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  1. #41
    Trans admirer and friend Junior Poster
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    Default Re: guys, stop pissing the girls off

    Quote Originally Posted by GroobySteven View Post
    The thing is, there are probably 3-4 individuals on this forum whose egos force them to comment on every post, to make shitty little remarks and to somehow enhance their days by just being all round twats. .
    this is exactly the reason I started the original post. If the guys want to argue amongst themselves, that's fine. but when they start scaring and driving the ladies away and it turns into a NOTHING BUT PORN forum, then it is sad.

    Quote Originally Posted by GroobySteven View Post
    I find Evon's claim a bit of a stretch but so what? ... call her out on it, and then move on instead of making it your life's ambition to piss people off, alienate people and try to make yourself a personality on the site - you're not, you're mostly just not relevant.

    If you wake up and can't get on here ... you now know why.
    exactly about Evon's thread. they could've let it go and just kept going and going like they had something to prove to boost their ego and make someone feel like they're not welcome.

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  2. #42
    Grooby Blogger 5 Star Poster GroobyKrissy's Avatar
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    Default Re: guys, stop pissing the girls off

    Edited by me to shorten for relevancy:

    Quote Originally Posted by nysprod View Post
    Ed, I agree with what you said 1000%...but I also remember a couple of months ago when Kelly took it upon herself to let Krissy know exactly how she felt about her status, which basically chased Krissy away until recently.
    I just wanted to respond to this and add a couple [which later turned into a fucking few... as always] of things. I want it to be 100% clear that I didn't feel "chased" away. Kelly has done a tremendous amount of good for the [Trans] community, and I try to look at the totality of one's existence, as far as is possible, before I will engage with them on a debate basis. That being said, what she did in writing and publishing her missive, which was obviously and provably factually incorrect, as well as being obviously malicious in intent, was so out of line that I thought and expected at least one other person to say something... but not one word. THAT is more the contributing factor as to why I left. I think I finally just realized that this is no more a community than the people I see at the local grocery store everyday. We say "hi", exchange pleasantries, pretend to listen and care, but then go our separate ways forgetting in the next breath what was said. In other words, we really don't care.

    Let's be honest here... this is Mean Girls, where the most vocal and pretty will win every. single. time. And that's fine. I could care less about that and I'm not crying over spilled milk. I've moved on and am creating my own versions of what I envision which has taken up most of my time recently. But that is also simply not an environment that most "unpopular" girls will find themselves comfortable being in.

    The other major contributing factor to me "leaving", which I will air quote since I have sporadically returned recently as already noted, is simply that you can't truly, honestly debate with anyone. I LOVE serious, unadulterated, uncensored, good debate and will engage just about anyone on any topic that I have feelings about. Anyone who knows me personally knows that I will be fierce about it, but fair, and in the "real" world, I have a close circle of friends that get together regularly to debate the topics of the day. I've never lost one friend due to debating them no matter how heated the conversations have gotten, and believe me, we've raised some eyebrows in restaurants before!

    We've come to a point though, that on boards like this, eyes glaze over at typing. I'd bet that probably 10% of those reading this have actually READ AND UNDERSTOOD what has been written thus far. We can't... we don't... we won't read anything anymore that isn't 140 characters or less. Anything longer than that we just automatically assume is a "rant". So I often get accused here of "ranting"... which is ridiculous. "Rants" have no point.

    My point of view is, take as much space and time as you need to CLEARLY state your opinion and I'll do the same. I will read what you've written, digest it, ANSWER any questions you put out, and post my own, along with any new comments. Far too often here, I end up just answering questions with none of mine being answered at all. That is not a debate. That is a Q&A. So, if you can't debate and discuss things with people here, then what is the point of being here (assuming you're not just here for marketing or consumption - both of which I don't find anything wrong with, but I've tried not to make my prime motive for visiting)? I ended up spending portions of my day here answering questions and defending myself against people who cannot put together a cohesive, logical argument for their points, but just relentlessly attack. That was a waste of time that I decided to put elsewhere. So those two things are the main contributing factors of my leaving.

    Personally, I could care less what people say. The world is completely full of idiots and any popular forum will have their fair share of them. You can't weed them all out and trying to do so would get incredibly tedious. I've always been strong on free speech and I have never, and will never, call for anyone here to be censored, banned, or otherwise disciplined for something they've said. That being said, this is a privately owned forum and rules are written for reasons so I find the "down with the man!" type of threads and comments amusing as well.

    So, my last points on this topic is one that has basically already been made. People need to grow up here. If you live your life in such a bubble that you get really, actually offended by some of the stuff that people say here... then you are, in fact, developmentally, a child. Stop taking up offenses that aren't your own. Do we even know what "offended" really means any more? I don't think we do.

