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09-01-2006, 01:23 AM
Happy Gay pride ATLANTA ... AUG. 31. 06... i hope everyone has a safe and great labor day weekend.. I will be taking it easy... came down with the flu... ouch!... so im like not leaving the couch.. anyone wanna come take care of me ? nahh.. Anyway... i havent been out in ATL.. for like a year... anyone has any info and New gay . tranny friendly clubs... opened in atlanta... i personally love COMPOUND... but i get tired of getting hit on my obnoxious drunk (str8) men... where are all the HOT BI GUYS in atlanta.. hit me up.. xox ERICA TS ATLANTA .

09-01-2006, 01:25 AM

Haven't been to Hotlanta in too long. :(

09-01-2006, 01:38 AM
31 aug...its today. Hope this pride festival gonna bee god. I was on Stockholms festival in the begining of august. Very god and I have so much fun whit nice people. I guess this festival is much bigger

09-01-2006, 04:13 AM
Happy Gay pride ATLANTA ... AUG. 31. 06... i hope everyone has a safe and great labor day weekend.. I will be taking it easy... came down with the flu... ouch!... so im like not leaving the couch.. anyone wanna come take care of me ? nahh.. Anyway... i havent been out in ATL.. for like a year... anyone has any info and New gay . tranny friendly clubs... opened in atlanta... i personally love COMPOUND... but i get tired of getting hit on my obnoxious drunk (str8) men... where are all the HOT BI GUYS in atlanta.. hit me up.. xox ERICA TS ATLANTA .A little confused here. If your no longer escorting, why does your sig include the type of guys your into and asking them to hit you up. Also, you've excluded black men. Care to elaborate. Its a pretty hot button issue on these boards.

09-01-2006, 04:45 AM
Also, you've excluded black men. Care to elaborate. Its a pretty hot button issue on these boards.

Who cares. Her ass is flat as a pancake anyway.

09-01-2006, 06:02 AM
To reply to your comment.. i am no longer escorting... i am involved... secondly .. i simply listed my type of guy... and thirdly... when i was escorting... i was selective.. i didnt exclude all black men... i prefer the lighter skin black men.. tall masculine and very attractive... clean cut.. must... thanks .. get it... ? got it?? good.. :) xox E

09-01-2006, 06:07 AM
Also, you've excluded black men. Care to elaborate. Its a pretty hot button issue on these boards.

Who cares. Her ass is flat as a pancake anyway.

LOL, TruPlaya that shit was funny! I was thinking the same thing. Droopy bathing suit. I think most black guys wouldn't be feeling her either, for that very fact. Mami needs to hit the squat rack and Butt Blaster, if she doesn't want to pump up with a little silicone. I think my butt is bigger than her's and I'm about 8-9% bodyfat. I also posed the question in Yasmin's thread, if she would see a darker/Afro Latin gentlemen for a session. I'm sure the answer is no.

09-01-2006, 06:17 AM
i admit.. that picture does look like i have no booty.. sorry i dont have a black girls butt... and actually .. my butt is big lol.. and id never do silicone.. i have other pics in a shared album on here ....also... im a tiny t girl.. 5'4 110lbs and very proportional to my size... so i doubt black guys are even attracted to me... big booties scare me.. xox E

09-01-2006, 06:49 AM
i admit.. that picture does look like i have no booty.. sorry i dont have a black girls butt... and actually .. my butt is big lol.. and id never do silicone.. i have other pics in a shared album on here ....also... im a tiny t girl.. 5'4 110lbs and very proportional to my size... so i doubt black guys are even attracted to me... big booties scare me.. xox EOk, so whats wrong with dark complexion black men. You've stated your preferences, explain your exclusions. Btw, I have no intrest in you, just would like to hear why you choose to exclude certain men. This topic is always discussed but rarely do we have the girl actually explaining why she feels this way. And your right, most black men would act as though you didn't exsist. GET IT, GOT IT, KEEP IT.

09-01-2006, 07:04 AM
How do i explain this.. are u attracted to 60 yo white midget men? Attraction is a science... clearly im not racist.. i was brought up in new orleans.. and i live in atlanta.. and most of my friends are black.. so as i said.. attraction is a science.. i dont think ud go after 60 yo men.. .. its not ur type right?? get it ... got it.. u know the rest lol E

09-02-2006, 11:59 PM
ok girl defend urself....... but i hear vegas nights is tg friendly

09-03-2006, 08:23 AM
How do i explain this.. are u attracted to 60 yo white midget men? Attraction is a science... clearly im not racist.. i was brought up in new orleans.. and i live in atlanta.. and most of my friends are black.. so as i said.. attraction is a science.. i dont think ud go after 60 yo men.. .. its not ur type right?? get it ... got it.. u know the rest lol E

TSErica, you are entitled to your opinion, on who you find attractive. However, I disagee that it's this totally innate thing. Latin society is very colorstruck. Think about, if you watch Latin television, you rarely see darker-skinned Latinos (with the exception of athletes and entertainers) in anything positive (news anchors, show hosts, models etc.) They are always on those Jerry Springer-esque talk shows like "Laura" or those courtroom based shows. I feel sorry for dark-skinned Latinos, that live in Latin countries. Mnay of them have immense feelings of self-hatred. It's reminiscent of the pivotal literary piece by Ralph Ellison called "Invisible Man", which dealt with the African American's proverbial invisibility in a racist, white society in the 1950's. You will rarely see a dark-skinned Latin man with an attractive lighter-skinned Latina, unless he has lot's of money or some sort of influential station in their country (politician, entertainer etc.). I remember too distinct situations, where I was in an earshot of a conversation between a lighter-skinned latina and a black girl. In the first instance, this "ghetto to the core" Puerto Rican chick went on and on about some blond haired, blue eyed cop she met and how she was feeling him, but he wasn't reciprocating. My guess is, she wasn't white enough to him either! The second happened while riding the subway to work one morning, with a light-skinned latina and black girl about 18-19 years old. The latina went on and on and on about how fine the Gotti Boys were, from "Growing up Gotti". Mind you, the people in their families and social circle probably call you spic and every other deragatory term in the book. It reminds me of the scene from the movie "24 Hours" where Rosario Dawson played Edward Norton's girlfriend. She was hanging out with some of his friends in a nightclub, after the shit hit the fan, then in the midst of an argument, one of his boys whom she was cool with too, hurled a racist epithet at her. Think about how many Latin trannies list "Half-Italian, Half-Latin" in their Eros description. I'd say, half are keeping it real and the other half are wannabees.

TSErica, when you are out with your predominently black circle of friends, when a darker black man(s) comes up to kick to you all, what is your reaction? Is it phoney, because you haven't "kept it real with your friends, that you think darker black men are unattractive or have you told them what time it is. I'm also curious at the amount of black GG/TS woman who hang out with woman, who think like this. However, I must keep it real too and say that the 'The Color Complex" is still alive and well amongst Blacks also, just not at the high level it is amongst Latinos. Matter of fact TSErica, maybe you should read the "The Color Complex" by Kathy Russell, Midge Wilson, and Ronald E. Hall, as there may be subconscious cultural influences driving your so-called preferences. Here's links to other good articles I bookmarked on the internet about this topic.




