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  1. #51
    Senior Member Silver Poster
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    Hey, when Tillerson was with Exxon, he and Putin came up with a plan to have Exxon drill oil wells in the Arctic where the ice had melted from global warming. They stood to rake in billions but Magnitsky squelched that. And yes, Hillary fucked with Putin's sham election when she headed the State Department. Then there was that whole Reagan SDI thing that murdered Mother Russia. It's no wonder Vladimir stays up nights plotting against us. He stole my Mom's tax refund one year. As his role model Stalin once said, One lunatic in the white House is a statistic, 38% of the USA losing their minds is a tragedy.
    I hate repeating myself, but this whole thing is the plot from the DIE HARD movie where terrorists have the NYC police department chasing their own tails hunting for a terrorist, while in fact the bad guys are thieves looting the gold from the vaults. The whistle blower is Samuel L Jackson. Who knows how this bad movie is going to end but I must repeat myself one more time and say I think the worm has turned, I think Trump's impeachment poles are going to go up and up and up until the Republicans in the Senate fear losing their phony baloney jobs, gentlemen.
    When I came on here, I thought it was one more site where dudes rip off content from chicks trying to grab money from dudes compromised by a moment of sexual suspension of reality. I asked the forum about street trannies carrying knives and got laughed at by a dozen merrymakers. In D. C. the transsexual prostitutes hung in a real bad neighborhood focused around a particular bar where they pat you down when you enter. It's history now, I'm sure. Thanks, Obama.
    In the Bible they had eight lean years, eight fat years, and four years of floods, locusts, etc.
    We have Bush, Obama, Trump. There is nothing new under the Sun, all of this will pass, that's the only thing I'm sure of.

    World Class Asshole

  2. #52
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    Let me try and clean up one last mess, I meant Impeachment polls, not Impeachment poles, although in Trump's case an Impeachment pole might be extremely satisfying. I never fact check anything, I saw that Anderson Cooper interview on TV, occasionally a group of people on MSNBC or CNN will sum up the day perfectly, but they state it, then it's gone. I repeat Geraldo Rivera, if Nixon had Fox News, he never would have left office. But buttslinger says if Hitler had CNN, we would never have had the Holocaust.
    Thank you Rachel Maddow.
    Thank you Southern District of New York.

    World Class Asshole

  3. #53
    Senior Member Veteran Poster
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    Am I right in thinking Elizabeth Warren is now edging in front of the other candidates? I can only really go by the UK media reports from the US.
    Its starting to look that way. Biden is taking a hit from both the far left and the right about his son earning $50,000 a month and Sanders' recent heart attack is a concern for those who worry about his age. Although my advice to his opponents would be not to make comments about his age and health in the next debate. It may turn off older voters who know what its like to be discriminated against because of their age.

  4. #54
    Senior Member Silver Poster
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    How about this.
    Would everyone agree that Pence is not as dumb as he looks and was well aware of everything that has gone on under his nose?
    re-elect NANCY PELOSI - 2020. Let it ride!!!

    World Class Asshole

  5. #55
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    Hey, when Tillerson was with Exxon, he and Putin came up with a plan to have Exxon drill oil wells in the Arctic where the ice had melted from global warming. They stood to rake in billions but Magnitsky squelched that.
    --Arctic oil and gas development has been taking place since the 1980s, the key to any future development is the increasing depletion of the sea ice that makes transport difficult to impossible, ditto seabed pipelines. And they are all at it -not just Exxon but Shell, BP, the Norwegians: whether or not the recoverable reserves are worth it is questionable, if the world begins to reduce its dependency on fossil fuels. Technical problems aside, the political question: who owns the stuff has yet to be resolved, not least because Russia has already claimed the North Pole is Russian territory.

    Stalin once said, One lunatic in the white House is a statistic, 38% of the USA losing their minds is a tragedy.
    -The death of an individual is a tragedy, the death of a million is a statistic, is what he allegedly said.

    In the Bible they had eight lean years, eight fat years, and four years of floods, locusts, etc.
    -Seven, not eight years.

    We have Bush, Obama, Trump. There is nothing new under the Sun
    -If you can't see the difference between Obama and the rest, you probably need spectacles. Almost three years of chaotic decision making based on the resentment of one man and his party, that a Black Man entered the White House as President, has brought your country little other than ridicule and fear. America, and the world, can do so much better.

    As for Biden, I don't know what to say- I thought he might get the sympathy vote when there is no truth in the allegations of corruption in the Ukraine, but unless people accept the premise that Americans went there in search of a fortune, and often got one, then the question Why Ukraine? doesn't get the attention it deserves- the same people did not rush into the eastern part of re-unified Germany, because they had the laws Russian and the Ukraine did not. The irony of course, is that some capital can be earned by pointing out Hunter Biden was 'thrown out' of the Naval Reserve for 'cocaine abuse' (I thought it was supposed to be fun)- but when the man making it is a draft-dodger one marvels at the cheek, just as there has yet to be the same level of scrutiny of Junior and Skittles, not to mention the Crooked Kushners.

