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  1. #21
    5 Star Poster
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    Nov 2004
    Portland, OR


    Quote Originally Posted by TFan
    Yeah well the problem is the school system. It's broken. Yet dems will play the class warfare and get poor people to vote against school vouchers.

    Force schools to compete for the money and you'll see some heads getting chopped.
    Thanks for responding. I get pissed off once in a while but I do respect people's opinions if they can argue their points. I can see you've done some thinking about this.
    You feel like explaining school vouchers to me? Is it money for performance?
    Hopefully not, because surely the richer schools will perform better.

    You know, my parents are staunch republicans. They think that liberals feel like every poor person should get a lot for nothing. I don't know if I'm a liberal or not, I don't really like labels and honestly I don't follow it that much, I just pipe in from time to time to try to learn something. But I feel like just because some people start from nothing and make something of themselves doesn't mean we should abandon people who weren't lucky enough to have a friend or teacher or relative to encourage them when it counted. I may be full of shit, but I feel like a lot of people get beaten down by life pretty early for some reason or another, and it's my instinct that it's wrong to just give them the finger, you know? I liked hearing about that guy who recently won a Nobel prize for starting a small-business-loan bank in third world countries many years ago.
    It's interesting to me that you say you're Mexican. In the restaurant business, I've worked alongside many guys who were sending money back home. They've always been cool, funny guys to be around, and usually some of the hardest workers, though I realize that it's wrong to generalize. Anyway, my point is, I've known many Mexicans, working class ones like me anyway, and so I like them....but my white older parents never have and so what with their old-school thinking, would probably be freaked out to have to talk to anyone who didn't look just like from my perspective, I've tended to think of Republicans as uptight white older people and young conservative christian types. Anyway...what's your take on, say, migrant workers? I read about the shitty conditions and low pay, and I'm ashamed of America. But I guess it's really the history of the haves and have nots, no?

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by suckseed
    Thanks for responding. I get pissed off once in a while but I do respect people's opinions if they can argue their points. I can see you've done some thinking about this.
    You feel like explaining school vouchers to me? Is it money for performance?
    Hopefully not, because surely the richer schools will perform better.
    I come from a dirt poor family but I was always taught that no amount of money can make anyone a better person. I'm not talking about kissing asses and the like. I'm talking about true, unadulterated desire to make a better life for yourself. If I'd had grown up listening to the veteranos I grew up with, I'd be like them. Those guys are still working in machine shops and drinking beer on the weekends.

    Thats the difference between people that make it in the world and those that don't. They believe they can and will make it no matter what. I really don't care that some dude has more money than me. I don't care that he had to work half as hard to have twice as much. It doesn't fucking matter to me because I will get there. That's why the pussy-whining class warfare bullshit that libs try to preach doesn't work with me. My confidence is impenetrable. No amount of "blame whitey and corporations" pussy-whining works on me.

    You know, my parents are staunch republicans. They think that liberals feel like every poor person should get a lot for nothing. I don't know if I'm a liberal or not, I don't really like labels and honestly I don't follow it that much, I just pipe in from time to time to try to learn something. But I feel like just because some people start from nothing and make something of themselves doesn't mean we should abandon people who weren't lucky enough to have a friend or teacher or relative to encourage them when it counted. I may be full of shit, but I feel like a lot of people get beaten down by life pretty early for some reason or another, and it's my instinct that it's wrong to just give them the finger, you know? I liked hearing about that guy who recently won a Nobel prize for starting a small-business-loan bank in third world countries many years ago.
    That's why I've said time and time again that it is democrats that do more damage to the poor than anyone else. It's democrats that say

    "The common man can't succeed in capitalism, WATCH THIS!"

    As they proceed to tax, regulate and legislate small and medium size business out of business. "Serves em right for trying to make money!"

    Some people do get a bad start in life, usually from their own parents. Liberals don't do them any favors though. You can't strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.

    It's interesting to me that you say you're Mexican. In the restaurant business, I've worked alongside many guys who were sending money back home. They've always been cool, funny guys to be around, and usually some of the hardest workers, though I realize that it's wrong to generalize. Anyway, my point is, I've known many Mexicans, working class ones like me anyway, and so I like them....but my white older parents never have and so what with their old-school thinking, would probably be freaked out to have to talk to anyone who didn't look just like from my perspective, I've tended to think of Republicans as uptight white older people and young conservative christian types.
    It's unfortunate but it appears the truth is that in the past the republican party has attracted that mentality. But on the other side of the aisle is the mentality of "Vote for higher taxes or you ain't a real mexican".

    Yep, vote the democrat agenda or your an Aunt Jemima/Coconut/Uncle Tom etc. Shit, at least if other republicans hate me I know it. I refuse to be subjugated by people who claim to be Raza, yet are only Raza if I think and vote exactly like them. I'd rather be openly despised than secretly loathed. In that aspect, there is no such thing as "race".

    To quote from my favorite movie and the Martyr David Jason-

    No, Mr. Guzman. I think there are no Hispanics anymore. No Japanese, no blacks, no whites, no nothing. It's just rich people and poor people. The three of us are all rich, so we're on the same side.

    Anyway...what's your take on, say, migrant workers? I read about the shitty conditions and low pay, and I'm ashamed of America. But I guess it's really the history of the haves and have nots, no?
    I'm for anyone who wants to come here and work. Let's deport the spoiled liberal college kids living off financial aid.

  3. #23
    Platinum Poster
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    Jul 2005
    The United States of kiss-my-ass


    LMFAO at this drivel...

    Allanah pretty much summed it up already...

    Quote Originally Posted by AllanahStarrNYC
    and T Fan u are a moron.
    :P :P

    "I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." - Poe

  4. #24
    5 Star Poster
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by TFan
    Quote Originally Posted by suckseed
    Thanks for responding. I get pissed off once in a while but I do respect people's opinions if they can argue their points. I can see you've done some thinking about this.
    You feel like explaining school vouchers to me? Is it money for performance?
    Hopefully not, because surely the richer schools will perform better.
    I come from a dirt poor family but I was always taught that no amount of money can make anyone a better person.
    That's why I've said time and time again that it is democrats that do more damage to the poor than anyone else. It's democrats that say

    "The common man can't succeed in capitalism, WATCH THIS!"

    As they proceed to tax, regulate and legislate small and medium size business out of business. "Serves em right for trying to make money!"

    It's unfortunate but it appears the truth is that in the past the republican party has attracted that mentality. But on the other side of the aisle is the mentality of "Vote for higher taxes or you ain't a real mexican".

    I'm for anyone who wants to come here and work. Let's deport the spoiled liberal college kids living off financial aid.
    John Conyers the kook who held mock impeachment hearings in preparation for the real thing opposes school vouchers.

    But,and here to use MyBitch`s aka quinn`s phrase, is the fiesta resistance.Conyers has spent upwards of $17,000.00 per year for his child to attend The Cranbrook School. :P

  5. #25
    Silver Poster Quinn's Avatar
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    Atlanta, among other places.


    Quote Originally Posted by White_Female_Canada
    But,and here to use MyBitch`s aka quinn`s phrase, is the fiesta resistance.
    Wow, cupcake, you're taking the fact that I completely crushed you in our debate worse than I thought. I guess overwhelmingly losing every single point in a debate can do that to you. Still, if you want to bring that hostility into other threads, I would be more than happy to extend the scope and degree of your humiliation.


    Life is essentially one long Benny Hill skit punctuated by the occasional Anne Frank moment.

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