09-03-2006, 07:21 PM
Thanks beat.. for ur good read reccomendations... I somehow think that you think that im (LATINA)... sweetie.. im CAJUN... lol... french ..native american .. and some spanish.. definatley not LATINA.. more french than LATINA....... but thanks again for writing... i really dont know why my type bothed u so much as it apparantly did... but maybe i shouldn't have excluded black guys ,.. what i meant... by all means.. was to say.. i like clean cut .. guys.. professional. well educated.. and yes.. preferabley lighter skined guys... like u know.. BORIS KODJOE.. LOL.. someone like that for sure.. but i really appreciate ur concern with my type... maybe if ur offended that im not attracted to women... maybe ..just maybe... ill work on that too.. *(rolls her eyes)* .. u think.. maybe i could change my type... haha.. and ill go for females.. (*gag*).. vomit.. never.... but anyways.. thanks... id rather read... a fashion magazine.. than about someones struggle with dating interracially ...

09-03-2006, 10:55 PM
How do i explain this.. are u attracted to 60 yo white midget men? Attraction is a science... clearly im not racist.. i was brought up in new orleans.. and i live in atlanta.. and most of my friends are black.. so as i said.. attraction is a science.. i dont think ud go after 60 yo men.. .. its not ur type right?? get it ... got it.. u know the rest lol E

TSErica, you are entitled to your opinion, on who you find attractive. However, I disagee that it's this totally innate thing. Latin society is very colorstruck. Think about, if you watch Latin television, you rarely see darker-skinned Latinos (with the exception of athletes and entertainers) in anything positive (news anchors, show hosts, models etc.) They are always on those Jerry Springer-esque talk shows like "Laura" or those courtroom based shows. I feel sorry for dark-skinned Latinos, that live in Latin countries. Mnay of them have immense feelings of self-hatred. It's reminiscent of the pivotal literary piece by Ralph Ellison called "Invisible Man", which dealt with the African American's proverbial invisibility in a racist, white society in the 1950's. You will rarely see a dark-skinned Latin man with an attractive lighter-skinned Latina, unless he has lot's of money or some sort of influential station in their country (politician, entertainer etc.). I remember too distinct situations, where I was in an earshot of a conversation between a lighter-skinned latina and a black girl. In the first instance, this "ghetto to the core" Puerto Rican chick went on and on about some blond haired, blue eyed cop she met and how she was feeling him, but he wasn't reciprocating. My guess is, she wasn't white enough to him either! The second happened while riding the subway to work one morning, with a light-skinned latina and black girl about 18-19 years old. The latina went on and on and on about how fine the Gotti Boys were, from "Growing up Gotti". Mind you, the people in their families and social circle probably call you spic and every other deragatory term in the book. It reminds me of the scene from the movie "24 Hours" where Rosario Dawson played Edward Norton's girlfriend. She was hanging out with some of his friends in a nightclub, after the shit hit the fan, then in the midst of an argument, one of his boys whom she was cool with too, hurled a racist epithet at her. Think about how many Latin trannies list "Half-Italian, Half-Latin" in their Eros description. I'd say, half are keeping it real and the other half are wannabees.

TSErica, when you are out with your predominently black circle of friends, when a darker black man(s) comes up to kick to you all, what is your reaction? Is it phoney, because you haven't "kept it real with your friends, that you think darker black men are unattractive or have you told them what time it is. I'm also curious at the amount of black GG/TS woman who hang out with woman, who think like this. However, I must keep it real too and say that the 'The Color Complex" is still alive and well amongst Blacks also, just not at the high level it is amongst Latinos. Matter of fact TSErica, maybe you should read the "The Color Complex" by Kathy Russell, Midge Wilson, and Ronald E. Hall, as there may be subconscious cultural influences driving your so-called preferences. Here's links to other good articles I bookmarked on the internet about this topic.



http://www.amren.com/news/news04/06/24/whitenessenvy.htmlCO-SIGN. Erica, its not so much of a concern about who you date and how you feel. I don't know you and don't care to. Its about many more people like yourself who think like you do. Immature comes to mind. Thats how little girls think. You saw the example that beat used about two girls on the subway. they were 18, 19. Thats pretty much where your mind is. BTW, Boris isn't black. He's mixed. I think thats pretty obvious. I feel everything beat says because I'm a dark skinned man living around a bunch of dominicans. A lot of them do in fact treat you differently if your skin is dark. But also, I realize that I'm dealing with "GHETTO LATIN TRASH", regardless of how pretty they may be. When they open their mouth they remove all doubt. A lot of them are welfare moms, but they have the audacity to look down on me because my skin is dark. I am a clean cut dark skinned man. Yes there is such a thing. A working union professional who has graduated from college. So you can't look down on me. You gotta look up. And next time, come at me with a better analogy than a 60 year old white midget. I don't see how a 60 yr old white midget is comparable to a dark skinned man. Thats actually insulting. Grow up.

09-03-2006, 11:19 PM
Who says that im looking down on you.. just because u are dark skinned... OH MY FREAKING GOD... maybe uve been burned because of something so superfical as that... but thats not the case with me... lol i dont judge a person by their skin... just because im not attracted to someone .. .does that make me prejudice? maybe you should not read to much into this... you need to just move on... and no care so much what i think.. ur not even into me.. go bother someone else about their attraction .. ok.... ta ta... and i am young.. so yes.. i can revel in it!!!

09-03-2006, 11:27 PM
I'm immature to I am not into dark skinned men...

Hey Erica how are you doing we have not spoken in so long...

Keep your head up atleast you can say you are real and you are not pussy footing around shit...



09-03-2006, 11:41 PM
Who says that im looking down on you.. just because u are dark skinned... OH MY FREAKING GOD... maybe uve been burned because of something so superfical as that... but thats not the case with me... lol i dont judge a person by their skin... just because im not attracted to someone .. .does that make me prejudice? maybe you should not read to much into this... you need to just move on... and no care so much what i think.. ur not even into me.. go bother someone else about their attraction .. ok.... ta ta... and i am young.. so yes.. i can revel in it!!!FOR THE LAST TIME. ITS NOT ABOUT YOU. ITS ABOUT PEOPLE LIKE YOU. CAPECHE. Instead of reveling in being IMMATURE, try growing the fuck up. Tell some of your tranny friends to do the same.

09-04-2006, 02:06 AM
Who says that im looking down on you.. just because u are dark skinned... OH MY FREAKING GOD... maybe uve been burned because of something so superfical as that... but thats not the case with me... lol i dont judge a person by their skin... just because im not attracted to someone .. .does that make me prejudice? maybe you should not read to much into this... you need to just move on... and no care so much what i think.. ur not even into me.. go bother someone else about their attraction .. ok.... ta ta... and i am young.. so yes.. i can revel in it!!!

