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  1. #111
    Junior Poster
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    Default Re: Tyga Fucked Mia Isabella?

    Just as many White dudes love T-Girls as Black dudes. I guarantee most T-Girl escorts (even the top-tier Black t-girls or very endowed ones) have more White clients than anyone. I guarantee most of the members of websites like hungangels etc are White dudes too. The times I went to Allanah Starr's and Sunny's events in NYC years back, I'd say the rooms were 70% White dudes and the rest were Black, Latino and Asian.

    Black dudes get stuck with the DL stereotype, when you have just as many White and Hispanic dudes creeping. White dudes just have better PR and run the media and Hispanic men aren't in the crosshairs of White supremacy like brothas are. My mother visits a gym near Washington Heights and she tells me about all the DL Dominican dudes who work out there. They're touching all over each other and cursing at each other in Spanish, when they girlfriends aren't around. Yes, these dudes have come into the gym with their chick and act all mannish, when she's there. Complete 180! Yet, there's always this "Black men on DL" propaganda in the media and online.

    1 out of 1 members liked this post.
    Last edited by rodinuk; 06-30-2017 at 05:44 PM.

  2. #112
    stud studson Rookie Poster
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    Default Re: Tyga Fucked Mia Isabella?

    I think there maybe more of this kind of thing going on than we think. I'm still in the closet in regards to my friends and family unaware of my preference to being attracted to attractive Transsexuals (I am also attracted to GGs as well but I prefer TS if I'm honest). I think the Internet opened the world up to the existence of the attractive transsexual. I thought I was completely straight growing up as I had not been exposed to anything other than seeing the occasional awful cross dresser on TV. It wasn't until I got the Internet and wandered across some TS porn that I discovered my attraction. Through the net I've got to know quite a few attractive girls who have cashed in on their looks by becoming escorts and starring in TS porn. Most have disclosed to me that they have high profile clients. luckily for those clients the girls in question are great at keeping confidentiality. However I was informed once by a well known UK TS that she had a regular client who is very well known.

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    Last edited by rodinuk; 07-26-2015 at 04:26 PM. Reason: legal implications

  3. #113
    Senior Member Platinum Poster giovanni_hotel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tyga Fucked Mia Isabella?

    Quote Originally Posted by beatmaker View Post
    That's bullshit!!! Part of the reason disco music was given a bad rap by Middle America (aka the White heartland) was because it was associated with Blacks and gays. This was before my time, but I remember someone discussing this. That's why they were steamrolling disco records in Chicago's Comiskey Park on 1979. There a video on Youtube called "Disco Demolition Night" showing this. Blacks got blamed for Prop 8 failing in California about 8 years ago. Nevermind, almost 60% of Whites in California didn't support it and make up a larger part of California's population. Gay blacks at Prop 8 rallies, after it failed were subject to racist comments from gay Whites. How ironic, but doesn't suprise me. I heard of similar incident from left wing White feminist, mad after Barack Obama defeated Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primaries of 2007-2008. Nevermind, he's done way more for women and gays, than Blacks by a long shot after the fact.

    Sure, you have places like Jamaica and parts of Africa that are homophobic, but not much more than these small Southern and Midwestern towns. When these Tea Party types talk about President Obama trying to force his "way of life" on them, they're talking about accepting gay marriage primarily. See in America, people in the large cities become representative of the larger groups. So, Whites are seen as the educated, successful, normally liberal types you see on TV shows and Blacks associated with urban crime and Latinos kinda fall in between, especially the one's who almost look White (i.e Cameron Diaz). It's funny if I was on here saying Whites were more prejudiced than Whites, I'd be met with all kinds of resistance and name calling, in spite of lots of historically evidence to the contrary. Yet, this Blacks are the homophobic ones keeps getting put out there. I'm starting to think this is why a gay agenda is clearly being directed at Blacks, especially Black men. I live in NYC and we are WAY over represented in media dealing with gay males, way more than White, Latino or Asian men. I see ads with gay Black men, in these yuppy residential areas where no Black people even live. My barber is from Jamaica and he's telling me that type of aggressive messaging is making its way down there. Kinda like feminism being pushed in the Middle East. There's always this MK Ultra shit poppin off in America. They socialize people thru media on who to love and who to hate. Good guy vs bad guy shit, under the guise of reporting the news. A movie that gives you a good view of how these newsrooms work is "Nightcrawler" starring Jake Gyllenhal. Its a quirky movie, but they kept it real. I always say the truth will come out, it just comes out on those people's terms. Any of us, who have girlfriends or are married, can recall some stupid, emotional argument, they had with their chick and she just stood her ground to be difficult and deny you the victory. Then when shyt dies down, she's like "You were right, I was just caught up in my emotions".
    LOL. I'm Black and there's no more homophobic place than a Black church on Sundays or brothas watching the game afterwards.

