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  1. #1
    Senior Member Silver Poster
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    Default Trump's Supreme Court nominee

    Justice Anthony M. Kennedy announced today that he is retiring from the Supreme Court, a move that gives President Trump the chance to replace the court’s pivotal justice and dramatically shift the institution to the right, setting up a bitter partisan showdown on Kennedy’s successor.
    What a couple-a days huh?

    World Class Asshole

  2. #2
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: Trump's Supreme Court nominee

    I believe the President can nominate any US citizen to sit as a justice on the Supreme Court. It may be the time for the President to shake things up and nominate his son Eric, who can be schooled in the law by Clarence Thomas, giving the latter something to do, and anyway Eric will vote as his dad tells him to.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Trump's Supreme Court nominee

    Quote Originally Posted by buttslinger View Post
    Justice Anthony M. Kennedy announced today that he is retiring from the Supreme Court, a move that gives President Trump the chance to replace the court’s pivotal justice and dramatically shift the institution to the right, setting up a bitter partisan showdown on Kennedy’s successor.
    What a couple-a days huh?
    yeah, but one thing i like about trump is he screws everyone- including his own party so who knows; maybe they'll pick this time to 'mccain' his decision considering they still have to confirm whoever is picked. and in all honesty, with the feather duster schumer treats republicans with and even more recently pelosi downplaying cortez's win the primary, i wouldn't count on them unless-

    cortez is the smoke that finally catches on. but right now i see it as the republican's game to shake up

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Trump's Supreme Court nominee

    Five out of five might as well be nine out of nine, they'll rubber-stamp anything the Republicans send over.

    World Class Asshole

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Trump's Supreme Court nominee

    Quote Originally Posted by buttslinger View Post
    Five out of five might as well be nine out of nine, they'll rubber-stamp anything the Republicans send over.
    The key point, because if the Court is just going to pass judgements that are always in favour of the Republican Party and a small group of Christian fanatics, it will not be making decisions relevant to the USA as a whole. It has already passed on the blatant practice of gerrymandering congressional districts, undermining labour unions ability to organize, purging voters from the roll in Ohio -it is not beyond reason to believe if it were to become even more conservative, gains on abortion and same-sex marriage would be reversed. The days when a Justice was appointed who ruled on the law rather than partisan politics may be over. I doubt I will visit the USA again, indeed, doubt they will let me in because of my family name and the stamps in my passport, but it does on one level look increasingly like a nasty country, not unlike parts of the UK that have fallen victim to Brexit madness. One could hope the mid-terms and 2020 will put an end to it, but the divisions look deep and beyond repair.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Veteran Poster
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    Default Re: Trump's Supreme Court nominee

    Remember all those people who said there was no difference between Hillary and Trump and that's why they were not voting. Or the Sanders supporters who were still butthurt because their guy didn't get the nomination and didn't vote for Hillary. Well guess what folks, you played a part in re-shaping the Supreme Court for the next 30 years. Thanks for nothing.

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  7. #7
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    Default Re: Trump's Supreme Court nominee

    ^^^ nah i wouldn't blame those people anymore than anyone who voted for trump. the DNC was a mess and was pushing for hillary. the fact that they had enough hubris to ignore bernie's popularity made a lot of people turn against the party (either by not voting or just voting for candidates that didn't have a chance)- in other words, they didn't listen to the very people they should have been serving and instead focused on their donors- politics 101.

    and this was (and still is) the very thing trump has used against them. of course it's all still a kangaroo court with all the pointing of fingers at who's wrong and who's not and who's losing and who's winning- coincidentally both sides being pitted against one another by both the president and establishment (read as: democrats). they point fingers: we fight.

    and the really beautiful part is: nothing is getting done. policies are just being put into hibernation and the people's minds slowly back to sleep.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Trump's Supreme Court nominee

    This Supreme Court pick is the reason Evangelicals voted for a no-tax-paying pussy-grabber. For the Republicans this is Gold on the Sidewalk.

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    World Class Asshole

  9. #9
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: Trump's Supreme Court nominee

    The moral and political argument that is emerging argues that as long as the President is under investigation for possible breaches of the law, he should not have the authority to nominate justices to sit on the Supreme Court of the United States,and that therefore the Senate should automatically refuse to consider the nominee until the Special Investigator has reported and the status of the President has been confirmed either way.

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  10. #10
    Senior Member Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Trump's Supreme Court nominee

    Time to name a new Judge. Let the bullshit begin.
    Beware the Federalist Society.

    They can see the Future. The one without you-
    the porn addicted mis-raised misfit.

    Let's see if Democrats can get their spine up, Mueller can't save them on this one...….
    Time to Rock.

    0 out of 2 members liked this post.
    World Class Asshole

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