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  1. #11
    Platinum Poster
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    The United States of kiss-my-ass

    Default Re: Chicken Hawks

    Quote Originally Posted by White_Pinhead_Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by White_Pinhead_Canada

    . A laughable ridiculous notion.

    Now this is laughable

    You are obviously just another neo-marxist who doesn't realize that shrubya gets his marching orders directly from JESUS...when he isn't getting them from Rove, Cheney and Wolfowitz, that is....

    "I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." - Poe

  2. #12
    Rookie Poster
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    It is a tactic as old as time. when some person, or group of people disagree with you, and you are unable to refute their claims, simply accuse them of some nefarious act or belief. Then, in order to make it seem real, repeat the charge loudly and often without regards to the truth or falsity of the charge.

    To wit:

    Whiite_Male _Canada wrote;

    "People who toss around that slur mindlessly endorse the idea of military autocracy over a broad representative democracy."

    When challenged to justify this somewhat logically tortured statement, you, sticking to the script, reply;

    "and the US Constition was written so that civilians have authority over the armed forces."

    While this is absolutely true, it has nothing whatsoever to do with your claim. How does this support your position that critics of the 'chickenhawks' favor a system where prior military service would be required before deciding on foreign interventions. I will ask you again, show evidence that anyone here referring to Bush, Cheyney, et. al. as chickenhawks has espoused anything approaching a military junta.

    Your next response, again sticking to the script, states that;

    "...they slur those duly elected with Constitutional powers over the armed forces ,clearly implying only those who served in battle should create and set foriegn policy."

    You are doing a very good job of ignoring the questions and simply restating your claims.

    Now I ask you what should be a simple question. How do you justify this staggering leap of illogic, a leap that Evel Knievel would not attempt. I eagerly await your reply.

    I can make you look yet I can not make you see, I can make you hear yet I can not make you listen.

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