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  1. #81
    Bald Headed Old Fart Professional Poster BigDF's Avatar
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    Exclamation Re: Ohhh My! My boyfriend would not....

    Quote Originally Posted by DarylWashington View Post
    Why are white guys so cock obsessed?
    Hell, man, I don't know that it's so much a white thing as it is a boy thing. That would be as opposed to a man such as myself. All I know for sure is that a lot of boys out there like to talk about how big their cocks are and how many people they have fucked, usually in a loud, obnoxious voice. Most of the boys are also homophobic and use the word fag a lot. That sound familiar?

    Look bud, I don't know you at all. I can't tell if your whiny posts about racism and fag are meant to be taken seriously or not. Sometimes you sound like a real screwball, but I've seen other things out of you that leads me to believe you are not nearly as shallow as you seem. I was tempted to call you a boy because of the shallow stuff, but I know that is a harsh insult to a black man and I'm not going to do that. I have a lot of respect for black men, but I have little tolerance for boys of any race who want to call other people fags and racists. See you around.


    I want to make you gasp and sigh!

    Live to Love, Love to Live

  2. #82
    Gold Poster phobun's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ohhh My! My boyfriend would not....

    Quote Originally Posted by jamesedwards View Post
    I'm here to stick up for the guys that love Tgirls all of their body parts and Tgirls that love to fuck guys.

    Yeah I bet you stick up for the guys. Straight up!

  3. #83
    Silver Poster jamesedwards's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ohhh My! My boyfriend would not....

    Quote Originally Posted by phobun View Post
    Yeah I bet you stick up for the guys. Straight up!
    I am here to stick up for the guys who love all of a Tgirl and I stickk up for the Tgirls that like to do more than be a bottom. Tgirls that love to top and bottom they need love too. It's no one way to fuck, and Daryl is an asshole if he think there should be his way to fuck a Tgirl. All Tgirls will NOT BE BOTTOMS! So what are you talking about Pho? What's your problem?

  4. #84
    Silver Poster jamesedwards's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ohhh My! My boyfriend would not....

    Quote Originally Posted by BigDF View Post
    Hell, man, I don't know that it's so much a white thing as it is a boy thing. That would be as opposed to a man such as myself. All I know for sure is that a lot of boys out there like to talk about how big their cocks are and how many people they have fucked, usually in a loud, obnoxious voice. Most of the boys are also homophobic and use the word fag a lot. That sound familiar?

    Look bud, I don't know you at all. I can't tell if your whiny posts about racism and fag are meant to be taken seriously or not. Sometimes you sound like a real screwball, but I've seen other things out of you that leads me to believe you are not nearly as shallow as you seem. I was tempted to call you a boy because of the shallow stuff, but I know that is a harsh insult to a black man and I'm not going to do that. I have a lot of respect for black men, but I have little tolerance for boys of any race who want to call other people fags and racists. See you around.

    Well I am African descent or African American I don't use the word black because it's a term for Status in America, when an African comes to America he doesn't call himself Black he goes by his name, his Sovereign State/Country and that's it. But if you're not African Descent BigD that don't matter what you said to Daryl is truth. Truth can come from anyone. Daryl is not working with a full deck. I don't see how anyone can dance for homos but call other men homos/gays because they like to taste their Tgirls cock or get bottomed by a Tgirl? That dude is off his rocker!

  5. #85
    Silver Poster jamesedwards's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ohhh My! My boyfriend would not....

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryz View Post
    Thats probably the only thing you'd want to do. Most likely you would be paying way to much attention to her making her feel more like a guy than a woman. Having her actually having to beg to play the bottom roll. lol..
    Nah nah you're missing the point bruh. At least you're cool about it.

    Remember there are no one set type of Tgirls. I could make Alyssa feel like a woman and still stimulate her cock because I know what I am doing, one can't assume to think they know me or what I know how to work a Tgirl. That's your speculation.

    I live on a sexual chain of balance. There are Tgirls that compliment the exact same wishes they top and bottom. One has to go with what they are compatible to. A bottom Tgirl is not compatible to me so I won't go there, but to call that tgirl names I shouldn't because she has that right to wanna be that way. There are other TGirls that don't like being bottom they have a more aggressive look and love to top ONLY! They love to dominate the man and make him the bitch. That is compatible to me in a certain way but not 100%

    Now there are those Tgirls that like to top and bottom I am 100% compatible with that type and they have the right to be that way. Remember if you read Alyssa's post she wants him to suck her cock, she wants that stimulation, she shouldn't be put through the dam ringer because she want that and that doesn't make her less than a lady. So what you said don't fit because she wants to be stimulated in that area and no i wouldn't concentrate on making her a top, whatever she would like to do I would be open to it.

  6. #86
    Silver Poster jamesedwards's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ohhh My! My boyfriend would not....

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryz View Post
    absolutely hilarious
    Ryz what's so hilarious about my pics and what I said? I mean you said it's hilarious but you didn't give a textual motion on what the fuck is so hilarious. so I ask you WHAT THE FUCK IS SO HILARIOUS?

  7. #87
    Silver Poster jamesedwards's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ohhh My! My boyfriend would not....

    Quote Originally Posted by fred41 View Post
    Damn James many cups of coffee do you drink?