    Additionally, I hate the hypocrisy. My recent engagement with a moderator here... CLEAR example. Anyone with half a brain would say his question to me was, on its face, racist and the insensitivity of that remark, completely undermined his own point about the insensitivity of my thread. Let me be clear, it is not my opinion that being racist was his intent, but it was worth pointing out to make my point: that the very insensitivity of framing an argument with that type of question in it, severely undermined his own. In other words, my point was almost everything someone says at some point will / can be taken as insensitive. But anyways, when called out on that hypocrisy, it is simply deny, obfuscate, and attack again. For this, he is applauded. Go figure.

    I try to be consistent and if you read through all my arguments here, you will find that to be so, at least I hope you will. I argue for HUMANITY... not this segment, not this race, not this person or that person... humanity. That is my underlying argument in most of the debates that I've engaged in here and you will find that is consistently so.

    Learn to admit you've made a mistake. Learn to apologize. Learn to move on. Learn to accept an apology. These are all things that are RARELY done on this board. In most of the engagements here, I've said things that I've regretted. Look through my past threads and note: I've apologized for them. Now read through them again and find one (JUST ONE) instance where anyone has apologized for something they've said about / to me? I'll save you the trouble. ZERO TIMES [EDIT: Actually, I do remember one time so this edit].

    When I was young, my parents were the type to sit all us siblings down and keep us in a room until we all apologized and meant it. Once that was done, it was the rule of the household that the topic is not brought up again. Again, let us go back to my recent "Dougnuts" thread. I fucked up and shouldn't have started the thread (or at least that was the prevailing theme). I APOLOGIZED FOR THAT VERY THING when I posted the "punchline". And yet, it turns into this whole big thing. Fucking hell... what more can I do? I even gave an OK for it to be completely deleted. You should not attack someone on a point that has been conceded or apologized over. And, you should learn to apologize when you've done something that is over the line, even if you may not think that's quite the case (as in the doughnuts thread... personally, I would have found it funny - but I can understand also that humor is different for different people). I'm not saying you should bow down to every time someone says they are offended, but I think we are still mostly human enough to know when we've crossed a line personally. That is just my point of view.

    Leave friends. I try to do this and with my debate friends, and in fact, it is a must for the night to end. It isn't always the case in a forum like this, but you know, to this day, even those who have actually, really irritated me here asked for my help in something as innocuous as helping promote them, I'd like to think that I would do it. For some, it would be difficult but I'd like to think I would. Actually, nah... fuck em' (that's a joke for those who don't know my sense of humor).

    OK. In fucking, final conclusion. Personally, I think y'all are kind of over thinking this. Most girls probably don't post here because they are busy doing other things... as in, making paper. That is probably the underlying truth to the matter. Of course, it never hurts to have a more civil place to come together and discuss things but in reality, who has the time these days?

    So, less than 1% have made it this far. Congratulations to you if you have. Sometimes it is good to be the 1% and not the 99%... no matter what anyone says. Anyways, due to recent things, I'm taking a long break again but will poke my head in every now and then to see what's going on. I wish everyone the best and a great rest of 2014 - it is HALF OVER ALREADY... FUUUCKKKK!

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    Last edited by GroobyKrissy; 06-07-2014 at 06:05 PM.
    Grooby Krissy

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    If you would like to be featured in a blog, please send me 4-6 high quality pictures whenever you have new material to promote. If you would like your site reviewed, please contact me directly. Thank you.

  3. #43
    5 Star Poster dderek123's Avatar
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    Default Re: guys, stop pissing the girls off

    Quote Originally Posted by Jericho View Post
    That's a damn fine pair of rose coloured specs you have there.
    I guess they're on sale at the ivory tower gift shop.

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  4. #44
    Senior Member Platinum Poster Prospero's Avatar
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    Default Re: guys, stop pissing the girls off

    Krissy wrote: "Additionally, I hate the hypocrisy. My recent engagement with a moderator here... CLEAR example. Anyone with half a brain would say his question to me was, on its face, racist and the insensitivity of that remark, completely undermined his own point about the insensitivity of my thread. Let me be clear, it is not my opinion that being racist was his intent, but it was worth pointing out to make my point: that the very insensitivity of framing an argument with that type of question in it, severely undermined his own. In other words, my point was almost everything someone says at some point will / can be taken as insensitive. But anyways, when called out on that hypocrisy, it is simply deny, obfuscate, and attack again. For this, he is applauded. Go figure."

