View Full Version : Charlie Sheen to disclose he is HIV Positive on Today Show

11-16-2015, 09:01 PM

Charlie Sheen (http://www.tmz.com/person/charlie-sheen/) will reveal to the world that he's HIV positive.

Sources connected to NBC's "Today" tell TMZ ... Sheen will sit down with Matt Lauer (http://www.tmz.com/person/matt-lauer/) on Tuesday morning to make the announcement.

NBC touted the interview in a press release as Sheen making a "revealing personal announcement."

A tabloid report came out Monday claiming Sheen's been keeping the diagnosis secret for years. You've gotta imagine he'll address that report tomorrow morning on "Today."

National Enquirer said he's had it for 4 years. Bree Olson was a fairly big name in porn, but she retired after dating Sheen.

Isn't Sheen known to be a fairly frequent visitor of TS escorts in LA?

11-16-2015, 09:04 PM
Isn't Sheen known to be a fairly frequent visitor of TS escorts in LA?

tum tum tum, tum tum tum....

11-16-2015, 09:20 PM
yes - he really has seen more than 50 female, male, and TS porn stars in the LA area over the past 3-4 years. That's a fact

11-16-2015, 09:25 PM
yes - he really has seen more than 50 female, male, and TS porn stars in the LA area over the past 3-4 years. That's a fact

Well this could get quite interesting then. Word on the street is that National Enquirer (yeah I know, not the most reliable source but still) will be releasing a huge expose on this on Wednesday- which is why Sheen wants to get in front of it tomorrow. And word is that that expose will talk about how he has had it for 4 years and has gone to very great lengths to hide it. This could have some real interesting blowback.

11-16-2015, 09:38 PM
Sad shame, he will manage alright. Well the question everyone will ask is how did he get it and of course did he pass it along to anyone else?

Christian is this your source? http://blindgossip.com/?p=74873 lol.

11-16-2015, 09:43 PM
no, my source is that I booked many girls and TS girls to see him myself.

11-16-2015, 09:49 PM
Sad shame, he will manage alright.

Oh without doubt. While he may not be worth as much as Magic Johnson, Magic does show that with the ability to pay for top treatment (which unfortunately is fairly expensive), you can live with it under control for a very long time now. Thankfully, AIDS is no longer a death sentence.

11-16-2015, 10:01 PM
no, my source is that I booked many girls and TS girls to see him myself.

So you book girls to see clients. I did not know you ran an agency for porn stars. Is it similar to Pamela Peaks?

11-16-2015, 10:10 PM
Oh without doubt. While he may not be worth as much as Magic Johnson, Magic does show that with the ability to pay for top treatment (which unfortunately is fairly expensive), you can live with it under control for a very long time now. Thankfully, AIDS is no longer a death sentence.
uh magic was the guinea pig for arvs, unfortunately for charlie there are many strains that have mutated since magic was infected

11-16-2015, 10:12 PM
this was posted on sherdog

Originally Posted by TrippleOG View Post
i used to live in Santa Monica, a pad on Santa Monica blvd. Well what do you know some tranny porn star was one of my neighbors and was the one who threw parties and kickbacks. Unfortunately being in the entertainment industry at the time i got involved in meeting some freaks and weirdos, that tranny porn star/escort Kayla Coxx told me that Charlies straight up paid her for Cocaine and Sex for the night... He even wanted 2 fucking trannies. Guy is a sick fuck. I got alot of other strories and stuff, LA is fucking crazy.

11-16-2015, 10:16 PM
So you book girls to see clients. I did not know you ran an agency for porn stars. Is it similar to Pamela Peaks?


11-16-2015, 10:21 PM
you know carlos offered the don

11-16-2015, 10:30 PM
uh magic was the guinea pig for arvs, unfortunately for charlie there are many strains that have mutated since magic was infected

Yes, but we also have 24 more years of research since Magic was diagnosed, so there are a lot better drugs now. Magic isn't taking the same drugs he did 24 years ago.

11-16-2015, 10:42 PM
no, my source is that I booked many girls and TS girls to see him myself.

Do you understand that besides talking about things you shouldn't be, you're also creating potential legal problems for yourself?

11-16-2015, 11:08 PM
Did anybody not know? It's not even a secret, it's well known that he's 'dated' many TS stars.

11-16-2015, 11:10 PM
Wonder which TS girls ol Charlie was into? I'm pretty sure he fucked Neveah Skye.

11-16-2015, 11:12 PM
Did anybody not know? It's not even a secret, it's well known that he's 'dated' many TS stars.

