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  1. #161
    Professional Poster TempestTS's Avatar
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    On July 16th 2011 ‪#‎SFPD‬ gave chase in an alleged $2 fare evasion which ended in the shooting death of Kenneth Harding Jr. Police claim that Kenny shot himself in the neck, from behind his back while running full speed and then threw the gun over a fence or possibly onto a roof where it was never located. The officer involved in the shooting, Richard Hastings was never charged. Two years later Hastings was arrested for child molestation. - from Bay Area Intifada
    "The officers did not provide any medical treatment or care to Harding and instead left him writhing on the ground with blood gushing out of his neck," the lawsuit alleges.

    Read about Lawsuit:
    Read About Child Molester Cop:

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  2. #162

    Default Re: Fuck the Police State

    Police chief sued for denying gay man CPRCHARLESTON, W. Va. (AP) — A small-town police chief was accused in a federal lawsuit Thursday of stopping a would-be rescuer from performing CPR on a gay heart attack victim because he assumed the ailing man had HIV and posed a health risk.
    Claude Green's mother, Helen, is comforted by daughter Anita Tickle during an American Civil Liberties Union press conference in Charleston, W. Va. By Jeff Gentner, AP Claude Green, 43, died June 21 after being stricken yards from City Hall in Welch, a community of about 2,400.
    The American Civil Liberties Union sued on behalf of his mother.
    Police Chief Bobby Bowman called the allegations "a boldface lie." He said that he called an ambulance and that Green was taken to the hospital in "no more than nine minutes."
    "No one refused him CPR as his sister and mom are saying. They can do what they want, but if they're saying I refused him CPR, that is no way true," Bowman said.
    APGreen The lawsuit accuses Bowman of pulling off Green's friend Billy Snead as Snead was performing chest compressions on the man. Snead was a passenger in Green's pickup when Green collapsed; Snead had managed to pull over the vehicle.
    Snead said in an interview that he didn't realize at first it was Bowman giving the order and continued working on his friend. Bowman repeated his command to get away, saying that Green was HIV positive, then grabbed Snead by the shoulders and told him to sit on the curb, Snead said.
    "He was a police officer so I got out the way. I assumed he would help. I didn't want to be a hindrance," Snead said. "He also told the ambulance drivers that he was HIV positive and to be careful."
    Green was pronounced dead at the hospital after about 30 minutes of attempts to revive him.
    Rose Saxe, a lawyer with the ACLU's AIDS Project, said Bowman's alleged actions contributed to Green's death and violated the Americans with Disabilities Act, equal protection laws and due process rights.
    Saxe said Green's death was "tragically senseless" because he did not have the AIDS virus, but added that he should have received lifesaving care even if he was HIV-positive.
    "He was simply a gay man in Welch, West Virginia. And because of that we can only assume that Chief Bowman assumed he had HIV and it was unsafe to even touch him," Saxe said.
    When asked if he knew if Green was gay, Bowman would not answer and referred questions to McDowell County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Danny Barie, who also represents the City of Welch.
    Barie said Thursday he had received a copy of the complaint but could not comment because he had not reviewed it or discussed it with Bowman.
    Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

  3. #163
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    CHP Beating Caught on Video: Civil Rights Lawsuit Filed by Marlene Pinnock

    A woman seen on cellphone video being repeatedly punched by a CHP officer on the side of a Los Angeles freeway has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit over the beating, her lawyer announced Thursday.

    Video shot July 1, 2014, by a motorist showed a CHP officer throw a woman to the ground, straddle her body and repeatedly punch her. (Credit: David Diaz)

    Marlene Pinnock, a 51-year-old homeless woman, was detained July 1 on the side of the 10 Freeway near La Brea Avenue in a violent arrest caught on cellphone camera by a passing motorist. Video of the incident quickly went viral.
    CHP officers were responding to a report of a woman walking into lanes on the freeway at the time of the incident, authorities have said.
    The lawsuit, filed Thursday, alleges civil rights violations and use of excessive force on the part of the California Highway Patrol officer, who has not been identified.
    In the video, the officer could be seen grabbing Pinnock from behind, throwing her to the ground, straddling her and then repeatedly punching her in the face and upper body.
    Pinnock alleges in the lawsuit that she “feared for her life and that the viciousness in which she was beaten could have resulted in her death.”

    Marlene Pinnock is seen in a 2009 family photo that was provided by her attorney.

    The lawsuit also alleges that CHP misused a felony search warrant to obtain a “statement” from Pinnock when the agency subpoenaed her medical records from Los Angeles County+USC Medical Center. A hospital spokeswoman on Thursday morning confirmed the records had been turned over to CHP.

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  4. #164
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    And people still dont believe we are becoming a police state

    read the whole thing at

    You don’t need to be a terrorist to get on no-fly list, US manual says

    Guidelines say "concrete facts" are "not necessary" for terrorism watchlisting.