While I appreciate your willingness to dialogue on this issue, as many of your fellow TS's are too far in denial or apathethic, to appreciate any substantive debate. However, I must agree with tommytuu, "it's not about you" but an ideology that you represent, that is pervasive. It's proven by the simple minded post by your chum Sexxylexi, who looks 100% caucasian anyway. I say that, because I could care less about whether a white person thinks a black person is attractive based on skin color. The color caste systems they set up thru European and American colonialism, is the cause of all this crap anyway. Google the term "Willie Lynch" and slavery. Colorism was one of the primary ways to keep the slaves divided and thereby easier to control. This was used throughout the African Diaspora (North, South, Central American and the Caribbean), then later in African countries under colonial rule. The whole "worship this white, blue-eyed, blond haired" Jesus, if you want free food and medicine brainwash. The more you look and think white, the more comfortable many whites are with you subconsciously, even to the most simple minded, intellectually unadvanced piece of trailor trash. It's very much a pathology, that permeates in their larger society. That's why Beyonce, Alicia Keys, Tyra Banks and Halle Berry are looked at as white society's token versions of black feminine beauty. They subconsciously associate dark skin with masculinity. I don't how many white girls, I've overheard say "Naomi Campbell is ugly" or "I don't know how she became a supermodel, I look better than her". I've never once heard them say that about Tyra Banks, who is light-skinned with green eyes.

Based on your response to Tommytuu TSErica, it seems you didn't take the time to read the 3 links I sent you. You probably clicked on them and read the headers, then returned to the HA forum. I say that, because if you really read the articles I presented to you, the "I love Boris Kodjoe" nonsense wouldn't have been posted, as he is half African, Half German. This just underscores, what I said earlier about this subconscious need to apply beauty based on the white aesthetic litmus test.

In closing, to answer your question Erica, no!. You aren't a racist because you don't date dark skin guys. However, you are a product of the history and subconscious brainwashing mentioned in the 3 articles I poted links to. Another thing, I'm not dark-skinned and I'm about the same complexion as your boy Boris. I don't say that as some type of "feather in my cap" deal; just as proof that I'm an unbiased participant in this discussion. You seemed to level some unfair comments at tommytuu, because he is dark-skinned. You are making it seem like he's trying to avenge his years of rejection, at your expense. This is a very simplistic way of looking at such a complex issue and is devoid of any real analysis and thought.

TSErica, to be fair, you are young and are on the other side of the forest. Therefore, its hard for you to see past the trees blocking your own view of this issue. Whether you're Latino or not, I wish you would take the time to read the 3 articles I posted and just ponder on them. Then think about what me and tommytuu said, before you post a repsonse.

We cant have a viable debate on an issue, when one side has intellectual and life experience on their side and the other side is inexperiened and totally uninformed on the issue. Because what happens is your using emotions to combat intellect. This is like trying to mix oil and water, which is why we aren't seeing eye to eye. I don't expect you to change, only to understand that they're forces larger than yourself, that guide your subconscious thinking. Why do you think their are so many women with eating disorders. It's because they have been subliminally programmed thru media and/or family and friends to associate extreme thinness with beauty. Please check out the 3 articles I posted links for.

09-04-2006, 02:35 AM
What's up tommytuu, I feel what you are saying. I remember an incident, that took place several years ago, when I took a computer class down at the Business Library on Madison Avenue and 34th St one Saturday. Anyway, there was a brown-skinned Dominican lady sitting next to me, in the class. She looked to be between 28-32 y.o and I was about 25 y.o at the time and English was definitely her 2nd language. Anyway, the instructor was going a little fast, so she had made a misstep. Anyway, me trying to be a nice person, I saw the error she made and told her politely how to fix it. You know this chick just looked at me and looked away like I was invisible and shit. What makes it more ridiculous, is the white woman sitting on the other side of her, then tells her same thing after I did and she does it and says "Thank You, Gracias" like 3 times to the lady, like some damn house servant! What makes this more crazy, was that the white woman was so stern in how she gave her the directions. Similar to the way, in which a parent barks an order to a disobedient child. She then proceeded to ask this arrogant white lady for help, for the rest of the class. I couldn't do anything but shake my head and realize just how brainwashed and inferiorized many darker latinos are, when it comes to white skin and yet smug and indifferent when it comes to black people. Experiences like that, is really why I'm so well read on the mindset and indoctrination, that befalls people of color living under global white supremacy.

Tommytuu, this thing with TSErica reminds me of the scene from White Men Can't Jump", where Wesley Snipes and Woody Harrelson are riding in the car and Wesley puts on some Jimi Hendrix. He proceedes to tell Woody after a little debate, "You can listen to Jimi, but you can't HEAR Jimi". Basically, TSErica is reading what you're saying, but she is not HEARING you.

Peace Bro!

09-04-2006, 03:29 AM
Erica, why do big butts scare you? I'm 5'7 and my ass probably weighs more that you do. (Ok- maybe there is a reason to be scared). There are many women of different cultures who have big asses- yes even white girls. I've been to France many times and have seen plenty of big asses.And French definately does not always mean 'white'. Granted, mine is artificial and as large as it is, it is proportional to my body- but I dont see why if you have a big ass its a 'black booty'. I have definately seen a few sistas with flat butts too.

09-04-2006, 03:34 AM
I think i have an eatting disorder.. lol.. its not big booties that scare me.. its on me i think id hack it off.. .. i think my butt is alreayd getting too big.. u know the moans.. and ur body .. is impeccable.. work or not... you know u are gorgeous... but as u said.. its very fitting on you... on me.. it would look too weird.. ps... ive been to one of ur parties a while back.. and was disappointed i didnt get to meet u.. it was earlier in the night.. hope to meet you one day... xoxoxoxo Erica... kisses to the sexi tranny pop star :) Mrs. A

09-04-2006, 03:36 AM
PS. And I think you have a FAB body from you other pictures and your avatar does you no justice. No shade intended.

And thanks so much for the compliments- I always thought u were gorgeous and very. very real.

09-04-2006, 05:33 AM
What's up tommytuu, I feel what you are saying. I remember an incident, that took place several years ago, when I took a computer class down at the Business Library on Madison Avenue and 34th St one Saturday. Anyway, there was a brown-skinned Dominican lady sitting next to me, in the class. She looked to be between 28-32 y.o and I was about 25 y.o at the time and English was definitely her 2nd language. Anyway, the instructor was going a little fast, so she had made a misstep. Anyway, me trying to be a nice person, I saw the error she made and told her politely how to fix it. You know this chick just looked at me and looked away like I was invisible and shit. What makes it more ridiculous, is the white woman sitting on the other side of her, then tells her same thing after I did and she does it and says "Thank You, Gracias" like 3 times to the lady, like some damn house servant! What makes this more crazy, was that the white woman was so stern in how she gave her the directions. Similar to the way, in which a parent barks an order to a disobedient child. She then proceeded to ask this arrogant white lady for help, for the rest of the class. I couldn't do anything but shake my head and realize just how brainwashed and inferiorized many darker latinos are, when it comes to white skin and yet smug and indifferent when it comes to black people. Experiences like that, is really why I'm so well read on the mindset and indoctrination, that befalls people of color living under global white supremacy.

