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06-26-2016, 06:30 PM
Going to Guayaquil Xmas time. Anyone got any advice? Any bars/Discos where the ladies hang out? Thanks.

06-26-2016, 09:24 PM
Going to Guayaquil Xmas time. Anyone got any advice? Any bars/Discos where the ladies hang out? Thanks.

Posted elsewhere on the internet -

I'd been told you can find TVs anywhere in South America, and as far as I can tell this is true.

BUT...that doesn't mean you can easily find something to satisfy your tastes. And I failed big-time in Quito.

First, there's even less organization to the TV scene that anywhere else I've traveled. TVs are heavily discriminated against in Ecuador, and consequently they stay out of site. There are a couple of areas on the edge of Old Town where some work the streets, but what I saw was downright frightening. Many looked like the recipients of really, really bad cosmetic surgery, and many were well past their prime...if they ever had one. At one level I felt badly for those I saw, but not badly enough to imbibe.

There were a few ads in the local papers for freelancers working out of their apartments. Again, most were located in very dodgy parts of town. I made a few calls, visited the apartments of two TVs, and left without doing the deed. In one case the girl was marginal at best and her place was a dump and smelled horrible. In the second case the girl did not reach the marginal level. Despite the good marketing job she provided on the phone, her description of herself bore no relationship to reality. Describing her as butt ugly would be too kind.

So I called it a loss. I was there on business and just stuck to business. I will be in Rio in 2 weeks and already know that there will be many treats awaiting me there, so I conserved my precious bodily fluids for those bonecas brasileiras.

BTW, I checked out a couple of casas feature GGs. Almost as bad! One featured a poster outside with a nice hot picture of Paris Hilton. I was pretty sure she wasn't going to be found inside. She wasn't, nor was there a single doable GG to be found.

So if Quito was on your list of places to explore, well, stick to the eco-tourism there.