on the board quote studies, they should produce them rather than quoting shit straight out of their ass. To be clear I am not saying you did that. I hate the stats courses I have taken but hope to eventually create my own research on a variety of topics.

05-20-2009, 01:44 PM
I generally steer as far clear as I can from these ignorant arguments but as a would be scholar I am eager to have someone post a link to one of these studies.

I remember there was a scholar who posited that whites were inherently more intelligent than blacks roughly two years ago, but his research was almost universally panned and his methods were exposed as fraught with holes.

Currently I am taking a graduate course in Race, Ethnicity and Gender and reading at least two hundred pages per week on these topics so any research that supports the arguments either way should be offered.

Was that Doctor Watson who said that? It was panned because it's no longer Politically Correct to say that. In fact, it's taboo.

It was Dr. Watson but he was panned due to his shoddy work not so much for his point of view. People were shocked that a Nobel Laureate would step out with little evidence and much more of his personal biases. He was educated at University of Chicago, Indiana and Harvard before settling in NYC so his background led people to expect more.

I really don't think he was correct anyway. If there is a difference, it would probably be shown to be negligible as more and more black folks move into the middle class. You've got to remember that our ancestors faced conditions far more challenging than what we face today, Natural Selection alone would weed out many of the less intelligent people. If anything, we're ensuring an "idiocracy" with the norms of modern society.

You bring up a good point about socio-economic factors contributing to performance, but other factors such as institutional racism, inferior school funding based on the tax base and other factors also lead to poor performance.

The More intelligent and adaptable you are, the less likely you are to raise kids. But dumb/damaged folks tend to pop out a bunch of kids who in turn pop out a bunch of kids. There aren't mass starvations or plagues to select out most of these folks, and they just keep breeding...

Actually people are having far fewer children now than in the past as our society has shifted from agrarian to industrial and now to a service economy. More mouths that used to work the fields now are just more mouths. The current birthrate in the US is 2.1 which is barely enough to replace the existing population.

I hope your also taking a class on Statistics because the R.E.G. class could have it's own built in bias. The Professor could be trading one subjective viewpoint for another.
One of the things stressed in the school is self awareness and critical thinking. Most studies worth their salt offer research methods, sample sizes and limitations, then we as students have to dissect the info and try to remove our own biases. My whole point here was as individuals on the board quote studies, they should produce them rather than quoting shit straight out of their ass. To be clear I am not saying you did that. I hate the stats courses I have taken but hope to eventually create my own research on a variety of topics.

Your first study should be on the visibility percentage of yellow font type on a white background

05-20-2009, 09:47 PM
I generally steer as far clear as I can from these ignorant arguments but as a would be scholar I am eager to have someone post a link to one of these studies.

I remember there was a scholar who posited that whites were inherently more intelligent than blacks roughly two years ago, but his research was almost universally panned and his methods were exposed as fraught with holes.

Currently I am taking a graduate course in Race, Ethnicity and Gender and reading at least two hundred pages per week on these topics so any research that supports the arguments either way should be offered.

Was that Doctor Watson who said that? It was panned because it's no longer Politically Correct to say that. In fact, it's taboo.

It was Dr. Watson but he was panned due to his shoddy work not so much for his point of view. People were shocked that a Nobel Laureate would step out with little evidence and much more of his personal biases. He was educated at University of Chicago, Indiana and Harvard before settling in NYC so his background led people to expect more.

I really don't think he was correct anyway. If there is a difference, it would probably be shown to be negligible as more and more black folks move into the middle class. You've got to remember that our ancestors faced conditions far more challenging than what we face today, Natural Selection alone would weed out many of the less intelligent people. If anything, we're ensuring an "idiocracy" with the norms of modern society.

You bring up a good point about socio-economic factors contributing to performance, but other factors such as institutional racism, inferior school funding based on the tax base and other factors also lead to poor performance.

The More intelligent and adaptable you are, the less likely you are to raise kids. But dumb/damaged folks tend to pop out a bunch of kids who in turn pop out a bunch of kids. There aren't mass starvations or plagues to select out most of these folks, and they just keep breeding...

Actually people are having far fewer children now than in the past as our society has shifted from agrarian to industrial and now to a service economy. More mouths that used to work the fields now are just more mouths. The current birthrate in the US is 2.1 which is barely enough to replace the existing population.

I hope your also taking a class on Statistics because the R.E.G. class could have it's own built in bias. The Professor could be trading one subjective viewpoint for another.
One of the things stressed in the school is self awareness and critical thinking. Most studies worth their salt offer research methods, sample sizes and limitations, then we as students have to dissect the info and try to remove our own biases. My whole point here was as individuals on the board quote studies, they should produce them rather than quoting shit straight out of their ass. To be clear I am not saying you did that. I hate the stats courses I have taken but hope to eventually create my own research on a variety of topics.

Your first study should be on the visibility percentage of yellow font type on a white background

That made me LOL.

05-21-2009, 07:46 PM
I generally steer as far clear as I can from these ignorant arguments but as a would be scholar I am eager to have someone post a link to one of these studies.

I remember there was a scholar who posited that whites were inherently more intelligent than blacks roughly two years ago, but his research was almost universally panned and his methods were exposed as fraught with holes.

Currently I am taking a graduate course in Race, Ethnicity and Gender and reading at least two hundred pages per week on these topics so any research that supports the arguments either way should be offered.

Was that Doctor Watson who said that? It was panned because it's no longer Politically Correct to say that. In fact, it's taboo.

It was Dr. Watson but he was panned due to his shoddy work not so much for his point of view. People were shocked that a Nobel Laureate would step out with little evidence and much more of his personal biases. He was educated at University of Chicago, Indiana and Harvard before settling in NYC so his background led people to expect more.

I really don't think he was correct anyway. If there is a difference, it would probably be shown to be negligible as more and more black folks move into the middle class. You've got to remember that our ancestors faced conditions far more challenging than what we face today, Natural Selection alone would weed out many of the less intelligent people. If anything, we're ensuring an "idiocracy" with the norms of modern society.

You bring up a good point about socio-economic factors contributing to performance, but other factors such as institutional racism, inferior school funding based on the tax base and other factors also lead to poor performance.

The More intelligent and adaptable you are, the less likely you are to raise kids. But dumb/damaged folks tend to pop out a bunch of kids who in turn pop out a bunch of kids. There aren't mass starvations or plagues to select out most of these folks, and they just keep breeding...

Actually people are having far fewer children now than in the past as our society has shifted from agrarian to industrial and now to a service economy. More mouths that used to work the fields now are just more mouths. The stereotype of the welfare mom with eight kids is far more the exception than the rule. The current birthrate in the US is 2.1 which is barely enough to replace the existing population.

I hope your also taking a class on Statistics because the R.E.G. class could have it's own built in bias. The Professor could be trading one subjective viewpoint for another.
One of the things stressed in the school is self awareness and critical thinking. Most studies worth their salt offer research methods, sample sizes and limitations, then we as students have to dissect the info and try to remove our own biases. My whole point here was as individuals on the board quote studies, they should produce them rather than quoting shit straight out of their ass. To be clear I am not saying you did that. I hate the stats courses I have taken but hope to eventually create my own research on a variety of topics.

When I said the wrong people having a lot of children I'm talking about welfare moms, illegal immigrants, damaged single women who think having another baby will bring them love. While the middle class people who succeed and do well in school and work can't afford to have more than 2 children because they're shelling out taxes to support the whole system. It's an ass backwards cycle, where people who can't hack it are multiplying and people who are responsible are shrinking.

Also, much of the birthrate comes from immigrants, so it's a tossup whether or not these people will raise their kids right. So much flies under the radar

05-22-2009, 09:19 AM
Is it just my imagination but is there a real difference between fucking the average black man and the average white man.

It seems that a white man is much more willing to bottom than a black man. I am totally insane or am I right?
Is this like all black men are well hung??
Some of the best head and ass I've ever had is from black men.
And some of the biggest dicks I have seen outside Puerto Rican was Polish.
So it just depends on the type of men that are attracted to you.
Not all men will admit what they like with any and every girl.
But trust and beleive, if you were a fly on MY wall you would see for yourself. now that's camera fun ! ... great pics vanessa, case closed aisha.

05-22-2009, 09:47 AM
lol 60 pages long :roll:

05-22-2009, 08:12 PM
back to the subject of this thread:
the biggest mistake of those who only love to top , is to think that in stra8 relations there are no : active females and passive guys, the fact is that there are.

and it's the same with those females who happen to have dicks , most bottom but there are some who love to top( and those who love to switch ).
that happens in all races :lol:

07-22-2009, 06:55 PM
I prefer dating black men and find them more attractive than white guy. In my experience I would say they do top more.

