View Full Version : Poppers illegal??!!

07-12-2016, 05:25 PM
Please tell me this is NOT true. I've been away from the UK for a long time and return periodically about every two years or so, so I am a little of of touch with the latest that is happening back home. Even the Brexit issue is of little consequence either way, sorry to say folks.

One pastime I really look forward to is to pass buy the Old Compton St porn shops, buy a premium bottle of Amsterdam, buzz my favourite TS, tgirl suzanne, and let her bitch me up and fuck me up whilst totally intoxicated on the stuff.

Now I learn that Theresa May will be running the show and more importantly, she has has banned the poppers. WTF!! IS THIS TRUE.

Now what's going to happen to all our favourite Italian and Brazilian girls when she invokes Article 50.

07-12-2016, 07:15 PM
It's not true ... you should check your sources. Would've been quicker to search first ;)
