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View Full Version : US Pulling out Troops from Bosnia and Herzegovina(!?)

08-31-2006, 01:45 AM
What!!!??? 11 years after Dayton, and troops are still in that shit-hole radical islamic state created by the clinton/gore/albright cabal ?

Why,where were all the cut and run Murthas ? :lol:

So here we have the neo-marxist left who helped give a foothold to a caliphate in europe, being totally silent on troops being there for over a decade, all the while they scream about bringing the troops home from Afghanistan and Iraq where we`re killing the islamofascists.

Banja Luka. USA military forces started preparing for their pullout of the Eagle base near Tuzla, Serbian agency TANJUG informs citing Bosnian newspaper Oslobojdenje.
The news of the pullout of the American troops has caused concern among Sarajevo political circles.
Citing reliable sources the Bosnian newspaper announced the Americans will leave the base by the end of the year as they will be replaced by a Dutch battalion.
The chair of the Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Presidency Sulejman Tihic could not confirm definitely the news of the pullout of the US troops from BiH because “there is no information from official political and diplomatic sources”.http://www.focus-fen.net/index.php?id=n94959



09-05-2006, 09:17 PM
So if the Islamofascists have overrun Bosnia, why did President Bush withdraw the 38th ID from Tuzla in 2004? And why is DoD now withdrawing even the skeleton crew of logistics personnel that remain there now? We're abandoning Bosnia to the terrorists?

Why is George Bush cutting and running from the European front of the War on Terror?

09-06-2006, 12:45 AM
So if the Islamofascists have overrun Bosnia, why did President Bush withdraw the 38th ID from Tuzla in 2004? And why is DoD now withdrawing even the skeleton crew of logistics personnel that remain there now? We're abandoning Bosnia to the terrorists?

Why is George Bush cutting and running from the European front of the War on Terror?

After 11 years or so? One could conclude Clinton`s caliphate a success.Must want to get out of the way and allow the Christian Serbs finish

the job :P

The Clinton Caliphate:

09-06-2006, 07:30 PM
So if the Islamofascists have overrun Bosnia, why did President Bush withdraw the 38th ID from Tuzla in 2004? And why is DoD now withdrawing even the skeleton crew of logistics personnel that remain there now? We're abandoning Bosnia to the terrorists?

Why is George Bush cutting and running from the European front of the War on Terror?

After 11 years or so? One could conclude Clinton`s caliphate a success.Must want to get out of the way and allow the Christian Serbs finish

the job :P

The Clinton Caliphate:

Is Bosnia a radical islamic state? Are you out of your mind?
Bosnians muslims are only normal muslims on this planet, they
have nothing in common with terrorism and fundamentalism.
As far as i know them, they are pretty much normal european
people, just like any other europeans. Now, if you recall,
serbs\croats (christians in other word) comitted a huge genocide
against them over there, and that's why Clinton got involved -
to stop the genocide and save an entire nation from dissappearing.
WMC, something tells me that you are a serb..

"To allow the christian serbs finish the job" ?!? Damn, you are directly encouraging the genocide here, and MODERATORS OF THIS SITE ALLOW SUCH FASCHIST BULLSHIT !! I CAN'T BELEIVE THIS IS TRUE.

09-06-2006, 07:57 PM
So if the Islamofascists have overrun Bosnia, why did President Bush withdraw the 38th ID from Tuzla in 2004? And why is DoD now withdrawing even the skeleton crew of logistics personnel that remain there now? We're abandoning Bosnia to the terrorists?

Why is George Bush cutting and running from the European front of the War on Terror?

After 11 years or so? One could conclude Clinton`s caliphate a success.Must want to get out of the way and allow the Christian Serbs finish

the job :P

The Clinton Caliphate:

Is Bosnia a radical islamic state? Are you out of your mind?
Bosnians muslims are only normal muslims on this planet, they
have nothing in common with terrorism and fundamentalism.
As far as i know them, they are pretty much normal european
people, just like any other europeans. Now, if you recall,
serbs\croats (christians in other word) comitted a huge genocide
against them over there, and that's why Clinton got involved -
to stop the genocide and save an entire nation from dissappearing.
WMC, something tells me that you are a serb..