    If this becomes the dirtiest election of recent times, and Elizabeth Warren is the nominee -how does she shape the debate according to her messages on policy and in terms of overall tone? My view is that Americans may want to hear a more warming, and soothing message rather than the relentless insults and abuse we have had from the Republicans: indeed, the 'potty mouth' strategy might work against the Republicans and in favour of the Democrats, but that does also assume the Democrats can agree on what their main policies are, and maybe Warren is dull enough to look good set against an increasingly mad and stupid man -who might not even be President this time next year. Warren -vs- Pence, now that sounds Dull, but am I right?

    Last edited by Stavros; 10-13-2019 at 08:43 AM.

  6. #56
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    The Republicans and Democrats are here to stay, the secret sauce is always in the middle, do we shift a little to the right, or a little to the left. I was a schoolboy in the sixties, when long hair was treason to many, and LBJ did the right thing with segregation and that dramatic move flipped to entire south from Democratic to Republican. I honestly think that even today if the Democrats run on racism, they'll lose. Biden has the black vote, that's why he's a contender. He's got Soul. Nothing more needs to be said.
    We're 13 months from the election, I was only half joking when I said Nancy Pelosi might be President. I honestly think if just one member of Robert Mueller breaks his oath and discloses what the best and brightest of US Intelligence found out about Trump in his younger impetuous days, say a year from now, we will have to stop the presses on any History books being printed, Trump Nation will have a heart attack.
    They say Americans who favor impeachment are the ones who are interested in it, the ones who have studied it. The ones who are not in favor of impeachment are the ones who don't follow politics, or get their facts solely from conservative media. Both parties "impeached" Nixon, but it started as a Democratic Idea.
    Impeaching Clinton started and ended as a Republican idea, and Pelosi wants the facts on TV to turn this into a bi-partisan effort. I wish her all the luck. It seems like having the truth on your side means nothing. If every politician were forced into wearing a lie detector around their neck, the new trick would be how to beat the lie detector.
    As far as Pocahontas versus Pence- ZZZZZZZZZZ nobody would watch. Schoolteacher Warren V. Schoolyard bully Trump, that might be a show.
    Rick went to Casablanca to die slowly from a broken heart, the rule was either lay off politics or get out. In the end he and Inspector Renault walked off into the fog, the birth of a beautiful friendship. That was a movie. Sometimes fiction can make people understand the truth better than newsprint.
    My question to you, Stavros, is: who killed the Politics and Religion Section? You or me?

    World Class Asshole

  7. #57
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    Quote Originally Posted by buttslinger View Post
    My question to you, Stavros, is: who killed the Politics and Religion Section? You or me?
    If there is a lack of vibrant debate in this section, it may be due to the absence of people who disagree with us. In the past there were people who were keen to oppose Obama, notably the one who relentlessly pointed his contempt at the level of government borrowing that he, along with Paul Ryan (remember him? Didn't think so) considered to be the litmus test of responsible government. That Obama's successor has been borrowing a trillion $ a year, that he has had to compensate farm failures due to his own inept tariffs on China costing $14 billion a year suggests he is significantly more reckless with your dollars than Obama, and may thus explain why he is no longer posting anything. Even those members of Hungangels who claim to admire their President either lack the courage to defend him in these boards, or are too embarrassed to admit to liking him. There is a similar lack of debate from UK members who for all I know think it is a good idea that the UK leave the EU, but they won't admit it here. Just as my attempt to generate sensible debate on Immigration died a death, even though at least two regular posters in other sections once mentioned it there.

    But if the word 'kill' is your choice, ask yourself why your so-called President seems so determined to kill the Constitution and the rule of law. Is he not deliberately breaking the law to expose it as an 'ass'? He has even appointed an Attorney General whom he knows will never prosecute him no matter what he does -if anyone is good at 'kissing ass' in the US Government, it must be the Attorney General. For once the US has a President for whom the convention that a sitting President not be indicted, should be overturned- at the very moment the man to do it is a shit-eating tRumpMonkey who can see no evil, hear no evil, or speak no evil, even when it is dripping from his lips.

    It's more Fargo than Casablanca: the men sent to kidnap the US and its Constitution so the President can extort money from the people, have begun to murder it, and demolish it, piece by piece. Perhaps the grim truth is that the people who can't be bothered to post a comment in this section, because they don't care, don't care if their country ends up in the toilet wiping the ass of a man who to me is a racist, a homophobe, a misogynist, a liar, a crook and a traitor. as David Miliband put it, we live in an 'age of impunity', and no well-intentioned pregnant officer can save it -unless, at this late stage, the people rally to save their Republic. In which case, Fargo needs a sequel, but who will direct it?

