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  1. #2011
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    MSNBC may seem left-wing to anyone who watches FAUX news. The fact is, it's centrist while CNN is slightly right of center b/c that's what viewers in the US demand. In terms of "race issues" though, both CNN and MSNBC veer left. Why? B/c that's what THEIR viewers require. If you don't believe me then remember what happened right after the shootings.

    All the newspapers and MSNBC and CNN aired pictures of a smiling child and a large fat man. In reality, Trayvon was bigger, more tattooed, more chrome grilled and more "potted up" as FAUX calls it. Zimmerman was the "white man" who in fact was trying to do good for his neighborhood after several robberies by "juveniles" (you're not allowed to say black males in America) over the past few weeks.

    Anderson Cooper is a journalist, but when he's not reporting real news, he does episodes where he basically tries to grab ratings. For example, the video they showed of Zimmerman in the police station after the altercation. His head has a little black smudge and AC kept playing that clip over and over, showing the back of his only once, saying, "well...clearly...i...i don't see any wound on the back of his head...i don't see how he could have been in a fight". That's b/c he wasn't showing the back of his head on this grainy black and white video! Of course, the high res picture came out and of course he had a big gash on the back of his head.

    I don't wanna take sides here but as crazy and hateful as right wingers in this country are, sometimes the left seems like it's attempting to compensate. Affirmative action anyone?

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  2. #2012
    Platinum Poster natina's Avatar
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    Post Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    1.)TRAYVON MARTIN did not have a "chrome grill" when pursued by zimmerman.

    and what does that have to d with anything?

    2.) TRAYVON MARTIN was just a skinny kid and zimmerman out weighted him.

    that kid weight 160 pounds and was over 6 feet tall.
    meaning he was bean pole skinny,while zimmerman out weight him by 100 lbs or so.

    zimmerman has and had a violent and troubled past



    Neighborhood Watch volunteer George Zimmerman profiled Trayvon Martin, pursued him, frightened him, confronted him then shot him during a struggle, prosecutors alleged Thursday.

    That's what the probable-cause affidavit filed Thursday by Special Prosecutor Angela Corey reveals. It is the first look at the criminal case that prosecutors plan to mount against Zimmerman.

    The account is strikingly similar to the story that Trayvon's parents, the family's attorneys and civil-rights leaders have told for weeks — that Trayvon was an innocent victim hunted down and killed because he was black.

    Herr found the affidavit legally sufficient to establish probable cause and ordered Zimmerman to appear for arraignment — when defendants formally enter a plea — on May 29 before Circuit Judge Jessica Recksiedler.

    But the probable-cause affidavit, prepared by two investigators in her office, spelled out the bare bones of her case.

    To Trayvon, it says, Zimmerman was a scary man, following him for some unknown reason. To Zimmerman, Trayvon was someone who was about to commit a crime, "a f------ punk," the affidavit said.

    The affidavit offered evidence the state's position on three key points:

    •"Zimmerman confronted Martin," it says, an apparent contradiction of Zimmerman's version of events.

    •The state will argue that the voice heard crying for help in the background of one 911 call is Trayvon's. According to the affidavit, Trayvon's mother listened to the recording and identified the voice as her son's.

    •State investigators will rely on the testimony of a friend of Trayvon's who told them she talked to the teenager on the phone in the lead-up to the shooting and heard the confrontation.

    Based on the description, she appears to be the girl described by Martin family attorneys as his girlfriend.

    When interviewed by state investigators, "The witness advised that Martin was scared because he was being followed through the complex by an unknown male and didn't know why," the affidavit said.

    Trayvon tried to run home, the affidavit says, but Zimmerman ignored the advice of a police dispatcher and continued pursuing him on foot.

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    Last edited by natina; 01-15-2013 at 06:09 AM.

  3. #2013
    Platinum Poster natina's Avatar
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Zimmerman psychologically wanna be cop profile: He’s like so many other utterly unaccomplished males