I am strictly a bottom so it works out great for me.

07-22-2009, 06:58 PM
Hi Kira

07-22-2009, 07:03 PM
wow this post again.

did i say something in it already?

07-22-2009, 11:05 PM
I think on page 35.7

07-22-2009, 11:21 PM
oh yeah. good times.
lol :lol:

07-22-2009, 11:42 PM
Topping a Man is Gross!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry

07-22-2009, 11:50 PM
this is a funny thread about greek sex

07-22-2009, 11:53 PM
Topping a Man is Gross!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry

Amen! But don't say that around here. The cock lovers won't like it.

07-23-2009, 01:56 AM
ahhhhhhhh shit! j/p lol

07-23-2009, 04:23 AM
i believe it's because white people are just more willing to do crazy shit in general.... extreme sports like snowboarding, skateboarding, hang gliding, motocross and taking tranny cocks up the butt are all good examples.

07-23-2009, 04:28 AM
i believe it's because white people are just more willing to do crazy shit in general.... extreme sports like snowboarding, skateboarding, hang gliding, motocross and taking tranny cocks up the butt are all good examples.

Funniest post of the day!

07-23-2009, 04:40 AM
I thought the main part of the definition of a down low brother was a black male that have sex with other males? Am I wrong?

Well men who don't date transexual-transgender women OPENLY, are considered on the down low as well.

07-23-2009, 04:40 AM
i believe it's because white people are just more willing to do crazy shit in general.... extreme sports like snowboarding, skateboarding, hang gliding, motocross and taking tranny cocks up the butt are all good examples.

Funniest post of the day!
I agree

08-17-2009, 01:09 AM
I have been with all type of females and the biggest diff between white and black females and white will be more willing at first to engage in more funplay. Eventually, as the relationship develops it equals out, but if other than a one night stand, white girls will be more willing to do more..ass fuck, cock sucking, whipping, etc

08-25-2009, 03:02 AM
I don't want to get this tread started again, but someone PM me about it and I had to read it. I bypassed it earlier because I don't fuck men, so it showed no interested of me. But the thread quickly turned into what is the best of HA (strong feelings and convictions, group attachments /affiliations, powerful and persuasive commentaries). But it also showed the worst of HA, (racist commentaries, biased and deliberate misstating of history, meaningless comments about posters who ESL status was mocked and misconstrued, racial profiling based on incidents with men of color that were at best anecdotal and also in surroundings where the best of folks are not normally around, tg clubs etc, and performing acts, escorting, etc..where the best of folks are not engaging in.)

I do not want to perform a rebirth regarding this thread. But I wanted to holla at some of the posters to this thread for they should be ashamed of themselves, not only for the racist comments, but also for the intellectual dishonesty, the racial profiling, and personal comments made under the cover of darkness and electronic shield, in other words, cowardness

08-25-2009, 03:03 AM
I don't want to get this tread started again, but someone PM me about it and I had to read it. I bypassed it earlier because I don't fuck men, so it showed no interested of me. But the thread quickly turned into what is the best of HA (strong feelings and convictions, group attachments /affiliations, powerful and persuasive commentaries). But it also showed the worst of HA, (racist commentaries, biased and deliberate misstating of history, meaningless comments about posters who ESL status was mocked and misconstrued, racial profiling based on incidents with men of color that were at best anecdotal and also in surroundings where the best of folks are not normally around, tg clubs etc, and performing acts, escorting, etc..where the best of folks are not engaging in.)

I do not want to perform a rebirth regarding this thread. But I wanted to holla at some of the posters to this thread for they should be ashamed of themselves, not only for the racist comments, but also for the intellectual dishonesty, the racial profiling, and personal comments made under the cover of darkness and electronic shield, in other words, cowardness

08-25-2009, 03:06 AM
I don't want to get this tread started again, but someone PM me about it and I had to read it. I bypassed it earlier because I don't fuck men, part black men,, so it showed no interested of me. But the thread quickly turned into what is the best of HA (strong feelings and convictions, group attachments /affiliations, powerful and persuasive commentaries). But it also showed the worst of HA, (racist commentaries, biased and deliberate misstating of history, meaningless comments about posters who ESL status was mocked and misconstrued, racial profiling based on incidents with men of color that were at best anecdotal and also in surroundings where the best of folks are not normally around, tg clubs etc, and performing acts, escorting, etc..where the best of folks are not engaging in.)

I do not want to perform a rebirth regarding this thread. But I wanted to holla at some of the posters to this thread for they should be ashamed of themselves, not only for the racist comments, but also for the intellectual dishonesty, the racial profiling, and personal comments made under the cover of darkness and electronic shield, in other words, cowardness

08-25-2009, 03:09 AM
I don't want to get this tread started again, but someone PM me about it and I had to read it. I bypassed it earlier because I don't fuck men, so it showed no interested of me. But the thread quickly turned into what is the best of HA (strong feelings and convictions, group attachments /affiliations, powerful and persuasive commentaries, and incidenary wordplay). But it also showed the worst of HA, (racist commentaries, biased and deliberate misstating of history, meaningless comments about posters who ESL status was mocked and misconstrued, racial profiling based on incidents with men of color that were at best anecdotal and also in surroundings where the best of folks are not normally around, tg clubs etc, and performing acts, escorting, etc..where the best of folks are not engaging in.)

I do not want to perform a rebirth regarding this thread. But I wanted to holla at some of the posters to this thread for they should be ashamed of themselves, not only for the racist comments, but also for the intellectual dishonesty, the racial profiling, and personal comments made under the cover of darkness and electronic shield, in other words, cowardness

08-25-2009, 03:14 AM
I don't want to get this tread started again, but someone PM me about it and I had to read it. I bypassed it earlier because I don't fuck men, so it showed no interested of me. But the thread quickly turned into what is the best of HA (strong feelings and convictions, group attachments /affiliations, powerful and persuasive commentaries, and incidenary wordplay). But it also showed the worst of HA, (racist commentaries, biased and deliberate misstating of history, meaningless comments about posters who ESL status was mocked and misconstrued, racial profiling based on incidents with men of color that were at best anecdotal and also in surroundings where the best of folks are not normally around, tg clubs etc, and performing acts, escorting, etc..where the best of folks are not engaging in.)

I do not want to perform a rebirth regarding this thread. But I wanted to holla at some of the posters to this thread for they should be ashamed of themselves, not only for the racist comments, but also for the intellectual dishonesty, the racial profiling, and personal comments made under the cover of darkness and electronic shield, in other words, cowardness

08-25-2009, 03:14 AM
I don't want to get this tread started again, but someone PM me about it and I had to read it. I bypassed it earlier because I don't fuck men, so it showed no interested of me. But the thread quickly turned into what is the best of HA (strong feelings and convictions, group attachments /affiliations, powerful and persuasive commentaries, and incidenary wordplay). But it also showed the worst of HA, (racist commentaries, biased and deliberate misstating of history, meaningless comments about posters who ESL status was mocked and misconstrued, racial profiling based on incidents with men of color that were at best anecdotal and also in surroundings where the best of folks are not normally around, tg clubs etc, and performing acts, escorting, etc..where the best of folks are not engaging in.)

I do not want to perform a rebirth regarding this thread. But I wanted to holla at some of the posters to this thread for they should be ashamed of themselves, not only for the racist comments, but also for the intellectual dishonesty, the racial profiling, and personal comments made under the cover of darkness and electronic shield, in other words, cowardness

08-27-2009, 03:12 PM
I do not want to perform a rebirth regarding this thread. But I wanted to holla at some of the posters to this thread for they should be ashamed of themselves, not only for the racist comments, but also for the intellectual dishonesty, the racial profiling, and personal comments made under the cover of darkness and electronic shield, in other words, cowardness

It's a porn board. If it had been a real life meeting of the participants: Wallets, purses, shoes ,and wigs would have been stolen; Coke, pot, and some crack would have been sold, bought and used; Acts of prostitution would have taken place in the bathrooms; and who knows how many people would have gotten kicked, knifed and maced. :wink: [/i]

08-27-2009, 07:41 PM
I do not want to perform a rebirth regarding this thread. But I wanted to holla at some of the posters to this thread for they should be ashamed of themselves, not only for the racist comments, but also for the intellectual dishonesty, the racial profiling, and personal comments made under the cover of darkness and electronic shield, in other words, cowardness

It's a porn board. If it had been a real life meeting of the participants: Wallets, purses, shoes ,and wigs would have been stolen; Coke, pot, and some crack would have been sold, bought and used; Acts of prostitution would have taken place in the bathrooms; and who knows how many people would have gotten kicked, knifed and maced. :wink: [/i]

I LMFAO'd at that. But actually there are times where people from here do meet. It's usually civil and casual.

