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  1. #31
    Platinum Poster natina's Avatar
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    Wink Re: An escort has changed my whole perception on Transwomen

    last night an escort changed my life

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  2. #32
    Senior Member Platinum Poster Prospero's Avatar
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    Default Re: An escort has changed my whole perception on Transwomen

    The responses to the OP here veer between cynicism about the girl's motives, castigating him for being naive,comments from other girls who admit they'd never date a client and those who wish him well.

    I fall into the last category. But with some serious reservations. I sincerely do hope that what you experienced wasn't just the rapture and exhileration at having a wonderful sexual encounter (clearly one shared by your partner) and intimations of something deeper.

    I think your later remark - about taking it slowly - is the correct one. But that would be true of any utterly wonderful encounter in any context. You sound like you've almost fallen for this girl. Fair enough. But step back, keep a cool head and ask yourself if either you want her to be your exclusive partner in which case you might be asking her to undergo a radical change - to give up her chosen profession (chosen for whatever motive... Because she enjoys it? Because she needs to make the money for transition? Whatever.) or whether you want simply want to date - and accept what she does for a living. The latter is a tough call. It is human nature to be jealous - and the idea of a girl you love having sex with strangers is hard for most of us to deal with. And remember until you walked through the door and had a wonderful time you were just another stranger.

    I think you have some questions to ask and find answers to for yourself. Perhaps the best step would then to see this girl in a different and perhaps non sexual context. Take her out for a meal or to a bar or to a movie or out for the day - or whatever you and she think might be fun. Get to know more about her. Get to know her. Beyond sex is really someone you might get along with. (And then there is the age thing.... she is gonna be a lot more emotionally mature than you). Lots to think about. Go slow. Take care of your feelings.

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  3. #33
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    Default Re: An escort has changed my whole perception on Transwomen

    Quote Originally Posted by GrimFusion View Post
    Hot damn, escorts are real people?!?
    It sounds as though you might be a little too into the chick assuming the two of you only spent one evening together, but despite my opinion it seems like the two of you certainly enjoy each other's company. That doesn't necessarily mean you need to have a deep, meaningful relationship with her considering you seem uneasy about the thought of her escorting at the same time. Unless you can come to terms, that's likely a setup for failure anyway. Why can't it be as simple as ringing her up during off hours and inviting her out with you somewhere? Eventually (if she's chill with it), invite her to crash at your place if it's more convenient. It'd be far easier and less complicated to value her as a good friend than to try to become involved with her in any regard. Just don't be too clingy.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dino Velvet View Post
    Nice to hear things went well with this girl. I've broken the rules with escorts having my share of "What if?" kind of thoughts. Just remember by occupation she cannot be monogamous and other men are being intimate and sexual with her too. Have fun but watch out for yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by OrlFla89 View Post
    In response to the OP, I wish you all the best.
    I had a similar experience with a ts girl a few years back and have met some real cool girls I seemed to mesh well with. Perhaps she was attracted to you and deeply enjoyed her encounter with you
    Escorts or not, they're people with feelings too. I actually met a couple at work once and the woman admitted to me (she was a GG) that she escorted and that's how she met her bf, he was a client. Honestly, they seemed happy
    In my opinion though, I would take this slow and proceed with extreme caution. Dating an escort (TS or GG) can be very tricky, I dated one and it was a very bad experience. Hope thats not the case with you, but do take caution and see where it goes. Start as friends, and have some fun
    ^^^These are very good advices, Flaco. I'm glad to see you got over your reservations and scruples, and seem to now agree with your own desires and feel comfortable with them. I think that's the most important for you. Be happy! But also be careful. Don't get over excited, take your time, assess the situation step by step and don't set your hopes too high not to be hurt if it fails, because it often does, unfortunately. Good luck! I wish you the best in this!

