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  1. #1311
    Platinum Poster natina's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Zimmerman lied claiming he was the one hollering for help a witness collaborated it t

    Zimmerman lied claiming he was the one hollering for help a witness collaborated it then...

    after information leaked that the voice forensically analyzed and it wasn't Zimmerman hollering for help the witness took back there story that it Zimmerman hollering for help Zimmerman caught in a lie cause he did not know the incident was being recorded on 911 tapes


    Zimmerman told police that he screamed for help during his confrontation with Martin, 17. He claims

    lies coming back to haunt you and destroy your defense zimmerman

    Trayvon Martin case 911 call: Screams not George Zimmerman's, 2 experts say

    The voice heard crying for help on a 911 call just before Trayvon Martin was shot to death was not that of George Zimmerman, according to two forensic voice identification experts, one of whom told MSNBC on Sunday that he believes the evidence is strong enough to use in court.

    "The tests concluded that it's not the voice of Mr. Zimmerman," Tom Owen, of Owen Forensic Services LLC and chair emeritus for the American Board of Recorded Evidence, told MSNBC.
    Asked if he thought such tests would be admissible in court, Owen said "yes" and noted he had recently used similar testing in testimony at a Connecticut murder case that involved 911 call.

    The voice heard crying for help on a 911 call just before Trayvon Martin was shot to death was not that of George Zimmerman, according to two forensic voice identification experts, one of whom told MSNBC on Sunday that he believes the evidence is strong enough to use in court.

    "The tests concluded that it's not the voice of Mr. Zimmerman," Tom Owen, of Owen Forensic Services LLC and chair emeritus for the American Board of Recorded Evidence, told MSNBC.
    Asked if he thought such tests would be admissible in court, Owen said "yes" and noted he had recently used similar testing in testimony at a Connecticut murder case that involved 911 call.
    The conclusions of Owen and another audio expert were first reported by the Orlando Sentinel on Saturday.
    Zimmerman told police that he screamed for help during his confrontation with Martin, 17. He claims the shooting was self-defense.
    The 911 call, reposted in this YouTube clip, came on the night of Feb. 26 from a woman who reported someone crying out for help in a gated community in Sanford, Fla.
    In the recording of her phone call, panicked cries and a gunshot are heard.

    Key witness in Trayvon Martin shooting changed story

    Mary Cutcher, Witnesses in the Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman Shooting

    Witness in Trayvon Martin murder fingers police

    Last edited by natina; 05-20-2012 at 12:50 PM.

  2. #1312
    5 Star Poster AmyDaly's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zimmerman lied claiming he was the one hollering for help a witness collaborated

    Quote Originally Posted by natina View Post
    Zimmerman lied claiming he was the one hollering for help a witness collaborated it then...

    after information leaked that the voice forensically analyzed and it wasn't Zimmerman hollering for help the witness took back there story that it Zimmerman hollering for help Zimmerman caught in a lie cause he did not know the incident was being recorded on 911 tapes

    The voice heard crying for help on a 911 call just before Trayvon Martin was shot to death was not that of George Zimmerman, according to two forensic voice identification experts, one of whom told MSNBC on Sunday that he believes the evidence is strong enough to use in court.
    ORLANDO, Florida (Reuters) - An FBI expert found crucial evidence in the Trayvon Martin case was inconclusive, saying it was impossible to tell if the voice screaming for help belonged to the black Florida teenager or his shooter George Zimmerman just before the neighborhood watch captain pulled the trigger.

  3. #1313
    Banned - Long overdue. Junior Poster
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Quote Originally Posted by giovanni_hotel View Post
    Korean immigrants have been earmarked for special set-aside loans that allow them to open stores in impoverished Black communities, yet Black entrepreneurs who live in the same communities can't get a loan to open a hotdog cart. That's where the resentment comes from. Immigrants come into a Black ghetto, extract the wealth and then go home to their split level ranch home in the vanilla suburbs.
    First of all, even if this is true (which I find suspicious), it doesn't justity advocating thier killing in rap music does it? Or does it? What exactly is racism in your world? Another thing is this: Black people have no right whatsoever to complaining about special loans - what do you think the community reinvestment act was all about? The federal government stepped in and forced banks to make loans to sub-prime borrowers in 'under-represended' communities during the past two decades which partly led to the housing crisis we are suffering through now. Does this give me the right to advocate the killing of Blacks and Hispanics because they got foreclosed on and I have to pick up the tab through corporate bailouts and bailouts of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac which guaranteed those loans?