    Watchlisting Guidance memo
    Federal agencies have nominated more than 1.5 million names to terrorist watchlists over the past five years alone, yet being a terrorist isn't a condition of getting on a roster that is virtually impossible to be removed from, according to a leaked US "Watchlisting Guidance" manual.
    The 166-page document, marked as "sensitive security information" and published by The Intercept, comes amid increasing skepticism over how people are placed on or get off of US terrorism databases like the no-fly list that bars flying to and within the United States.
    Further Reading

    No-fly list removal process unconstitutional, judge rules

    Judge says there's no "meaningful mechanism" to dispute placement on watch list.

    Attorney General Eric Holder, for example, had claimed last year that national security would be imperiled if the public knew that a Stanford University graduate student was placed on the no-fly list because an FBI agent checked the wrong box on a nomination form. And just last month, a federal judge ruled that the government's method for allowing the public to challenge placement on the no-fly list was "wholly ineffective" and unconstitutional. The leaked manual says there are a dozen-plus US agencies that have nominating power for the several watchlists the government maintains. But the guidance given to the agencies is vague and confusing, and it says that "concrete facts" about whether somebody is a danger "are not necessary." All nominations to the National Counterterrorism Center are considered "valid" unless that agency has evidence to the contrary. Of the nearly 470,000 nominations last year, the agency rejected 4,915.
    The manual makes clear that "reasonable suspicion" for placement is necessary. But what that means is anybody's guess. The manual says:
    To meet the REASONABLE SUSPICION standard, the NOMINATOR, based on the totality of the circumstances, must rely upon articulable intelligence or information which, taken together with rational inferences from those facts, reasonably warrants a determination that an individual is known or suspected to be or has been knowingly engaged in conduct constituting, in preparation for, in aid of, or related to TERRORISM and/or TERRORIST ACTIVITIES.
    From The document—which urges officials to take into account what somebody says on social media like Twitter and Facebook

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  5. #165
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    Default Re: Fuck the Police State

    More on this

    Quote Originally Posted by TempestTS View Post

    CHP Beating Caught on Video: Civil Rights Lawsuit Filed by Marlene Pinnock

    A woman seen on cellphone video being repeatedly punched by a CHP officer on the side of a Los Angeles freeway has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit over the beating, her lawyer announced Thursday.

    Video shot July 1, 2014, by a motorist showed a CHP officer throw a woman to the ground, straddle her body and repeatedly punch her. (Credit: David Diaz)
    Note 3 WEEKS later they still wont release the name of the officer involved - if your arrested they release your name to the media immediately -

    Double standard Absolutely!
    Police State - Possibly - at very least there is an entire department who seems to be above the law and obviously the Checks and Balances system isnt working out as well as some people think...

    ----From the Free Thought Project

    Marlene Pinnock was savagely beaten earlier this month by a California Highway Patrolman. Blow after blow the woman’s head was seen bouncing off the concrete in the horrific video captured by bystander David Diaz.
    The CHP claims their officer was simply trying to stop Pinnock from walking into traffic. Well, the officer was definitely successful at his task.

    Now three weeks later, the officer’s name has still not been released, no police report has been released, and all the CHP Commissioner has said is that they are investigating the incident.
    Attorney’s for Pinnock are seeking civil damages as well as calling for the FBI to investigate and seek attempted murder charges against the officer.
    While the CHP is seemingly spinning their wheels, activist Rickey Munday has launched his own “investigation.”
    Mr. Munday just so happened to run into 3 CHP officers at a local restaurant yesterday and began to ask them questions about the beating.
    “What is your speak on one of your co-workers beating up a woman on the side of the freeway the other day?” he asks. “Is that what y’all do for a living? Beat up women on the side of the freeway?”
    The officers obviously chose to assert their 5th amendment right to rem


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  6. #166
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    Note the Police Chief's response was that its a simple case of mistaken identity and there was nothing wrong done- WTF - they should face charges just like anyone else- it was an assault on an innocent bystander.

    I smell Another Lawsuit due to overzealous violent police response and a department all too willing to cover up that the tax payers will soon have to foot the bill on.

    Cops Beat This Father of Three to the Point of Hospitalization. ‘Oh Sorry Wrong Guy’

    “All three of them started beating me on the head, it was unbelievable, I couldn’t believe it was happening to me.”

