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Thread: Church

  1. #41
    5 Star Poster south ov da border's Avatar
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    Default Re: Church

    I'd rather keep my 10% and save it...

    too much french fries, not enough shakes...

  2. #42
    Gold Poster phobun's Avatar
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    Default Re: Church

    Quote Originally Posted by Jericho View Post

    Oh crap...Take me out back and shot me, I've turned into Phobun!

    I just state the obvious facts some guys don't want to admit.

  3. #43
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    Default Re: Church

    Quote Originally Posted by trapmasta View Post
    Anyone here go to church regularly? Any dudes got into a serious relationship and brought the girl?
    In our country, the history of church was such, that it kind of ended real spirituality when the people (sweden) that conquered ours, decided to put christianity in place.. All true spiritual knowledge went underground, and into the northest and farthes place possible, due to truely spiritual beings being both prosecuted and burnt alive.

    edit: this is why I do not see it, as important to have church wedding, or to not to have church wedding. If people are happy and smiling around you, you'll know you are there.. This is also why I do not see myself going to marry myself ever in a christianic church - that is due to the things that have been done in my country, in the name of christianity, and marrying in such a place would be both giving into and accepting spiritual repression (that happened in this part of the world) for me.. But I do accept people who marry in churches out of love, that is all good..

    Last edited by loveburst; 02-18-2011 at 10:25 PM.

  4. #44
    onmyknees Platinum Poster onmyknees's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jackal View Post
    I never said I want to stop anyone from practicing their religion nor have I done so, as a minority, it is my interest to promote the first amendment as well as the principle behind freedom of religion. That said, when the subject comes up, I am not going to be intimidated into nodding my head and pretending that Christianity is not a false religion and that there is zero reason to rationally believe in its claims. It is bullshit along with alchemy, Pazuzu, Ogun, Fortuna, Vishnu, Thor, and all the other fictional deities created by people trying to create a gap for their ignorance of the world(most of which has been solved) and/or social control.

    I've never protested, not even the most vile like the Westboro Church, but I am not going to be gagged by puritans who hate the idea that non-believers exist. I never really bring up the absurdity of religion into conversation but if someone asks my opinion, people like you are not going to intimidate me into silence.

    PS: Thanks for proving your disingenuous "agnostic" claim. never said you wanted to stop anyone from practicing thier faith, ( that of course would make you not only a bigot, but unAmerican) nor did anyone say you were stop being so fucking defensive. You just go on with your anti religion diatribe at nauseam. Try not being so condescending and dismissive of those who choose who to worship and they might listen to your point of view. Guys like you and Bill Maher must be real insecure about your anti religion beliefs. Why else are you so confrontational and pro active and arrogant about the beliefs of others ? You go way past simply saying .." I choose not to believe what you believe." I don't recall anyone condemning you for your choice to believe what it is you believe, but you're overly defensive about it. You seem to need some sort of self affirmation by belittling and condemning those who practice faith or religion. Just read your posts...they're a mix of what you believe, and lots of vile towards folks who choose to believe differently.

  5. #45
    Junior Poster RedDevil81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Helvis2012 View Post
    Spoken like a true novice. Well done, fail.

    If you could point to any real sources that display more than a knee-jerk analysis, you might have a case but that drivel you offer only betrays your actual level of understanding.
    Time to hit the library.......check out Freud and Eliade... they both examine the flaws and construction of organized religion. If you're going to make such sweeping statements, you're going to have to do better than that lame Santa Claus analogy.
    What? I'm saying god isn't real from a factual basis, I don't really know much about freud or his take on organised religion, but seeing how he was a psychiatrist I'm guessing he would have some take on god being a replacement father figure or some such thing. This however does not detract from the point I made, that god; christian,jewish, islamic, ra the sun god, apollo etc are made up beings with no basis in fact. Whether or not some people need to believe in such things as a comfort for the harshness of the real world or to make them feel special and not just a primate who has evolved on a different branch of the evolutionary tree from a chimp does not make them real.
    Therefore I think you will find, I understand just fine thanks.

    I met her in a club where you drink champagne and it tastes just like coca cola....

  6. #46
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    Default Re: Church

    Quote Originally Posted by onmyknees View Post
    Guys like you and Bill Maher must be real insecure about your anti religion beliefs.
    Just - to take part in the conversation, I see it the way, that Bill Maher truly (as painful as this might be to hear for someone, he) has the purest of motives.. to find out what in the earth is going on, on earth, and his documentary "Religulous" is one of the best spiritual products anyone has created in the mainstream so far.

    He shows the unwillingness (of those who say they advocate a religion of willingness to accept people as -many say, and what might be partly also true, and that happened, as- their Jesus Christ did) to accept, other people - outside of what their beliefs are, he showa this christianic attitude of the many in plain light.. in real situations and that is (from a spiritual point of view) beautiful.

    not the least, because of in my country the christianic messians used to beat up people, steal their places of living etc...

    ..and this is not to bash christianity at all, but what Maher does, is that he shows beautifully how a blind faith (believing a set of rules that are said by someone as being set into stone) - might lead into killing people blindly, with eyepads on..

    Simply one of the best masterpieces, regarding spirituality - so far:

    that is simply awesome..

    ..and (this is mainly because of the unspiritual approach of most christians) though he does not realise it at the moment, he is seeking for the truth, and this is one of the steppingstones that definetely will lead him to the real truth regarding spirituality, since he is sincere and he is willing to accept the truth - whatever it is.................

    Last edited by loveburst; 02-19-2011 at 03:55 AM.

  7. #47
    onmyknees Platinum Poster onmyknees's Avatar
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    Default Re: Church

    Quote Originally Posted by loveburst View Post
    Just - to take part in the conversation, I see it the way, that Bill Maher truly (as painful as this might be to hear for someone, he) has the purest of motives.. to find out what in the earth is going on, on earth, and his documentary "Religulous" is one of the best spiritual products anyone has created in the mainstream so far.

    He shows the unwillingness (of those who say they advocate a religion of willingness to accept people as -many say, and what might be partly also true, and that happened, as- their Jesus Christ did) to accept, other people - outside of what their beliefs are, he showa this christianic attitude of the many in plain light.. in real situations and that is (from a spiritual point of view) beautiful.

    not the least, because of in my country the christianic messians used to beat up people, steal their places of living etc...

    ..and this is not to bash christianity at all, but what Maher does, is that he shows beautifully how a blind faith (believing a set of rules that are said by someone as being set into stone) - might lead into killing people blindly, with eyepads on..

    Simply one of the best masterpieces, regarding spirituality - so far:

    that is simply awesome..

    ..and (this is mainly because of the unspiritual approach of most christians) though he does not realise it at the moment, he is seeking for the truth, and this is one of the steppingstones that definetely will lead him to the real truth regarding spirituality, since he is sincere and he is willing to accept the truth - whatever it is.................

    I don't have a problem with your post at all. You present your position in a non condescending manner. Unlike some...I have an open mind. I don't find Bill Maher particularily humorous, or engaging so consequently I did not see his film, but I will check out your clip.

  8. #48
    Rookie Poster f1manoz's Avatar
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    Being an agnostic, I do not attend religious services.

    But I have no problem with those that do. I'm not one of those narrow-minded types that needs to have everyone believe the same thing as myself. Let everyone believe what they want...

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