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  1. #31
    Veteran Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peacetalks
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainGeech
    If they are killing people for the organs that is wrong. If they are doing it solely for the money that's wrong. But if they are simply helping people in need (burn victims, heart transplant patients, etc...) then good for them. People should be ashamed for not donating their organs after they die. That is the ultimate form of selfishness IMO.
    They did not have permission from the families of the deceased and that makes it wrong. How hard is that to understand.
    I get it and that's really fucked up. I just feel its even worse to be so selfish that even in death when it doesn't matter anymore they're not willing to help others. I agree the family should have some input but organs don't last very long after death. You need to harvest them immediately or they die just like the person.

    I have the personality and people skills of a retarded home-schooled kid.

  2. #32
    Junior Poster
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    Those Israelis are sure smart. They musta realized palestinians are just gonna blow themselves up anyway. At least this way Palestinians are doing something positive with their worthless lives before they die.

    Go Israel!

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllanahStarrNYC
    Pointing out my ex-boyfriend being from Israel, was just to prove a point that I am not anti semitic.
    Sorry but that really doesnt mean shit. Ive seen black guys with white girlfriends who are racist as fuck towards the men, and white guys who like latinas but hate latinos and latino culture, same with asians, indians, arabs (thats me i like arab girls but i hate arabs), etc.

    if anything I would say people who have friends or lovers outside their race tend to use them to tell racial stereotype anectdotes. ex: "i know this *insert race* guy/girl who ... ". Too many people do that shit.

  4. #34
    Junior Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllanahStarrNYC

    And note how the Israeli finance minister called the Swedish 'anti semitic'.

    That just sickens me because I feel Israeli officials play that card all the time. 'Oh we stole body parts, but if you don't like that we did so, your an anti semite'.

    Makes NO SENSE.
    The Finance Minister was talking about an article accusing IDF forces of abducting Palestinian teenagers and killing them for their organs. The writer of the article admitted that he has no proof. The spat caused another individual to release the interview about the harvesting of organs in Israel. The individual admitted that she does not believe the article written by the other person is true.

    A number of ethnic groups/peoples play "the card" at times because it is a diversion. Or, the individual accusing the ethnic group/people actually has hate in them or just is straight lying.

  5. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by paulgutierrez
    Those Israelis are sure smart. They musta realized palestinians are just gonna blow themselves up anyway. At least this way Palestinians are doing something positive with their worthless lives before they die.

    Go Israel!
    ^ ^ ^
    Idiot of Epic Proportions

    Quote Originally Posted by sexyshana
    what difference does it make if she is a club kid or not, she looks good and in the end we were all boys at one time no? she looks great, enjoy it!
    buy her tits if you would rather she had some.

  6. #36
    Platinum Poster CORVETTEDUDE's Avatar
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    I have personally spent a considerable amount of time with German and
    Isreali 'special forces' personnel(without revealing actual organizational names). I found them to be very much, the same peaople, phylisophically speaking. The religion has absolutely nothing to do with it! As a retired Navy SEAL, I can tell you, without reservation, the Massad are one of the most ruthless Intell & Special Forces organizations in the world. If they want to disect someones brain, they will disect someones brain!

  7. #37
    Rookie Poster BlowjobPenn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tslvrnyc
    Israel dosen't represent all Jews.

    In fact I've met Jews who've said they wish they could pour every ounce of Jewish blood from their body after they took a trip to Israel and saw the treatment of the Palestinians.

  8. #38


    Gaza Continues To Fall Victim By The IOF’s Use Of DU/EU Weapons

    Quote Originally Posted by sexyshana
    what difference does it make if she is a club kid or not, she looks good and in the end we were all boys at one time no? she looks great, enjoy it!
    buy her tits if you would rather she had some.

  9. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by praetor View Post

    Monday, December 21, 2009
    12:40 Mecca time, 09:40 GMT

    Israel has admitted that it harvested organs from the dead bodies of Palestinians and Israelis in the 1990s, without permission from their families.

    The admission follows the release of an interview with Jehuda Hiss, the former head of Israel's forensic institute, in which he said that workers at the institute had harvested skin, corneas, heart valves and bones from Israelis, Palestinians and foreign workers.

    In the interview, which was conducted in 2000 when Hiss was head of Tel Aviv's Abu Kabir forensic institute, he said: "We started to harvest corneas ... Whatever was done was highly informal. No permission was asked from the family."

    Nancy Scheper-Hughes, who conducted the interview, told Al Jazeera on Monday that Hiss had said the "body parts were used by hospitals for transplant purposes - cornea transplants. They were sent to public hospitals [for use on citizens].

    Guidelines 'not clear'

    "And the skin went to a special skin bank, founded by the military, for their uses", such as for burns victims.

    The practice is said to have ended in 2000.

    The interview was also reported on Israel's Channel 2 television, which quoted an Israeli military statement that said: "This activity ended a decade ago and does not happen any longer."

    Israel's health ministry said in the Channel 2 report that at the time the guidelines for transplants "were not clear" and that for the last 10 years "Abu Kabir has been working according to ethics and Jewish law".

    Scheper-Hughes, who is a professor of anthropology at the University of California-Berkeley, said that she made the interview public because of the controversy last summer over allegations of organ harvesting made by a Swedish newspaper.

    In August the Aftonbladet newspaper ran an article alleging that the Israeli army had stolen body organs from Palestinian men after killing them.

    Israel denied the claims, calling them anti-Semitic, and the incident raised tensions when Sweden refused to apologise for the article, saying that press freedom prevented it from intervening.

    'Conflict deaths'

    Donald Bostrom, the journalist who broke the story in Aftonbladet, told Al Jazeera: "UN staff came to me and said that you have to look into this very serious issue. Palestinian young people were disappearing in the areas and five days later they appear back in the villages with an autopsy done on them against the will of the families.

    "We need to know who are the victims. Mothers need to know what happened to their sons."

    Bostrom said that there is no proof that people were killed for their organs but that an investigation is needed to find out whether there was a policy in place or if the bodies used were random.

    Bostrom added that Hiss is the "main key" to solving such unanswered questions, but that there would also be other people involved who could help uncover the truth.

    Scheper-Hughes said that some of the dead Palestinians from whom organs were harvested were killed during military raids.

    "Some of the bodies were definitely Palestinians who were killed in conflicts," she told Al Jazeera.

    "Their organs were taken without consent of families and were used to serve the needs of the country in terms of hospitals as well as the army's needs."

    'Technically illegal'

    She said that Hiss told her "that the people who did the harvesting were sent by the military. They were often medical students".

    "He did it informally and without permission, and it was technically illegal," she said.

    The military establishment gave their "sanction and approval" to the procedures, according to Scheper-Hughes.

    During his interview with Scheper-Hughes, Hiss said that the eyelids of bodies were glued shut to prevent the removal of corneas being found out.

    Hiss was dismissed as head of Abu Kabir in 2004 over irregularities in the use of organs, but charges against him were eventually dropped. He still holds the position of chief pathologist at the institute.

    I AM SO REALLY against this shiteous aspect of human medical intervention especially if the organs were harvested or taken without the consent of the donor or the closest of kin...

    In Asia this is very prevalent and I wrote about this somewhere in my blog expressing my passion on this brutal practice....

    This has to be right up there among the most heinous crime list....

  10. #40
    Professional Poster alyssats's Avatar
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    cum and get me ;)


    Salaam and Shalom to all my Arab and Jewish boyfriends!

    Love and Peace to all!


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