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  1. #201
    Platinum Poster
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    The ridiculous attacks on Zbigniew Brzezinski are laughable and ludicrous. The smears come from the far right and other assorted crazies. Zbigniew Brzezinski is a brilliant man and an asset to any administration.

    "I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." - Poe

  2. #202
    Silver Poster hippifried's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chicago Guy
    Again...look at the DJIA close tuesday...and open wednesday. What other BIG news broke after the market closed on Tuesday?
    The monthly business & profit reports. Couple that with the quarterly unemployment figures that came out last week & told everybody that consumers aren't going to be bailing anybody out anytime soon & that there's going to be more foreclosures, & you have enough bad news to crash any market. Plus, the banks still aren't loaning money.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chicago Guy
    Do you think people on Tuesday night realized the economy is bad? The market is down 10% in 2 days....
    So what? It did that after the bailout passed too, & before the election. The DOW didn't go lower than it did then. More bad news from the labor department today, & the DOW is up again as of this moment. Go figure. The stock market is panic stricken on a daily basis. You can't judge the economy by what goes on in the pits. Politics either.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chicago Guy
    I have nothing against Obama...I think he is a great person!!! I just think its a little uneducated to believe he is perfect.
    Nobody thinks he's perfect or has ever said they did. What he is is smart, pragmatic, even tempered, deliberate, & disciplined. Sounds good to me. I'm tired of mindless ideologues.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chicago Guy
    I guess the media, wall street, and myself must be crazy...
    Yup. & if all y'all can't stay on your meds, lobotomy is always an option.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chicago Guy
    BTW, before people start making racial comments and asking me if I'm white and how old I am...I'm 24 and of Indian decent.
    Oh. Casino Indian or Microsoft tech-support Indian? Just curious. Doesn't really matter because you're still wet behind the ears. My grandkids think they've got all the answers too.

    "You can pick your friends & you can pick your nose, but you can't wipe your friends off on your saddle."
    ~ Kinky Friedman ~

  3. #203
    Rookie Poster
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    Nov 2007


    Paying their fair share? I pay more in taxes than you probably make. If you think anybody in this country is going to get a tax break. Think again. In 1 year people are gonna come to the realization that they have been lied to by Obama. He will not dd any of things he promised except make government bigger and unemployment will reach the double digits in % and this will put us into a depression. I don't care how much money he is giving away for his entitlement programs.

  4. #204
    Rookie Poster
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    Nov 2007


    The only reason Obame got elected is because of the liberal media making him out to be the second coming of christ. he is not and will not change anything in this country.

    dr jeff edmunds

  5. #205
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    Quote Originally Posted by doctranny07
    Paying their fair share? I pay more in taxes than you probably make. If you think anybody in this country is going to get a tax break. Think again. In 1 year people are gonna come to the realization that they have been lied to by Obama. He will not dd any of things he promised except make government bigger and unemployment will reach the double digits in % and this will put us into a depression. I don't care how much money he is giving away for his entitlement programs.
    So you think it's right to live in the U.S and not pay taxes? The tax system in this country is progressive, it's been that way since 1910. I guess you think it's ok for wealthy to hide most of their money in overseas tax shelters too? Obama has not LIED, he has said it won't be easy to dig us out of this hole.

    Higher or lower taxes have nothing to do to with unemployment. The wealthy have gotten tax breaks under Bush, so where are the jobs?? Whining over a 3% tax increase (The same as Clinton's increase) when you make over $250,000 is just silly.

  6. #206
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    Quote Originally Posted by doctranny07
    The only reason Obame got elected is because of the liberal media making him out to be the second coming of christ. he is not and will not change anything in this country.
    That's garbage. You mean the same liberal media who talked about Rev. Wright for over a month? The same liberal media who fawned over McCain in 2000? Life would be much worse under McCain/Palin, telling women they would have to carry a rapist baby in their body is just plain nuts. Religion Has No Place in Government.

  7. #207
    Professional Poster NYBURBS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitz207
    So you think it's right to live in the U.S and not pay taxes? The tax system in this country is progressive, it's been that way since 1910. I guess you think it's ok for wealthy to hide most of their money in overseas tax shelters too? Obama has not LIED, he has said it won't be easy to dig us out of this hole.

    Higher or lower taxes have nothing to do to with unemployment. The wealthy have gotten tax breaks under Bush, so where are the jobs?? Whining over a 3% tax increase (The same as Clinton's increase) when you make over $250,000 is just silly.
    Whining? There is such a sad jealousy in this nation over who has what. A guy that makes that kind of money is not filthy rich, he is simply doing pretty well. That he should have to pay almost 40% of his income to just 1 tax is insane. That still leaves FICA, State income tax, sales taxed, property taxes, usage fees, so on and so forth.

    Btw that was actually 1913 that the federal government re-instituted the income tax, right after ratification of the 16th Amendment. Perhaps you should research it and see the difference in rates and the income levels (adjusted for inflation) that it was originally set to. I think you'd see it was a vastly different system than what is imposed today. An income of 500,000 (in 1913 dollars) paid a 6% rate. Most people paid nothing, yet today you talk about people whining that almost 40% of their income is going to go to one tax

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