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  1. #11
    Party Goddess Platinum Poster AllanahStarrNYC's Avatar
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    While I respect your opinions-

    I disagree with Duesberg being not reliable on HIV/AIDS
    Duesberg is a brilliant scientist and him and Robert Gallo
    who STOLE the hiv=aids hypotheses from Luc Montagier were
    close until they split about their opinions about HIV

    Duesberg raises many unanswered questions about the virus
    and while Montagier has SUBSTANTIALLY changed his views with research about HIV/AIDS- Gallo remains entrenched with the same views
    refusing to acknowledge substantial research changes Montagier has made- hmm too much drug copany money maybe for Gallo?

    I am not here to agree with either- I am here to raise questions and bring different view points. The fact is that there are MANY unsanwered questions about HIV and even though the media and many docots would like to make you believe we know so much we really don't-

    HIV is a mystery because it is a retro virus yet it does not act like any retro virus known-its is a paradox-

    Hiv is supposed to kill tcells in the body- yet even Gallo admiited that in clinicl trials if you put healthy TCells in a petri dish and HIV over t hem- the TCells in the petri dish remain unharmed.

    Why? We just do not know.

    Being in the sex business I educate myself as much as I can about all STD's. I can't live by assumption and I open myself to all ideas and facts.
    Not just media propoganda and politics.

  2. #12
    Senior Member Junior Poster
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    Default Retro virus Sschmetro virus

    whatever your stance on the HIV/AIDS link fence you stand. The fact remains that if you have HIV there is a higher chance of contracting/developing AIDS.

    I was a biochemist for two years and i have seen lots of things in a petri dish, that while in the body there is no dynamic reaction in front of you.

    This link is unequivocal, as western africa has the highest proportion of HIV and AIDS sufferers, and the few who appear resistant to it seem resistant to both.

    I fully agree with Alannah on the role of the drug companies in eradicating this vile disease. Anybody who derives a living from peoples suffering without donating money to eradicate the disease, should be fucked a burned plain and simple

    Theories remain about about why Tcells aren't attacked by the HIV virus, my personal opinion is that retro viruses, because of their complex make up, cannot manoeuvre there way around in the dish. Another theory could also be that the Tcells are destroyed by a process and not directly from the virus.[/code]

    Always a pleasure never a chore

  3. #13
    A Very Grooby Guy Platinum Poster GroobySteven's Avatar
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    It's likely that researcher got his facts from Brazilian porn where I know a high amount of the transsexuals are HIV+. As something like 90% of TS porn comes from Brazil, he's taken some license in attributing it to all TS's. I wouldn't take anything FHM says as gospel anyway, you might as well be reading Viz!
    I'm one of the people who advocate condoms in videos. I've had lengthy discussions with other people in the industry who claim that because hetero videos don't use condoms, that TS productions should follow suit. It seems more like they're unhappy at not having the same rights as hetero videos rather than what I feel, should be the norm over all videos - covered sex.
    I don't believe the testing is good enough (there is nothing to stop someone having un-protected sex in-between testing and performing), I don't believe in the honesty of people and I believe that as an industry we should set an example to people to show that vaginal and anal sex with condoms is normal. Not only for HIV but for other STD's. It might lower the eroticness of some releases but if it is stopping people endangering themselves and each other then it's a good thing and is unlikely to lower the profits of the industry all that much.
    That "idiot" claiming that it's only a matter of time before you catch something has a point, even if it's a million : one chance, somebody has to hit the unlucky million.


  4. #14
    Silver Poster partlycloudy's Avatar
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  5. #15
    5 Star Poster Bigguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by steeveX
    second: every sexually active person can catch the bug if there is blood, semen, vaginal fluids involved.
    There is a small population of people that virtually imune to AIDS.,1286,66198,00.html

    Genetic resistance to AIDS works in different ways and appears in different ethnic groups. The most powerful form of resistance, caused by a genetic defect, is limited to people with European or Central Asian heritage. An estimated 1 percent of people descended from Northern Europeans are virtually immune to AIDS infection, with Swedes the most likely to be protected.
    It would be nice if you were in that 1% and knew it, it would be a lot less to worry about. But still you would have to worry about all the other stuff out there.

