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  1. #71
    Junior Poster nitron's Avatar
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    Economically(plutocratic oligarchy) ,both the Dems and Reps,Labs and Cons, are on the same page, so culture wars(identity politics, political correctness ,islamophobia,blm,diversity, blah , blah ,)are the only fireworks that are going off, on both of sides of the pond.
    Demographics however will take care of these problems in the not so distant future.I believe the West, and the other rich countries,who's having the kids will take care of the Culture wars. The sjw's ? No! The alt-right?No!
    Demographics ,and AI will frame the next set of global problems . On a personal note, the sjw's(I have to tolerate sharia's intolarance towards faggits) and western religious conservatives(I have to tolerate,"get out of my store faggit, I don't have to serve you") equally dangerous.

  2. #72
    Junior Poster nitron's Avatar
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    One other things, just to put a finer point on this. I fear the Muslim conservatives are worse for our community than the, "get out of my store", born agains, because of demographics. I don't like this......this is worse than ,"get out of my bake shop , I don't want to serve you". And the apologists, and sjw regressives, need to be taken to task . You folks give an excellent dressing down of the right all over this forum, and you will get no argument from me on that score. But COME ON, face it, this is soooo much worse , and if you don't think so , you've lost touch.

  3. #73
    Junior Poster nitron's Avatar
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    Stavro..θα μας φάνε!

  4. #74
    5 Star Poster sukumvit boy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    Yes , I too have noticed the more strident British grousing about political correctness , as I watch a few British TV and comedy shows regularly , and found it puzzling. My impression has been that the British felt like it was being "shoved down their throat " and I could see that I was missing something with regard to context since I don't live there.
    Thanks Stavros for such a robust explanation , but it's still a very nuanced difference which is difficult for us Yanks to understand.

  5. #75
    Hung Angel Platinum Poster trish's Avatar
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    θα μας φάνε!
    They can eat me!

    I had to look up sjw. I never met one. But I got a hand to you paranoid anti-eqalitarians, you know how to invent pejoratives that don't sound at all pejorative. But yeah, ya gotta really hate the Bill of Rights, the First Amendment and especially the whole notion of social justice or anyone who might support it. Can't have any sort of justice messin' up our cultural values and endangerin' our way of life.

    "...I no longer believe that people's secrets are defined and communicable, or their feelings full-blown and easy to recognize."_Alice Munro, Chaddeleys and Flemings.

    "...the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way". _Judge Holden, Cormac McCarthy's, BLOOD MERIDIAN.

  6. #76
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    Quote Originally Posted by nitron View Post
    Economically(plutocratic oligarchy) ,both the Dems and Reps,Labs and Cons, are on the same page, so culture wars(identity politics, political correctness ,islamophobia,blm,diversity, blah , blah ,)are the only fireworks that are going off, on both of sides of the pond.
    Demographics however will take care of these problems in the not so distant future.I believe the West, and the other rich countries,who's having the kids will take care of the Culture wars. The sjw's ? No! The alt-right?No!
    Demographics ,and AI will frame the next set of global problems . On a personal note, the sjw's(I have to tolerate sharia's intolarance towards faggits) and western religious conservatives(I have to tolerate,"get out of my store faggit, I don't have to serve you") equally dangerous.
    You did not mention the elephant in this room -nationalism. The critics of political correctness one associates with Bill Etheridge, UKIP, some elements in the Conservative and Labour parties, and the English Defence League are not just angry with their perception that 'minorities' are protected and defended, they are arguing for a concept of what it means to be 'British' and 'English' that is reluctant to admit anyone whose colour and religious belief does not conform to their definition of what those terms mean.

    This whole argument about 'the death of Britain' is at its nationalist core wholly in synch with the belief that a nation is defined by people who share the same geography (territory), language, religious belief and cultural practice. In some but not all cases, those who make claims to the 'British identity' cite 'Race' as a factor, but as far as the current discourse is concerned, 'the Islamic threat' in the 21st century has merely replaced the 'threat' of 'the Blacks' in the late 20th and 'the Jews' in the early 20th century. The material impact of the EU's single market has been expressed in the influx of EU migrants since the 1990s, adding an additional layer of anxiety for those 'white British' who feel 'their country' is being 'taken over' by foreigners, even though the extent to which immigration was a decisive factor in the EU referendum is hard to ascertain, it might have been in some parts of the country rather than others.