    The Free Thought Project Mike Sawyer July 25, 2014 Roger Carlos was taking pictures of a building in the 10600 block of Westover Hills Boulevard in San Antonio, TX, when his life changed forever.
    Carlos was photographing a building of what was soon to be home to his wife’s medical practice when all of the sudden he was ransacked by an undercover drug task force officer and two SAPD SWAT members.
    The officers were looking for Josue Gonzalez, who fled from police after they tried to arrest him for possessing a controlled substance.
    Gonzalez had ditched his car in the parking lot of a restaurant that happened to be a few hundred feet from where this father of three was excitedly taking pictures of his wife’s new venture.
    Officers approached Carlos and before he could comply with their demands, they began to pummel him, striking him over 50 times.
    “All three of them started beating me on the head,” said Carlos, ”It was unbelievable. I couldn’t believe it was happening to me.”
    Bleeding and in handcuffs he wasn’t released until a fourth officer approached and said that the suspect was in custody nearby.
    Carlos meanwhile, was hospitalized after the beating. He was treated for a large gash above his eye and a broken tooth.
    Swelling of his head was so severe, doctors performed a CT scan of Carlos’ head as well.

    “I could understand taking somebody down hard. I can understand the need for that and securing them, but that’s not what happened. I got on the ground, I was no threat to anybody, I was fully compliant,” said Carlos, who has no criminal history.
    The three officers who beat him, claim that Carlos had his hands underneath his body during the beating.
    When KENS 5 news interviewed SAPD police chief William McManus, he stated that “Clearly it was a case of mistaken identity. From the report that I’ve read, from the photo that I saw and from your description, I’ve not seen anything at this point that would indicate to me that anything out of order happened.”
    Just to recap, the chief of police thinks that an innocent man being beaten to the point of hospitalization by incompetent police officers mistaking him for another man, indicates that nothing “out of order happened.”
    And this is the scenario that so many American citizens find themselves in today; an unapologetic brutal gang of uniformed thugs operating with almost zero accountability, laying waste to those who they’ve sworn to protect.
    Carlos has filed a complaint against these officers with the FBI. We won’t be holding our breathe for the results of that investigation.
    One thing is for certain, if any civil suit is brought forth, the monetary consequences from the negligent behavior of these cops will passed on to the tax-payer.


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  8. #168
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    Default Re: Fuck the Police State

    Quote Originally Posted by the_unnatural View Post
    Had this happen to me ages ago - except it was musical gear - they said it was stolen despite my having a receipt of sale and told me that if I didnt want to be charged and go to jail to await court I had to let them take it - 1994 - true story and yeah I didnt exactly want to spend even a single night in jail for a couple hundred bucks of gear and which it would have cost me 10x more to hire a lawyer to defend me over.

    We believe you are Guilty until you can prove otherwise was what I was told point blank to my face which gave them the right to take my equipment.

    Turns out later I found out that the 19 yo kid who made the accusation in the first place had a police sergeant for a father - but Im sure that didnt play into it at all

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  9. #169
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    Default Re: Fuck the Police State

    Quote Originally Posted by TempestTS View Post
    this is the scenario that so many American citizens find themselves in today; an unapologetic brutal gang of uniformed thugs operating with almost zero accountability
    Exactly a SYMPTOM of a Police State.

    People here seem to think 1000's of documented incidents are simply "isolated" incidents.

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  10. #170
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    17-Year-old Girl Shot and Family Pet Killed After SWAT Raid on Wrong Home

    A mother and daughter are suing the Orange County Sheriff’s Office after a negligent SWAT raid on their home left the daughter full of bullet holes and their family dog dead.

    The Free Thought Project Matt Agorist July 26, 2014 Bullet holes in the legs of the 17-year-old

    The mother and daughter, who are choosing to remain anonymous, are the latest victims to come forward in the state’s immoral war on drugs.
    The incident happened back in 2010, when an Orange County Sheriff’s Office SWAT team raided the home looking for a family member who did not even live there.
    “I got up and went towards the door and literally once I went towards the door, boom!” the daughter said.”I was 17. I was 5 feet 2 inches and 100 pounds wet,” she said. “And they came in shooting.”
    The overzealous SWAT team came in guns drawn and firing. The family’s boxer, startled at the noise, ran into the room and was gunned down by these violent storm troopers.

    “The dog was startled and ran to the closet, to the room, and when he ran to the room is when they shot him,” she said.
    Of course the police report stated that the dog “aggressively came toward them when they entered the house.”
    According to WFTV News,
    The unidentified woman said she was also injured by bullets the shooting. Photos show wounds to her leg and apparent bullet holes in the floor and walls of the home.
    The Sheriff’s Office search warrant was issued in connection with a wanted man believed to be a drug dealer.
    “I said, ‘Chris hasn’t lived here in weeks so if you’ve been surveillancing my house, why are you here?” the woman said.
    Deputies found ammunition, but no weapons in the home. Cannabis seeds and drug paraphernalia was found in a room the suspect had lived in, the report states. He was later arrested, but court records show the charges were eventually dropped.
    This is yet another tragic example of the horrid consequences realized from trying to tell people what they can and can’t put into their bodies. It is high time we demand PEACE be brought to the WAR on drugs.


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