    Quote Originally Posted by giovanni_hotel View Post
    I assumed the Chinese grad students at USC were killed by gang violence, that's why it's not a major story because it's not new.
    So if I am a black male in a gang and I decide to target my victims because of thier race and systematiclly execute them then it's not worth making a big stink over because this shit happens all the time.... Holy fucking shit is this your logic? So if Zimmerman was in a gang (instead of a neighborhood watch program) then nobody would be following this story right? What difference does it make if somebody is in a gang or in the klu-klux-klan when they murder somebody? One cime is not worse than the other.

    Quote Originally Posted by giovanni_hotel View Post
    The Trayvon Martin case wouldn't be on the national radar if Zimmerman had been arrested in the beginning. His being able to walk after admitting to murdering an unarmed teen is why Trayvon's death became a 'cause'. It wasn't, ' oh, a Black kid was murdered, let's elevate his death into a national media story.'
    I agree w/ you to a point. I think an arrest may have been warranted in this case - but you are way off base using the word 'murder' as if Zimmerman is guilty and must be found guilty in court. He hasn't been convicted of jack shit yet and I suspect the absolute WORSE that should happen is a manslaughter charge (if that even).

    Quote Originally Posted by giovanni_hotel View Post
    'Black people are a fucking disaster area in America'???If you get a chance, Hard4janira, look up how many AA live in poverty, how many of them are working class and lower middle class, and how many of them are incarcerated.
    Jesus Christ, the bile that comes out of your mouth like it's the God's honest truth.

    Just wondering, do you consider yourself a racist?? And are you proud to be one??
    I know that a lot of black people are hard working folks just trying to make a living. But the fact that your community is by and large a disaster area is your own fault. Black men are failing thier community because they are not stepping up to the plate as strong leaders and father figures. You can spin it however you want but the black community will continue flounder until they start to develop stronger family units led by men.

    I do think that the government is partly responsible for keeping minority familes broken due to the government programs that encourage poor choices. There is no penalty for having any number of kids out of wedlock or receiving benefits for raising your family as a single parent. The problem with this is that there is no incentive for a black male to stay with a woman and raise his children. The government will give her money in any case regardless. If you think this is silly, I suggest you google the man in Kentucky (I think in his 20's still) that has 30 children from 11 different women. What kind of human being is this, that has no regard for anything other than what hole he can stick is dick into and no thought given to how he can feed those hungry mouths. Talk about dumping your burden on society - how many of those 30 kids were born on Medicaid do you think?

  4. #1314
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    On the other hand, MalcolmX would have said that America was a disaster for Black people; anyway both you and he are wrong. Aside from the fact that Americans come from diverse origins, and are of course all equally American, you seem to be saying that the development of the US economy would have taken the course it has in spite of, not because of the presence of slavery in your country. That is simply absurd, as absurd as me arguing that India, Australia, New Zealand and Canada have been irrelevant to the development of the United Kingdom. You could be given a list of people in literature, in music, in sport, in culture, in politics all of whom trace their roots to Africa though slavery, all of whom should make you proud to be an American. But I cannot tell you what to think or feel, and there isn't much more I can say if you have already made up your mind. There is good and bad in all societies, a tired cliche I know, but it matters if one group of people are isolated from the rest, because in America that runs counter to the very principle of equality and individual liberty on which your state is based.
    With all due respect, there isn't one black person living in this country who has been enslaved. Nor thier parents, nor thier parents parents, nor thier parents, parents, parents. I'm not suggesting that black people have always had equal opportunity. They haven't, but they certianly haven't made the most of the opportunity that they DO HAVE. Black communities in America are a disaster area - this a fact that is not open to debate. Just look at the % of black men in prison and tell me otherwise. We could go on all day about the reasons why (and I don't really care to) but that doesn't mean you should't acknowledge the problem. Black people actually CAN fix the problems internally, by having stronger familes and have a commitment to education that you see in white and asian familes. If you had this, the black community would clean itself up in 2 generations. And being 'poor' has nothing to do with it. Poor asians flood into this country all the time. They work hard, take nothing from the government, focus on education and bam - thier kids are the valedictorians going to med school. It's a fact.

  5. #1315
    Silver Poster jamesedwards's Avatar
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Quote Originally Posted by AmyDaly View Post
    I tend to believe the medical examiner more as well, and yes, it does list him at 5'11 158 lbs on that report. In comparison to zimmerman, he is about 2 inches taller and 12 lbs lighter. Pretty negligible differences. The 7-11 video gives a good idea of the actual size of him compared to the clerk. It also looks like the coroners report also indicates 2 injuries on martin. His knuckles from punching zimmerman, and the gun shot wound that was made from being shot from inches apart.