09-13-2009, 06:50 AM
The exchange of ideas on this board continues to impress me (despite the extreme rantings fringe folks).

09-13-2009, 02:28 PM
Hey...from what Ive seen white men do appreciate male genitalia a whole lot more. Even in the gay community, white men usually like taking the submissive role. From my experience, a white gay person will look at you and want to suck and get fkd whereas a black gay man will look at you and want to suck and fck you. This, I think, extends into when men deal with ts women. You can look at all of the posts on this website and see that.

09-19-2009, 08:09 PM
The exchange of ideas on this board continues to impress me (despite the extreme rantings fringe folks).

I've been looking for a post that would bring this up, I wanted to say my piece without looking like a kiss ass. I still come here because of the great threads, and most of the great threads have nothing to do with TS.

09-19-2009, 08:12 PM
Hey...from what Ive seen white men do appreciate male genitalia a whole lot more. Even in the gay community, white men usually like taking the submissive role. From my experience, a white gay person will look at you and want to suck and get fkd whereas a black gay man will look at you and want to suck and fck you. This, I think, extends into when men deal with ts women. You can look at all of the posts on this website and see that.

I wouldn't be surprised if that's because only a minority of white gay men are interested in black men. The ones who are into may very well have a fetish. If you pop on Craigslist for D.C. or Atlanta, you'll invariably see a huge amount of gay black men looking to bottom for other black men. It could very well be that bottoming for a white dude is a line that many black men will refuse to cross. They don't seem to have that problem with latinos, arabs, or asians. And that's just skimming what's going on craigslist.

09-19-2009, 08:14 PM
I do not want to perform a rebirth regarding this thread. But I wanted to holla at some of the posters to this thread for they should be ashamed of themselves, not only for the racist comments, but also for the intellectual dishonesty, the racial profiling, and personal comments made under the cover of darkness and electronic shield, in other words, cowardness

It's a porn board. If it had been a real life meeting of the participants: Wallets, purses, shoes ,and wigs would have been stolen; Coke, pot, and some crack would have been sold, bought and used; Acts of prostitution would have taken place in the bathrooms; and who knows how many people would have gotten kicked, knifed and maced. :wink: [/i]

I LMFAO'd at that. But actually there are times where people from here do meet. It's usually civil and casual.

I'd be deathly afraid of meeting anyone on here.

09-19-2009, 08:21 PM
Hey...from what Ive seen white men do appreciate male genitalia a whole lot more. Even in the gay community, white men usually like taking the submissive role. From my experience, a white gay person will look at you and want to suck and get fkd whereas a black gay man will look at you and want to suck and fck you. This, I think, extends into when men deal with ts women. You can look at all of the posts on this website and see that.
I dunno, my expierence is different, but if I say what really goes on, people would say I was racist. Cuz there are some FLAMING black bottoms out there. And its so funny that yesterday Mimi and I laughed at how a black botttom literally will BEG to suck a dick.
But like I said for arguements sake and the mentality of the people on this board who can't accept reality, we'll just go with what you said and let it ride, but we do know the REAL deal.

09-19-2009, 08:39 PM
Hey...from what Ive seen white men do appreciate male genitalia a whole lot more. Even in the gay community, white men usually like taking the submissive role. From my experience, a white gay person will look at you and want to suck and get fkd whereas a black gay man will look at you and want to suck and fck you. This, I think, extends into when men deal with ts women. You can look at all of the posts on this website and see that.

I wouldn't be surprised if that's because only a minority of white gay men are interested in black men. The ones who are into may very well have a fetish. If you pop on Craigslist for D.C. or Atlanta, you'll invariably see a huge amount of gay black men looking to bottom for other black men. It could very well be that bottoming for a white dude is a line that many black men will refuse to cross. They don't seem to have that problem with latinos, arabs, or asians. And that's just skimming what's going on craigslist.
BGC is a black site where you will see black guys bottimng for whites.
See Craigslist, BGC and Adam for Adam are sites that actual real black men show their true selves. You can't stereo type there. Because its their own private spot where they are their true selves.
Sometimes people want to save face and stick to stereotypes that are in their favor.

09-19-2009, 08:42 PM
Hey...from what Ive seen white men do appreciate male genitalia a whole lot more. Even in the gay community, white men usually like taking the submissive role. From my experience, a white gay person will look at you and want to suck and get fkd whereas a black gay man will look at you and want to suck and fck you. This, I think, extends into when men deal with ts women. You can look at all of the posts on this website and see that.

I wouldn't be surprised if that's because only a minority of white gay men are interested in black men. The ones who are into may very well have a fetish. If you pop on Craigslist for D.C. or Atlanta, you'll invariably see a huge amount of gay black men looking to bottom for other black men. It could very well be that bottoming for a white dude is a line that many black men will refuse to cross. They don't seem to have that problem with latinos, arabs, or asians. And that's just skimming what's going on craigslist.
BGC is a black site where you will see black guys bottimng for whites.
See Craigslist, BGC and Adam for Adam are sites that actual real black men show their true selves. You can't stereo type there. Because its their own private spot where they are their true selves.
Sometimes people want to save face and stick to stereotypes that are in their favor.

Thread winner. ^^^

09-21-2009, 01:25 PM
Hey...from what Ive seen white men do appreciate male genitalia a whole lot more. Even in the gay community, white men usually like taking the submissive role. From my experience, a white gay person will look at you and want to suck and get fkd whereas a black gay man will look at you and want to suck and fck you. This, I think, extends into when men deal with ts women. You can look at all of the posts on this website and see that.

I wouldn't be surprised if that's because only a minority of white gay men are interested in black men. The ones who are into may very well have a fetish. If you pop on Craigslist for D.C. or Atlanta, you'll invariably see a huge amount of gay black men looking to bottom for other black men. It could very well be that bottoming for a white dude is a line that many black men will refuse to cross. They don't seem to have that problem with latinos, arabs, or asians. And that's just skimming what's going on craigslist.
BGC is a black site where you will see black guys bottimng for whites.
See Craigslist, BGC and Adam for Adam are sites that actual real black men show their true selves. You can't stereo type there. Because its their own private spot where they are their true selves.
Sometimes people want to save face and stick to stereotypes that are in their favor.

Im just telling you the things that Ive seen personally. One of my really good friends was a flamming bisexual. He liked men more and loved to sck and be bottomed by str8 men and gay. He was a top though. When it came out that he liked me, he wanted to top me. He introduced me to his friends and out af all of them, there was only one of them who was a bottom. My friend told me of this popular white gay boy in his school who had a crush on him. When they started to talk, the white boy took the more submissive role in the whole thing as femminine as my friend was.

I dont think that its a fetish either when it comes to white men liking black men. Everytime I went to a gay event or whtvr w/ my friend I was always approached by white men. In fact, when I was in hs, out of the blue I was invited to do things with the white 'popular' guys in the shool. I thaught it was because I dressed nice and because girls liked me or because they generally just thaught I was coo when we spoke in class, home room, etc. Come to find out, this girl started this rumor that i was gay. Only after that did they want to chill. when I didnt have my car one day, I stayed over one of their houses for the night after smoking with them. They offered me to stay in the bed with them. Months later after moving away, my hmgrl told me of all the gay things that those same guys were caught doing after they had graduated.

And you cant tell me that you dont see these white guys on here expressing how much they want to sck and be fucked by these girls. Its not a matter of stereotyping or any of that, its an observation. Just go through and see. Again, from what ive seen, white men just want to do it more. From what Ive SEEN.

09-21-2009, 02:38 PM
Hey...from what Ive seen white men do appreciate male genitalia a whole lot more. Even in the gay community, white men usually like taking the submissive role. From my experience, a white gay person will look at you and want to suck and get fkd whereas a black gay man will look at you and want to suck and fck you. This, I think, extends into when men deal with ts women. You can look at all of the posts on this website and see that.

I wouldn't be surprised if that's because only a minority of white gay men are interested in black men. The ones who are into may very well have a fetish. If you pop on Craigslist for D.C. or Atlanta, you'll invariably see a huge amount of gay black men looking to bottom for other black men. It could very well be that bottoming for a white dude is a line that many black men will refuse to cross. They don't seem to have that problem with latinos, arabs, or asians. And that's just skimming what's going on craigslist.
BGC is a black site where you will see black guys bottimng for whites.
See Craigslist, BGC and Adam for Adam are sites that actual real black men show their true selves. You can't stereo type there. Because its their own private spot where they are their true selves.
Sometimes people want to save face and stick to stereotypes that are in their favor.

