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  1. #11
    Senior Member Platinum Poster
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    Default Re: TS sex and pornography are now both illegal!

    Ok it was funny, I got it as soon as the word flippant appeared.

    However, this is not an April's Fool joke, although still just a proposal:

    Email and web use 'to be monitored' under new laws

    The government will be able to monitor the calls, emails, texts and website visits of everyone in the UK under new legislation set to be announced soon. Internet firms will be required to give intelligence agency GCHQ access to communications on demand, in real time.
    The Home Office says the move is key to tackling crime and terrorism, but civil liberties groups have criticised it.
    Tory MP David Davis called it "an unnecessary extension of the ability of the state to snoop on ordinary people".
    Attempts by the last Labour government to take similar steps failed after huge opposition, including from the Tories.

    A new law - which may be announced in the forthcoming Queen's Speech in May - would not allow GCHQ to access the content of emails, calls or messages without a warrant.
    But it would enable intelligence officers to identify who an individual or group is in contact with, how often and for how long. They would also be able to see which websites someone had visited.
    In a statement, the Home Office said action was needed to "maintain the continued availability of communications data as technology changes".
    "It is vital that police and security services are able to obtain communications data in certain circumstances to investigate serious crime and terrorism and to protect the public," a spokesman said.
    "As set out in the Strategic Defence and Security Review we will legislate as soon as parliamentary time allows to ensure that the use of communications data is compatible with the government's approach to civil liberties."
    But Conservative MP and former shadow home secretary David Davis said it would make it easier for the government "to eavesdrop on vast numbers of people".
    "What this is talking about doing is not focusing on terrorists or criminals, it's absolutely everybody's emails, phone calls, web access..." he told the BBC.
    "All that's got to be recorded for two years and the government will be able to get at it with no by your leave from anybody."
    He said that until now anyone wishing to monitor communications had been required to gain permission from a magistrate.
    "You shouldn't go beyond that in a decent civilised society, but that's what's being proposed."
    'Attack on privacy' Nick Pickles, director of the Big Brother Watch campaign group, called the move "an unprecedented step that will see Britain adopt the same kind of surveillance seen in China and Iran".
    "This is an absolute attack on privacy online and it is far from clear this will actually improve public safety, while adding significant costs to internet businesses," he said.
    Shami Chakrabarti, director of Liberty, added: "This is more ambitious than anything that has been done before. It is a pretty drastic step in a democracy."
    The Internet Service Providers Association said any change in the law must be "proportionate, respect freedom of expression and the privacy of users".
    The Sunday Times quoted an industry official who warned it would be "expensive, intrusive [and] a nightmare to run legally".
    Even if the move is announced in the Queen's Speech, any new law would still have to make it through Parliament, potentially in the face of opposition in both the Commons and the Lords.
    The previous Labour government attempted to introduce a central, government-run database of everyone's phone calls and emails, but eventually dropped the bid after widespread anger.
    The then Home Secretary Jacqui Smith did pursue efforts similar to those being revisited now, but the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats continued to voice their concerns.
    The shadow home secretary at the time, Chris Grayling, said the government had "built a culture of surveillance which goes far beyond counter terrorism and serious crime".
    Chris Huhne, then the Lib Dem home affairs spokesman, said any legislation requiring communications providers to keep records of contact would need "strong safeguards on access", and "a careful balance" would have to be struck "between investigative powers and the right to privacy".

  2. #12
    Professional Poster Jackal's Avatar
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    Default Re: TS sex and pornography are now both illegal!

    65 years old and still going

  3. #13
    Platinum Poster robertlouis's Avatar
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    Default Re: TS sex and pornography are now both illegal!

    Quote Originally Posted by Nicole Dupre View Post
    No. Rick Santorum is not the President... yet. lol
    There are some things it's just not safe to joke about.

    If that twisted paragon gets in, the Salem Witch trials will look like a picnic.

    But pleasures are like poppies spread
    You seize the flow'r, the bloom is shed

  4. #14
    The Voluptuous Diva 5 Star Poster TSMichelleAustin's Avatar
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    Default Re: TS sex and pornography are now both illegal!

    Quote Originally Posted by robertlouis View Post
    There are some things it's just not safe to joke about.

    If that twisted paragon gets in, the Salem Witch trials will look like a picnic.
    Like i said the homo would be the next Hittler! Trying to do away with all things he secretly enjoys! LOL

  5. #15
    onmyknees Platinum Poster onmyknees's Avatar
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    Default Re: TS sex and pornography are now both illegal!

    Quote Originally Posted by robertlouis View Post
    There are some things it's just not safe to joke about.

    If that twisted paragon gets in, the Salem Witch trials will look like a picnic.
    LMAO....some of you Britts crack me up. It's not like you don't have a bushel full of your own problems but not to worry....we let just about anybody vote over, illegal it doesn't matter, so I'm sure you could get a voter registration card pretty easy RL if you're that concerned. We like to think the republic could survive even a Manchurian candidate.......The oldest profession in the world has survived every political movement in history, and will continue to do on your next visit you'll still be able to pay for play, but thanks just the same for all your concern.

  6. #16
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    Default Re: TS sex and pornography are now both illegal!

    Quote Originally Posted by onmyknees View Post
    LMAO....some of you Britts crack me up. It's not like you don't have a bushel full of your own problems but not to worry....we let just about anybody vote over, illegal it doesn't matter, so I'm sure you could get a voter registration card pretty easy RL if you're that concerned. We like to think the republic could survive even a Manchurian candidate.......The oldest profession in the world has survived every political movement in history, and will continue to do on your next visit you'll still be able to pay for play, but thanks just the same for all your concern.
    You've been to prison. Are you still allowed to vote? I forget how that works. Where were you locked up? In a state or federal penitentiary? Because either way, as far as I know, you're not allowed to vote or to serve as a juror.