    Here is the coroners report:
    I know he had injuries it's also said either he did punch Zimmerman or those injuries came from him trying to get away. Zimmerman has a little nick scratch on the top of his nose that's not consistent to Tray's hand injuries, because if Zimmerman has one cut on his face which isn't even an inch and Tray has two scares on each hand, the sum of that equation doesn't match up. So he may have got those on his hand trying to get away.

    But from here on out I don't trust anything the Police dept in Sanford say they lost credibility with me mistakes ago. They handled that case terribly and I wonder why they are still in business. In light of this case the police dept past is haunting them at the same time. A can of worms have opened up on them.

    At this time those who said the prosecution's case is diminishing, is not the case! It's a lie. The funny thing is the new charge brought on Zimmerman that wasn't there before is a racial crime and could get if convicted the death penalty is crazy because if he really wasn't racist this wouldn't have came up, and it looks like he won't get convicted of that but 2snd degree murder he probably will. Like I said if he gets convicted of the hate crime murder I would be in shock. A whole new can of worms opened up on Zimmerman with the employee saying Zimmerman made fun of him on the job dissing him about the middle eastern terrorist thingy then he got fired by HR because he kept calling them like a lunatic. All this is showing he is a crazy character, a lunatic at best. The the African descent woman that said he is a racist, as time goes on more is opening up on him. Nothing is looking good for him he has a dark past. Tray was 17 was only that 17 he has only been on the earth a short time and don't have much to make him out to be a monster. They tried but it's not going to work.

  6. #1316
    Silver Poster jamesedwards's Avatar
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    If those experts show professionally that it was Trayvon screaming that again is a plus and shows he feared for his life. It really looks bad for Zimmerman because he is on record lying that IT WAS HIM! If that happens and they bring in a couple of more experts and they say it was Trayvon yelling it's over for Zimmerman. Prosecutors job will be to show Zimmerman has no credibility and that he is a liar and if that shows he lied it's over for him. Once you tell one lie it's a wrap. Never mind what the mother and father say of Trayvon and Zimmerman's dad said, the experts with years of service and able to prove with a ratio of over 90% accuracy is going to bust Zimmerman in his head and the defense will fall apart. But we have to see.

  7. #1317
    Silver Poster jamesedwards's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zimmerman lied claiming he was the one hollering for help a witness collaborated

    Quote Originally Posted by AmyDaly View Post
    ORLANDO, Florida (Reuters) - An FBI expert found crucial evidence in the Trayvon Martin case was inconclusive, saying it was impossible to tell if the voice screaming for help belonged to the black Florida teenager or his shooter George Zimmerman just before the neighborhood watch captain pulled the trigger.
    Wrong, voice recognition can find out who's voice that is. What happens is the voice is taken from the different phones of people that called the police. You record/sample a part where the caller isn't talking and all you need is a small part. You take that sample time stretch analyze it to a good length, then there is compression filter equipment and software that can filter out the noise of any back ground noise, once that's established you will see a graph of the stress levels of the voice. It will be visible and audio able. Get Zimmerman to yell since he claimed he was the one yelling, sample his voice and analyze it, the voice is like a finger print every voice has a different signature than another person. That's how it's done so it can be done I don't know what the hell the FBI is talking about. I said this before the 2 experts said it was Tray's voice, I said here they need to do a voice recognition test.

  8. #1318
    Silver Poster jamesedwards's Avatar
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Originally Posted by giovanni_hotel
    Korean immigrants have been earmarked for special set-aside loans that allow them to open stores in impoverished Black communities, yet Black entrepreneurs who live in the same communities can't get a loan to open a hotdog cart. That's where the resentment comes from. Immigrants come into a Black ghetto, extract the wealth and then go home to their split level ranch home in the vanilla suburbs.
    Very good point, people from Inida, Arabs, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, etc open up in African descent communities and live. There are so many Korean or Chinese restaurants it's ridiculous, and they are filthy. Roaches, cats, rats etc all around the food, food cooked in the same grease, but if you go and watch what they eat, they don't eat what they sell us. I don't eat from any of those stores and our own people need to stop shopping at those stores, yes they are angry but stop being angry organize and stop eating out of these filthy stores and manage our money. If we wanted our own stores in our own communities like we had back in the day it could happen and wouldn't even need a loan, a person could go in get the price of the place come back pay for it and then rock, and turning over money in our hood. In so called Jewish communties their money turns over in their community 4 times our community NONE!!! We get the cash and it's gone into another community hands.