Very true. You could have proof beyond a reasonable doubt..and people will still believe what they want to believe.
Obviously,you and some of the other girls on here will have a pretty good idea what guys like based on a tremendous amount of personal experience...but the "men" on here will argue with you based on one or two guys they know ,who may or may not have been gay or bi or whatever...that they know otherwise.
Let's see...you have personal experience with hundreds or thousands of people thru a lifetime of "dating" and dealing directly with the gay community through friendships and the drag community and so on...but you might not know as much as someone who had some anectodal experience with a friend in school or at work or something read in a newspaper??!!...that's funny.
Then you'll have the "straight" guys on here who'll tell you that they know more info about the topic based on what they see (maybe) in the neighborhood or conversations with their friends (who know other friends..and so on).In other words:"They don't know shit."
Then you'll have the other "straight" guys who base their answers on all the bi and homosexual friends and acquaintences they have..which interestingly enough will turn out to be a helluva lot more gay friends than most straight guys usually have without being gay or bi themselves..lol.
Again, you are absolutely right Vanessa - people will believe what they want to believe...the actual truth will never interfere with that. :)

09-21-2009, 02:47 PM
And you cant tell me that you dont see these white guys on here expressing how much they want to sck and be fucked by these girls. Its not a matter of stereotyping or any of that, its an observation. Just go through and see. Again, from what ive seen, white men just want to do it more. From what Ive SEEN.

..dude..open your eyes...a lot of the guys on here (and other sites I know of) that say that shit are black. Some guys are honest .....and some aren't (even anonymously)....you'd be surpised who sometime turn out to be the biggest bottoms, ..once you get past the bullshit.

09-21-2009, 02:49 PM
Not trying to cause conflict people but, again... from what I've seen...

09-21-2009, 06:53 PM
And you cant tell me that you dont see these white guys on here expressing how much they want to sck and be fucked by these girls. Its not a matter of stereotyping or any of that, its an observation. Just go through and see. Again, from what ive seen, white men just want to do it more. From what Ive SEEN.

..dude..open your eyes...a lot of the guys on here (and other sites I know of) that say that shit are black. Some guys are honest .....and some aren't (even anonymously)....you'd be surpised who sometime turn out to be the biggest bottoms, ..once you get past the bullshit.
Like I said, people want to save face and say things to "protect" the stereotypes.
But I've seen some very small dicks on people that steraotypically should have wayyy bigger dicks, let them tell it, lol.
And I've topped, been begged to top, ask to top on film, and sent over by girls who don't top these same guys you are covering for.
Just like stereotypically a tranny should love and will fuck any dick that comes her way.
Its a new day people, these stereotypes are far from reality in 2009.

08-03-2010, 05:03 PM
Like I said, people want to save face and say things to "protect" the stereotypes.
But I've seen some very small dicks on people that steraotypically should have wayyy bigger dicks, let them tell it, lol.
And I've topped, been begged to top, ask to top on film, and sent over by girls who don't top these same guys you are covering for.
Just like stereotypically a tranny should love and will fuck any dick that comes her way.
Its a new day people, these stereotypes are far from reality in 2009.

youre a crack head and your dick is only about 5 inches long. lol

08-03-2010, 05:25 PM
once you go black you never go back!
will you bottom for this dude?

08-03-2010, 05:57 PM
I'm Black and versatile, but I think that most girls automatically assume just because your black that you don't want to bottom.

Willie Escalade
08-04-2010, 03:07 AM
once you go black you never go back!
will you bottom for this dude?
Hey! Who photoshopped that dude's face on my body? :lol:;-)

12-28-2010, 12:37 AM
White guys are gay

12-28-2010, 01:24 AM
Oh man...so you just happened to bump into this old thread...or did you put "white men" in the search engine ?............Hater..lol.

12-28-2010, 01:53 AM

http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/showthread.php?t=52375&page=4 (http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/showthread.php?t=52375&page=4)
http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/showthread.php?t=52375&page=4 (http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/showthread.php?t=52375&page=4)
http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/showthread.php?t=52375&page=4 (http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/showthread.php?t=52375&page=4)
http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/showthread.php?t=52375&page=4 (http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/showthread.php?t=52375&page=4)

ESPECIALLY in Europe or the UK but also true in the Americas

http://www.cdc.gov/nchhstp/newsroom/docs/FastFacts-MSM-FINAL508COMP.pdf (http://www.cdc.gov/nchhstp/newsroom/docs/FastFacts-MSM-FINAL508COMP.pdf)
http://www.cdc.gov/nchhstp/newsroom/docs/FastFacts-MSM-FINAL508COMP.pdf (http://www.cdc.gov/nchhstp/newsroom/docs/FastFacts-MSM-FINAL508COMP.pdf)
http://www.cdc.gov/nchhstp/newsroom/docs/FastFacts-MSM-FINAL508COMP.pdf (http://www.cdc.gov/nchhstp/newsroom/docs/FastFacts-MSM-FINAL508COMP.pdf)
http://www.cdc.gov/nchhstp/newsroom/docs/FastFacts-MSM-FINAL508COMP.pdf (http://www.cdc.gov/nchhstp/newsroom/docs/FastFacts-MSM-FINAL508COMP.pdf)

white person is more likely to shot up a school,kill his whole family, serial kill


Oh man...so you just happened to bump into this old thread...or did you put "white men" in the search engine ?............Hater..lol.

12-28-2010, 01:59 AM
it dont take a rocket scientist to figure this shit out.....

12-28-2010, 02:16 AM
once you go black you never go back!
will you bottom for this dude?

i would ride him until back broke

12-28-2010, 02:31 AM

I don't know if that's true. Maybe it is. Maybe you're just trolling.

But you're not helping your case by posting a link to a US CDC factsheet about new (only new, not existing) HIV infections which states 13,000 cases for non-Hispanic white gay men and 10,000 for black gay men in 2006 (old data).

Since the overall US population is said to be about 65% non-Hispanic white and only about 12% black, that CDC study suggests a proportionally much lower rate of new infections in white men.

Time for some better evidence...

12-28-2010, 02:34 AM
naw unfortunately blacks do...alot of them get it in prison and other on the dl wit other dudes....

12-28-2010, 05:10 AM

many people there gums bleed,many have anal fissures( small cracks) around the anus.

some venereal diseases cause you to bleed.

I know of a GG(X DRUG ADDICT) who infected all her kids by chewing the food and giving it to them.she had bleeding gums from dental issues and HIV.

many of the hospices have mostly Hispanic transsexuals being taken care of in Hollywood CALIF.


White gay males have the highest aids/hiv status

THE New Faces of HIV/AIDS/The women Philippe infected say they weren't especially worried about HIV/AIDS

New Faces of HIV/AIDS
Oprah.com When women end long marriages and rejoin the dating world, there's a lot to worry about. Will it be hard to meet someone? Will dating be the same as it was years ago? When should I introduce a partner to my children? But the one factor many middle-aged women don't necessarily think about is the one that can be the most life-altering: sexually transmitted diseases.

These five women sharing the Oprah Show stage have a lot in common. They live in suburban America. They are mothers with successful careers. They also, unknowingly, shared a partner. Each woman, some of whom are in disguise, dated and slept with Philippe Padieu, a man they describe as handsome and charismatic. Unfortunately, he turned out to be very different from the man he claimed to be.

Diane, a 58-year-old martial arts teacher, was the first to meet Philippe. She had been married for 18 years and says when she reentered the dating world, it had changed dramatically. "It was very difficult to meet people, and I really don't do bars. My friends suggested that I use an online dating service," she says. "When I first started dating Philippe, I was head over heels. He was very charming. He made me feel like the only woman on the face of the earth."

Diane and Philippe quickly became serious and decided to move in together. When Philippe lost his job, Diane hired him as an instructor at her martial arts studio and started paying for most of his bills, including his cell phone and medical bills.

12-28-2010, 05:11 AM
THE New Faces of HIV/AIDS/The women Philippe infected say they weren't especially worried about HIV/AIDS

New Faces of HIV/AIDS
Oprah.com When women end long marriages and rejoin the dating world, there's a lot to worry about. Will it be hard to meet someone? Will dating be the same as it was years ago? When should I introduce a partner to my children? But the one factor many middle-aged women don't necessarily think about is the one that can be the most life-altering: sexually transmitted diseases.