    Fred on the contrary, hence, I don't drink coffee at all I call it mud. lol I am naturally high without any drugs or poisonous drinks. I don't drink liquor of no kind at no time for no celebration and for no one! I don't eat pork, red meat, and garbage they advertise, I drink lots of water, Almond vanilla milk, Cranberry and Ocean Spray Fruit cocktail, those types of things. Fish is my main meat and if I eat chicken it has to be Kosher. See peeps don't know they are dealing with a smart person not some asshole from off the street

    Last edited by jamesedwards; 01-01-2011 at 03:52 PM.

  8. #88
    Bald Headed Old Fart Professional Poster BigDF's Avatar
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    Cool Re: Ohhh My! My boyfriend would not....

    Quote Originally Posted by jamesedwards View Post
    Well I am African descent or African American I don't use the word black because it's a term for Status in America, when an African comes to America he doesn't call himself Black he goes by his name, his Sovereign State/Country and that's it. But if you're not African Descent BigD that don't matter what you said to Daryl is truth. Truth can come from anyone. Daryl is not working with a full deck. I don't see how anyone can dance for homos but call other men homos/gays because they like to taste their Tgirls cock or get bottomed by a Tgirl? That dude is off his rocker!
    James, you're correct in assuming that I am not African descent, my ancestors came from Germany. I think of myself as an American and I've always thought terms that label people because of the color of their skin or their sexuality are stupid and worse, divisive.

    We've run way off topic here and personally I want to get back to the business at hand, which is sucking Alyssa's beautiful cock. If whatsisname wants none of that, fine, just get out of the way. Alyssa, dear, if I could I would, but for now I'm sending you a mental blowjob and all of the good things that go with it.

    I want to make you gasp and sigh!

    Live to Love, Love to Live

  9. #89
    Silver Poster jamesedwards's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ohhh My! My boyfriend would not....

    Quote Originally Posted by BigDF View Post
    Thanks, man, I'm cool now. All this T girl hating shit turned me off and I still don't think much of it, but I'll be damned if I allow that bunch of whiny bitches run me off here. Things were much better after my meds Seems like a lot of folks on here just like to stir shit up for the hell of it. Been there, done that, as they say. As Phobun says, there's a boys club on here and when I thought about it, it ain't no different from any of the other boys' clubs I've been around. I've been retired from the aircraft engine factory since'06 and it's been awhile since I've been exposed to this crap, which is very similar to the one at the factory, just a bunch of big mouth little boys who think manhood is measured by the size of their dick.

    Don't mean nothin'

    Yikes did you say big mouf lil boyz? lol hahaha ctfu Im bout to play a couple of these so called men right outta pocket watch me. See they have no smarts and they don't know shit they just running their moufz off thinking they can fuck with me. I am going to make them look silly, sit back and watch Ima set my whole scene up and watch how I pull these motha fuckas in lol They so smart they are stupid lol These motha fuckas don't even know the definition of the word gay, fucking dancing in front of gay men and got the nerve to call someone gay see this is the stupidity I am talking about. Do you man and have fun. Vanessa said it best that not all Tgirls is the same but some of these dumb motha fuckas think they should be or they are.

  10. #90
    Silver Poster jamesedwards's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ohhh My! My boyfriend would not....

    Quote Originally Posted by BigDF View Post
    James, you're correct in assuming that I am not African descent, my ancestors came from Germany. I think of myself as an American and I've always thought terms that label people because of the color of their skin or their sexuality are stupid and worse, divisive.

    We've run way off topic here and personally I want to get back to the business at hand, which is sucking Alyssa's beautiful cock. If whatsisname wants none of that, fine, just get out of the way. Alyssa, dear, if I could I would, but for now I'm sending you a mental blowjob and all of the good things that go with it.
    Oh shit Bigd how you just going to jump the line and suck on Alyssa's cock, I'm first lol hahahah lol

    Alyssa has every right to want her cock stimulated. I mean she has a cock, cocks love stimulation. some Tgirl on here tried to argue with me about she only gets dick not give it, but as i kept talking and breaking shit down she fucked up and made the mistake and said "I LOVE MY COCK STIMULATED" lol I told her she fucked up I said "YOU KNOW YOU FUCKED UP RIGHT, YOU KNOW YOU FUCKED UP, YOU FUCKED UP RIGHT?" lol After than she shut her fucking trap! Cocks love to be stimulated and to assume a Tgirl is not a lady because she has a guy sucking her cock and she fucks a guy in his ass is the most dumbest shit on earth I have heard.

    Here is a WOMAN FUCKING A MAN! Does that make her not a woman?

    Here's another woman with a strapon getting turned on with a man sucking her cock is she less than a woman cause she does this? Look at the sexual lust in her eyes and the enjoyment she is receiving from him doing that.

    Now if Daryl think topping Tgirls don't exist and they don't like what they do, a picture is worth a thousand words! She all in that ass, if she didn't like it she wouldn't do it!

    Another pic she looks like she enjoying her cock being sucked to me! It doesn't look like she is telling him to stop no time soon! lol

    Dudes like Daryl need to stop thinking Tgirls are just one fucking way, and fuck one way! If that was the case all I would have to say BORING! Just like everyone is different even twins!

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