    That's why I don't use the status black, because we can't get certain benefits, and I am telling my people stop using this term in everyday life and applications. Those that are of other cultures get more benefits than we do, you can have a west Indian who roots is straight from African and is darker than you are, when he comes here he doesn't put down black on an application he puts other, and I use to wonder why. Now I know why because it's about words of art and law and status and classification identification status. That's why this govt was so hell bent on classifying us and getting the NAACP to pick a classification for African descent people and those fools picked black.

    But the main issue African Americans are angry at Caucasians per say is slavery that has been a mental issue and the govt knows this. The effects of slavery has been handed down from generation to generation and this is well documented. Most Caucasian won't understand this and I don't expect them to, but those Caucasians who are available to test this knows this is one of the big reasons, the govt does too. But on a scale like someone said African descent people are THE MOST RACIST in America I told that person prove it, show me the old definition for racism not this new watered down definition of racism. African descent people can hate another race, prejudge another race but can't be racist, being a racist is not just hating another race, the old definition of racism tells the real deal. Hate is Hate. If anyone can go get the definition of hate and show me where the word racism is of it's meaning and synonymous to it I will acknowledge it, and I am still waiting for that person to give me an answer.

  9. #1319
    Silver Poster jamesedwards's Avatar
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?


    With all due respect, there isn't one black person living in this country who has been enslaved. Nor thier parents, nor thier parents parents, nor thier parents, parents, parents.
    This is untrue on so many historical levels it's not even worth going into. Maybe you need to do some academic studies not online studying on slavery of the middle passage from Africa to the Americas. No scholar, professor or Doctor of the field and study of slavery would agree with you. Did you even know the Constitution still allows slavery? THIS DAY IN 2012!!! Let me give you some knowledge, there is a physical slavery and a mental slavery, mental slavery is more dangerous than physical slavery and I will leave it at that.

    I'm not suggesting that black people have always had equal opportunity. They haven't, but they certianly haven't made the most of the opportunity that they DO HAVE.
    This absolutely makes no sense, if in one hand you say African descent people haven't had EQUAL OPPS then in the next hand you say they haven't made the most of OPPS, how in the world can you tell if there hasn't been equality? There's no logic to that at all!! Do you even read the things you say? SMH Ever since Martin L. King sign that document to be assimilated in this country African descent lost their businesses and the communities, now go back and look at history. I am from Harlem and I remember our communities had lots of African descent own stores, then I seen a change happen where we were losing our communities and businesses and immigrants started coming in.

    Black communities in America are a disaster area - this a fact that is not open to debate. Just look at the % of black men in prison and tell me otherwise. We could go on all day about the reasons why (and I don't really care to) but that doesn't mean you should't acknowledge the problem.
    Wow!!! Statistically Caucasians commit more crimes than African descent people, that's a fact, yet there are more African descent in jail, 70% !!! And that's why. A lot of African Americans are getting out of jail who have done over 15 years for a crime they never committed by DNA which wasn't around in earlier times, and I got every African America that has gotten out of Jail from DNA justice even black Panthers Geronimo Pratt!!! So I wonder how many are really in there that didn't commit a crime hum? African Americans getting shot without weapons, Amedo Dialo was an honor student who parents came from Africa over here, he got shot 41 times for no dam reason by Caucasian cops in the entrance to where he lived. How does that work? Yes there are African Americans killing one another, so are Chinese, Hispanics, Caucasians etc, there is good and bad in each nation. I acknowledge a problem alright and I know just who it is.

    Black people actually CAN fix the problems internally, by having stronger familes and have a commitment to education that you see in white and asian familes. If you had this, the black community would clean itself up in 2 generations. And being 'poor' has nothing to do with it. Poor asians flood into this country all the time. They work hard, take nothing from the government, focus on education and bam - thier kids are the valedictorians going to med school. It's a fact.
    It's funny that I can't find anything to agree with you on. But I can with just one thing, African descent people can fix the problems but every time we do here comes the govt to break that up, why do you think every time we get a strong African descent leader THEY ARE FREAKIN KILLED!!!
    Lets say there is a community of 10,000 of African descent people, not one African descent own business in that area, Korean or Chinese food shops own businesses and don't hire not ONE African descent person from that community. From the five boroughs of NEW YORK I have never seen in 20 years one Chinese or Korean food shop hire my people. And no one says nothing, I notice it that's why I don't support it besides the nasty unhealthy food. Lets say we boycott them so bad they move out, we get a store of our own, within 2 years the govt will hike the prices some how on that business it will be down before it even started. Then the next Chinese shop will pop up. This is how the Govt gets down African descent farmers are treated unfair to Caucasian counter parts and I can go into that but I won't you get it.