  7. #17
    Platinum Poster robertlouis's Avatar
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    Default Re: TS sex and pornography are now both illegal!

    Quote Originally Posted by onmyknees View Post
    LMAO....some of you Britts crack me up. It's not like you don't have a bushel full of your own problems but not to worry....we let just about anybody vote over, illegal it doesn't matter, so I'm sure you could get a voter registration card pretty easy RL if you're that concerned. We like to think the republic could survive even a Manchurian candidate.......The oldest profession in the world has survived every political movement in history, and will continue to do on your next visit you'll still be able to pay for play, but thanks just the same for all your concern.
    Your endless knee-jerk sneer is getting more than a little tiresome. And about as predictable as another wet summer in England. I don't think that you ever stop to consider the massive contradictions between the views you consistently espouse and your presence on this forum.

    You obviously don't think that having a guy with Santorum's views as a genuine contender for the GOP nomination is a matter of concern. And it is (thankfully) very unlikely that he will secure the nomination in the end. That will probably go to Romney, who passes closest to the safe pair of hands type in the parade of crazies jostling to become the republican nominee.

    But have you ever stopped to consider just what is going on at the heart of major party politics in the US when someone who holds Santorum's views is coming either number one or two in every primary? Have you? Pray the gay away, rape victims carrying babies to term?

    I've said it before and you got upset, so here goes again. But he would fit in pretty neatly with the Taliban's views on women and homosexuality. This time I'm not tarring the entire Republican movement. But it certainly applies to Santorum and the pious fundamentalists who vote for him.

    But pleasures are like poppies spread
    You seize the flow'r, the bloom is shed

  8. #18
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    Default Re: TS sex and pornography are now both illegal!

    Quote Originally Posted by onmyknees View Post
    LMAO....some of you Britts crack me up. It's not like you don't have a bushel full of your own problems but not to worry....we let just about anybody vote over, illegal it doesn't matter, so I'm sure you could get a voter registration card pretty easy RL if you're that concerned. We like to think the republic could survive even a Manchurian candidate.......The oldest profession in the world has survived every political movement in history, and will continue to do on your next visit you'll still be able to pay for play, but thanks just the same for all your concern.
    I agree that we have a lot of problems in the UK, and not just in governments wanting to know what websites we are visiting or why so many dead people manage to rise up from their graves to vote in elections. But your comment we let just about anybody vote over here reveals a shocking ignorance of the way your states deny people the vote -strictly speaking your Constitution does not enshrine the right to vote anyway, as a 96 year old woman from Chatttanooga discovered when she was denied the right to register because she didn't take her marriage certificate to the office -she took just about everything else; quite apart from 1 in 8 Black Americans being denied the vote for having a criminal record of some sort. As your Pew Centre reported:

    • Roughly 1.8 million dead people are listed on America's voter rolls.
    • About 2.7 million are registered to vote in more than one state.
    • And 24 million voter registrations nationwide are no longer valid.

    Most of the States insisting on photo ID are using it to deny the vote to those most likley to vote Democrat -hardly surprising as the states are run by Republicans!

    The Chattanoooga story is here:

  9. #19
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    Default Re: TS sex and pornography are now both illegal!

    Quote Originally Posted by robertlouis View Post
    Your endless knee-jerk sneer is getting more than a little tiresome. And about as predictable as another wet summer in England. I don't think that you ever stop to consider the massive contradictions between the views you consistently espouse and your presence on this forum.

    You obviously don't think that having a guy with Santorum's views as a genuine contender for the GOP nomination is a matter of concern. And it is (thankfully) very unlikely that he will secure the nomination in the end. That will probably go to Romney, who passes closest to the safe pair of hands type in the parade of crazies jostling to become the republican nominee.

    But have you ever stopped to consider just what is going on at the heart of major party politics in the US when someone who holds Santorum's views is coming either number one or two in every primary? Have you? Pray the gay away, rape victims carrying babies to term?

    I've said it before and you got upset, so here goes again. But he would fit in pretty neatly with the Taliban's views on women and homosexuality. This time I'm not tarring the entire Republican movement. But it certainly applies to Santorum and the pious fundamentalists who vote for him.
    onmyknees thinks if he blurts out something to signify his every erection, which he's derived from the free jpgs available here, that he's somehow a member in good standing of this forum in addition to being some type of anonymous friend to the TS community. But aside from going toe to toe with the entire board to defend Erika's right wing extremist views, which she's mostly abandoned incidentally, he's diametrically opposed anything remotely close to equal rights for transsexuals. And as much as he denies it, the consistently ethnocentric observations he makes are obviously nothing more than a thin disguise for his unmistakably racist perspective.

    In short, omk is a dumb white trash closet case and his views are extremely anti-transsexual. Just because he's here and enjoying the photos, it absolves him of nothing. In fact, mentally ill closet cases are notorious for this ironic, paradoxical, hypocritical behavior. J Edgar Hoover immediately comes to mind.

  10. #20
    Veteran Poster BBaggins06's Avatar
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    Default Re: TS sex and pornography are now both illegal!

    Quote Originally Posted by robertlouis View Post
    Your endless knee-jerk sneer is getting more than a little tiresome. And about as predictable as another wet summer in England.
    Predictability is 3 of the 4 Europeans posting in this thread solely to lob a condescending jab at the US.

    Last edited by BBaggins06; 04-02-2012 at 04:01 PM.

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