"To allow the christian serbs finish the job" ?!? Damn, you are directly encouraging the genocide here, and MODERATORS OF THIS SITE ALLOW SUCH FASCHIST BULLSHIT !! I CAN'T BELEIVE THIS IS TRUE.

You must learn to relax.

“Kill, rape, destroy”

6 September 2006 | 16:52 | Source: B92, Beta
BANJA LUKA -- Banja Luka’s ATV station broadcasted footage of Hamdija Delalić ordering murders and the destruction of villages.

Hamdija Delalić, commander of the V corps’ 502 brigades of the Muslim military, can be clearly seen and heard in the video calling for an attack on Fikret Abdić and the Republic of Srpska Military.

“A breach must be made. Kill all that stands in front of you. I am permitting and ordering that the enemies be killed using all necessary means, knives, bombs, hunting knives, teeth.” Delalić said to his soldiers in the video.

“Can we rape?”

Commanders of the 505 and 510 brigade of the V corps of the Bosnia-Herzegovina military, Izet Nanić and Amir Avdić are also seen in the video. When asking whether the soldiers were allowed to rape people, Delalić said that they have the right to do anything they want.

The aftermath

President of the Association of Western Bosnian Prisoners of War, Esad Čović, told ATV that the direct consequences of Delalić’s orders were the burning of several villages and many rapes.

Čović said that one woman that was raped several times and suffered more than 200 knife cuts on her body, adding that members of the 505 brigade carved their emblem into her body.

“She had a nervous break down because of this and unfortunately will never again be a person that you will be able to talk to.” Čović said.

“That brigade was led by the commander of the V corps of the Bosnia-Herzegovina army, General Atif Dudaković. The Association of Western Bosnian Prisoners of War sent documents to the Hague Tribunal in 1999 regarding the crimes of the V corps, but an answer never came back, so we decided to forward the documentation to the Bosnia-Herzegovina state prosecution.” Čović said.

09-06-2006, 08:26 PM
So if the Islamofascists have overrun Bosnia, why did President Bush withdraw the 38th ID from Tuzla in 2004? And why is DoD now withdrawing even the skeleton crew of logistics personnel that remain there now? We're abandoning Bosnia to the terrorists?

Why is George Bush cutting and running from the European front of the War on Terror?

After 11 years or so? One could conclude Clinton`s caliphate a success.Must want to get out of the way and allow the Christian Serbs finish

the job :P

The Clinton Caliphate:

Is Bosnia a radical islamic state? Are you out of your mind?
Bosnians muslims are only normal muslims on this planet, they
have nothing in common with terrorism and fundamentalism.
As far as i know them, they are pretty much normal european
people, just like any other europeans. Now, if you recall,
serbs\croats (christians in other word) comitted a huge genocide
against them over there, and that's why Clinton got involved -
to stop the genocide and save an entire nation from dissappearing.
WMC, something tells me that you are a serb..

"To allow the christian serbs finish the job" ?!? Damn, you are directly encouraging the genocide here, and MODERATORS OF THIS SITE ALLOW SUCH FASCHIST BULLSHIT !! I CAN'T BELEIVE THIS IS TRUE.

You must learn to relax.

“Kill, rape, destroy”

6 September 2006 | 16:52 | Source: B92, Beta
BANJA LUKA -- Banja Luka’s ATV station broadcasted footage of Hamdija Delalić ordering murders and the destruction of villages.

Hamdija Delalić, commander of the V corps’ 502 brigades of the Muslim military, can be clearly seen and heard in the video calling for an attack on Fikret Abdić and the Republic of Srpska Military.