Tommytuu, this thing with TSErica reminds me of the scene from White Men Can't Jump", where Wesley Snipes and Woody Harrelson are riding in the car and Wesley puts on some Jimi Hendrix. He proceedes to tell Woody after a little debate, "You can listen to Jimi, but you can't HEAR Jimi". Basically, TSErica is reading what you're saying, but she is not HEARING you.

Peace Bro!Dude, I spent some years living in L.A. and experienced the same at the hand of mexicans. It was actually worse with them because they'd try to set me up to get fired from jobs.

09-04-2006, 10:31 PM
Dude, I spent some years living in L.A. and experienced the same at the hand of mexicans. It was actually worse with them because they'd try to set me up to get fired from jobs.


Due to the experiences you've had, I'm curious as to what your views what on immigration reform are? This is one the few issues, that I'm a little torn about, as I'm usually very firm in my thoughts and convictions. I'm definitely an advocate for people of color and self-determination. However, this anti-black sentiment among most immigrants, no matter where they are from, is starting to wear on my nerves. Historically, blacks have had to deal with prejudice from whites, but with the influx of millions of immigrants, it's just compounding the headache of racism and bigotry we've had to deal with for centuries. Latinos, Asians, Middle Easterners, Indians, and foreign whites (especially Eastern Bloc countries) all seem to have this inherently negative view of black people. I recently heard an interview on 98.7 KISS FM with Black-Cuban singer/actress Christina Milian a couple of weeks back and she spoke about how intense the racism was in Romania, where she was filming her latest movie. She also spoke up on issues of colorism and beauty in Latin culture in "Latina Magazine", so at least some have the sense to know what's really going on. Anyway, this anti-black sentiment is why so many Latino and Asian escorts refuse to date black men and some bail on the 1st negative experience, while overlooking the misdeeds of some slick white guys. Some people like to blame rap music and constant media images of black criminality. However, many immigrants seem to hold these views, as soon as they step foot on U.S soil. The aforementioned just exacerbate them. I know some Black oldtimers, who would just as soon deport everyone, as they are sick of this B.S air of superiority possessed by so many immigrants, when it comes to black folks. What further imfuriates them, is that black folks died, got waterhosed and attacked by police dogs so that all people of color can have the civil rights afforded to us by law. However, these people take advantage of those civil rights when they come over here, then have the audacity to look their nose down at you.

Funny, about your experiences in L.A with Mexicans. I have a homeboy, who is also a darker brotha too, who had similar experiences with Cubans in Miami. It seems the darker you are, the more virulent the prejudice gets.

09-05-2006, 02:53 AM
You guys are using far too many sociological aspects of society which you are using to put the blame on why these girls say they dont like dark skinned men or black guys. These girls didnt even let birth tell them what they would be in life so I think they might be strong headed enough not to be subconsciously affected by a society is trying to brainwash them into certain types of attraction(In which I do agree it is being put out there, but just not sucessfully). I mean as a black guy Ive done it with white girls with Nazi tatoos on their tits, so trust me when I say when your a guy that the girl wants to fuck, racism flies out the window

09-05-2006, 11:20 AM
You guys are using far too many sociological aspects of society which you are using to put the blame on why these girls say they dont like dark skinned men or black guys. These girls didnt even let birth tell them what they would be in life so I think they might be strong headed enough not to be subconsciously affected by a society is trying to brainwash them into certain types of attraction(In which I do agree it is being put out there, but just not sucessfully). I mean as a black guy Ive done it with white girls with Nazi tatoos on their tits, so trust me when I say when your a guy that the girl wants to fuck, racism flies out the window

Dude, your fucking chicks with swastikas on their tits and your black. C'mon, there is too much pussy floating around, for a black man to go there. But to each is own.

Anyway, Torrez83 you ever wonder why most black men like bigger butts, whereas most white don't. Sure, I've seen white guys who like huge asses and black guys who like'em nice and tight. However, there is clearly a cultural component. If you take two brothers and raise one in the ghetto, it's a good chance he'd like chicks with asses like "Buffie the Body". The second brother raised in a whitebred suburb on the West Coast will probably go for women shaped like Maria Sharapova. Matter fact, speaking of Maria Sharapova, do you notice that while white guys drool over this chick, most black guys could care less. Yet, these same brothas want to fuck Serena Williams because of the full breast and protruding ass, whereas most white guys think she is too dark, too shapely and generally unattractive. I bring this up, because what you're attracted to, does have a lot to do with upbringing and environment. TS Erica is into light-skinned/white guys and alluded to the fact she may have an eating disorder. She clearly has the mindset of male/female beauty, that most young white girls from Middle America have. You can call it stereotyping or psychobabble, but I've read enough and seen enough to believe environment is very key. However, I will concur, that it isn't the end all, be all. You can have two sisters similar in age, grow up in the same house, yet one thinks black guys are cute and the other is completely turned off. Same thing goes for homosexuality. Yet, I did see an interesting segment on "60 Minutes" two Sundays ago, that stated they're some environmental factors, that increase it's proponderence. A man having lots of older brothers, was one factor that increased their chances of a having a homosexual orientation based on decades of studies. Attraction is also subject to change, at any given point.