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  4. #34
    Senior Member Veteran Poster Flaco's Avatar
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    Default Re: An escort has changed my whole perception on Transwomen

    Quote Originally Posted by amberskyi View Post
    i would never ever date a offense the girl sounds desperate lol.any ways werent you on here a few weeks ago talking about how you might be falling in love for some other girl? lmao
    i have a funny story tho.i saw one of my regular clients tonight.ive been seeing him semi regularly for about a year.he's a pretty decent guy who owns his own company.he's always trying to take me out socially for drinks and what not.of course i always decline politely.he totally let it slip tonight tho that he has a wife! omg this is why any girl with a lick of sense would never cross the client/escort boundary.
    Amber, I think you're really cool and everything but I wonder sometimes...if you would never date a client that's fine, everyone is different. And when did I say I was "Falling in Love" with the other girl? WTF? I said I was thinking of going into a relationship with her, little did I know she would start acting crazy over little things a few days after. Maybe you should go back and read the thread.

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  5. #35
    Senior Member Veteran Poster Flaco's Avatar
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    Default Re: An escort has changed my whole perception on Transwomen

    Quote Originally Posted by ILoveGG&TS View Post
    You are in your early twenties and have a lot to learn aoout the manipulative nature of people. Reading your commentary makes me think of two phrases. The first one is "there is a sucker born every minute." The second is "a fool and his money are soon parted."
    LOL how exactly did she manipulate me ? By asking me to sleep over at her house ? By showing me a good time ? You people kill me smh lmaoo

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  6. #36
    till we fucking overdose Gold Poster amberskyi's Avatar
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    Default Re: An escort has changed my whole perception on Transwomen

    Quote Originally Posted by Flaco View Post
    Amber, I think you're really cool and everything but I wonder sometimes...if you would never date a client that's fine, everyone is different. And when did I say I was "Falling in Love" with the other girl? WTF? I said I was thinking of going into a relationship with her, little did I know she would start acting crazy over little things a few days after. Maybe you should go back and read the thread.
    Hey I just call things as I see them.some people like that about me and others don't *shrugs*.
    Don't most people get in relationships because they're falling in love with that person?

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  7. #37
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    Default Re: An escort has changed my whole perception on Transwomen

    Quote Originally Posted by Flaco View Post
    On Monday I went to see an escort I've been wanting to see for the longest. I always pick the escorts I want to see very carefully. If I think they'll be attracted to me as much as I'm attracted to them then I go for it. Anyway, I set up an appointment with this chick and took the trip to her place. Before we started the session we talked, joked, laughed for about 15-20 minutes, just a really friendly conversation. And then we started making out, we made out for a really long time. And then we got into sex. The sex was mindblowing, she throat fucked the crap out of me which I loved. And she rode my cock so wildly, my orgasm was so intense I was actually afraid I was going to pass out. I'm cutting the sexual part of this short because it's not the main point. After we were done having sex, we continued to cuddle and talk. I know a lot of guys want "GFE" but this was way more than that, this was WIFEY experience.

    We started having a deep convo in which we talked about our lives, and really got to know each other on a personal level. After that we made out some more. When I held her, looked into her eyes and kissed her I could feel her passion, her pain, her innocence, her strength all in one. If you've been in a situation like this you'll know exactly what I mean. She is just such a beautiful person. We cuddled for so long after, and then we watched a movie. It just felt so real being with her, I told her afterwards that I don't even care about the sex anymore I just want to see her again. I would love to take her to the movies or out to eat. She told me she's usually bored and always lonely and that she really liked me but that I'm just a baby. (I'm 22 and she's 34, but she doesn't look it at all). We chatted some more (I was at her place for about 4hrs) and she started telling me she wanted me to sleep over. I wanted to but it was late, I was exhausted from the sex and I had work the next morning so I had to decline. She walked with me out of her place, and when I was about to leave, me and her shared one last, deep, passionate kiss. I heard some guys walking past who were saying "Well, Daaamn!" LOL

    At this point I would be willing to date her in a heartbeat, I know she likes me and I like her a lot but then again she's an escort. How can I date someone who has sex for a living, no matter how much I like her that seems like a deal breaker. How would I be able to make that work? It made me feel bad because she told me she had to start escorting when she lost her job. I don't really know what to do, but for now I def plan on taking her to the movies whenever I get the chance. I miss her a lot. She made me realize exactly how beautiful Transwomen can be both on the outside and inside. She wanted me to call her today, so I will shortly

    I think anything's possible if you want it enough. Maybe she saw that you were genuine and was attracted to it. I doubt she asks alot of clients to sleep over, as that's VERY risky etc. I think it's safe to say she felt the same about you.