  8. #58
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    I think Trish had it right, we are in the Twilight Zone, baby, Most of the Republicans in Congress outside a handful that show up on Fox News every night despise Trump as much as anybody, but they are held hostage by the same morons that elected Trump and un-elected the EU over there. You trash our morons more than your own, I think maybe. Unlike the sci-fi CGI stuff we see today, the Twilight Zone always ended badly, as bad as it seemed during the show, the truth, the ending, was even more horrifyingly sober. The great truth is never clearly seen until it's too late.
    I do care about Trump, a friend of my Mom's who worked in Naval Intelligence and I had a long discussion about how Trump is up to his neck with Putin, how this was going to end up in bloodshed, etc etc etc, while my poor Mom lay between us in her hospital bed saying nothing, in pain that we haven't seen yet. That's our true future.
    My brother and his wife won't discuss it. Before I can finish the sentence that she should tune into Sean Hannity's show some night and see 60 minutes of the worst horror movie that's ever been made, she is shaking her head. no no no. To her credit, she refuses to get sucked in.
    I have a friend whose Dad was John McCain's C.O. at Annapolis. He's never voted, and his sisters, some of them are Trumpers. I swear they see themselves as the true Americans. Debating it just leaves us both shaking our heads and pissed off. I am a druggie and you are a fag to them. Clear as day.
    I am seriously considering taking the advice of the clowns that happily jerk off up in the porn section and wisely don't bring up guns or abortions at cock-tail parties. There's not a goddamn thing I can do about Trump, We, the People, spoke in 2016, and I honestly believe we the people will change their minds in 2020, (Independents) but like Casablanca, you never really know if Rick is going to get on the plane til the end. The problems of two people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world.
    It is quite possible people listen to you over there, and that's made you think that your opinion means something, I have no illusions that my little soapbox here is the only time my voice registers "in print"
    To be or not to be, I gotta believe one of these Judges over here is going to give the House of Representatives Trump's tax records, and all that stuff Mueller found out about Putin's inner circle money laundering millions with Trump will finally have PROOF. Then you'll see all the dominoes fall. That's what I'm focused on. But yeah, as others have said right here, we'll still have millions of gullible souls looking for their sweet time on the sunny side of the street. Maybe Elizabeth Warren has the right plan. Educate every kid, one kid at a time, as best we can. Paying for a education of some Guatemalan's 5 kids in an American school costs taxpayers like 50 grand a year. At the end of this Twilight Zone episode we are still 22 trillion dollars in debt. When that bill comes due the Western World will be as fucked as the rest of the world. It's a bi-partisan can that we've been kicking down the road for way to long. If the Republican Party crashes and re-invents itself as the party that fixes the tax code, I might say fuck the rich and poor and save the middle class.
    It is very possible that all my hatred for Trump is doing nothing but giving me an ulcer. Just like Putin planned it. Jesus.

    World Class Asshole

  9. #59
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    Quote Originally Posted by buttslinger View Post
    My question to you, Stavros, is: who killed the Politics and Religion Section? You or me?
    Why aren't more people flocking here to read your half-page diatribes? Beats me

    I think there's a bit of a catch 22 issue. For people who basically agree with your position there's not much that can be said that hasn't already been said many times before. Also, there are many other places on the internet where we can read about these issues. People who don't agree with you, on the other hand, are generally not people who like to engage in civil discussion.

    So I think it's going to be you and Stavros walking off into the fog together. He's Felix and you're Oscar, so it must be an attraction of opposites. I'm sure the diatribes are good therapy for you anyway.

    2 out of 3 members liked this post.
    Last edited by filghy2; 10-15-2019 at 04:39 AM.

  10. #60
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    Default Re: US Elections 2020

    I assure you my diatribe is against Donald Trump and Donald Trump only. Every home in the United States should have an outdoor recess bell ringing in their living room constantly ever since Trump practically got down on his knees and blew Putin on the world stage at Helsinki. How could anyone not see that footage and not lose their mind? I'm pretty sure if I stopped holding back and said what I really felt two guys in suits would be knocking on my door like I'M the bad guy!!
    My position hasn't changed one inch since Trump was elected. Either I'm insane or the world is insane. Possibly both. I bleed red white and blue. Stavros doesn't even like Elvis. Not Treason, but close. Stavros isn't Felix, Stavros is Stavros. I'm not Oscar, but I'm not Buttslinger, either.
    I'm on my knees praying that Trump didn't just do what we were all afraid he was going to do in Syria. Everybody's just standing around. I'm sick of it.

    World Class Asshole

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