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View Full Version : Is ther anything more....eeeh than when you and you TG GF brake up...

01-29-2016, 10:24 PM
Is there anything more eeeeeh and sad than when you and your TG GF brake up...
So there i was dating this gorgeous Asian TS girl for the pat 4 months....just over the moon for her...
cute, smart, educated, had a nice job and an amazing family and i loved just going out with her and holding her hand and holding her close...
like ever be with a girl and you see her quirks and you can see yourself just falling in love with her because of her quirks...yeah it was like that. she was quirky and cute and i liked.
And i felt so comfortable with her in my arms as my little spoon at night...

And then things come up.....her life gets a bit nuts with family issues and friends issues.....you don't see each other for a few weeks and then you get the test....sigh that sucks =/

and you know why...she was awesome in a way GG's will never be.....oh well....

01-30-2016, 09:05 AM
Well... no matter what kind of breakup... the best advice I can give is to improve yourself. Figure out what you need to improve on, and actively work to better yourself at that. Whether you're a gym rat or a couch potato, hit the gym. Working out releases the kind of endorphins that will improve your mood. In general- dedicate everything to yourself and your own improvement. This is good advice anytime, but especially in the aftermath of a breakup.

These things will help you move on. And once you move on, you'll be able to find the next one- which very likely may be the right one!

my my my!
01-31-2016, 01:46 AM
I just went through a breakup with a girl, who i was head over heels in love with. but her inner demons and past is something SHE could not get past, even though i tried to accept her like that, she would get tortured by her past, her insecurities, to the point that she was showing verbal and mental abuse towards me :(

01-31-2016, 09:33 PM
Yeah sadly for me it wasn't "us" it was some very serious family and friends issue on her side which made her time very limited.
So yeah back to the gym as always and barf barf barf online dating......
But she was awesome....ever cuddle with someone in bed and just pass out and get the best nights sleep ever...that's how you know you can fall in love with someone.