    Trayvon Martin, White Denial and the Unacceptable Burden of Blackness in America

    By now, you probably know the shameful details, but they are worth repeating, in any event.
    On the evening of February 26, George Zimmerman, a self-appointed “neighborhood watch captain” in an Orlando suburb, shot and killed 17-year old Trayvon Martin.
    Because Martin was black.
    And no, don’t even think of rolling your eyes at the suggestion. That is what happened, just as surely as so many might well be loathe to admit it.
    Oh sure, he denies such a motivation, as does his family, but the details of the incident, now emerging from that evening leave very little question about it.
    This was not, as we too often hear in the wake of such incidents, “a tragedy.”
    This was not, as some would have it, “a terrible accident.”
    It was murder, plain and simple. And it would be called such by everyone in a nation that had any commitment to honest language, which, sadly, would pretty much rule out the one in which Martin’s life began and ended, and in which Zimmerman continues to operate as a free man, unarrested by the police.
    Trayvon Martin is dead because George Zimmerman believed his neighborhood needed and deserved to be protected from young black men, who could not possibly belong there, in his estimation. Never mind that Martin was in the community with his father, visiting friends. Never mind that Martin was armed only with Skittles and iced tea, while Zimmerman carried a loaded weapon.
    Zimmerman, who has a history of aggressive behavior (including assaulting an officer a few years ago), appears to have something of a Dirty Harry syndrome about him. He is someone described by his own neighbors as overzealous, motivated by an obsessive desire to guard the perimeter of his community and pose as a crime-fighting hero to those around him. It doesn’t take much imagination to size up Zimmerman psychologically. He’s like so many other utterly unaccomplished males who fantasize about being a badass law officer, met one, you’ve met them all: a wannabe somebody

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  4. #2014
    Platinum Poster natina's Avatar
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    the charge is not 2nd degree homicide .

    the charge is Zimmerman recklessly endangered Trayvon's life (Criminally Negligent Homicide ).

    He WILLFULLY CREATED the circumstances where the gun was used.

    911 call records george Zimmermans's desire to DETAIN Travyon martin.

    ZIMMMERMAN STATED "they always get away" argument for racial profiling

    Criminally Negligent Homicide

    (or "depraved indifference") in the language of the indictment for second degree murder.

    What this means is that the state is not attempting to prove that Zimmerman willfully murdered Trayvon Martin.

    Instead they will set out to prove that zimmerman by going after Trayvon with a loaded gun:

    -- even after he had been reminded not to by the 911 operator

    -- despite the proper protocals for any neighborhood watch program

    -- despite zimmerman's own training in law enforcement

    Zimmerman recklessly endangered Trayvon's life.

    He WILLFULLY CREATED the circumstances where the gun was used.

    In the absence of any eyewitness who had a clear view of the start of the fight,

    or the firing of the gun.

    Florida authorities wisely avoided the pitfalls of attempting to prove that Zimmerman willfully shot Trayvon in a situation where he had other options.

    If the Jury believes that Zimmerman's actions willfully created a situation where he might well use his gun...

    then he's guilty under the law.

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  5. #2015
    Senior Member Junior Poster eccentricBlue's Avatar
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Your posts bore me.

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  6. #2016
    Silver Poster yodajazz's Avatar
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Quote Originally Posted by asic600 View Post
    MSNBC may seem left-wing to anyone who watches FAUX news. The fact is, it's centrist while CNN is slightly right of center b/c that's what viewers in the US demand. In terms of "race issues" though, both CNN and MSNBC veer left. Why? B/c that's what THEIR viewers require. If you don't believe me then remember what happened right after the shootings.

    All the newspapers and MSNBC and CNN aired pictures of a smiling child and a large fat man. In reality, Trayvon was bigger, more tattooed, more chrome grilled and more "potted up" as FAUX calls it. Zimmerman was the "white man" who in fact was trying to do good for his neighborhood after several robberies by "juveniles" (you're not allowed to say black males in America) over the past few weeks.

    Anderson Cooper is a journalist, but when he's not reporting real news, he does episodes where he basically tries to grab ratings. For example, the video they showed of Zimmerman in the police station after the altercation. His head has a little black smudge and AC kept playing that clip over and over, showing the back of his only once, saying, "well...clearly...i...i don't see any wound on the back of his head...i don't see how he could have been in a fight". That's b/c he wasn't showing the back of his head on this grainy black and white video! Of course, the high res picture came out and of course he had a big gash on the back of his head.

    I don't wanna take sides here but as crazy and hateful as right wingers in this country are, sometimes the left seems like it's attempting to compensate. Affirmative action anyone?
    Sure Zimmerman could have been trying to do good. However, he could get several years in jail if he was not, or hiding criminal negligence. So he has an possible incentive to lie. Someone died, and many people want to know if it was justified. The public has a right to know. The real public outcry was that his story was not questioned thoroughly enough. A trial does not guarantee justice, but it improves the odds greatly. significantly.

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  7. #2017
    Platinum Poster natina's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    suck some dick while reading my post!

    you dick lubber!