“A breach must be made. Kill all that stands in front of you. I am permitting and ordering that the enemies be killed using all necessary means, knives, bombs, hunting knives, teeth.” Delalić said to his soldiers in the video.

“Can we rape?”

Commanders of the 505 and 510 brigade of the V corps of the Bosnia-Herzegovina military, Izet Nanić and Amir Avdić are also seen in the video. When asking whether the soldiers were allowed to rape people, Delalić said that they have the right to do anything they want.

The aftermath

President of the Association of Western Bosnian Prisoners of War, Esad Čović, told ATV that the direct consequences of Delalić’s orders were the burning of several villages and many rapes.

Čović said that one woman that was raped several times and suffered more than 200 knife cuts on her body, adding that members of the 505 brigade carved their emblem into her body.

“She had a nervous break down because of this and unfortunately will never again be a person that you will be able to talk to.” Čović said.

“That brigade was led by the commander of the V corps of the Bosnia-Herzegovina army, General Atif Dudaković. The Association of Western Bosnian Prisoners of War sent documents to the Hague Tribunal in 1999 regarding the crimes of the V corps, but an answer never came back, so we decided to forward the documentation to the Bosnia-Herzegovina state prosecution.” Čović said.

I'm upset here only because of one single staement that both me and every single
normal human being is disgusted with and that comes from you:

"Let christian serbs finnish the job".

Since all of us know what kind of genocide has been committed over there against Bosnian
people (Srebrenica, for example - biggest war crime in Europe after WWII) i simply can
not understand that this site allows fascistic posts like your exist here.

Just allow mi to slightly modify your statement from above, in order to try to get
moderators to imagine what kind of shit has been posted here from your hole:

"Let christian germans finnish the job".

Have you got my point?

I'll now PM moderators of this site and demand to ban you.
Hopefully, fascists do not belong here.

09-06-2006, 08:38 PM
I'm upset here only because of one single staement that both me and every single
normal human being is disgusted with and that comes from you:

"Let christian serbs finnish the job".

Since all of us know what kind of genocide has been committed over there against Bosnian
people (Srebrenica, for example - biggest war crime in Europe after WWII) i simply can
not understand that this site allows fascistic posts like your exist here.

Just allow mi to slightly modify your statement from above, in order to try to get
moderators to imagine what kind of shit has been posted here from your hole:

"Let christian germans finnish the job".

Have you got my point?

I'll now PM moderators of this site and demand to ban you.
Hopefully, fascists do not belong here.

Then you`ll feign this indignation towards all,including images?

Now,since Clinton created this mini-caliphate,what do you suggest we do with him? :lol:

Banjaluka, 6 Sept. (AKI) - Bosnian Serbs, the second largest ethnic group in the country, have presented fresh evidence of crimes allegedly committed by the Bosnian Muslim army during the 1992-1995 civil war. The Centre for Public Security (CPS) in Banjaluka, the capital of Bosnian Serb entity Republika Srpska, has said it submitted evidence to the Bosnian public prosecutor against 20 individuals for crimes committed against the civilian population and prisoners in western Bosnia.

The crimes were allegedly perpetrated against Serbs, but also against a rebel Muslim group headed by Fikret Abdic, who opposed Muslim wartime leader Alija Izetbegovic, the CPS claims. It says they were committed in 1994 and 1995 by the Fifth corps of the Bosnian Muslim army, led by general Atif Dudakovic.

A total 800 people were killed in the Fifth corps offensive, including 350 civilians, and 100,000 people were displaced, mostly Abdic’s Muslim supporters, according to the CPS report.

A video that appeared to show Dudakovic’s forces killing civilians and burning villages was recently shown by Serbian television. But Dudakovic rejected the accusations, saying he only "defended his country."

Bosnian Serb officials have said they submitted evidence against Dudakovic to the United Nations' Hague war crimes tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. But the tribunal, which plans to complete its work by 2008, is not accepting new cases and is referring them to local courts.