These five women sharing the Oprah Show stage have a lot in common. They live in suburban America. They are mothers with successful careers. They also, unknowingly, shared a partner. Each woman, some of whom are in disguise, dated and slept with Philippe Padieu, a man they describe as handsome and charismatic. Unfortunately, he turned out to be very different from the man he claimed to be.

Diane, a 58-year-old martial arts teacher, was the first to meet Philippe. She had been married for 18 years and says when she reentered the dating world, it had changed dramatically. "It was very difficult to meet people, and I really don't do bars. My friends suggested that I use an online dating service," she says. "When I first started dating Philippe, I was head over heels. He was very charming. He made me feel like the only woman on the face of the earth."

Diane and Philippe quickly became serious and decided to move in together. When Philippe lost his job, Diane hired him as an instructor at her martial arts studio and started paying for most of his bills, including his cell phone and medical bills.

Diane says Philippe's money problems put a strain on their relationship. Eventually, he started pulling away so much that Diane suspected him of cheating. As it turned out, she was right. "I stopped by the [martial arts] school and I noticed that the private lesson room door was closed. He opened the door and he blocked the doorway, and that's when I slammed the door open and she was behind the door," Diane says. The last straw, she says, was catching him in a lie about being staying home sick. "Because I was paying for his cell phone, I checked his voice mail messages. There were not one but two voice mail messages from two different women, and I knew."


12-28-2010, 05:12 AM
White gay males have the highest aids/hiv status

German pop star Nadja Benaissa Sex Confession Of Spreading HIV

Pop Star Nadja Benaissa has confessed to keeping her HIV status a secret to sexual partners. Benaissa broke down in tears at a Darmstadt, Germany courtroom apologizing for her sex acts.

Benaissa, 28, denied trying to infect anyone with the virus that causes AIDS. Benaissa recently went to trail due to an ex-lover who contracted the virus allegedly from her.

Benaissa faces 6 months to 10 years in prison.

Once a member of the famous female pop group No Angels, has been charged with causing bodily harm or attempting to cause bodily harm. Her verdict will be on August 26.

Benaissa told the court that she found out she was HIV positive in 1999 when she was 16-years old and 6 months pregnant. Her lawyers claimed that doctors told her the chance of giving someone else the disease was "practically zero."

Benaissa reportedly had unprotected sex on five occasions between 2000 and 2004 with three men. She did not tell them that she had HIV reportedly. The man who brought Benaissa to court has not been named. He did not know that Benaissa was HIV positive until his aunt told him later on. He is HIV positive. (c) tPC








12-28-2010, 05:12 AM
White gay males have the highest aids/hiv status
New Faces of HIV/AIDS


Oprah.com | October 20, 2009

When women end long marriages and rejoin the dating world, there's a lot to worry about. Will it be hard to meet someone? Will dating be the same as it was years ago? When should I introduce a partner to my children? But the one factor many middle-aged women don't necessarily think about is the one that can be the most life-altering: sexually transmitted diseases.

These five women sharing the Oprah Show stage have a lot in common. They live in suburban America. They are mothers with successful careers. They also, unknowingly, shared a partner. Each woman, some of whom are in disguise, dated and slept with Philippe Padieu, a man they describe as handsome and charismatic. Unfortunately, he turned out to be very different from the man he claimed to be.

Diane, a 58-year-old martial arts teacher, was the first to meet Philippe. She had been married for 18 years and says when she reentered the dating world, it had changed dramatically. "It was very difficult to meet people, and I really don't do bars. My friends suggested that I use an online dating service," she says. "When I first started dating Philippe, I was head over heels. He was very charming. He made me feel like the only woman on the face of the earth."

Diane and Philippe quickly became serious and decided to move in together. When Philippe lost his job, Diane hired him as an instructor at her martial arts studio and started paying for most of his bills, including his cell phone and medical bills.

Diane says Philippe's money problems put a strain on their relationship. Eventually, he started pulling away so much that Diane suspected him of cheating. As it turned out, she was right. "I stopped by the [martial arts] school and I noticed that the private lesson room door was closed. He opened the door and he blocked the doorway, and that's when I slammed the door open and she was behind the door," Diane says. The last straw, she says, was catching him in a lie about being staying home sick. "Because I was paying for his cell phone, I checked his voice mail messages. There were not one but two voice mail messages from two different women, and I knew."

Diane broke up with Philippe when she discovered he was cheating. A few days later, she went to the gynecologist for a routine exam. Her doctor called within days to say that her pap smear showed precancerous cells due to a sexually transmitted disease. Knowing that he had cheated, Diane decided to let the other women know that they too might have an STD. As she went back through his phone records, Diane realized the cheating had been worse than she thought. "He was dating nine other women at the time he was dating me," she says.

One of the women Diane called was Susan. "We compared notes, and some of the time that she'd been seeing him, I had been seeing him," Susan says. "Then she said, 'I have an STD, and I am certain that Philippe gave this to me.'"

After talking to Diane, Susan went to her doctor and got news even worse than she had feared. "I received a phone call after my testing from my doctor and she said, 'You have HIV,'" Susan says.

The next time Diane and Susan spoke, Susan broke the news. "I got a test two days later," Diane says. "My ob-gyn called me and said, 'You're HIV positive.'"

Given the severity of the news, Susan and Diane decided they had to get ahold of the women Philippe had dated and stop him from infecting others. They filed a police report and launched their own full-scale investigation, starting with Philippe's cell phone records. "We contacted somewhere between 23 and 26 women," Diane says.

One of the women Diane found was Megan, who lived across the street from Philippe and dated him for more than two years. She says she had already suspected him of cheating and broken up with him by the time she got the phone call.

Megan learned she was also infected with HIV and joined the crusade to stop Philippe. "I mainly used the window to watch cars coming in and out and to watch what was going on at Philippe's house or which women were coming in and out," she says. Megan says she stopped women who were leaving Philippe's house to warn them that their lives could be at risk.

Together, the three women took down license plates and followed Philippe for at least six months.

After Susan and Diane filed the police report, the health department served Philippe with a cease and desist order demanding that he stop having unprotected sex. Shortly afterward, Diane remembered a day in 2005 that would serve as the key piece of evidence against her ex-boyfriend.

Diane had driven Philippe to the doctor because he hadn't been feeling well, she says. After he left the doctor's office, he told her all the tests he took—including one for HIV/AIDS—were negative. Once the report was filed against Philippe, his medical records confirmed that he knew he was HIV positive at that 2005 appointment, at the same time as he was having unprotected sex with unsuspecting women. That key piece of evidence led to his arrest.

Police charged Philippe with six counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. The weapon was his bodily fluid. Ten women, all HIV positive, were willing to testify against Philippe in open court. For the first time in Texas history, prosecutors hired a DNA expert to conduct genetic testing to determine the source of the common strain of HIV. It became clear that one sample was the source of most if not all of the women's diseases. On May 29, 2009, Philippe was sentenced to 45 years in prison. He will be eligible for parole in 22 years, when he is 76 years old.

It's hard to imagine how one man could trick nine women at once, but Sofia, one of the women Philippe infected, says she never imagined he was cheating. Like Diane, Sofia had just gotten out of a long marriage and was new to the dating scene. "He was so handsome, so gentlemanly. He always opened the doors for you. He wrote notes to me always in Spanish and said, 'Te quiero mi amor,'" she says.

"He was very slippery, though," Susan says."I didn't suspect him because he worked so hard. That's the impression that I got. He was always busy working."

Diane says Philippe was able to juggle so many women because he had a very strategic plan for fooling each of them. "He had us all lined out," she says. "[One woman got] Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Then he had his Tuesday, Thursday. And then he had somebody on Friday night," she says. He even called everybody sweetie so as not to get any names mixed up.

The women say Philippe was also strategic in the women he chose to date. They all agree he manipulated women who were fairly new to dating and just out of long relationships. "He preyed on the vulnerability," Diane says. "I think everybody kind of felt missing a relationship. We wanted to get back into that solidarity of having a significant other."

That desire to have a partner may have played into their desire to trust him, they say. Both Diane and Tricia, another victim, say they discussed using condoms, but Philippe convinced them it wasn't necessary. "He said: 'No, I'm very wholesome. I'm clean. I'm a martial arts instructor. I live my life so right, and we're adults. This is not necessary,'" Tricia says. "I had not been in the dating scene for many years and made some poor choices there that I wish I could turn around."

Diane says she confronted Philippe about using protection early in the relationship. "I said: 'I'm not seeing anybody else. Are you seeing anybody else?' And he kind of mumbled something. And I said, 'If you're seeing somebody else, that's okay, but we're going to start using condoms.' And then that's when he said, 'No, no, I'm not seeing anybody else.'"


