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  1. #691
    Hung Angel Platinum Poster trish's Avatar
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Zimmerman has been arrested and will be prosecuted. That's all Trayon's parents want. That's what almost all the public protest has been about. Moreover, that's what true justice requires. A unarmed boy was shot. The police did not confiscate the gun for evidence, nor did they charge the gunmen; they took Zimmerman to the station and accepted on face value his claim of self-defense. Zimmerman got to go home that night; Trayvon went to the morgue. Justice requires something different. Justice requires that the event be properly investigated, that the Martin's learn what truly happened that evening (to the best of the law's ability to find out), and that Zimmerman gets his day in court. It appears Florida has finally taken the first steps to assure this process. What is sad is that without the display of national outrage Zimmerman would never have been charged; he would have shot and killed a boy, walked away and kept the weapon and been regarded as public hero all on his own say so.

    Perhaps the prosecutor overcharged Zimmerman. Perhaps she didn't. But at least now we have a trail, and that's all everybody, excepting the racists, wanted. Well almost all...personally I have no more in the Trayvon issue...I'm happy to now to let the trail take its course...but I want to see now public focus on the SYG-laws. I'm not against the legal force of self-defense. But I do think claims of self-defense should be substantiated by something more significant than the magic incantation, "I feared for my life...period."

    Last edited by trish; 04-14-2012 at 04:38 PM.
    "...I no longer believe that people's secrets are defined and communicable, or their feelings full-blown and easy to recognize."_Alice Munro, Chaddeleys and Flemings.

    "...the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way". _Judge Holden, Cormac McCarthy's, BLOOD MERIDIAN.

  2. #692
    Senior Member 5 Star Poster EvonRose's Avatar
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Quote Originally Posted by arnie666 View Post
    They should be in the cells, next door to sharpton, nicole dupree, yourself ,president obozo, jackson and the idiots so far anon who altered 9'11 footage for nbc.

    The planet would be a better place without any of you.
    I'll make you a deal, if Zimmerman doesn't go to jail then I will apologize for thinking e is a racist, child killer...

    Now if he goes to jail and is prosecuted.... I want an apology from you and refrain from being racist... lol

  3. #693
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    He oursued a kid walking in his neighborhood and killed him. he didnt "stand his ground" he was the aggressor. if Martin had killed him he would be in the right.. the thing is phone records show Martin was a scared kid retreating and the shooter intent on conflict and armed. It's the new south same as the old south. it remeinds me of the trick or treater asian exchange student shot and killed in LA a few yrs ago...the shooter got off. If not for the DOJ the shooter would of gotten off here to but. this isnt the BGush DOJ it's a DOJ reminiscernt mof teh Kennedy/Johnson era that won't stand by while basic human rights are denied citizens. The real sad thing is the feds had to get involved showing how little things have changed. hell the shooter went home with the murder weapon

    Popeye the greatest pop philosopher of the 20th century~ I yam what I yam and that is all that I yam1

  4. #694
    Silver Poster jamesedwards's Avatar
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Great Profound Post!!!!

    Lets be real hear it's some what about race also, because time after time month after month African american people keep getting shot at and profiled because they are dark. I don't use the term black because African descent people are not black it's a misnomer. Since slavery my people have been persecuted, raped, hung, shot, maimed, spat on, disrespected, not having equality on any level for anything etc. It's coming to a point where we are sick and tired of it. Caucasian police and some racist civilians want us dead because we are dark. It's ridiculous to want us dead because of our Melanin content. So lets not fool ourselves that it's about just a young boy being shot to death by a grown ass man!!!

    Now the thing is a grown as man killing a young teen boy for no dam reason is a big problem. Zimmerman on any level shouldn't have killed the teen anyone who thinks it was ok for him to do so are nut cases. Here's a boy that went to the store to get some candy and a drink like a normal child, not starting trouble not gang related nothing. Here's a man named Zimmerman who don't know Trayvon and acting on extreme prejudice vigilante style to kill someone because that's why he carried that gun. He already had it in his mind he was going to catch someone and pop them, you heard the tape "THEY ALWAYS GET AWAY", this guy is a fucking nut!!! He's not a cop, he was told to not engage the teen, I mean what the fuck? Lets not blame the media and every thing else, lets blame the guy at hand ZIMMERMAN!!!