    You said poor Asians come here and take nothing from the Govt and set up shop? Let me ask you, how does a POOR person who has nothing end up with a business in a community of people that are not of them and make thousands upon thousands of dollars without the Govt giving them anything? POOR is what you said, a poor person has absolutely no ends. You explain that to us logically and with proof please, I gotta see this.

    The way you talk you think there is some magic wand and throw sprinkles over people heads and everything is good. Education? Are you freaking serious? Every time there is a cut where do they hit first? EDUCATION!!! It's a plan you fuck up education then you keep those who are poor, POOR !!! The education in this country is watered down and basically not really teaching my people who they really are but the Caucasian's history, I can go into how that destroys the mental but I am not. Another thing, education for my people is so crazy it's CRAZY!!! When the Govt seen that more African descent people were heading for college, what they do? RAISE THE PRICES!!! See you're not going in depth to what's going on, you don't see the real picture and who the dam puppet master is!!

  10. #1320
    Rookie Poster TS CANDY NY's Avatar
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Quote Originally Posted by jamesedwards View Post

    This is untrue on so many historical levels it's not even worth going into. Maybe you need to do some academic studies not online studying on slavery of the middle passage from Africa to the Americas. No scholar, professor or Doctor of the field and study of slavery would agree with you. Did you even know the Constitution still allows slavery? THIS DAY IN 2012!!! Let me give you some knowledge, there is a physical slavery and a mental slavery, mental slavery is more dangerous than physical slavery and I will leave it at that.

    This absolutely makes no sense, if in one hand you say African descent people haven't had EQUAL OPPS then in the next hand you say they haven't made the most of OPPS, how in the world can you tell if there hasn't been equality? There's no logic to that at all!! Do you even read the things you say? SMH Ever since Martin L. King sign that document to be assimilated in this country African descent lost their businesses and the communities, now go back and look at history. I am from Harlem and I remember our communities had lots of African descent own stores, then I seen a change happen where we were losing our communities and businesses and immigrants started coming in.

    Wow!!! Statistically Caucasians commit more crimes than African descent people, that's a fact, yet there are more African descent in jail, 70% !!! And that's why. A lot of African Americans are getting out of jail who have done over 15 years for a crime they never committed by DNA which wasn't around in earlier times, and I got every African America that has gotten out of Jail from DNA justice even black Panthers Geronimo Pratt!!! So I wonder how many are really in there that didn't commit a crime hum? African Americans getting shot without weapons, Amedo Dialo was an honor student who parents came from Africa over here, he got shot 41 times for no dam reason by Caucasian cops in the entrance to where he lived. How does that work? Yes there are African Americans killing one another, so are Chinese, Hispanics, Caucasians etc, there is good and bad in each nation. I acknowledge a problem alright and I know just who it is.

    It's funny that I can't find anything to agree with you on. But I can with just one thing, African descent people can fix the problems but every time we do here comes the govt to break that up, why do you think every time we get a strong African descent leader THEY ARE FREAKIN KILLED!!!
    Lets say there is a community of 10,000 of African descent people, not one African descent own business in that area, Korean or Chinese food shops own businesses and don't hire not ONE African descent person from that community. From the five boroughs of NEW YORK I have never seen in 20 years one Chinese or Korean food shop hire my people. And no one says nothing, I notice it that's why I don't support it besides the nasty unhealthy food. Lets say we boycott them so bad they move out, we get a store of our own, within 2 years the govt will hike the prices some how on that business it will be down before it even started. Then the next Chinese shop will pop up. This is how the Govt gets down African descent farmers are treated unfair to Caucasian counter parts and I can go into that but I won't you get it.

    You said poor Asians come here and take nothing from the Govt and set up shop? Let me ask you, how does a POOR person who has nothing end up with a business in a community of people that are not of them and make thousands upon thousands of dollars without the Govt giving them anything? POOR is what you said, a poor person has absolutely no ends. You explain that to us logically and with proof please, I gotta see this.

    The way you talk you think there is some magic wand and throw sprinkles over people heads and everything is good. Education? Are you freaking serious? Every time there is a cut where do they hit first? EDUCATION!!! It's a plan you fuck up education then you keep those who are poor, POOR !!! The education in this country is watered down and basically not really teaching my people who they really are but the Caucasian's history, I can go into how that destroys the mental but I am not. Another thing, education for my people is so crazy it's CRAZY!!! When the Govt seen that more African descent people were heading for college, what they do? RAISE THE PRICES!!! See you're not going in depth to what's going on, you don't see the real picture and who the dam puppet master is!!
    pay that Nut Case no mind, he knows that you are educated thats why he keeps fucking with you

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