    It's not a theory or opinion. It's fact.
    If you start telling your boyz you are into TGs, most will find reasons not you have you around anymore because to them you're now gay.

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  4. #114
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    Default Re: Tyga Fucked Mia Isabella?

    Mia was probably pounding the crap out of Tyga lol!!!

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  5. #115
    Professional Poster lifeisfiction's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tyga Fucked Mia Isabella?

    You know you got yourself in a bad mess when the International Business Times is covering your problems. It looks like Mia is going to use scorch earth tactics. Bring up all the nasty things Tyga is into and enjoys. Here is the link

    I have no clue what she is after. I mean fame, fortune, attention. What do you gain, its not like Tyga is some A-list celebrity. I am just curious about her end game.

    Last edited by lifeisfiction; 08-07-2015 at 08:00 PM.

  6. #116
    Senior Member Gold Poster holzz's Avatar
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    Default tyga/mia

    how come this has died down? it was pretty big about a year ago.

    i hope Mia has her head screwed on, but then i think she does since she knows Tyga could sue her. then as a trans woman, she may know it's difficult to handle that, and it would end both her adult and fashion careers.

    but then how come Tyga hasn't sued yet? he's had time. maybe the entire thing is true.

    but seeing tyga....below, seems like he and Mia if the story is true were good bedfellows in that department lol.

  7. #117
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    Default Re: tyga/mia

    Tyga's career was damn near dead by that point. The only reason he was relevant last year and the year nene is because he's dating the Kardashian that was underage when they met. Nobody, even hip hop fans, don't care about Tyga. Nobody is checking for his music anymore and is generally seen as a joke in the community. His career is dead. I'm guessing Mia realized this as well and knew her and wouldn't get a career in the mainstream. Tyga is lucky though. Chingy lost a record desk years ago because of a TS rumor. The girl ended up admitting that she lied about it.

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    Last edited by SanDiegoPervySage; 06-30-2017 at 01:58 AM.

  8. #118
    Senior Member Gold Poster holzz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tyga Fucked Mia Isabella?

    Quote Originally Posted by beatmaker View Post
    Just as many White dudes love T-Girls as Black dudes. I guarantee most T-Girl escorts (even the top-tier Black t-girls or very endowed ones) have more White clients than anyone. I guarantee most of the members of websites like hungangels etc are White dudes too. The times I went to Allanah Starr's and Sunny's events in NYC years back, I'd say the rooms were 70% White dudes and the rest were Black, Latino and Asian.

    Black dudes get stuck with the DL stereotype, when you have just as many White and Hispanic dudes creeping. White dudes just have better PR and run the media and Hispanic men aren't in the crosshairs of White supremacy like brothas are. My mother visits a gym near Washington Heights and she tells me about all the DL Dominican dudes who work out there. They're touching all over each other and cursing at each other in Spanish, when they girlfriends aren't around. Yes, these dudes have come into the gym with their chick and act all mannish, when she's there. Complete 180! Yet, there's always this "Black men on DL" propaganda in the media and online.
    i think there are just as many white guys on the downlow. i don't agree that white people in the USA are more liberal/progressive. on AVERAGE, maybe. but plenty of white bible thumpers, especially in the south/midwest areas. Like 70% according to surveys of Americans believe in God, and most people in the USA are white, so a lot of white people are religious/conservative. MOST people even celebs would be on the downlow, irrespective of race. it's fine for people to be gay largely, but not into trans. i guess that will change soon.

    Last edited by rodinuk; 06-30-2017 at 05:44 PM.

  9. #119
    Senior Member Gold Poster holzz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tyga Fucked Mia Isabella?

    Quote Originally Posted by lifeisfiction View Post
    You know you got yourself in a bad mess when the International Business Times is covering your problems. It looks like Mia is going to use scorch earth tactics. Bring up all the nasty things Tyga is into and enjoys. Here is the link

    I have no clue what she is after. I mean fame, fortune, attention. What do you gain, its not like Tyga is some A-list celebrity. I am just curious about her end game.
    I believed her. I still do. Just I don't want to see her get fucked up and fuck her career/life up, since trans women still have it hard. Tyga could sue her ass off, and she must know that.

  10. #120
    Cool Veteran Poster CoolAwesomeBXDude's Avatar
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    Bronx baby oooooo snap

    Default Re: tyga/mia

    Quote Originally Posted by SanDiegoPervySage View Post
    Tyga's career was damn near dead by that point. The only reason he was relevant last year and the year nene is because he's dating the Kardashian that was underage when they met. Nobody, even hip hop fans, don't care about Tyga. Nobody is checking for his music anymore and is generally seen as a joke in the community. His career is dead. I'm guessing Mia realized this as well and knew her and wouldn't get a career in the mainstream. Tyga is lucky though. Chingy lost a record desk years ago because of a TS rumor. The girl ended up admitting that she lied about it.
    this is the truth. couldnt have been said any better

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