My personal story. I'd say I got into T-Girls at around 23 years old. It was very sudden to. I was all about huge breast until 18-19 y.o, then I became an ass man too. I guess working downtown on Wall Street, on my summer internship and seeing so many "applebottoms" during lunchtime and afterwork, just brought it out of me. Back to the T-Girls. One day I was heading downtown to Times Square, to buy a pair of suede shoes I'd seen on sale, at a store on 8th Avenue. Anyway, a T-Girl who was a very tanned latina, happened to be walking in front of me, as we were both exiting the subway station. She was real skinny with this microscopic waist, huge round ass and wide hips. She sort of reminded me of TS Octavia St. Laurent's body. It's was about 90 degrees that day and she had on a short schoolgirl skirt, with a T-Shirt tied above waist, on some real Britney Spears "Baby One More Time" deal. So happens, she doesn't hear me walking behind her, as she had on blasting headphones, when we walk out of the turnstile door, on one of the lesser used side exits. It's just me and her and she's walking up the steps. I know its a bit perv, but the shit was right in front of me and to be honest I thought she was a female. I was ignorant of the silicon injection thing, so I thought anybody shaped like that had to be a GG. As I look up, she had on some cheap white spandex, that were sort of sheer and it looked like she had two volleyballs stuck down her shorts, it was that absurd. I then noticed this humungous bulge, like a damn cucumber. I'd say this chick had to be at least 10-11 erect with crazy girth, as I'm no slouch myself in that department either. I found myself with a instant erection and felt sort of dirty, after it all went down. She actually was going to work in "Show World". This is right before that bastard Guiliani and that sea-hag looking Carol Burnett (who lived in the area), put pressure on the City Council to pass laws to close them down. It's funny, when I was 20 y.o and strictly on some GG shyt; I went up in Show World, when I finally got a summer job that paid over $8 per hr, as most were internships before. Anyway, anyone who remembers know they had a back room for the trannies. This was the first time I ever went to "Show World", so I paid the man, walk back there and take a seat. This is right before trannies became so popular around 1994. I say that due to the lack of TS porn at that time. The stuff that was on the market was real low quality. I think Joey Silvera's "Rogue Adventures" series stepped up the playing field for TS porn. Anyway, this black tranny who had a feminine, but clearly not enhanced shape was really trying to rap to me extra hard, but I wasn't having any of it. I was there to see GG's with big asses and tits and by darn it, that's what I was going to do, so I left and chalked up the $10-20 (I forgot) to the game. One thing that stuck in my head, once I got into trannies was this "I'm not into tranny chasers" thing. Many trannies seem to be extremely turned on by guys, who aren't into TS's. They seem to think it's the ultimate validation of their feminity, if they can turn this guy. Now that I'm no longer "disinterested", I have to use my looks, intellect, and sense of humor to drum up some interest. Joke!

09-06-2006, 02:00 PM
Beatmaker I agree with you to where enviroment has something to do with attraction but I dont think its the key. I mean as a black guy you got admit, there are alot of hardships for us in this country but being liked by women is not one of them. So hears a little hint Ima give you when a chick says I dont see black men, or Im not into black men, she merely means "I dont go crazy over black men like so many other women do, and Im not gonna fuck you just cause your black like so many other women do". Because let me tell you in my lifetime ive gotten so many "I never thought I could be attracted to a black guy" or "Your my first black guy", I am really convinced that one night in bed can change a womans view on a whole race.

09-06-2006, 07:12 PM
I'd wondered where you had gone. I'm truly happy that abeautiful girl like you has found a happy relationship. I'm very sad that I did'nt take the oppertunity to visit you when I could.
I believe I'm fairly close to where you live(I'm in Lawrenceville).
If you everhave a need for your favorite type of guy, or might want to play matchmaker for me, I'd be soooooooooo happy.

09-06-2006, 08:15 PM
Who are u again..,., do i know u... and u said love.... ... u dont know me.. how do u love me lol.. and how do u know what my type is... xox E

09-06-2006, 08:32 PM
maybe he'd love to be your type......seems like all these guys would.

09-06-2006, 11:37 PM
Good questions. I live in lawrenceville, north of you I believe. I know what your typeis because you said "bi guys" earlier. As to how I know I love you??? That was more an "affection" thing if you will. I can't say I'm "in love" with you, but your beauty is truly breath taking.

09-09-2006, 10:08 AM
maybe he'd love to be your type......seems like all these guys would.

I dont think so sir! This whole debate, was more about her ideology not on any personal interest or attraction. So, dont take my interest in exploring the first with the latter. I believe tommytuu would concur based on his prior posts. Let, the dude from Georgia speak on "wanting to be her type", because that definitely ain't the kid!

09-09-2006, 04:02 PM
I know what YOUR debate was about. It took me about an hour to read your thesis on this. Quit taking yourself so seriously. Go get your dick sucked and have a samwich.....that's what I'm here for, not to impress everyone with my "genius"........ concur? Peace.

09-09-2006, 07:26 PM
I know what you mean... but i just let him rant... everyone has their issues with certain subjects.. I'd prefer rather not to comment to any of them that commented on my "ideals" to be honest.. hes the one that seems bitter and jaded about race... not my problem... but whateva :) let him take himself seriously.. i think its funny.... because if he only knew... lol... he'd really be laughing.. and taking back all his words... but whatever... as i said... it's entertaining to me... so ... :) peace daddie xox E

09-09-2006, 07:31 PM
concur? :) hahahahaha hims a smarty :) he be using concur up in dis place lol but also uses dont and all the other contractions and a word that i dont even be knowing like aint.. what dat is... whateva lol you concur u be feeling me?

Solitary Brother
09-09-2006, 10:16 PM
I have to take "ERICA'S" side on this one.
I am black and I am not mortally wounded when a non-BLACK female rejects my advances.
I think the guys who are might have a little self-esteem problem.
Any female that says shes not interested in you because of your color is DOING YOU A FAVOR by being real.
I am always hearing "I'm just keeping it real"......but you have to be able to take REALITY also and the reality is many white and latin women DONT want nothing to do with a black guy......for romance that is.
Get over it!
Move on.

09-11-2006, 07:21 AM
This shit went way out left field becuse one girl said she liked light skin Black guys.

People can say how they prefer big dicks, little dicks, big breast, little asses, tall, short, thin, and thick on this site each and every day.

The half a second race or anything that can loosely be connected to race comes in the door people loose thier damn minds and want to analyze the person and why they have thier preference.

09-11-2006, 07:38 AM
I know what you mean... but i just let him rant... everyone has their issues with certain subjects.. I'd prefer rather not to comment to any of them that commented on my "ideals" to be honest.. hes the one that seems bitter and jaded about race... not my problem... but whateva :) let him take himself seriously.. i think its funny.... because if he only knew... lol... he'd really be laughing.. and taking back all his words... but whatever... as i said... it's entertaining to me... so ... :) peace daddie xox EYou know, I really thought this shit was dead. WTF, you skinny, no ass, to insecure to show your face, trannie illiterate hoe. STFU already. Like honestly, who the fuck are you? NOBODY!!!!!!!! Unlike some, I can see what your trying to insinuate. And you might wanna take a minute to realize just who the fuck your talking to and about, because really, YOU JUST DON'T KNOW. I tried being nice. I've reached my end. I thought the trash had been taken out. I guess I was wrong. Like I said before, grow the fuck up and move on.

09-11-2006, 08:52 AM
haha.. you are so funny.... :)

09-11-2006, 09:06 AM
and who are u calling a hoe// lol.. ive read some of ur post asking about.. where can i find this girl.. is she on eros... all u is .... is a hypocrite lol..

09-11-2006, 09:06 AM
You guys are using far too many sociological aspects of society which you are using to put the blame on why these girls say they dont like dark skinned men or black guys. These girls didnt even let birth tell them what they would be in life so I think they might be strong headed enough not to be subconsciously affected by a society is trying to brainwash them into certain types of attraction(In which I do agree it is being put out there, but just not sucessfully). I mean as a black guy Ive done it with white girls with Nazi tatoos on their tits, so trust me when I say when your a guy that the girl wants to fuck, racism flies out the window

You shouldn't have input on anything dealing with race if your are gonna sacrifice your dignity for a piece of ass.Where do you draw the line would you still have sex wtih a girl if she had a huge hitler poster hanging up.Some people have dignity and/or not willing to sacrifice it for anything even for a piece.