I personally did not. I'm not entirely up on the gossip though. Perhaps I should start following TMZ more, reading it today when I heard about this was extremely entertaining.

11-16-2015, 11:59 PM
Do you understand that besides talking about things you shouldn't be, you're also creating potential legal problems for yourself?
It's poor form,but there are no laws against it.

11-17-2015, 12:24 AM
what's kind of sad about this situation is that it would have been more surprising if it wasn't charlie sheen.

11-17-2015, 12:28 AM
It's poor form,but there are no laws against it.

The "booking" part is.

11-17-2015, 12:55 AM
There is nothing wrong with dating porn stories of any variety. There is nothing wrong with being bisexual.

What's wrong is not being totally upfront with your sexual partners, and not using any protection.

11-17-2015, 01:28 AM
Not surprised at all.

11-17-2015, 02:04 AM
I hope he hasn't infected anyone else.

11-17-2015, 02:27 AM
I hope he hasn't infected anyone else.

Apparently, lawsuits are coming because he didn't disclose his status to his sexual partners.

11-17-2015, 05:12 AM
Any other famous stars and/or athletes dated any tgirls!!!???!!! :grin::):)

11-17-2015, 05:15 AM
I can't wait till the day when being gay(for males), and/or bi is not a big deal anymore. Attraction to another person regardless of gender should not be such a big deal in todays world with so much bigger shit going on to worry about and fix

11-17-2015, 05:32 AM
Any other famous stars and/or athletes dated any tgirls!!!???!!! :grin::):)

No, Charlie Sheen is the only celebrity or athlete to ever see a trans woman. Celebrities operate on a different sexuality spectrum than the general population.

11-17-2015, 05:52 AM
No, Charlie Sheen is the only celebrity or athlete to ever see a trans woman. Celebrities operate on a different sexuality spectrum than the general population.

not sure if serious or not, but I highly highly doubt c.s is the only guy.. especially with the old eddie murphy rumors, neo, and most recently tyga. I'm almost certain other athletes and celebrities out there be getting inbetween them bed sheets with chicks with dicks. I know I would if I had all that doe! But of course I would im on a ts forum board!

11-17-2015, 06:51 AM
Is Mia Isabella still sleeping on his couch?

11-17-2015, 07:28 AM
So you book girls to see clients. I did not know you ran an agency for porn stars. Is it similar to Pamela Peaks?

nah, its just common knowledge that I have basically every girl, guy, director, agent, TS girl, location, etc. number in my phone. People ask me for help and I do it. Remember I moved to the UK in 2011 to help run an escort agency there Photogirls.

11-17-2015, 07:29 AM
Do you understand that besides talking about things you shouldn't be, you're also creating potential legal problems for yourself?

you are being ridiculous and naive. I am not naming names, nor am I planning to, although Bree Olson & Mia Isabella already outed themselves publicly. Secondly, legal problems from who? Be specific.

11-17-2015, 07:29 AM
Wonder which TS girls ol Charlie was into? I'm pretty sure he fucked Neveah Skye.

I doubt it. Ole' Charlie liked to get high & suck the dick not get sucked.

11-17-2015, 07:30 AM
It's poor form,but there are no laws against it.

What's poor form? stating facts?

11-17-2015, 07:42 AM
Well. I was told this last year by a couple of different models. I guess they weren't lying for once.

11-17-2015, 07:49 AM
You transsexual escort big pimp you!

So you book girls to see clients. I did not know you ran an agency for porn stars. Is it similar to Pamela Peaks?

11-17-2015, 08:34 AM
So who gave it to Charlie?

11-17-2015, 08:50 AM
I can't wait till the day when being gay(for males), and/or bi is not a big deal anymore. Attraction to another person regardless of gender should not be such a big deal in todays world with so much bigger shit going on to worry about and fix

It's a bigger deal when you hide it.

In today's media climate if Charlie Sheen was seen partying with a tgirl at a club kissing up on her, he would be praised for 'living his truth'.lol

Love that phrase.:tongue:

People were more worried about his coke addiction than who he was fucking, until the HIV thing.

11-17-2015, 09:35 AM
Sadly, the HIV thing was one of most poorly kept secrets in HWD. Some Sony Exec outted him in an e-mail almost 2 years ago. Something about easily winning an over/under on an addict who was HIV+ being able to do 40 shows per year. If you search Wikileaks, it's in there somewhere. There was also something about a bunch of female stars just suddenly quitting the industry and essentially going into hiding the year before that due to an HIV scare, and pretty much most of the names were people who had been linked to Sheen.