    The Skittles didn't shot Trayvon, ice tea, neighbors, media etc didn't kill Trayvon it was Zimmerman, keep the focus on his ass!!! He need to be locked up the evidence now is so overwhelming that he did it and he had no reason to kill and UNARMED CHILD. I found out Zimmerman's neighborhood training course specifically says "DON'T ENGAGE A PERSON AND ALWAYS CALL THE POLICE" that right there coincides with the dispatcher's note to Zimmerman "DO NOT ENGAGE THE TEEN", yet you hear in his phone convo that he got out the car and did so anyway then when he shot Trayvon lied and said Trayvon came to him and caused a gash in the back of his head and broke his nose at HIS SUV which is all a dam lie. Where they were and where that SUV was hundreds of feet away. So Zimmerman lied, and what even messed this up further was the dam Sanford police.

    Lets not forget Zimmerman assaulted an officer before, and domestic violence against his ex girl. You should hear others testimony how he would be out at the bar and would flip out on people, this guy is a raving lunatic and needs to be locked up, how many more people have to die?

    Quote Originally Posted by yodajazz View Post
    I lost a long post, again. But bottom line is that Arnie666, you are a racist, no matter your skin color is. The issue has always been about justice vs injustice. The media is about giving people the information they are curious about. How many (unarmed) kids go to the store for candy, in the US? A teen doing this, comes up dead, yet the shooter, who admitted to pursuing and confronting him, was released with any court hearing. Zimmerman's presumption of innocence, by self defense, was what the controversy was about. People want a greater truth to come out. And some type of official court proceeding is the best way for that to happen. Your assumptions are racist.

    Obama simply responded to a question about this specific case. He was not asked about his opinion on crime, or victims in general. He has a teen aged children of his own. The chain of events started with an Zimmerman's assesment about Martin's looks. That is what Obama responded to.

    I recently moved into a racially diverse community. Perhaps my son or I could be confronted as 'not belonging around here'. So in other words, justice in this case has larger implications for many people.

  5. #695
    Silver Poster jamesedwards's Avatar
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Quote Originally Posted by allurstouse View Post
    He oursued a kid walking in his neighborhood and killed him. he didnt "stand his ground" he was the aggressor. if Martin had killed him he would be in the right.. the thing is phone records show Martin was a scared kid retreating and the shooter intent on conflict and armed. It's the new south same as the old south. it remeinds me of the trick or treater asian exchange student shot and killed in LA a few yrs ago...the shooter got off. If not for the DOJ the shooter would of gotten off here to but. this isnt the BGush DOJ it's a DOJ reminiscernt mof teh Kennedy/Johnson era that won't stand by while basic human rights are denied citizens. The real sad thing is the feds had to get involved showing how little things have changed. hell the shooter went home with the murder weapon
    Exactly!!! Those phone records and recording of Trayvon on the phone scared is going to show Zimmerman was the predator so he can't use SYG law that's why he was now arrested because the DOJ with evidence show he couldn't use that because of how he approached the situation and it was Zimmerman that cause this whole thing from the jump. Had Zimmerman stayed his ass in the SUV like he was told by dispatcher either Trayvon would of been shot by Sanford police or the police would of found out his father lived there and he would of went home. But no Zimmerman wanted to play cop and hero.

  6. #696
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Quote Originally Posted by jamesedwards View Post
    Great Profound Post!!!!

    Lets be real hear it's some what about race
    Oh please anyone who thinks it wasn't all about race and Zimmerman's pre judging the intentions of a young black male is living in a fantasy land. it was all about race. Not only that but I sincerely doubt Zimmerman would of gone home with his gun after contradicting himself, not following police instructioins to back off and killing a teenage kid named Romney walking around the neighborhood. the new racism in this country is pretending their isn't racism. It isn't as bad as when I was a kid and it played on TV but frankly it's worse than it was 20 yrs ago.