  6. #16
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    miraculously and thankfully that is true for every disease it seems. a small number of people survive any exposure to viruses/bacteria/germs etc. -that goes with any plague. nevertheless chances are skyhigh you are among the 99 percent that are not immune

  7. #17
    Party Goddess Platinum Poster AllanahStarrNYC's Avatar
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    I think it is also important to remember that HIV is the PROBABLE cause of AIDS-
    There is no proof that if you have HIV you WILL DEFINATELY develop AIDS.

    That is the missing link in the HIV=AIDS hypothesis...
    and it is my personal opinion that most people in AFRICA are dying from poor nutrition, hygene, and unclean water.

    AND don't think the FDA and drug companies are on your side-

    It is well known that the FDA marred the first AZT trials and falsified documents to put the drug out ASAP. AZT was orginnally used in the 60's to treat cancer and prove inffective. The irony is that AZT itself kills the immune system, kills the bone marrow, and causes lukemia. AZT was given in such high doses that leading toxicologist now believe that alot of the early AIDS deaths were not from AIDS but from a syndrome called chemical AIDS caused by large amounts of AZT.

    AIDS was first believed and is still believed by some doctors and scientist as a behavioral deisease. There are people who have died of the combination of systems associated with AIDS who have not been HIV positive.

    Lets understand this. NO ONE DIES FROM AIDS-You die from the combination of the symtoms. This is where I find fault and issue with the medical community. There is no GENERAL world wide concensus of when exactly a person develops AIDS. For instance, the definition of the TCEll count for AIDS in the USA is much different than in Canada.
    Here is another issue-
    If you have diareah alone you just have diareah-
    If you have diareah and are HIV positive a doctor might say you have AIDS

    and that goes for the 26 "suggested" AIDS related complications that "normal" people who do not have HIV develop all the time.

  8. #18
    Senior Member Junior Poster
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    Default so be it

    A lot of people in africa are dying of famine, but not most. This is certainly the case in eastern africa which is extremely arid. However, the western africa is plagued by war and the use of rape as a means of controlling the female population (the men having been executed) is a catalyst for the the epidemic of the AIDS virus. The other major factor being the Catholic church which uses the futility of many of the indiginous populations faith in God to press the point: DO NOT USE CONTRACEPTION. I'm pretty sure when this rule was derived from the good book, they did not count on a killer retro virus being rife.

    In the north, which is predominantly Muslim, there is poverty but not famine.

    The south has a problem with ethnic cleansing, both white and black.

    However, the main threat to ALL people in the dark continent is HIV and AIDS.

    Always a pleasure never a chore

  9. #19
    Junior Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by ABSOLUTE SHADE
    The girls know which girls have HIV...but the client's don't.


    ...Someday, we'll look back on this, laugh nervously, and change the subject...

  10. #20
    5 Star Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllanahStarrNYC
    Folks this is all based on assumption. Life is based on assumption. Medicine is based on assumption.

    Someone should write FHM and ask this magazine where this gentleman got his research from-or has he persoanlly gathered current HIV test from ALLL transsexuals to make this statement which has no basis and is an irresponsible remark.

    Like it or NOT, HIV AIDS is and will always remain a political and disease used to discriminate, insult, and scare people.

    The sad fact is that most people get their source of HIV information from the news and do VERY little research to educate themselves on actual facts, current studies, and statistic.

    Everyone is so terrified of AIDS yet everyone keeps on having sex.
    Everyone is so terrified of AIDS yet very few people do little research on ACTUAL studies, fact findings, and on opposing views of doctors and scientist who DO NOT believe that HIV causes AIDS.

    It's time that we stopped making some simplisctic assumptions, protect ourselves with knowledge, and realize that no medicine is ABSOLUTE.

    For 20 years doctos prescribed estrogen to women to prevent breast cancer then it was realized that estrogens highly increase the risks of breast cancer. I state this because scine makes mistakes- science is based on theories and hypothesis- trial and error. NO MEDICINE IS ABSOLUTE.

    In my business I have met many highly respected researchers and doctors who have given me their different opinions on HIV, which proves to me that there are really no definate answers.

    WE are all at risk for STDS so use condoms!!!!!

    And by the way here are some websites that open some questions up for HIV

    one is Nobel Prize Winner for Chemistry- Dr. Peter Duesberg who was the first man to islolate the cancer gene

    He DOESNT believe HIV causes AIDS

    also check out
    for the same theories

    and of course

    for a more conventional view of the hypothesis

    So read up and YOU make your own decsions. Your Body, your life.

    It would certainly appear that this particular opinion is sadly changing.

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