09-11-2006, 12:01 PM
I tried being nice.


Like I said before, grow the fuck up and move on.

Maybe you ought to take your own advice.

09-12-2006, 02:58 AM
and who are u calling a hoe// lol.. ive read some of ur post asking about.. where can i find this girl.. is she on eros... all u is .... is a hypocrite lol..NOT LOOKING FOR YOU!!!!!!!

09-12-2006, 03:01 AM
I tried being nice.


Like I said before, grow the fuck up and move on.

Maybe you ought to take your own advice.Hey, captain save a trannie hoe, STFU. It kills me how these captains come to rescuse someone they never met in their life. Fucking hilarious.

09-12-2006, 08:10 AM
I have to take "ERICA'S" side on this one.
I am black and I am not mortally wounded when a non-BLACK female rejects my advances.
I think the guys who are might have a little self-esteem problem.
Any female that says shes not interested in you because of your color is DOING YOU A FAVOR by being real.
I am always hearing "I'm just keeping it real"......but you have to be able to take REALITY also and the reality is many white and latin women DONT want nothing to do with a black guy......for romance that is.
Get over it!
Move on.

Dude, you are missing the point and trust me "brotha", I don't have any self-esteem issues. TSErica's issue was about the ideology of "light is right", not on whether she or any of her TS buddies date Black men at all. Another thing, most "race don't matter" negroes are the one's with the self-esteem problems. They have always been the Black people, whom I've known or worked with, who seem to think the lighter/whiter the skin, the straighter the hair, the more superior the person, because all they know is what they've been conditioned to think by media, whitewashed school curriculums etc. (I'm not dark-skinned by the way). They're the same one's on the playground as little kids making the dark-skinned black kids life hell. You ever notice on these buffoonish talk shows like "Jerry Springer" or "Jenny Jones", how the most ignorant Black people on these shows, are always making derogatory comments about dark skin (black, cripsy etc) or saying something about "nappy hair" or "hair weaves/fake hair", when arguing with another Black person. This is just of symptom of the larger mentality. I read a recent article with Atlanta-based rap group "Field Mob" (their signed to Ludacris' label DTP) and group member "Smoke" spoke about all of the grief he dealt with growing up very dark-skinned in his hometown Albany, GA. It obviously still hurts this brotha, as he actually wrote a whole song about it called "Blacker the Berry" on their new album. He has all this money and fame, yet still felt compelled to address it and he's still fairly young, so this "old problem" still resonates. My best friend (this cat is like my brother) deals with this "dark skin" crap all the time, so I am sensitive to it. Those are the stories that make me "take this topic seriously", because white people treat light-skinned Black people better than dark-skinned Black people and we then in turn do the same thing. How many mainstream female sex symbols are darker, except Naomi Campbell? None. It's always Beyonce, Halle, Alicia Keys, or Tyra etc, etc and we internalize the same thinking alienating lots of beautiful darker women. This thinking has caused centuries of unneccessary internal conflict amongst Blacks, due to colorism. Speaking of Tyra, she has confronted this mentality on her "Top Model" show on numerous occasions, from what one of my "enlighted" homegirl's tell me. So, to that simple minded TSErica, you don't have to be "jaded" or "personal affected", as I'm sure that this is one of your favorite shows and light-skinned, green-eyed supermodel Tyra is just "fab" in your book. However, I'm sure your brain shuts down when Tyra goes there, as you clearly can't deal with issues such as these. You hear, but don't listen. Anyway Solitary Brother, you see this behavior in all countries colonized by white Europeans inhabited by people of color (Mexico, Latin America, North America, South American, the Carribean, India/Asia and Africa. So, I really not interested in seeking advice or council from uninformed Black people, until they learn some real history.

Most Blacks think that being "conscious" or "cultured" is some mental defect and many of them are too ignorant to understand who benefits from that thinking (it damn sure ain't Black folks). If it wasn't for the few of us, that are out here taking issues seriously, we'd be thrown further under the bus than we already are (see Federal Gov't response to Hurricane Katrina). The same people that talk shit about me on HA, are the same jackasses who like to evoke "some" Black man's criminal history, as a justfication for why some escort, is not wrong for refusing to see "all" Black men. So, they can bring race and stereotypes into HA forums, but I'm the bad guy for trying to spread a little insight. Whatever!

Understand Solitary Brother, why Jews run shit and why Blacks revel in dumbshit. They teach their history and practice solidarity and we clearly don't. We also like to take White people's side in public, especially against those seeking to empower us as a whole and Jews rarely ever do that. Think about how many stayed silent about Israel's treatment of the Palestinians, but discuss how horrible it is amongst each other. They do that, as not to show a lack of unity, as that is their "trump card" in this country. If I disagree with another Black person; if they are trying to empower us, I will save my comments or PM them. Lots of people get off on seeing Black people arguing among ourselves, especially educated Black folks capable of making changes. I'm only calling you out, because I don't see you in that "conscious" light based on your ridiculous "lack of self-esteem" statement. We refuse to learn that little shit turns into big shit, whereas Jews understand that shit wholeheartedly. That is why that put the screws to Mel Gibson's ass. Let Mel Gibson had made the same comment about Blacks and see the response. He would of gotten a little flack from the media, Blacks would of done little to nothing and he would of wrote a check for a $1,000,000 to some sellout minister or civil rights group in a very "Bulworth" fashion to shut everybody up with his penitence. The one's who did confront Mel's B.S, would have gotten criticized for taking things too seriously, since he was drunk and obviously didn't mean what he said. This is the B.S I have to deal with in here.

Why are things not an issue, until it affects Whites or Jews, as they seem to be the only people who can get upset about things. After 9-11, it was friggin "open season" on Arabs and Muslims, but we saw none of that after the Oklahoma City bombings by Timothy McVeigh and his neo-nazi cohorts. Hmmmm!

09-12-2006, 08:17 AM
You shouldn't have input on anything dealing with race if your are gonna sacrifice your dignity for a piece of ass.Where do you draw the line would you still have sex wtih a girl if she had a huge hitler poster hanging up.Some people have dignity and/or not willing to sacrifice it for anything even for a piece.

Damn, Legend we agree! I don't see how a Black, Jew or any minority can have sex with an avowed racist, whose so proud they wear it like a badge of honor. Just as ridiculous, why would a White woman fuck, date or marry a man of color who hates White people. I just don't understand that shit!

09-12-2006, 08:23 AM
I know what YOUR debate was about. It took me about an hour to read your thesis on this. Quit taking yourself so seriously. Go get your dick sucked and have a samwich.....that's what I'm here for, not to impress everyone with my "genius"........ concur? Peace.

LOL, simple response from a simple mind. I'm sorry your brain overheated reading my posts, maybe you should use it more, then what I said would calculate. Now go get your dick sucked and eat a "samwich", since that's the end all be all for you. O.K!

