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Thread: future warfare

  1. #11
    Junior Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by suckseed
    I have no idea whether the machines pictured are actually supposed to represent the kind of machines the article is talking about. But when I saw the picture (which runs at the top of the article online), I immediately flashed to 'Robocop'. Now, these things won't be as smart as us, true. But if the thing is armored to hell and is built to run down some alley and start blazing away, I'm pretty sure it will be effective at doing what it is designed to do, kill. Will it only kill bad guys? What do you think?
    The problem is trying to fight an enemy that hides in civilian areas. I deplore killing, but I am not there. Time and time again an interviewed soldier says you can't know unless you've been there. My little brother just got out of the Army. Lucky for him he was in air defense, and wasn't needed. He's a great guy, but he's a kid, raised on deer hunting, football and video games. If I was in a situation say, out in the woods here at home, and been shot at a couple of times, it would probably be very bad for someone to surprise me if I had a gun in my hands. And so civilians die, people start to hate us, our reputation goes down the chute globally. We're supposed to be the country that's made up of people from all over the world, that sets the standard for a place that works hard and treats people well. Obviously we fucked up right away with slavery, but unless I'm dreadfully mistaken the USA has overall been in there with 'the good guys.' But, IF the stories we've been hearing are true, we've been acting in ways that are supposed to be deplorable to us as a people. I question the whole point of this war, beyond the fact of whether it was militarily feasable or well planned, or squandered opportunities to build trust and secure weapons and explosives stockpiles. They went in with too few people. Why? Why not allow for some contingiencies? If they're so intent on a military solution, why do they do it half-assed? It's like the military hated Clinton for not staying in Somalia. What are they going to feel when the history books are written about this war? Here in Oregon, it was, I believe, a member of the house of representatives who procured helmet liners for all the men and women in her son's outfit. They bring down head injuries significantly, cost a few bucks. Government wouldn't provide them. You want me to attack a hornet's nest without a beesuit? I've got something in my pocket for you.
    Side tracking for a moment, let's take the current situation regarding giving up certain rights to privacy. Now, theoretically, we can say, hey, let 'em check my phone records, bank accounts, whatever. I've got no real problem with it, except in feeling like my parents are going through my room and I'm 13 or something. But, the problem in giving up freedoms is, you never know who's going to be working these government offices that get to look at everyone. If people with bad intentions have access to every bit of your life and decide that they don't like you...that's, um not good.
    Personally, I can only hope that we get through the next two years and the people start talking about this. I've held out for a while that maybe things have to get bad to get better. It's just unfortunate to live in a time where the stakes seem to be so high. It's a lot to take in. But I appreciate being able to talk about it.
    It would be nice if people could stick to arguing a point with intellect over simply emotion. In my opinion, that merely dumbs down the level of the thread.

    McManaman! I'm an american. I'm not an asshole, i'm a freakin' musician who's into neil young and dylan. when you make generalizations, you just look emotional. how many different type of people are there where you live? Probably more than one, I bet. Don't confuse an administration with the people. We're all in some kind of struggle.
    No emotions in my answers, just pure logic. Can you try to imagine what such a killing machine would be capable of doing? A genocide against the people USA dislike, whether they are nice people or not. USA already commited genocide against Indians, Vietnamese (killing above a million), Cambodians, etc. USA is today making mess in the Middle East, provoking entire muslim world (thus creating all those terrorists around) etc.. Then take a look at south america. Entire villages are wiped out in some places - done by a killing machine armed and supported by USA. But howewer, when i say they are not far away from hitler, then i definitely do not mean the entire people (although the majority of you voted for a biggest village idiot in the world, right?). So, when the rest of the world look at you, they see assholes, and that's not my fault.

  2. #12
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    I knew about this years ago. I have a friend who worked for the military a few years ago. He was telling me about some of the weapons they were developing. He mentioned spider walkers, endo-skeleton type suits, EMB( electro magnetic beams that would fry everything from pacemakers to powergrids) and a few other things. He told me they were saving this for North Korea back in 2002. It was alot to obsorb.

    The most important thing he mentioned was that the military pushed for the Iraq war, not Bush. They have a budget set by Congress and if they dont get to use it, it wont be increased. He mentioned somthing higher than the NSA. Its a 3 person commitee.

    I dont know how accurate all this is, but its something to think about.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by McManaman
    although the majority of you voted for a biggest village idiot in the world, right?). So, when the rest of the world look at you, they see assholes, and that's not my fault.
    I would advise you to watch your tone; national slurs like that are just the same as ethnic slurs. I did NOT vote for Bush in either the 2000 or the 2004 elections. I don't know where you're from, but I would like to refer you to the quote in my signature area, because I think it applies to persons like YOU in particular.

    Yes, I've got big balls...


  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrLA75
    I knew about this years ago. I have a friend who worked for the military a few years ago. He was telling me about some of the weapons they were developing. He mentioned spider walkers, endo-skeleton type suits, EMB( electro magnetic beams that would fry everything from pacemakers to powergrids) and a few other things. He told me they were saving this for North Korea back in 2002. It was alot to obsorb.

    The most important thing he mentioned was that the military pushed for the Iraq war, not Bush. They have a budget set by Congress and if they dont get to use it, it wont be increased. He mentioned somthing higher than the NSA. Its a 3 person commitee.

    I dont know how accurate all this is, but its something to think about.
    That's bullshit, all bullshit. Bush was, is, and will always be fixated on Iraq. I think that putting the onus on the Pentagon is a disservice to all who wear the uniform.

    Yes, I've got big balls...