The guy is a piece of shit for having it and then going unprotected with these ladies. I hope they sue the hell out of him, and win. I also hope the bastard gets on the wrong side of an investigation by the LA District Attorney's office. If they do, he's seriously fucked. First, he is looking at a Felony charge for every person whom he slept with, and didn't inform them he was HIV positive (Cal. Health and Safety Code § 120291) So, they mentioned at least 50 girls, and probably multiple occasions with each. Consecutive sentencing is 50+ years. He is also going to get wrecked under the special provision for prostitution (Cal. Penal Code § 647f) where solicitation adds more time to each charge where prostitution was involved. If the LA DA can get a lady to admit he solicited them. It shouldn't be too hard with 50 angry and bitter ladies out there, to find at least one who would be willing to make a deal.

Really, really hoping the good folks in the DA screw him over the way he did the ladies he didn't tell. Although they'd probably use the minor-included, which 50 consecutive misdemeanors is still pretty harsh, and with the solicitation would keep him away until he's nothing but a memory. He's lucky he didn't do that in Ohio. The mere act of being HIV positive and engaging in sex without knowing and informed consent by the partner, who must affirm knowledge of the HIV and risks, is a First Degree Felony, akin to attempted murder. (Ohio Rev. Code § 2903.11) Each charge there would be a minimum of 6 years, and max of 10.

If anyone wants the statute details for California...
Cal. Health and Safety Code § 120291
Any person who exposes another to HIV by engaging in unprotected sexual activity (anal or vaginal intercourse without a condom) when the infected person knows at the time of the unprotected sex that he or she is infected with HIV, has not disclosed his or her HIV-positive status, and acts with the specific intent to infect the other person with HIV, is guilty of a felony. A person's knowledge of his or her HIV-positive status, without additional evidence, is not sufficient to prove specific

The minor-included charge in there is Cal. Health and Safety Code § 120290
Any person afflicted with any contagious, infectious, or communicable disease who willfully exposes him/herself to another person (and any person who willfully exposes another person afflicted with the disease to someone else) is guilty of a misdemeanor.

Cal. Penal Code § 647f
Any person who is charged with soliciting or engaging in prostitution under Cal. Pen. Code § 647(b) shall be also charged with a previous conviction(s) and with having been informed of positive blood test result(s) if: (1) the prior conviction(s) was for violating Cal. Pen. Code § 647 or any other offense listed in Cal. Pen. Code § 1202.1(d); (2) the person was tested for HIV in connection with the prior conviction(s) with positive test results; and (3) the person was informed of that positive test result(s). If the previous conviction and informed test results are found to be true by the trier of fact or are admitted by the defendant, the defendant is guilty of a felony.

11-17-2015, 10:31 AM
I would put money he had paid them off. I wouldn't be surprise. I thought about it, but the question is when did he knew he had and did they know. It will be a whole legal mess where he can certainly out spend anyone that brings a lawsuit. As for prosecutors, who knows, he can afford excellent legal counsel. It will all come down to his interview and if he consulted a public relations firm I am sure he will spin it as him being the victim of his stupidity. We shall see.

PS: You got me thinking about the jury trial the prosecution has to put escorts on the stand. Those things can really backfire. It is always risky when you put an individual who has a criminal background or criminal record on the stand. Then if he is willing to expose large prostitution rings the state might cut Charlie a solid deal. I have seen the state give some real stupid deals especially when defendant and the state main witness jointly operated and owned a prostitution ring. So this will be something to watch if it becomes a legal matter.

11-17-2015, 11:19 AM
His reckless behavior led to this.

11-17-2015, 11:59 AM
The problem with any prosecution against Charlie is how do you prove when he knew he was HIV+??

Unless it's in his formal medical records(can those be subpoenaed by a DA??), he has the assumption of innocence, legally.

The rest is hearsay.
Look, if he as at any risk of prosecution there's no way the man would ever admit publicly he was infected.

Charlie Sheen might be a cokehead and a sex fiend, but he's not dumb.
Or at least his attorneys aren't.

11-17-2015, 01:08 PM
It will be a whole legal mess where he can certainly out spend anyone that brings a lawsuit.

Wrong. A personal injury attorney will relentlessly pursue a deep-pocket case like this on behalf of their client irregardless of that client's ability to pay.

As for dear old Charlie, his only goals should be to reach quick out of court settlements concurrent with the requisite non-disclosure agreements (here's your money now shut the fuck up).

11-17-2015, 01:16 PM
I just read that Brooke Mueller,ex wife (2008-2011) of Charlie Sheen collapsed when she heard that he was hiv-infected.......in 2013.