    Quote Originally Posted by eccentricBlue View Post
    Your posts bore me.

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  8. #2018
    Platinum Poster natina's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    trayvon martin should not have died!

    trayvon martin should not have died!

    but it was zimmerman who had issues with him being in that complex.

    it was zimmerman who frighten/scared trayvon martin so that that he ran away.


    zimmerman went from ,Trayvon Martin running away to not remembering if he was running away during the bail revocation hearing and now during the media tour with fox/hannity that TRAYVON MARTIN WAS SKIPPING AWAY.

    the prosecution and trayvon martins family attorney calls this the ZIMMERMAN GIFT.

    video talks about new evidence & zimmermans gift to the DA and MARTIN FAMILY



    the charge is not 2nd degree homicide .

    the charge is Zimmerman recklessly endangered Trayvon's life (Criminally Negligent Homicide ).

    He WILLFULLY CREATED the circumstances where the gun was used.

    911 call records george Zimmermans's desire to DETAIN Travyon martin.

    ZIMMMERMAN STATED "they always get away" argument for racial profiling

    zimmerman already fucked up that when he said he was pursuing trayvon martin then on on tv interview he says trayvon was skipping away but in court he testified under oath that he did not remember if trayvon was running away from him.


    Zimmerman’s most egregious lie is above. De La Rionda asked Zimmerman about how many statements he gave. Zimmerman replies. De La Rionda asked Zimmerman if he said “I don’t remember?” when Serino/Singleton poked holes in his account of what happened, using the non-emergency phone call to do so, and Zimmerman replied matter-of-factly, “Absolutely not.” Folks, that is the third lie to His Honor’s Court. George Zimmerman Legal Case has the audio still up.
    It is up for anyone who wants to listen to it. Make no mistake, when asked about things that didn’t add up, Zimmerman would say “I don’t know/I don’t remember.” When it was clear that Serino/Singleton were playing bad cop or no longer believed him, Zimmerman got defensive, lied, and omitted facts. He told the dispatcher he was following Trayvon. On the February 29, 2012, part 3 of the interview with Serino/Singleton; he said he wasn’t following, but walking in the same direction. When asked what type of running Trayvon was doing, he said he couldn’t remember/didn’t know. When asked why he got out of his car, Singleton bluntly said, “That isn’t what you told me.”

    George Zimmerman is going to assert an affirmative defense in his second-degree murder trial. If Zimmerman has no interest in expressing fidelity to the truth in His Honor’s Court, I wouldn’t be making any long term plans for the future unless they included a prison facility.

    important read more;

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    Last edited by natina; 01-16-2013 at 11:25 AM.

  9. #2019
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    if trayvon martin were not on pot, if he hadn't had numerous altercations in his lifetime, I would believe he was an innocent. He was high for weeks (his parents didn't care) and he liked talking smack and talking about how he got into this fight or that on facebook. That tells me he was most likely a typical, rowdy little hoodlum. Get over this bullcrap.

    In mississippi a black guy was run over by a white kid on pot, who saw his face and just ran him the hell over. That was 7 months ago. This black guy was like 70 and just doing his morning walk. Ya'll don't talk about this b/c it's not as "newsworthy" as a young hoodlum getting killed, which you can spin as "an innocent little baby deprived of life before he ever got to become a dentist". Focus on the real hate crimes instead of standing up for a criminal who got what was coming to em.

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  10. #2020
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Quote Originally Posted by giovanni_hotel View Post
    MSNBC is a real cable news station with real investigative reporters. From a journalistic standpoint, they are 100x better than Faux News.
    Emphasis mine

    Years ago, I was at a historical site and related homes and the guide several times refered to several 'fox' aspects of a given wall, or the 'fox' floor which was installed in 1963 to look like the original.

    When the tour was over, my dad pulled the guide aside to say "I think you've been pronouncing an important word wrong... it's French, it's not pronounced 'fox', it's pronounced 'faux' "... he even spelled it out for clarity, the guide laughed a bit and said that in her decade or so of giving the same tour almost every day during the non-winter season, he was the first to correct her, and that she would verify the pronunciation that he had suggested.

    What I described above happened above happened maybe 15 years ago... I say this because anytime I hear someone mention 'Faux' News these days... I have to laugh at their clear ignorance or utter stupidity of the language they use.

    Ditto goes for you giovanni_hotel. Any time I hear such an non-cleaver mispronunciation, it is clear from the start the quality of ones arguments.

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