Most of the 150 individuals indicted by the UN's Hague tribunal are Serbs, which has prompted accusations from Serbia that the court was practising "selective justice" and trying only Serbs.

Bosnian Muslim leaders, including Sulejman Tihic, Muslim member of Bosnia’s three-man rotating state presidency, have rushed to Dudakovic’s defence. Tihic said he was "proud of Dudakovic’s war record," describing him as a hero.

In a related development, the Banjaluka Alternative Television channel late on Tuesday aired another video apparently showing one of Dudakovic’s commanders, Hamdija Delalic, ordering his soldiers near the western town of Cazin to use all means to retake the lost positions.

"We must break through - kill everything that comes in your way," Delalic is heard telling his soldiers. "I approve and order the destruction of the enemy by all means – knives, bombs, teeth," he says. Asked by soldiers whether rape was allowed too, he is heard replying: "You have the right to do everything."

Apart from murder, looting and burning of villages, many women were raped as a result of Delalic’s orders, Esad Covic the Muslim president of western Bosnia’s war prisoners’ association, told Banjaluka Alternative Television. He cited the case of a Muslim woman, now living in the United States, who suffered a nervous breakdown after repeated rapes. "Unfortunately, she will never be a person to whom one could talk again," he said.

Covic said his the western Bosnia’s war prisoners’ association sent the documentation on the crimes of the Fifth corps to Hague in 1999, but never received a reply from the tribunal.

09-07-2006, 03:16 PM
Since all of us know what kind of genocide has been committed over there against Bosnian
people (Srebrenica, for example - biggest war crime in Europe after WWII) i simply can
not understand that this site allows fascistic posts like your exist here.

The first amendment supports his & anyone's right. To prohibit an opinion would be fascistic.

I personally know many muslim and christian serbs that have confirmed the spread of extremism to Bosnia. Some are not as peace loving as you think and that 'some' causes a lot of damage & death. Just because it's not on the nightly news doesn't mean it never happens.

09-07-2006, 06:51 PM
Since all of us know what kind of genocide has been committed over there against Bosnian
people (Srebrenica, for example - biggest war crime in Europe after WWII) i simply can
not understand that this site allows fascistic posts like your exist here.

The first amendment supports his & anyone's right. To prohibit an opinion would be fascistic.

I personally know many muslim and christian serbs that have confirmed the spread of extremism to Bosnia. Some are not as peace loving as you think and that 'some' causes a lot of damage & death. Just because it's not on the nightly news doesn't mean it never happens.

You people are either mean, stupid or totally ignorant here.
The guy's statement that makes me upset is:

"Let the christian serbs finish the job".

And THAT, nothing else but that makes me upset here. I'm perfectly
aware of the fact that during the serbian agression on Bosnia both
sides comitted war crimes, but nobody, i say NOBODY here should be
allowed to encourage and favour genocide, to make a joke of all the
killed innocent civilians in Srebrenica, Sarajevo and other cities.

By allowing this happen, the moderators of this site indirectly declare
this site to be discriminating one. As it looks like now, it's allowed
here to humiliate people belonging to different nations and different
religions in any way we wish. Is that right?

Another thing that is remarcable here is that it seems to be forbidden
here to insult gay and TS people, but it's perfectly allowed to humiliate
"bad" religions and simmilar..

09-07-2006, 10:21 PM
Since all of us know what kind of genocide has been committed over there against Bosnian
people (Srebrenica, for example - biggest war crime in Europe after WWII) i simply can
not understand that this site allows fascistic posts like your exist here.

The first amendment supports his & anyone's right. To prohibit an opinion would be fascistic.

I personally know many muslim and christian serbs that have confirmed the spread of extremism to Bosnia. Some are not as peace loving as you think and that 'some' causes a lot of damage & death. Just because it's not on the nightly news doesn't mean it never happens.

You people are either mean, stupid or totally ignorant here.
The guy's statement that makes me upset is:

"Let the christian serbs finish the job".