12-28-2010, 05:13 AM
White gay males have the highest aids/hiv status

An HIV-positive Air Force sergeant failed to disclose his medical condition before engaging in sexual intercourse

An HIV-positive Air Force sergeant failed to disclose his medical condition before engaging in sexual activity with a “multitude” of partners he met at “swinger” parties and through adult web sites, according to a military investigation, The Smoking Gun has learned.

The criminal probe of Sgt. David Gutierrez, a 20-year military veteran, began last month when the Air Force Office of Special Investigations received information that he had “engaged in numerous, unprotected sexual acts…over the course of three years.” According to court records, investigators charge that, due to Gutierrez’s HIV status, these encounters amounted to “aggravated assault against several men and women in and around the Wichita, Kansas area.”

The 43-year-old Gutierrez, stationed at McConnell Air Force Base in Wichita, was “apprehended” on August 9 for violating the Uniform Code of Military Justice. At the time, a “search of his person and vehicle was conducted pursuant to a search authority granted by a military magistrate,” records show. Two subsequent searches--conducted at the Wichita home Gutierrez shares with his wife Gina--targeted his computers and other belongings in a bid to “identify potential witnesses and victims.”

Gutierrez’s wife told investigators that he became infected with HIV in 2007 while stationed in Italy. After learning of the diagnosis, she claimed, Gutierrez “contacted his sexual partners in Italy to report possible exposure to the virus,” according to an affidavit sworn by Air Force criminal investigator Derrell Freeman (that document is excerpted here).

However, after being reassigned to McConnell in 2008, “Gutierrez began having unprotected sex with numerous partners,” Gina Gutierrez told Air Force investigators. She said that her husband used adult networking web sites to arrange “sexual encounters with both male and female partners,” and “bragged” to her “about his numerous sexual exploits in the Wichita area and commented he never informed the other parties of being HIV positive.” Online profiles indicate that Gutierrez’s wife has participated with him in swinging activity, both in Kansas and Italy.

Gutierrez, pictured at left, did not respond to an interview request sent to his Facebook page, and a cell phone number listed for him in the Freeman affidavit is no longer in service.

In his affidavit, Freeman disclosed having interviewed two women who reported having unprotected sex with Gutierrez after meeting him through adult web sites. Both women--whose names TSG has redacted from an excerpt of Freeman’s affidavit--told the Air Force investigator that Gutierrez never disclosed his HIV status. The names of both women appear among Gutierrez’s list of Facebook friends.

One woman told of first meeting Gutierrez in person last summer at a swinger party (she first connected with him through adultfriendfinder.com). The alleged victim, a 44-year-old Kansas woman with two sons in the military, said she performed oral sex on Gutierrez at that initial gathering, as well as at subsequent swinger parties over the following months. She added that he took photos and videos “every time these sexual encounters took place.”

The second woman, 44, told Freeman that she initially met Gutierrez in late-2009 via clubforeplay.com. During the Thanksgiving holiday she “engaged in unprotected oral sex and vaginal intercourse” with Gutierrez at his Wichita home. “At no time did D. Gutierrez disclose his positive HIV status” to the woman, Freeman reported.

In a late-October posting on adultfriendfinder.com, Gutierrez wrote that, “We are looking at hosting a Thanksgiving dinner for all (singles man/woman, cpls) that do not have family here in Wichita.” He added, “Any playing is not expected, but more than welcome.”

According to Freeman’s affidavit, Gutierrez’s online handles include “luv4u269me3” and “wetnwild4u2692.” Additionally, Air Force computer crime analysts determined that Gutierrez “was active on multiple adult web sites used to facilitate meetings between like-minded, swinging couples and singles,” and was “actively seeking sexual partners in the Wichita, KS area…At no time did [he] identify himself as being HIV positive.” In one online profile, Freeman added, Gutierrez reported attending 21 Wichita-area swinger events during the first six months of 2010.

Gutierrez’s online profiles include explicit photographs (as seen above) and details about his sexual exploits and preferences (“Honesty” is a key factor when looking for a sexual partner, he claimed in a profile on eroticsouls.com).

In a June 2007 posting on adultfriendfinder.com, Gutierrez conducted a poll on whether respondents were willing to “play” with partners infected with herpes simplex virus (HSV) or HIV. In a follow-up post, he asked, “Why are people scared of the HIV virus, don’t you wear condoms to protect yourself from HSV?” He added, “The research I have done raises several questions on weather or not HIV is even related to AIDs.”

Records show that investigators searching Gutierrez’s home seized his pornography collection, condoms, and a wide variety of vibrators and sex toys. They also took a “blood chemistry report” addressed to Gutierrez from the University of Kansas School of Medicine, and two manila envelopes containing a total of 146 pages of “HIV related research articles.” (7 pages)




12-28-2010, 05:14 AM
Study puts HIV rate among gay men at 1 in 5

One in five gay men in the United States has HIV, and almost half of those who carry the virus are unaware that they are infected, according to a new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study.
The study tested more than 8,000 men in 21 cities in 2008, making it the most comprehensive such research by the CDC. It found that young, sexually active gay men and those in minority groups are least likely to know their health status, even as infection rates are climbing among men who have sex with men, while the rates of other at-risk groups - heterosexuals and intravenous drug users - are falling.
The findings were released Thursday, ahead of National Gay Men's HIV Awareness Day on Monday.
A CDC official called for a sharper focus on testing. "This study's message is clear: HIV exacts a devastating toll on men who have sex with men in America's major cities, and yet far too many of those who are infected don't know it," said Kevin Fenton, director of the agency's National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD and TB Prevention

Cities in the study include Baltimore, where the prevalence rate among men who have sex with men was highest at 38 percent, and Atlanta, where it was lowest at 6 percent.
In the District, where the general HIV/AIDS prevalence rate is about 4 percent, more than 16,000 adults, one of the highest numbers in the nation, has the virus, according to the city Department of Health. According to the CDC study, the District had a 14 percent prevalence rate among men who have sex with men.
A CDC spokeswoman said the recent study's findings were similar to those of a National Health Behavioral Study conducted between June 2004 and April 2005, when one in four gay men tested positive for the virus. But the percentage of minorities who tested positive changed dramatically in the three years since the previous study.
Back then, 46 percent of gay black men tested positive in the smaller study, compared with 40 percent in the larger 2008 study. Black gay men outpaced white and Hispanic men in both studies.
In the earlier study, Hispanics represented 18 percent of the infected compared with 23 percent in the most recent study. White men comprised 21 percent of the infected in 2004-05 and 20 percent in the more recent study.



12-28-2010, 05:14 AM
"Those infected are almost all white, male, gay and young," the article continued

The AIDS crisis that ravaged the gay community in cities like New York and San Francisco may be less visible, but it is still raging, health experts earn--and a new wave of HIV infections may be about to crest.

For some time, researchers have noted that despite efforts to promote safer sex, HIV rates are climbing among young gay men. So are rates for other sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis; unfortunately, individuals already infected with one STI may be at an elevated risk for contracting others, including HIV.

While some of the blame may rest with younger gays not having access to safer sex messages, a perception among young MSMs (men who have sex with men) that AIDS is no longer a serious health concern may also be driving the increased incidence in HIV. Most serious of all, however, is a tendency toward unsafe sex and other risky behaviors, such as drug use, which affect judgment and may lead to more unsafe sex-and a higher rate of HIV infection.

And the trend is not confined to the United States: researchers in the U.K. and Europe have also noted the increase, reported British newspaper The Guardian (http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2010/sep/07/young-gay-men-hiv-epidemic) on Sept. 7. "By investigating the genetic profile of the virus in more than 500 newly screened patients over nine years, scientists in Belgium have identified clusters of people with type B virus--not the one that is most prevalent in Africa," The Guardian reported. "Those infected are almost all white, male, gay and young," the article continued.

The researchers noted that, "Members of this cluster are significantly younger than the rest of the population and have more chlamydia and syphilis infections," the article said.

That is not to say that heterosexuals do not also face the risk of contracting HIV; overall, just under half of the new cases of HIV in Britain were gay men, but straights were also getting infected. One main difference was that while gays seemed to be getting infected without traveling to other countries, heterosexuals--who were picking up a different strain of the virus--seemed to be contracting the virus while abroad, the article said.

"Gay men are still the most at risk of HIV infection in the UK," said Nick Partridge, the head of British AIDS charity the Terrence Higgins Trust. "We also know that more than a quarter of people with HIV in the UK are currently undiagnosed, and they’re far more likely to pass the virus on than those who know they have it."

