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  1. #31
    The house detective Junior Poster Turlington's Avatar
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    Default Re: guys, stop pissing the girls off

    Quote Originally Posted by ed_jaxon View Post
    A lot of the bullshit typed here is shit that would never be said to someone to their face. Guys who say that they would still say some of the vitriol spewed here to a babe's face seem to lack basic social skills.
    Selling wolf tickets. Churrch!

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    Calvin: I let my mind wander and it didn't come back.
    Mom: I figured you'd lost your mind years ago.

  2. #32
    Senior Member Platinum Poster Prospero's Avatar
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    Default Re: guys, stop pissing the girls off

    I first joined this forum a few years ago - primarily to post reviews after some years of running a reviews group on Yahoo and participating in a couple of others. There are a few members here from those old groups. Since then I've enjoyed posting on a variety of things - much intended to help other members.

    There are some who might argue that visiting escorts for sex is, in some ways, essentially disrespectful. I'd disagree. The way you treat the girls is the key here. But that is not the point of this post.

    It is about respecting the girls in this forum. Something which, from the very earliest days, I have tried to do.

    And as i have got to know more and more transgendered women my respect for them has deepened. I now have several friends away from the escorting world (some former escorts, some not and a couple who re still working girls) and have learned at first hand of the difficulties and often anguish they've had to face in their lives. Many of those who are escorts do this simply to fund their transition and then vanish from the world they used to inhabit. And some are perfectly happy in their oles in porn or escorting.

    But I believe that they are all - almost without exception - worthy of respect and decent treatment.

    I agree with the OP that many girls gave been driven from this site by the aggression and disrespect shown by some members. This is a shame. Some guys will take the attitude that "if you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen." And i know that - first and foremost - this forum is about pornography. The people that run it also run many excellent sites offering that to subscribers. And they're generous to post a huge volume of material here free of charge for fans.

    But those fans should also consider that behind the images of sexy girls are real people with feelings - and often complicated lives.

    I'll probably get a few thumbs down for these remarks for those who - in my view - essentially hate women of all sorts. There is a lot of that in the world. You've only to look at some of the terrible incidents in recent weeks in Africa, Pakistan or India. Let's not allow hate to become the predominant feelings the girls get from the men here. Please.

    if you can't say something nice why say anything at all?

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  3. #33
    Senior Member Junior Poster Rabbiteyes's Avatar
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    Default Re: guys, stop pissing the girls off

    Quote Originally Posted by GroobySteven View Post
    Yeah maybe loathsome but that was his point of view. Argue against it, teach him otherwise but he's at least got the right to be able to put that point of view.
    It isn't even worth it. There are countless others out there just like him.

    It worries me that he might ever have contact with a trans in real life (for example, if one applies for a job). That is where the discrimination outside of porn comes from...when guys feel trans women are good for nothing but sex (if that....actually, probably safer if they don't have a thing for trans people, then they won't try to molest them).

    Teach him though? How? People like him have never met a transperson (except maybe an escort....MAYBE). Anything you say would be fighting against years of seeing nothing but porn and trans women on their knees fulfilling his mental fantasies.

    The silver lining is that guys like him are easy to spot (when they finally do try hooking up with trans women in real life). I have so many unread messages from guys like him... he is just another one of the "hey, want to hook up" types (something they don't even try to hide haha).

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  4. #34
    5 Star Poster dderek123's Avatar
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    Default Re: guys, stop pissing the girls off

    Quote Originally Posted by RallyCola View Post
    it is clear to me that too many of you take yourselves way too seriously. honesty works both ways...this board can't be all praise and rainbows. get over yourselves.

    Oh but they're objectifying women on a pornography forum! Oh the humanity!


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  5. #35
    5 Star Poster dderek123's Avatar
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    Default Re: guys, stop pissing the girls off

    Quote Originally Posted by RallyCola View Post
    it is clear to me that too many of you take yourselves way too seriously. honesty works both ways...this board can't be all praise and rainbows. get over yourselves.

    Oh but they're objectifying women on a pornography forum! Oh the humanity!


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  6. #36
    Senior Member Platinum Poster Prospero's Avatar
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    Default Re: guys, stop pissing the girls off

    dderek... i thought better of you than that remark.

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  7. #37
    Senior Member Platinum Poster nysprod's Avatar
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    Default Re: guys, stop pissing the girls off

    Quote Originally Posted by ed_jaxon View Post
    Those who feel it is their sworn duty to point out every place where the girls are flawed are like the snot nosed kid in grammar school who tattled to the teacher. If you ain't got shit nice to say ever keep that shit to ya self. But then that's is why they are here to point out the girls shortcomings behind the safety of their computer screen...when you are know as the ass who is always bitching at all the babes, you got issues.
    Ed, I agree with what you said 1000%...but I also remember a couple of months ago when Kelly took it upon herself to let Krissy know exactly how she felt about her status, which basically chased Krissy away until recently.

    Quote Originally Posted by Prospero View Post
    I agree with the OP that many girls gave been driven from this site by the aggression and disrespect shown by some members. This is a shame. Some guys will take the attitude that "if you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen." And i know that - first and foremost - this forum is about pornography. The people that run it also run many excellent sites offering that to subscribers. And they're generous to post a huge volume of material here free of charge for fans.

    But those fans should also consider that behind the images of sexy girls are real people with feelings - and often complicated lives.

    I'll probably get a few thumbs down for these remarks for those who - in my view - essentially hate women of all sorts. There is a lot of that in the world. You've only to look at some of the terrible incidents in recent weeks in Africa, Pakistan or India. Let's not allow hate to become the predominant feelings the girls get from the men here. Please.

    if you can't say something nice why say anything at all?
    Katherine, who has a very sweet personality as you're well aware of, was treated quite harshly...I will add though that in addition to some people hating women of all sorts, my suspicion is that they hate themselves for being attracted to trans woman in the first place.

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    Last edited by nysprod; 06-07-2014 at 03:19 PM.
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  8. #38
    5 Star Poster dderek123's Avatar
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    Default Re: guys, stop pissing the girls off

    Quote Originally Posted by Prospero View Post
    dderek... i thought better of you than that remark.

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  9. #39
    Senior Member Platinum Poster Prospero's Avatar
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    Default Re: guys, stop pissing the girls off

    Who treated Katherine harshly? She had a couple of crap reviews early on - but mostly good ones after that. And yes, I do know her very well indeed.

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  10. #40
    Silver Poster fred41's Avatar
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    Default Re: guys, stop pissing the girls off

    I think the worst critics - the trolls and the misogynists - usually wind up getting banned or at least shouted down by a majority of the usual posters...and rightfully so.
    I don't see so much of that in the threads cited as examples here.
    There are definitely some instigators though that like to fan the flames...

    I think most disagreements can be debated in a post or two isn't necessary to go on for pages - once a position is usually stands for doesn't need to be beaten into the ground...unfortunately sometimes some of the girls are the offenders...often they won't let a thread die either.
    I could be wrong...I often am, but I think most girls eventually leave out of boredom...or simply go on with their lives.

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  11. #41
    Eurotrash! Platinum Poster Jericho's Avatar
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    Default Re: guys, stop pissing the girls off

    Quote Originally Posted by my my my! View Post
    It's been several, but the main ones were Evon's thread, and Krissy's thread.

    some guys just don't know when to STFU and have to be "besters"

    all the thumbs up are from people that agree with what I said, and all the thumbs down are from people that simply cannot be nice and just let things be.

    That's a damn fine pair of rose coloured specs you have there.

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