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  8. #38
    Senior Member Veteran Poster Flaco's Avatar
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    Default Re: An escort has changed my whole perception on Transwomen

    Quote Originally Posted by Prospero View Post
    The responses to the OP here veer between cynicism about the girl's motives, castigating him for being naive,comments from other girls who admit they'd never date a client and those who wish him well.

    I fall into the last category. But with some serious reservations. I sincerely do hope that what you experienced wasn't just the rapture and exhileration at having a wonderful sexual encounter (clearly one shared by your partner) and intimations of something deeper.

    I think your later remark - about taking it slowly - is the correct one. But that would be true of any utterly wonderful encounter in any context. You sound like you've almost fallen for this girl. Fair enough. But step back, keep a cool head and ask yourself if either you want her to be your exclusive partner in which case you might be asking her to undergo a radical change - to give up her chosen profession (chosen for whatever motive... Because she enjoys it? Because she needs to make the money for transition? Whatever.) or whether you want simply want to date - and accept what she does for a living. The latter is a tough call. It is human nature to be jealous - and the idea of a girl you love having sex with strangers is hard for most of us to deal with. And remember until you walked through the door and had a wonderful time you were just another stranger.

    I think you have some questions to ask and find answers to for yourself. Perhaps the best step would then to see this girl in a different and perhaps non sexual context. Take her out for a meal or to a bar or to a movie or out for the day - or whatever you and she think might be fun. Get to know more about her. Get to know her. Beyond sex is really someone you might get along with. (And then there is the age thing.... she is gonna be a lot more emotionally mature than you). Lots to think about. Go slow. Take care of your feelings.
    Thanks a lot, Prospero. And my plan really is to get to know her, even if I didn't date her, me and her could still be really close friends. In my personal life my best friends tend to be girls, usually because girls tend to really appreciate guys that genuinely care about them. And what people don't seem to understand in this thread is that she's a new escort and just started escorting because she lost her job. Her circumstances are different from a typical escort who has been making a living off this occupation for years. She's still looking for a normal 9-5 but for now she has to do something to survive. But it is what it is I guess.

    Quote Originally Posted by danthepoetman View Post
    ^^^These are very good advices, Flaco. I'm glad to see you got over your reservations and scruples, and seem to now agree with your own desires and feel comfortable with them. I think that's the most important for you. Be happy! But also be careful. Don't get over excited, take your time, assess the situation step by step and don't set your hopes too high not to be hurt if it fails, because it often does, unfortunately. Good luck! I wish you the best in this!
    Thanks Dan, I feel like you're always supporting me. I appreciate it. The biggest thing this girl did for me was that she really made me see Transwomen as beautiful and complete women. I've always struggled with being insecure about liking TS, or questioning myself about liking them, or just seeing them as a fetish. After my experience with her I KNOW they're women now, just a different type of women. Even if me and her end up as just friends, I will always appreciate her for making me see transwomen in that light.

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  9. #39
    Senior Member Veteran Poster Flaco's Avatar
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    Default Re: An escort has changed my whole perception on Transwomen

    Quote Originally Posted by amberskyi View Post
    Hey I just call things as I see them.some people like that about me and others don't *shrugs*.
    Don't most people get in relationships because they're falling in love with that person?
    No worries, I still think you're awesome that post just kind of rubbed me the wrong way...And I've always thought people get in relationships because there's an attraction that they're trying to build on. People get Married because they're falling in love, or have fallen in love.

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  10. #40
    Senior Member Platinum Poster nysprod's Avatar
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    Default Re: An escort has changed my whole perception on Transwomen

    Quote Originally Posted by Flaco View Post
    No worries, I still think you're awesome that post just kind of rubbed me the wrong way...And I've always thought people get in relationships because there's an attraction that they're trying to build on. People get Married because they're falling in love, or have fallen in love.
    Hi Flaco, maybe you didn't see my question...was Leslie Rose the girl you were with?

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