09-12-2006, 09:01 AM
I know what you mean... but i just let him rant... everyone has their issues with certain subjects.. I'd prefer rather not to comment to any of them that commented on my "ideals" to be honest.. hes the one that seems bitter and jaded about race... not my problem... but whateva :) let him take himself seriously.. i think its funny.... because if he only knew... lol... he'd really be laughing.. and taking back all his words... but whatever... as i said... it's entertaining to me... so ... :) peace daddie xox E

TSErica, if your so proud of yourself and your thinking, where did your "White, Latin, and Middle Eastern men only" disclaimer go, that showed underneath your posts. I looked and it's gone, leaving new posters like this jackass Ripley to come into the game in the 4th Quarter talking shit, when they don't know the half. If it's not a problem, but a legitimate preference, then why did you remove it? You now end all of your simple minded, intellectually bankrupt posts with "If I offended I don't care", so why remove it then?

You can't me take seriously, because you don't take life seriously. You are a joke, just like your I.Q. You further showed how simple you are, with your "Ebonics" post. I guess if your too stupid to deal, then take the "Court Jester" route, huh? I tried to be polite and reserved dissing you, but since your anorexic ass wants to talk shit, then we can go there. Why would I take back any posts, when your too stupid to read the 3 short articles I sent links to, dealing with colorism, it's origin and how it negatively affects families and communities of color. That would of taken 15 minutes tops, but that would of interferred with painting your nails or picking out tommorrow's slutty outfit, right? I know you didn't read them, because if you did, the stupidity your posting would have come to an an abrupt halt. Unfortunately, you are indicative of most girls under 25 y.o, you have nothing to offer a man other than sex and trying to look fly on his arm. Totally "Chrissy Snowed" out! Nothing in between the ears, but space and air. No TSErica, I'm really going to be laughing, when I think about you at 50-60 years old. A dumb, old tranny, who was too stupid and simple-minded to expand her horizons outside of being skinny, cute and getting fucked for money. Maybe, when your simple ass is "fucked up in the game" 30 years from now, you'd be ready to suck off the darkest motherfucker in Africa to get a little change to keep the rent paid and the lights on. That's going to be the laughable shit, Erica!

09-12-2006, 09:08 AM
You shouldn't have input on anything dealing with race if your are gonna sacrifice your dignity for a piece of ass.Where do you draw the line would you still have sex wtih a girl if she had a huge hitler poster hanging up.Some people have dignity and/or not willing to sacrifice it for anything even for a piece.

Damn, Legend we agree! I don't see how a Black, Jew or any minority can have sex with an avowed racist, whose so proud they wear it like a badge of honor. Just as ridiculous, why would a White woman fuck, date or marry a man of color who hates White people. I just don't understand that shit!

The whole little statement sounds full of **** if you ask me i think he was putting his 2cents in to some how impress the topic starter as too try and make up an excuse for being racist.I don't care how smart or headstrong you are that doesn't exclude anyone from being a racist.

09-12-2006, 09:29 AM
I know what you mean... but i just let him rant... everyone has their issues with certain subjects.. I'd prefer rather not to comment to any of them that commented on my "ideals" to be honest.. hes the one that seems bitter and jaded about race... not my problem... but whateva :) let him take himself seriously.. i think its funny.... because if he only knew... lol... he'd really be laughing.. and taking back all his words... but whatever... as i said... it's entertaining to me... so ... :) peace daddie xox E

TSErica, if your so proud of yourself and your thinking, where did your "White, Latin, and Middle Eastern men only" disclaimer go, that showed underneath your posts. I looked and it's gone, leaving new posters like this jackass Ripley to come into the game in the 4th Quarter talking shit, when they don't know the half. If it's not a problem, but a legitimate preference, then why did you remove it? You now end all of your simple minded, intellectually bankrupt posts with "If I offended I don't care", so why remove it then?

You can't me take seriously, because you don't take life seriously. You are a joke, just like your I.Q. You further showed how simple you are, with your "Ebonics" post. I guess if your too stupid to deal, then take the "Court Jester" route, huh? I tried to be polite and reserved dissing you, but since your anorexic ass wants to talk shit, then we can go there. Why would I take back any posts, when your too stupid to read the 3 short articles I sent links to, dealing with colorism, it's origin and how it negatively affects families and communities of color. That would of taken 15 minutes tops, but that would of interferred with painting your nails or picking out tommorrow's slutty outfit, right? I know you didn't read them, because if you did, the stupidity your posting would have come to an an abrupt halt. Unfortunately, you are indicative of most girls under 25 y.o, you have nothing to offer a man other than sex and trying to look fly on his arm. Totally "Chrissy Snowed" out! Nothing in between the ears, but space and air. No TSErica, I'm really going to be laughing, when I think about you at 50-60 years old. A dumb, old tranny, who was too stupid and simple-minded to expand her horizons outside of being skinny, cute and getting fucked for money. Maybe, when your simple ass is "fucked up in the game" 30 years from now, you'd be ready to suck off the darkest motherfucker in Africa to get a little change to keep the rent paid and the lights on. That's going to be the laughable shit, Erica!


09-12-2006, 08:46 PM
I tried being nice.


Like I said before, grow the fuck up and move on.

Maybe you ought to take your own advice.Hey, captain save a trannie hoe, STFU. It kills me how these captains come to rescuse someone they never met in their life. Fucking hilarious.

Telling anyone to STFU on a messageboard is like trying to tell the sun not to shine. Good luck with that one. D.A.
As far as "someone I never met in my life"
that might be true, but I sure as motherfuckin hell didn't come on here to talk to knuckleheads like you. Aint you got a corner to get on and some windsheilds to wash?

09-12-2006, 09:06 PM
I know what YOUR debate was about. It took me about an hour to read your thesis on this. Quit taking yourself so seriously. Go get your dick sucked and have a samwich.....that's what I'm here for, not to impress everyone with my "genius"........ concur? Peace.

LOL, simple response from a simple mind. I'm sorry your brain overheated reading my posts, maybe you should use it more, then what I said would calculate. Now go get your dick sucked and eat a "samwich", since that's the end all be all for you. O.K!

bore  /bɔr, boʊr/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[bawr, bohr] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, bored, bor‧ing, noun
–verb (used with object)

1. to weary by dullness, tedious repetition, unwelcome attentions, etc.: The long speech bored me.
2. a dull, tiresome, or uncongenial person.
3. a cause of ennui or petty annoyance

So, they can bring race and stereotypes into HA forums, but I'm the bad guy for trying to spread a little insight. Whatever!

YOU brought those issues into this thread along with tommytuu.

I looked and it's gone, leaving new posters like this jackass Ripley to come into the game in the 4th Quarter talking shit, when they don't know the half.