    This dear krissy is a total distortion of what went on and I deeply resent your suggestion that I was - in any way - racist. You are posting a totally distorted and poisonous version of our exchange.

    I did not IN ANY WAY accuse you of insensitivity. That was the point made by Chaos not me.

    I simply pointed out that your joke was unfunny and that a few folks here who had expressed sympathy when you posted what was on the face of it a genuine remark about seeking help with an addiction probably felt foolish afterwards. You blew it up into something more serious.

    I compared your joke to the sort of joke I commonly encountered when working with Navajo indians. I spent several months with them. Have you?

    As I also pointed out i regularly challenge people for racism. My record is spotless in this regard.

    You accuse me now of obfuscation. Totally NOT true. Please look again at our exhange and stop making distorted accusations.

    It is YOU who should learn you have made a mistake on this occasion.

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  5. #45
    Trans admirer and friend Junior Poster
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    Default Re: guys, stop pissing the girls off

    Quote Originally Posted by Jericho View Post
    That's a damn fine pair of rose coloured specs you have there.
    It's not about that dude.

    It is like those really popular clubs. where all the girls go to party. The guys want to go because all the girls are there. The club owner is happy because that's alot of business. The girls get in free and get better treatment. At this type of club, the girls get the benefit of the doubt and preferred status. They're what keeps the club active, and makes the guys want to spend money there, and have a good time.

    ...then, you get the obnoxious guys that are just being asswipes and harassing the girls, either thinly veiled or outright aggression. the bouncers and the management permit this. and soon, the girls stop going to the club. and it winds up being a sausagefest. and the few girls that are left at the club, get harassed even more, by more obnoxious guys. because of the disparity.

    just switch some words:
    club= hungangels
    girls= the hungangels ladies
    guys= the guys at hungangels
    obnoxious guys= those guys i've been talking about in earlier posts
    club owner= Stephen
    bouncers = moderators and Stephen

    Believe it or not, HUNGANGELS is not strictly a porn forum. If it becomes that, and all the girls leave. so be it. it's been happening, and I continue seeing less and less girls posting here. definitely not an increase.

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  6. #46
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    Default Re: guys, stop pissing the girls off

    Quote Originally Posted by Jericho View Post
    That's a damn fine pair of rose coloured specs you have there.
    The people who give me a thumbs up respect all of my fine qualities. Those who give me a thumbs down are haters of humanity, unable to respect anyone or anything.

    I'm not taking a dig, but I thought the same thing when I saw that post.

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  7. #47
    Senior Member Platinum Poster Prospero's Avatar
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    Default Re: guys, stop pissing the girls off

    Oh and by the way Krissy I have never said anything about you - good or bad - in the past. Just largely enjoyed your postings and your sense of humour. Perhaps that long last post of yours was actually also a joke. It read like it.

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  8. #48
    Junior Member Rookie Poster
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    Default Re: guys, stop pissing the girls off

    Read your post in it's entirety GroobyKrissy. Very well thought out and composed. Was very informative and interesting the points you made. It can most certainly apply to any or all of us here. Not just here on the board, but anywhere. Want to thank you for taking the time to share what you did. It is certainly worthy of being re-read every now and then.

    Nice to know someone like you is around, that isn't judgemental or prejudiced because someone's thoughts and idea's perhaps might not be the same as that of the majority, and not so quick to wish someone be banned.

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  9. #49
    Grooby Blogger 5 Star Poster GroobyKrissy's Avatar
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    Default Re: guys, stop pissing the girls off

    Quote Originally Posted by Prospero View Post
    Oh and by the way Krissy I have never said anything about you - good or bad - in the past. Just largely enjoyed your postings and your sense of humour. Perhaps that long last post of yours was actually also a joke. It read like it.
    This is simply not true. Do you want me to go through you post history and prove it? Or, would you simply like to retract the comment?

    Look, I'm not going to get into this with you here because this is actually a decent thread and should continue to be so...

    So, I'll do something "uncharacteristic" of me and start a new thread where we can have it out since you seem so intent to do so. I'm amused now and your arguments are childish, poor, and grounded on such illogical threads that it actually diminishes logic to even try and compare them. So meet me over there and let's have this out once and for all.

    2 out of 2 members liked this post.
    Grooby Krissy

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    If you would like to be featured in a blog, please send me 4-6 high quality pictures whenever you have new material to promote. If you would like your site reviewed, please contact me directly. Thank you.

  10. #50
    5 Star Poster dderek123's Avatar
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    Default Re: guys, stop pissing the girls off

    We've started with jokes about being addicted to doughnuts and now we're here. Gotta love this place sometimes.

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