    From this point of view, demographics have always been a key issue for nationalists (just as religion has become so today) because the obsession with 'outsiders' is that they breed more, so that ten children in one family will each have another ten, and another -until the minority becomes the majority. And if you say today that the predictions made about Jewish immigrants from the Russian Empire never happened, it will of course be said that 'Muslims are different', yet the argument is the same.

    The question is thus the fundamental question nationalism poses: Do you Belong Here?

  7. #77
    Senior Member Junior Poster Lauren_prado's Avatar
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    More islamist apologist bs, living in propaganda machine Islamic Republic of Sweden has completely obliterated your ability to think critically.

    ALL respected research centers on the planet, including die hard left political correct ones like Pew Research are projecting Muslim majority in the next century in almost all European countries.

    People like you, who side with islamism are destroying our world and needs to be held accountable.

    Sane people who don't want to live under a Muslim state and sharia law are called racist and Islamophobic by regressive leftists illiberal people like you.

    Your persistence in help Islam trying to conquer Europe for the third time (but this time from within) is driving divisions and the destruction of the European Union, the majority of the people, including non white immigrants, are voting for the far right, because they are our last hope to stop people insane people like you. Austria far right elections is practically won, Lepen is twice as popular and will be France next prime minister, same with Wilders in the Netherlands. Trump will be a silent winning majority. Just sit and watch while we crush islamism in our secular societies that you brought here and held you accountable.

    Get your "muslims won't make it" Russian roulette insane prediction and take it to another planet, move to the middle east where you can share sharia law with them.


    Quote Originally Posted by Stavros View Post
    'Muslims are different', yet the argument is the same.

    The question is thus the fundamental question nationalism poses: Do you Belong Here?

    Last edited by Lauren_prado; 08-28-2016 at 04:59 PM.

  8. #78
    Senior Member Silver Poster
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    Sure, King George I was crazy, but I'll bet the Founding Fathers were LOLROTF when they put that little part in the Constitution that it was their considered opinion that once every four years the people would get to decide who would speak for them by all getting together once every four years and everybody who's anybody would write their vote on that new social phenom known as a piece of paper. I mean, it's perfect: when everything goes to shit you can blame it on the voters.
    That's an ironclad contract. The Supreme Court decided: 5-4.
    The only Arabs I saw in Europe wore fifty thousand dollar suits made from oil. Of course, as a tourist, I didn't go to the slums of Paris.
    I don't think you have to be a racist to know in your Heart that if you got stuck an entire workday with the average Palestinian or Egyptian Woman that would be a day nailed to Hell.
    And I apologize for that statement.
    I assure you, the Democrats believe every bit as much in WHITE POWER as the Republicans.

    TEAM TRUMP has ascended higher than ever before into the Political Stratosphere with it's incorporation of Ailes, Guiliani, Breitbart, and that white hot foxcunt Laura Ingraham.
    Oooooh, I gotta stop right there........

    World Class Asshole

  9. #79
    Hung Angel Platinum Poster trish's Avatar
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    Default Re: Thought for the Day

    I don’t see anyone here apologizing for ISIS or any other Islamist group. What I do see is a poster or two offering vague threats and making excuses for their ugly religious bigotries by spreading fear and pointing to islamist radicalism as if its existence justified their phobia of all Muslims.

    "...I no longer believe that people's secrets are defined and communicable, or their feelings full-blown and easy to recognize."_Alice Munro, Chaddeleys and Flemings.

    "...the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way". _Judge Holden, Cormac McCarthy's, BLOOD MERIDIAN.

  10. #80
    Senior Member Silver Poster
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    Whining is considered ammo in some fighting styles, OK if that ISIS tank down your street is fictional.

    free photo upload

    World Class Asshole

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