11-17-2015, 05:57 PM
Any other famous stars and/or athletes dated any tgirls!!!???!!! :grin::):)

Lou Reed was in a relationship with a transexual; David Bowie was in a relationship with Dutch transexual Romy Haag for a while; the Brazilian footballer Ronaldo was outed with two transexuals; the Muscles from Brussels seen on many occasions in Pattaya; and an as yet unidentified Tory MP and minister in Mrs Thatcher's government who used to plead with Cynthia Payne (the 'brothel madam' who died this week) 'when can I come to one of your transexual parties?' and others mentioned in old HA threads I can't be bothered to find.

11-17-2015, 06:13 PM
Wrong. A personal injury attorney will relentlessly pursue a deep-pocket case like this on behalf of their client irregardless of that client's ability to pay.

As for dear old Charlie, his only goals should be to reach quick out of court settlements concurrent with the requisite non-disclosure agreements (here's your money now shut the fuck up).

I know some pretty awesome personal injury lawyers and even they will have their limits. When a defendant's attorney is excellent at civil procedure money makes a huge different when bringing a suit. Of course Charlie paid them off. We all know he consults legal counsel regularly. I am sure he settled out of court any potential claims against him.

Now the only question I have was what was Mia doing with Charlie. Does anyone remember this video? http://www.flava.co.nz/hot-linkz/footage-of-mia-isabella-addressing-her-relationship-with-tyga-charlie-sheen-surface/

11-17-2015, 06:31 PM
I doubt it. Ole' Charlie liked to get high & suck the dick not get sucked.

I don't doubt what you are saying at all. Im sure you know far more than you could ever begin to share.

That being said I'm pretty damn sure he's been with her.

11-17-2015, 07:02 PM
Lou Reed was in a relationship with a transexual; David Bowie was in a relationship with Dutch transexual Romy Haag for a while; the Brazilian footballer Ronaldo was outed with two transexuals; the Muscles from Brussels seen on many occasions in Pattaya; and an as yet unidentified Tory MP and minister in Mrs Thatcher's government who used to plead with Cynthia Payne (the 'brothel madam' who died this week) 'when can I come to one of your transexual parties?' and others mentioned in old HA threads I can't be bothered to find.

Don't forget Gavin Rossdale and Eddie Murphy my friend.

11-17-2015, 07:08 PM
yes - he really has seen more than 50 female, male, and TS porn stars in the LA area over the past 3-4 years. That's a fact

I had no idea Charlie went both ways and dated Mia Isabella and other tgirls. I mostly heard about him being with just female porn stars and whores.

11-17-2015, 11:05 PM
I dated a GG Stripper who had some experience with him 10 years ago. She told me he was a very hard partyer, lots of drugs, lots of girls, and always the life of the party throwing around dough $$. He loved going to strip clubs in any town he visited and taking strippers back to his hotel room. I wonder if he will tame his ways and live like a priest now... Yeah right! He will probably just pay girls, guys and t girls more to take the risk and have to wear protection at the insistence of his partners

11-17-2015, 11:14 PM
I dated a GG Stripper who had some experience with him 10 years ago. She told me he was a very hard partyer, lots of drugs, lots of girls, and always the life of the party throwing around dough $$. He loved going to strip clubs in any town he visited and taking strippers back to his hotel room. I wonder if he will tame his ways and live like a priest now... Yeah right! He will probably just pay girls, guys and t girls more to take the risk and have to wear protection at the insistence of his partners

Or he can just look for other poz (and poz friendly) people in the same boat to have sex with. There should be tons out there especially for his money. Only time will tell with Charlie.

Queens Guy
11-17-2015, 11:32 PM
Question for those that are knowledgable about the meds: As far as anti-HIV drugs work, I have heard that some work so well, the patient no longer tests positive anymore. They still need to take the meds, of course, but the meds are doing a great job.

Is it possible that anti-HIV drugs can make somebody non-contagious? I'm hoping those people quit acting because they took pics of his medicine cabinet, and got paid off, instead of testing positive themselves.

11-17-2015, 11:32 PM
I know some pretty awesome personal injury lawyers and even they will have their limits. When a defendant's attorney is excellent at civil procedure money makes a huge different when bringing a suit. Of course Charlie paid them off. We all know he consults legal counsel regularly. I am sure he settled out of court any potential claims against him.

You know shit...any PI attorney who backs off a case like this would be laughed out of business.

11-18-2015, 12:04 AM
Charlie Sheen might be a cokehead and a sex fiend, but he's not dumb.

I would definitely argue that.