  5. #15
    Veteran Poster Jamie Michelle's Avatar
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    Speaking of what the U.S. government has had planned for all of us for a long time:


    You are Slated for Total Dehumanization:

    Brain Chips for You and Your Entire Family

    [By the year 2025:] "The civilian populace will likely accept an implanted microscopic chips that allow military members to defend vital national interests."
    --from Chapter 4 of "Information Operations: A New War-Fighting Capability," contained in Volume 3 of Air Force 2025: Final Report by the U.S. Department of Defense (August 1996)

    Air Force 2025 is the final report on a study conducted by the U.S. Department of Defense presented on June 17, 1996 which seeks to identify the technologies and practices that will need to be implemented by the year 2025 in order for the United States government to "remain the dominant air and space force in the 21st century."

    The report actually uses the term "brain chip" for the implantable microchips which can perform a number of functions such as satelite tracking at all times, personal information storage and retrieval, and behavior modification, among other things. You can actually find the above quote at the below Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery, Alabama website (archived by

    Or in PDF format: (Backup copy.)

    Below is this document from the Air University Center for Strategy and Technology at the Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery, Alabama website:

    The Federation of American Scientists has this report mirrored on their website as well:

    Boys will be girls.

    Author (under a nom de plume) of "Jesus Is an Anarchist", Dec. 4, 2011, ; Theophysics, .

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamie Michelle
    Speaking of what the U.S. government has had planned for all of us for a long time:


    You are Slated for Total Dehumanization:

    Brain Chips for You and Your Entire Family

    [By the year 2025:] "The civilian populace will likely accept an implanted microscopic chips that allow military members to defend vital national interests."
    --from Chapter 4 of "Information Operations: A New War-Fighting Capability," contained in Volume 3 of Air Force 2025: Final Report by the U.S. Department of Defense (August 1996)

    Air Force 2025 is the final report on a study conducted by the U.S. Department of Defense presented on June 17, 1996 which seeks to identify the technologies and practices that will need to be implemented by the year 2025 in order for the United States government to "remain the dominant air and space force in the 21st century."

    The report actually uses the term "brain chip" for the implantable microchips which can perform a number of functions such as satelite tracking at all times, personal information storage and retrieval, and behavior modification, among other things. You can actually find the above quote at the below Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery, Alabama website (archived by

    Or in PDF format: (Backup copy.)

    Below is this document from the Air University Center for Strategy and Technology at the Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery, Alabama website:

    The Federation of American Scientists has this report mirrored on their website as well:
    Why don't you fashion a helmet made out of aluminum-foil? I've heard that it can be quite effective in blocking out the mind-control waves the CIA has been using for least that's what the guy (who had a distinct oder of urine and dogshit) I ran into in Penn Station said (before he asked me for a dollar).

    Yes, I've got big balls...


  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamie Michelle
    Below is this document from the Air University Center for Strategy and Technology at the Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery, Alabama website:
    The above link you provided discusses, among other technologies, human/computer interface. The discussion plays with the idea of creating a sort of 'telepathic link' between person and computer system. For instance:

    Quote Originally Posted by The document listed above
    Human Systems and Biotechnology

    The human-computer systems integration is a vital lead-in to the final technology area. Human systems
    and biotechnology offers the potential to create a seamless flow of information between human and computer.
    By exploiting the human cognitive process, it can be tailor information to present precisely what is needed.
    This section is divided into two parts. The first is understanding information flowing to and from the
    brain. The second is how to present that data using visual-imaging techniques. Mastering these technologies
    will allow users to select information for direct input into their brains. However, regardless of how
    advanced a decision system becomes, a human will be in the loop. The best technology can only help, but in
    the end, the person, not the machine, ultimately makes the decision.
    The microchip that you were talking about is also discussed in said document:

    Quote Originally Posted by The document listed above
    Implanted Microscopic Chip

    The implanted microscopic brain chip performs two functions. First, it links the individual to the IIC,
    creating a seamless interface between the user and the information resources (in-time collection data and
    archival databases). In essence, the chip relays the processed information from the IIC to the user. Second,
    the chip creates a computer-generated mental visualization based upon the user’s request. The visualization
    encompasses the individual and allows the user to place himself into the selected battlespace.

    Why the Implanted Microscopic Chip? While other methods such as specially configured rooms,
    special helmets, or sunglasses may be used to interface the user with the IIC, the microscopic chip is the most
    viable. Two real operational concerns support the use of implanted chips and argue against larger “physical”
    entities to access the Cyber Situation.
    While this is a reasonable portability rationale for the use of chip, some may wonder, “Why not use
    special sunglasses or helmets?” The answer is simple. An implanted microscopic chip does not require
    security measures to verify whether the right person is connected to the IIC, whereas a room, helmet, or
    sunglasses requires additional time-consuming access control mechanisms to verify an individual’s
    identity and level of control within the Cyber Situation.
    IIC stands for Information Integration Center.

    This document, upon closer examination, doesn't exactly sound like the insidious plot that you claim it to be. It simply discusses that application of current cutting-edge science in future weapon-systems; a trend that is as old as modern science itself.

    I am reminded of an article in Scientific American which I came across a couple of years ago which told of advances made in robotic prostheses. It said that by implanting extremely thin wires into the brain of a test-monkey (the wires them selves were so thin and flexible that the could not damage the brain in any way) and using said wires to intercept the electrical signals used by the part of the brain that controls motor functions, they enabled the monkey to use an artificial arm as if it were his own. The first artificial arm was part of a 3D computer-simulation, after that they moved on to an actual robotic arm. In both cases, the monkey, after a little practice, was able to move the articial arms in perfect synchronization with his real arms. This technology, which I assume is still in its experimental phase, will, when perfected, be a boon to both amputees and quadraplegics alike. This is the article in question: Controlling Robots with the Mind; October 2002; Scientific American Magazine; by Miguel A.L. Nicolelis and John K. Chapin; 8 Page(s)

    Yes, I've got big balls...


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