The Belgian study, which looked at HIV trends in Britain and Europe, was carried out by researchers at Ghent University. But health experts in the United States also cautioned that HIV remains a serious health threat here.

In a Sept. 3 release from New York-based Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC), Dr. Marjorie Hill, the group’s CEO, warned, "A new wave of HIV infections is about to hit New York and we had all better get ready for it," and went on to echo that one major concern is the number of people living with HIV who have not gotten tested, and so don’t know that they have it.

However, Dr. Hill continued, a new state law requiring routine HIV testing is likely to lead to a sharp uptick in reported new cases. "Previously, patients were required to sign a separate written consent form in order to get tested for HIV," explained Dr. Hill. "Now, if you agree to a quick swab test, you will only have to give oral consent.

"When undergoing routine medical procedures or check-ups, you will be offered a standard HIV blood test to sign off on along with the battery of tests that most patients receive. Once you give your consent, it stays in effect for all your future blood tests," Hill added, going on to cite the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as projecting an estimate that says "100,000 people in New York City alone are currently living with HIV infection, but more than 25,000 of them do not know it."

Added Hill, "Most of these unknowing carriers of HIV feel and look healthy and are, in most respects. But they are missing out on treatments that could prevent them from progressing to AIDS. Plus, they are in danger of transmitting the virus to others, continuing to fuel the epidemic."

One crucial benefit of testing is that the sooner HIV+ individuals know their status, the sooner they can begin taking medication to keep the virus in check. Though there is no cure for HIV, modern treatment regimens can help many HIV+ people keep their viral loads down to undetectable levels, meaning that they have a better chance at a normal life span. But early treatment is the key, a Chicago specialist in HIV/AIDS, Dr. James Sullivan (http://www.edgeboston.com/index.php?ch=news&sc=&sc2=&sc3=&id=109750), said recently.


12-28-2010, 05:43 AM
This is what the CDC stat sheet says about African / Americans Natina:

African Americans: Among racial/ethnic groups, African Americans face the most severe burden of HIV and AIDS in the nation.

While blacks represent approximately 12% of the U.S. population, they account for almost half (46%) of people living with HIV in the US, as well as nearly half (45%) of new infections each year. HIV infections among blacks overall have been roughly stable since the early 1990s.
At some point in their life, approximately one in 16 black men will be diagnosed with HIV, as will one in 30 black women.
The rate of new HIV infections for black men is about six times as high as that of white men, nearly three times that of Hispanic/Latino men, and more than twice that of black women.
The HIV incidence rate for black women is nearly 15 times as high as that of white women, and nearly four times that of Hispanic/Latino women.


12-28-2010, 06:07 AM
And the trend is not confined to the United States: researchers in the U.K. and Europe have also noted the increase, reported British newspaper The Guardian (http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2010/sep/07/young-gay-men-hiv-epidemic) on Sept. 7. "By investigating the genetic profile of the virus in more than 500 newly screened patients over nine years, scientists in Belgium have identified clusters of people with type B virus--not the one that is most prevalent in Africa," The Guardian reported. "Those infected are almost all white, male, gay and young," the article continued.

The researchers noted that, "Members of this cluster are significantly younger than the rest of the population and have more chlamydia and syphilis infections," the article said.

"Those infected are almost all white, male, gay and young," the article continued

The AIDS crisis that ravaged the gay community in cities like New York and San Francisco may be less visible, but it is still raging, health experts earn--and a new wave of HIV infections may be about to crest.

For some time, researchers have noted that despite efforts to promote safer sex, HIV rates are climbing among young gay men. So are rates for other sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis; unfortunately, individuals already infected with one STI may be at an elevated risk for contracting others, including HIV.

While some of the blame may rest with younger gays not having access to safer sex messages, a perception among young MSMs (men who have sex with men) that AIDS is no longer a serious health concern may also be driving the increased incidence in HIV. Most serious of all, however, is a tendency toward unsafe sex and other risky behaviors, such as drug use, which affect judgment and may lead to more unsafe sex-and a higher rate of HIV infection.

And the trend is not confined to the United States: researchers in the U.K. and Europe have also noted the increase, reported British newspaper The Guardian (http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2010/sep/07/young-gay-men-hiv-epidemic) on Sept. 7. "By investigating the genetic profile of the virus in more than 500 newly screened patients over nine years, scientists in Belgium have identified clusters of people with type B virus--not the one that is most prevalent in Africa," The Guardian reported. "Those infected are almost all white, male, gay and young," the article continued.

The researchers noted that, "Members of this cluster are significantly younger than the rest of the population and have more chlamydia and syphilis infections," the article said.

That is not to say that heterosexuals do not also face the risk of contracting HIV; overall, just under half of the new cases of HIV in Britain were gay men, but straights were also getting infected. One main difference was that while gays seemed to be getting infected without traveling to other countries, heterosexuals--who were picking up a different strain of the virus--seemed to be contracting the virus while abroad, the article said.

"Gay men are still the most at risk of HIV infection in the UK," said Nick Partridge, the head of British AIDS charity the Terrence Higgins Trust. "We also know that more than a quarter of people with HIV in the UK are currently undiagnosed, and they’re far more likely to pass the virus on than those who know they have it."

The Belgian study, which looked at HIV trends in Britain and Europe, was carried out by researchers at Ghent University. But health experts in the United States also cautioned that HIV remains a serious health threat here.

In a Sept. 3 release from New York-based Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC), Dr. Marjorie Hill, the group’s CEO, warned, "A new wave of HIV infections is about to hit New York and we had all better get ready for it," and went on to echo that one major concern is the number of people living with HIV who have not gotten tested, and so don’t know that they have it.

However, Dr. Hill continued, a new state law requiring routine HIV testing is likely to lead to a sharp uptick in reported new cases. "Previously, patients were required to sign a separate written consent form in order to get tested for HIV," explained Dr. Hill. "Now, if you agree to a quick swab test, you will only have to give oral consent.

"When undergoing routine medical procedures or check-ups, you will be offered a standard HIV blood test to sign off on along with the battery of tests that most patients receive. Once you give your consent, it stays in effect for all your future blood tests," Hill added, going on to cite the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as projecting an estimate that says "100,000 people in New York City alone are currently living with HIV infection, but more than 25,000 of them do not know it."

Added Hill, "Most of these unknowing carriers of HIV feel and look healthy and are, in most respects. But they are missing out on treatments that could prevent them from progressing to AIDS. Plus, they are in danger of transmitting the virus to others, continuing to fuel the epidemic."

One crucial benefit of testing is that the sooner HIV+ individuals know their status, the sooner they can begin taking medication to keep the virus in check. Though there is no cure for HIV, modern treatment regimens can help many HIV+ people keep their viral loads down to undetectable levels, meaning that they have a better chance at a normal life span. But early treatment is the key, a Chicago specialist in HIV/AIDS, Dr. James Sullivan (http://www.edgeboston.com/index.php?ch=news&sc=&sc2=&sc3=&id=109750), said recently.

12-28-2010, 06:10 AM
You're using a British newspaper article...and I'm quoting the CDC (which you tried to quote).

12-28-2010, 06:15 AM
SO !



And the trend is not confined to the United States: researchers in the U.K. and Europe have also noted the increase, reported British newspaper The Guardian (http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2010/sep/07/young-gay-men-hiv-epidemic) on Sept. 7. "By investigating the genetic profile of the virus in more than 500 newly screened patients over nine years, scientists in Belgium have identified clusters of people with type B virus--not the one that is most prevalent in Africa," The Guardian reported. "Those infected are almost all white, male, gay and young," the article continued.

The researchers noted that, "Members of this cluster are significantly younger than the rest of the population and have more chlamydia and syphilis infections," the article said.

"Those infected are almost all white, male, gay and young," the article continued

The AIDS crisis that ravaged the gay community in cities like New York and San Francisco may be less visible, but it is still raging, health experts earn--and a new wave of HIV infections may be about to crest.

For some time, researchers have noted that despite efforts to promote safer sex, HIV rates are climbing among young gay men. So are rates for other sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis; unfortunately, individuals already infected with one STI may be at an elevated risk for contracting others, including HIV.

While some of the blame may rest with younger gays not having access to safer sex messages, a perception among young MSMs (men who have sex with men) that AIDS is no longer a serious health concern may also be driving the increased incidence in HIV. Most serious of all, however, is a tendency toward unsafe sex and other risky behaviors, such as drug use, which affect judgment and may lead to more unsafe sex-and a higher rate of HIV infection.

