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  1. #1
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    Default The Girl? On The Dance Floor

    The Girl? On The Dance Floor by L4TS

    PART 1

    It had now been somewhere near two months since I had split up with Anekka it had been an amicable parting of ways but a somewhat difficult one none the less. Anneka had been my first real girlfriend since leaving school and we had been together for close to three years. The stress of the whole situation had left me pretty drained and even getting out of bed in the morning seemed a woeful strain. Anyway as I was saying two long months had dragged by and I was feeling more positive about things, it was time for me to get back out into the world. I was ready for some fun, and with the first decent looking available girl that showed any interest at all. I decided to hit a local club that I had visited many times before, I rolled up about ten O’clock and was soon let in by the Neanderthal looking bouncer on the door. I abruptly headed for the bar where I ordered myself a double Jack Daniels and coke and then walked straight through the dance floor towards a sofa like seat that had been positioned in the corner, I sat down placed my drink on a table and that was the moment when I saw her. I remember it like a scene from a movie she appeared to move in slow motion and was as clear to the eye as summers night sky while everyone else around her just seemed to disappear into a mere blur. It was obvious this girl was something special she was wearing a low cut brilliant white dress her skin was the darkest shade of bronze which contrasted with her long blond hair that glowed like the sun. She moved like an ecliptic angel and was throwing her hips around like someone had placed a hoopla hoop around her sumptuous but strong body. As soon as I had blinked and my eyes had moved back into focus I could see she was surrounded by about three guys all dancing around her like she was some sort of totem pole at a summertime festival. Within intervals of no more than 30 seconds each one of the guys would move closer to her and try to spout what I could only imagine to be some sort of terrible cheap chat up line which were seemingly having no affect on her at all, if anything she looked somewhat put out by these schoolyard like bumbling advances. It was impossible for me to take my eyes off her but I was trying profusely not to stare. She glanced over at me and smiled gently with only the corner of her mouth. At first It was hard to believe and I was sure this cutest of smiles could not be aimed at me. I mean I consider myself to be a good looking chap and have always done OK with the ladies but this girl could surely have had anyone she wanted. Only a couple of seconds had pasted before she glanced over at me once more and began to walk towards me. My heart began to beat so fast in my chest I could hear it even over the music and sounded like a speeding train on the tracks. The one thing I will never forget is the way she moved on that night as she approached me, with the grace of a thousand princesses. She sat down next to me and as soon as she spoke I could tell from her tones that English was definitely not her first language. In this most beautiful of accents that sounded to be most likely of Latin origins she said - can I ask you a favour please I was completely stuck for words and mumbled something that probably made no sense at all – its just that those guys are really bugging me if I sit with you for a little while hopefully they will think you’re my boyfriend and ill be able to dance in peace. How could I disagree – of coarse I said still mumbling slightly – its just that you look quite friendly and I thought wouldn’t mind helping me she said as her smile began to widen..- Na that’s cool I said I thought they might be pissing you off when I saw you, I know this is probably gonna sound cheesy but you don’t sound like your from around here where are you from. As soon I had said this I thought oh shit she’s going think I am dropping some sort of shit line on her as well, but she seemed OK and explained that she was from Brazil and here on a year college course. We chatted for a little while and within about twenty minutes it was like we had known each other for much longer. I noticed a couple of the guys who were previously bothering her had moved away but she still hadn’t got up to leave and I was sure this was a good sign so I plucked up the courage and said - were your going to go and dance again. At first I think she may have taken this in the wrong way and said - why do you want me to go. I was by now quite confident in to the fact that she had not still left me after all this time and said - na its just that I was gonna go dance and I wandered if you wanted to come with me, she grinned back intensely, I could not help noticing her beautifully white teeth glow under the Florissant lights. She then grabbed my hand and led me to the dance floor she placed me behind her and put my arm her around her waste and began to gyrate I could hot believe the way her perfectly round ass moved as it rubbed up against my crotch. I tried with all my will not to get a hard on but this task had soon become too great and I felt myself growing inside my jeans. Although at first I felt slightly embarrassed she didn’t seem to mind and just kept gyrating against me harder and harder. As we danced she hummed to the music in her most fabulous native tones. It was like she had some control over me, I had never felt like this with anyone before almost submissive to her powers. We must have danced for about one hour before she said in a firm voice - lets go – go where I said nervously. -Somewhere we can talk properly its loud in here. - Ok I beamed and suggested my place. We found the nearest cab and when we reached my door we began to kiss passionately. To this day i can not recall who made the first move but I guess that really doesn’t matter at all. All I knew was that there was something different about this girl, she brought out feelings in me that I had never experienced in anyone’s company before. We quickly made our way to the bedroom, by now the pure excitement had become overwhelming and my body began to tremor with anticipation. It had been so long since I had been with anyone but Anneka let alone someone this beautiful. By now my hard on was raging furiously and I was more than ready for some serious action. We stood kissing at the bedroom door for another minute or so. I could feel her soft hands moving up and down my back as she pushed her fingers gently into my spine. I moved my shivering hands down to her chest area and began to caress her amply large breasts, they were terrifically firm so firm I was sure that they could not be the work of god alone. I had never even touched surgically enhanced breasts before and was completely fascinated by the way they felt in my grasp. As our tongues unlocked she reached down and pulled at the top of her low cut dress to reveal these most magnificent pair of breasts, we fell to the bed and are tongues were locked once more. She grabbed at my t shirt pulled it over my head and began to kiss my nipples. The feeling of her wet tongue against my chest was fantastic and I remember thinking how Anneka had never done anything like this before. I was aching to see her naked and began to remove her dress. At this point she suddenly backed off and said - I don’t know if this is a good idea.


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  2. #2
    Junior Poster
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    great story, but suprise stories are farfetched man.

  3. #3
    Junior Poster rocklob's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    Me, I LOVE surprise stories. Bring on Part 2!

  4. #4


    is it okay if I put up an animated avatar on my profile?

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