    Popeye the greatest pop philosopher of the 20th century~ I yam what I yam and that is all that I yam1

  7. #697
    Silver Poster jamesedwards's Avatar
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    How man cases have anyone seen where an African american cop has shot Caucasian men, women or child? Does anyone have a new article on at least 3 nationwide cases?

    Now on the other hand I can give you slews of cases where Caucasian police officers in the USA have killed African american people, women and men that were unarmed!!!

    Just last month an African american man was shot because he had a dam cell phone up to his ear talking dam cop shot him in the hand in Chicago and while shooting shot an African american woman while she was walking by and she's fucking dead for no reason! Why? Guess what the guy that was shot told his story to reporters and took them to the place where it happened he's not locked up and the police chief said "IT WAS JUSTIFIED" huh? What the fuck!@!! Who the fuck holds a gun up to their ear while walking down the street? So how was it justified that the woman died as an innocent by stander? This is just one case out of thousands. So why this isn't getting national news? Because Trayvon's case is taking precedent that's why.

    2011 an African american male was going home and three Caucasian cops stopped him grabbed three locs of hair out of his head, beat him with a tree branch and claimed he had a soda bottle that looked like a gun WTF? That young man was able to live and tell his story, I mean he was Trayvon but he lived!!!

    Amidou Dialo shot in New York 41 times, for what? By Caucasian police, he did nothing wrong, and they shot him because what? They said his wallet looked like a gun? Either they need their eyes checked or get the hell off the force. HOw many dam rounds did they need to pump an unarmed college man full of bullets? He fell and they still kept loading up and firing, 41 shot is a lot. Hell Sean Bell 51 shots remember that? In NEW YORK also.

    Why is the Industrial Incarceration Complex AKA Prison System filled 70% African american and the rest is Hispanic and Caucasian yet Caucasian statistically commit more crimes? Something is not right here, so when people say this isn't about race that's a bunch of bullshit!!!

    People don't even know the original definition of racism, it's not hate another ethnic group. If you look up the word hate it has no definition of racism in it. Hate is Hate, not racism.

    The true definition of Racism is "ANY GROUP WHO CLAIMS TO BE SUPERIOR TO ANOTHER RACE GROUP AND DEPRIVE THAT GROUP OF EDUCATION, ECONOMICS, SOCIAL, AND POLITICAL EQUALITY" that's fucking true racism. African americans, Hispanics and any other ethnic group in the USA who don't like Caucasians are just that THEY DON'T LIKE CAUCASIANS AND THEY CAN'T BE DEEMED RACIST!!! Every time someone doesn't want to date outside their race of the African americans or Hispanics people jump and call them racist, like how? wtf are you talking about? They have the right not to want to just like people have the right to mix. Racism the word is thrown around like the word love, people saying that shit but don't understand the true meaning of it and it just becomes a SAY IT WORD CLICHE` because you heard another person saying it and it sounds nice to say.

    In this country words are used as a work of art that's why the legal and medical system use such words especially the legal system, that's why you need a lawyer to interpret those words. Most people don't even know the true knowledge of Britain and the US ties and being warden of the state and all these legal bullshit laws are. JUST SAYING.

  8. #698
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    They need to delete that thread that mildcigar's cowardly ass made just to start a racist, trolling, flame war on the forum.

  9. #699
    Senior Member 5 Star Poster EvonRose's Avatar
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Why don't y'all answer his question?

    Urbanchampion asked a really good question but seems like all the cowards ignored it... what opinionated smart people they are...

  10. #700
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    Default Re: 17yr old black kid shot and killed for walking in white suburbia?

    Quote Originally Posted by EvonRose View Post
    Why don't y'all answer his question?

    Urbanchampion asked a really good question but seems like all the cowards ignored it... what opinionated smart people they are...
    Multiple questions...that have spanned over the past several days...

    mildcigar and yourdaddy can't answer them because they're afraid to answer them. I've called them out on their bullshit so they avoid it. Fear is a powerful motivator as well as something to shut someone up if they lack a spine. They'd rather troll the forums with bullshit and have diarrhea of the mouth. Anything that they say from now on is basically meaningless because of this. You might as well try to reason with a child who has ADHD and brain damage.

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