I've been here since tipoff bitch. (racist stereotypical basketball reference)

09-13-2006, 07:01 AM
Ripley, I don't know if your white or black, but I really hope your white. I really don't want to believe a black man, is in this forum defending Erica and her simple minded "I'm not racist, since I have black friends" stupidity.

You also need to take your lips off her right ass cheek, with that tired "all the guys in here must love you" crap you posted two pages back to curry favor. Like Tommy said, "you definitely have a little Captain in you". That's the whole reason me and you locked horns anyway, because it seems you were trying to insinuate, we were really coming at Erica due to some sort of sexual attraction or misguided rejection response. Dude, I like my chicks with tanned or darker skin and big, round asses. Cute in the face, small in the waist. However, I would never disqualify all light/white-skinned females, as that would be close minded and endorsing the notion, that beauty is somehow limited to a specific segment of society. Based on homegirl's avatar photo, she's not measuring up anyway B! Another thing, if she likes those Boris Kodjoe looking cats, trust me I can get the ass, personal politics aside. I'm not going to say I look better than dude, but I'm in dude's league. I'm about 6'4" and 220 Lbs @ 8-9% bodyfat, six-pack, good looking and curly hair. So, I always get "colorstruck" chicks like TSErica checking for me, but by fucking with females who think like that, I would just be co-signing on their B.S plantation mentality.

As far as being a "bore"; I'd rather be a boring ass motherfucka with principles, morals and intelligence, than be the dumbass "life of the party" cat, who fills his days chasing chicks, smoking blunts and playing Playstation. I'm not saying that describes you, but if the shoe fits wear it.

10-04-2006, 09:04 PM
Damn, wtf? It is racist to have racial appearance preferences in what you are attracted to?? So if I want to get with a hot korean or black woman and she's not attracted to white guys then she's a racist??

LOL! I know lots of black chicks that aren't attracted to black dudes.. are they racist???

I think Korean, Thai and Malyasian chicks are hot.. Fillipino, most Japanese and most Chinese - do nothing for me. What am I? Partially an racist against Asians? lol.. most German women - ugh! most Icelandic?? Damn!! I want some of that. Don't get me start on Latina's... mmm!

Dudes.. Erica is strictly talking appearances.. take no more offense (like try none) at it than if you are bald and she says she isn't attracted to bald guys.

10-05-2006, 07:11 AM
Damn, wtf? It is racist to have racial appearance preferences in what you are attracted to?? So if I want to get with a hot korean or black woman and she's not attracted to white guys then she's a racist??

LOL! I know lots of black chicks that aren't attracted to black dudes.. are they racist???

I think Korean, Thai and Malyasian chicks are hot.. Fillipino, most Japanese and most Chinese - do nothing for me. What am I? Partially an racist against Asians? lol.. most German women - ugh! most Icelandic?? Damn!! I want some of that. Don't get me start on Latina's... mmm!

Dudes.. Erica is strictly talking appearances.. take no more offense (like try none) at it than if you are bald and she says she isn't attracted to bald guys.

Dude, I wont say TSErica is a racist, just close minded. Unfortunately, you have little to no knowledge about the history of colorism via white global colonialism (past and present). Two weeks ago, I was visiting my aunt's house and my cousins were watching "America's Top Model", so I checked it out, as I love to watch beautiful women as much as the next guy. Two of the prettiest girls on the show, both cried during their introductions, because they've been made to feel inferior or not as attractive growing up, because of their darker skin. I mean these chicks were really fucked up by this color caste crap. The Indian girl named Anchal is so friggin gorgeous it's absurd and the sista Michelle is bangin too. Both of these beautiful women clearly articulated to Tyra, that their lack of self-esteem was primarily due to being made to feel inferior by friends or family for being darker skinned. I have enclosed a link to Anchal's video clip where she touches on it a little. However, on the actual show, she damn near had a breakdown.



The reason I mention these girls, is because many trannies grow up with similar upbringings. I've had Latin friends tell me straight up, that their parents tell them not to bring a "moreno" home. One girl told me I couldn't call her house, because if her father found out she was dating a black man, he'd pretty much disown her. This is what I'm addressing on this forum. You've tried to simplify something, that is extremely complicated and rooted in history by comparing it to a woman preferring a guy with long hair to a guy with a baldie. Or a girl who prefers muscular guys to tall, skinny ones. This is not the same, when you peel back the layers.

In regards to black women, that aren't attracted to black men; just think about that statement for a minute. How can you possibly have a positive self image of yourself, when you think your male or female racial counterpart is unattractive. I'm sorry sir, it isn't possible. Most black girls I know like this are self-loathing, but you'd never know it by the false air of confidence and designer clothes. They have no knowledge of their history, they aspire to be something they aren't and want to have children by a white or very light skinned man, to dilute the things they detest in themselves, which are usually related to skin color and hair texture. I see "so many" dark skinned black women in downtown Manhattan pushing with their biracial babies in strollers etc. and some will just look at you like you are dirt. These women are confused sycophants with a plantation mentality and really shouldn't be used to prove your point of view. By the way, this goes for black men who think the same way.

10-05-2006, 08:03 AM
I'm just wondering if she had said she prefered dark skinned Black guys and was not attracted to light skinned Black guys if this would have been such a big issue.

I'm fully aware of the racial implications that come with the dark vs light skin issues in the Black community but I won't go so far as to assume that everyone that prefers light over dark to be racist.

I'm a Black man that prefers women with more color be they white, Asian, Latin or whatever. To me it is more about the fact that they more closely resemble what I find most attractive, Black women. But hell, if the right girl came along and didn't fit that little mold regarding color all that shit goes out the window.

I'm sure that in most cases most whites are raised around mostly white people and tend to gain more attraction for thier own. When they do cross racial lines they still tend to choose people that more closely resemble the people they were raised around. It has been my experience that most Blacks prefer whites that have rounder asses and are a little more hip than your typical white person. A white girl with some color in her skin, curlier hair, that might even looked mixed will get more attention from Black men that a stringy haired pasty white girl. Is that racist?

I'm not saying that there is no racism in some people prefering light over dark but I am not going to jump too quick on someone for just making the statement that they prefer one look over another. That is way too little information to make the racist claim about a person.

EVERYONE some preference.

10-07-2006, 07:09 PM
Global white colonialism has influenced physical attraction preferences!?!?

Ok.. I MUCH prefer a hot redhead to a blonde....

Damn those imperialistic white bastards from yesteryear!!! Why did they have to fuck with my mind????!

10-09-2006, 02:07 AM
Global white colonialism has influenced physical attraction preferences!?!?

Ok.. I MUCH prefer a hot redhead to a blonde....

Damn those imperialistic white bastards from yesteryear!!! Why did they have to fuck with my mind????!

Another idiot. I am about 99% sure you're a white male, so the affects of "colonialism" doesn't apply to you. You can make jokes all you want, but that doesn't make my posts false.

What do you call people with strong opinions about things they have little to no knowledge about? IGNORANT!

This place is infested with simpletons. Pick up a damn book, JEEEESH!