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  1. #151
    filghy2 Silver Poster
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    Default Re: You've Been Trumped!

    Quote Originally Posted by martin48 View Post
    Parallel Universes – Image shows re-tweet links to news items in the US during the election. Hilary supporters are blue, Donald’s in red. Blues get their news from Washington Post, etc. Reds from Breitbart, etc. Little crossing over. Research by University of Columbia. There are two societies with little interconnect. Banging on about the obvious failings of Trump and his coterie is not going to be heard by anyone expect by the like-minded.
    I think you are being too pessimistic. People who retweet are more likely to be those with strong priors in the first place. Even so there is still a significant purplish area on that diagram. It has always been the case that most of the electorate is firmly attached to one side or the other. Elections are determined by the 10-20 per cent in the middle who are open to changing their minds. I doubt that too many of the people in the red zone would have been voting for Obama previously.

  2. #152
    Senior Member Professional Poster Paladin's Avatar
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    Default Re: You've Been Trumped!

    Quote Originally Posted by broncofan View Post
    He just wanted to say genitals is my guess. It's titillating. Maybe not, but I really wanted to say tit.
    You're all still proving Abe Lincoln correct. Look up the Article by William Safire.

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  3. #153
    Silver Poster
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    Default Re: You've Been Trumped!

    Quote Originally Posted by chupapau View Post
    He'll end up outsourcing the presidency. Plain and simple.
    welp: this ended up being incorrect.

  4. #154
    Senior Member Junior Poster
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    Default Re: You've Been Trumped!

    I wonder how many actual presidencies (where the US has a President as opposed to whatever the fuck Comrade Trump is) it will take before the rest of the world views that office as anything less than a joke again?

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