And the trend is not confined to the United States: researchers in the U.K. and Europe have also noted the increase, reported British newspaper The Guardian (http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2010/sep/07/young-gay-men-hiv-epidemic) on Sept. 7. "By investigating the genetic profile of the virus in more than 500 newly screened patients over nine years, scientists in Belgium have identified clusters of people with type B virus--not the one that is most prevalent in Africa," The Guardian reported. "Those infected are almost all white, male, gay and young," the article continued.

The researchers noted that, "Members of this cluster are significantly younger than the rest of the population and have more chlamydia and syphilis infections," the article said.

That is not to say that heterosexuals do not also face the risk of contracting HIV; overall, just under half of the new cases of HIV in Britain were gay men, but straights were also getting infected. One main difference was that while gays seemed to be getting infected without traveling to other countries, heterosexuals--who were picking up a different strain of the virus--seemed to be contracting the virus while abroad, the article said.

"Gay men are still the most at risk of HIV infection in the UK," said Nick Partridge, the head of British AIDS charity the Terrence Higgins Trust. "We also know that more than a quarter of people with HIV in the UK are currently undiagnosed, and they’re far more likely to pass the virus on than those who know they have it."

The Belgian study, which looked at HIV trends in Britain and Europe, was carried out by researchers at Ghent University. But health experts in the United States also cautioned that HIV remains a serious health threat here.

In a Sept. 3 release from New York-based Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC), Dr. Marjorie Hill, the group’s CEO, warned, "A new wave of HIV infections is about to hit New York and we had all better get ready for it," and went on to echo that one major concern is the number of people living with HIV who have not gotten tested, and so don’t know that they have it.

However, Dr. Hill continued, a new state law requiring routine HIV testing is likely to lead to a sharp uptick in reported new cases. "Previously, patients were required to sign a separate written consent form in order to get tested for HIV," explained Dr. Hill. "Now, if you agree to a quick swab test, you will only have to give oral consent.

"When undergoing routine medical procedures or check-ups, you will be offered a standard HIV blood test to sign off on along with the battery of tests that most patients receive. Once you give your consent, it stays in effect for all your future blood tests," Hill added, going on to cite the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as projecting an estimate that says "100,000 people in New York City alone are currently living with HIV infection, but more than 25,000 of them do not know it."

Added Hill, "Most of these unknowing carriers of HIV feel and look healthy and are, in most respects. But they are missing out on treatments that could prevent them from progressing to AIDS. Plus, they are in danger of transmitting the virus to others, continuing to fuel the epidemic."

One crucial benefit of testing is that the sooner HIV+ individuals know their status, the sooner they can begin taking medication to keep the virus in check. Though there is no cure for HIV, modern treatment regimens can help many HIV+ people keep their viral loads down to undetectable levels, meaning that they have a better chance at a normal life span. But early treatment is the key, a Chicago specialist in HIV/AIDS, Dr. James Sullivan (http://www.edgeboston.com/index.php?ch=news&sc=&sc2=&sc3=&id=109750), said recently.

12-28-2010, 06:20 AM
You know ...you don't have to keep re-posting the same article... right ?...people with acute OCD are annoying IRL too, not just on-line.

12-28-2010, 07:40 AM
Young White Males Spreading HIV Through Risky Behavior -- A Personal Testimony


A new study (http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2010/09/07/young-white-gay-men-are-contributing-to-spread-of-hiv-infections-in-europe-says-report/) out of Belgium has found that reckless sexual behavior among young white gay men is contributing the the spread of HIV in the UK and Europe. The study out of Ghent University looked at the genetic makeup of the HIV virus in more than 500 newly-diagnosed HIV-positive patients between 2001 and 2009 and found a majority of the group was young, white, male, and gay.

But why? What is wrong with these young white gay males? As a one myself, I have a few ideas.

For starters, I've been out for almost 10 years and have a considerable number of gay friends across the country, but I don't know a single person who is HIV-positive. It makes the risk seem a lot less real, even reading and reporting on stories like this one every day.

Secondly, those of us born in the '80s and '90s are still young enough to think we're invincible -- I hear about HIV, but surely this will never happen to me, right?

And safe sex isn't sexy. It takes time, ruins the moment, costs money. They don't use condoms in the movies or on TV, and wrapping it up destroys the moment, especially with someone new. Just like young girls who end up pregnant after having unsafe sex, sometimes you like a guy and he doesn't want to use a condom, or he doesn't have one, and you don't have the strength to put it off. Or maybe you want it as bad as he does. It's no excuse, but it's common.

Not to mention we're generally uneducated. Gays who are active in the community have the benefit of constant AIDS walks and posters telling us to be safe and get tested, but what about people who are closeted, on the down low, or just not active in a gay scene?

When I was growing up my school taught abstinence, not safe sex. The first time I saw a condom when I was a teen I got so nervous I wasn't able to perform. That was years ago and now I use one every time, but it was scary because no one had ever taught me what it was, what it meant, or even what it looked like.

I got my first HIV test at my university's student health center. They drew blood and it took four days to get the results. I had to wait all weekend to find out I was negative, and though I knew I was, the general uncertainty was nerve-wracking. I didn't tell any of my friends I'd been tested until after I got the results. The doctor was cold, as if he resented me for testing. It was a horrible experience, and I waited four years until my next test.

I just got an HIV test last week, and I had no idea how fast and easy it was. It wasn't awkward, it didn't hurt because it was the swab, and it took less than an hour for the mini counseling session and the results. It was extremely reassuring. But this time I went to a local AIDS task force that was extremely gay friendly. I didn't know going to my school's health center would be so awful, or that testing could be so easy, and, dare I say it, almost fun.

According to the research, despite increased awareness in Western countries, HIV infections continue to rise yearly, regardless of the slump in recent years. That means my generation will have higher rates of HIV than the community has now, but we don't even know what that means. Yet.

I don't know the answers on how to reach out to young people. I practice safe sex, and I'm on a schedule to get tested often now regardless of my sexual activity, because I want to be aware and I know how easy and painless it is. There are many young white gays out there like me. But there are so many like how I used to be: undereducated, confused, scared, invincible.

People need to talk to each other. Older gay men need to talk to younger gay men about sexual health, and young gay men need to know how easy it is to get tested. Sounds like common sense, but even living an active life in the gay community, so rarely is it discussed in day-to-day conversation.

I'm one of the lucky ones -- I'm healthy and safe, and mature and experienced enough to make smart decisions about sex. But if this trend continues, we'll have another epidemic on our hands. Older gays remember how horrible it was but the younger generation has no concept of it. We need to understand, and we need you to help us.

Tags: AIDS (http://www.queersighted.com/tag/AIDS/) - health (http://www.queersighted.com/tag/health/) - HIV (http://www.queersighted.com/tag/HIV/) - science (http://www.queersighted.com/tag/science/) - young people (http://www.queersighted.com/tag/young+people/)


09-22-2011, 06:07 PM
We just love the look on a face, when we fuck ya silly! lol I have no problems with guys being bottom, its just not 4 me. I think the fact that most black men are bottom have to do with culture, masculinitity and just personal preference..
Power top + 1!

09-22-2011, 07:49 PM
this thread was way before it's time.

09-25-2011, 04:17 PM
this thread was way before it's time.


05-01-2012, 05:36 PM
naw unfortunately blacks do...alot of them get it in prison and other on the dl wit other dudes....

a common myth, HIV is a bigger problem coming into prison then coming out. white males have a higher rate of transmitting hiv to females from bisexuality. black females are the highest total number of cases,that said wear your condoms. or dont have sex.

05-01-2012, 05:43 PM
a common myth, HIV is a bigger problem coming into prison then coming out. white males have a higher rate of transmitting hiv to females from bisexuality. black females are the highest total number of cases,that said wear your condoms. or dont have sex.

Check your stats. Something is off.
Either HIV white men are fucking more BW than any of us realize, or BM have a higher rate of transmitting HIV to BW.

I thought this thread was dead and buried?? Let the deceased rest in peace.:salad

05-01-2012, 11:59 PM
this thread is still the truth

doctor screw
05-02-2012, 02:27 AM
Just read this entire thread,and I'm left w/ a strong urge to bust TS Ruby's trans-pussy walls open.....no offense

05-02-2012, 08:12 AM
i fuck more black men than white

white men say i have an attitude

black men say they like an angry bitch tearing out their walls

05-03-2012, 05:02 PM
Check your stats. Something is off.
Either HIV white men are fucking more BW than any of us realize, or BM have a higher rate of transmitting HIV to BW.

I thought this thread was dead and buried?? Let the deceased rest in peace.:salad

you should check CDC stats,BW sleeping with multiple partners having unprotected sex. and hiv is not a black disease check the stats on whites and Latinos.