And THAT, nothing else but that makes me upset here. I'm perfectly
aware of the fact that during the serbian agression on Bosnia both
sides comitted war crimes, but nobody, i say NOBODY here should be
allowed to encourage and favour genocide, to make a joke of all the
killed innocent civilians in Srebrenica, Sarajevo and other cities.

By allowing this happen, the moderators of this site indirectly declare
this site to be discriminating one. As it looks like now, it's allowed
here to humiliate people belonging to different nations and different
religions in any way we wish. Is that right?

Another thing that is remarcable here is that it seems to be forbidden
here to insult gay and TS people, but it's perfectly allowed to humiliate
"bad" religions and simmilar..

In fact we think you are an idiot. That or a mind reader,or a thought police fascist.

You assume things i did not say. Finishing the job in an armed comflict means winning the war. Or was I simply joking considering there`s a little smily face at the end of the sentence. Perhaps I was merely being sarcastic.

How dare you conlude my thoughts with your own. Your own partisan left-wing neo-marxist propaganda.

You should be banned. 8)

09-08-2006, 06:43 AM
Since all of us know what kind of genocide has been committed over there against Bosnian
people (Srebrenica, for example - biggest war crime in Europe after WWII) i simply can
not understand that this site allows fascistic posts like your exist here.

The first amendment supports his & anyone's right. To prohibit an opinion would be fascistic.

I personally know many muslim and christian serbs that have confirmed the spread of extremism to Bosnia. Some are not as peace loving as you think and that 'some' causes a lot of damage & death. Just because it's not on the nightly news doesn't mean it never happens.

You people are either mean, stupid or totally ignorant here.
The guy's statement that makes me upset is:

"Let the christian serbs finish the job".

And THAT, nothing else but that makes me upset here. I'm perfectly
aware of the fact that during the serbian agression on Bosnia both
sides comitted war crimes, but nobody, i say NOBODY here should be
allowed to encourage and favour genocide, to make a joke of all the
killed innocent civilians in Srebrenica, Sarajevo and other cities.

By allowing this happen, the moderators of this site indirectly declare
this site to be discriminating one. As it looks like now, it's allowed
here to humiliate people belonging to different nations and different
religions in any way we wish. Is that right?

Another thing that is remarcable here is that it seems to be forbidden
here to insult gay and TS people, but it's perfectly allowed to humiliate
"bad" religions and simmilar..

In fact we think you are an idiot. That or a mind reader,or a thought police fascist.

You assume things i did not say. Finishing the job in an armed comflict means winning the war. Or was I simply joking considering there`s a little smily face at the end of the sentence. Perhaps I was merely being sarcastic.

How dare you conlude my thoughts with your own. Your own partisan left-wing neo-marxist propaganda.

You should be banned. 8)

By the way, serbs would never be capable of finishing the job in the way you would like
that to happen. Do you know why? I'll tell you that:

When serbs was attacking Bosnians they were attacking an almost unarmed nation and they were
attacking them with a huge army of former yugoslavia (serbs stole almost all the tanks, planes
and other shit) and despite that, during many years of war they didn't manage to "win" - or in
other words they never managed to kill and ethnically cleanse Bosnians totally. In fact, Bosnians
fought as real heroes, they managed to defend many cities, and now have even became stronger.
Today they have a much better army, for example. That's amazing, isn't it?

When it comes to USA and Clinton, I give both of them a huge credit here. USA attacked serbian
facsists in order to stop the genocide in former Yugoslavia and without USA and Clinton in particular,
it would take many more years and many more dead people until serbs finally figure out that they can
not win that war.

Oh, yes, when i'm talking about "serbs" in this context, i'm actually talking about Milosevic's clowns,
not all serbs. I know many serbs (i fucked a few serbian girls) and in general i can say that the
people are good, but they have a few idiots (like you - for example) that spoil everything.