11-18-2015, 12:04 AM
Question for those that are knowledgable about the meds: As far as anti-HIV drugs work, I have heard that some work so well, the patient no longer tests positive anymore. They still need to take the meds, of course, but the meds are doing a great job.

Is it possible that anti-HIV drugs can make somebody non-contagious? I'm hoping those people quit acting because they took pics of his medicine cabinet, and got paid off, instead of testing positive themselves.

The drugs lower the viral load; therefore, you are less likely to become ill. You are still "contagious"; however, the risk of transmission isn't as high if you have a high viral load. There is a possibly that Charlie can still pass the virus to somebody else. However, it is suppppppppppppppppppperrrrr low if he engages in safe behaviors.

11-18-2015, 12:10 AM
You know shit...any PI attorney who backs off a case like this would be laughed out of business.

Going to have to agree. There is simply too much money to be made for a lawyer to back out. Even with the chance of losing the case (which I personally believe would be small... the burden of proof in civil cases is much, much lower), the NPV of suing Chuck would be very much positive. They would only need to find one plaintiff to make it worth their time.. Guarantee there will be at least one person out there willing to sue him.

11-18-2015, 12:13 AM
You know shit...any PI attorney who backs off a case like this would be laughed out of business.

Not trying to argue with you. If you think the case is a slam dunk that's good for you. I never saw this case as a slam dunk. I see various problems that would have to be addressed. Charlie covered his ass, if you look at his steps. He was never stupid. He was willing to pay upwards of 10 million. It also appears to have taken the right steps in giving himself protection through NDAs and settlements. He is already alluding to his defenses. He is ready for war and I don't think people understand what he is doing. I will never say with certainty that no one will win, but your are going to have to damn hard to win against him. That's all I am saying.

11-18-2015, 12:52 AM
NDA's will be worthless in this.

By the way ... #WINNING !!!

11-18-2015, 01:10 AM
Don't forget Gavin Rossdale and Eddie Murphy my friend.

a) It was not a comprehensive list, b) yes Eddie Murphy (I think he was into Summer St Cerly), and c) I have never heard of Gavin Rossdale...guess I will have to google him. All of this being more interesting than Charlie Sheen, who to me is a minor figure with little talent if Half a Man or whatever it is, is anything to go by.

11-18-2015, 01:41 AM
NDA's will be worthless in this.

By the way ... #WINNING !!!

They won't stop information, but if done right can make things tricky. I will leave it at that. No one is going to believe me. Let's see how many will win against him.

11-18-2015, 01:49 AM
They won't stop information, but if done right can make things tricky. I will leave it at that. No one is going to believe me. Let's see how many will win against him.
If they are settling out of court for large sums of money it's the same thing as winning (the attorney who negotiates the settlement would also get paid). Also, why would someone sign an nda unless they are being paid damages? If he told his partners he did not have hiv and then transmitted it to them, it probably won't matter how crafty his attorneys are.

11-18-2015, 01:56 AM
Cal. Health and Safety Code § 120291
and acts with the specific intent to infect the other person with HIV, is guilty of a felony. A person's knowledge of his or her HIV-positive status, without additional evidence, is not sufficient to prove specific
Just thought this part was interesting. I only skimmed the rest, but under this section, you would have to be having sex with the person in order to (or for the purpose of) give them hiv. It would not be sufficient that you know you have it, and have unprotected sex while concealing your status. This one is probably off the table, even for Charlie. Probably only applies to people who have said they are trying to infect as many people as possible or where it can be inferred from their actions.

11-18-2015, 02:10 AM
a) It was not a comprehensive list, b) yes Eddie Murphy (I think he was into Summer St Cerly), and c) I have never heard of Gavin Rossdale...guess I will have to google him. All of this being more interesting than Charlie Sheen, who to me is a minor figure with little talent if Half a Man or whatever it is, is anything to go by.

Hugely talented - but wasted it. Platoon, Wall St. Had same drug issues as his father, who is also talented but was able to get past it.

11-18-2015, 02:10 AM
Just thought this part was interesting. I only skimmed the rest, but under this section, you would have to be having sex with the person in order to (or for the purpose of) give them hiv. It would not be sufficient that you know you have it, and have unprotected sex while concealing your status. This one is probably off the table, even for Charlie. Probably only applies to people who have said they are trying to infect as many people as possible or where it can be inferred from their actions.

There have been several cases of that here in California so I wouldn't be surprised if that's why they created that particular law. There was one guy here in San Diego recently that was convicted of that.

11-18-2015, 02:11 AM
Hugely talented - but wasted it. Platoon, Wall St. Had same drug issues as his father, who is also talented but was able to get past it.

It's not a major work of art like those you mentioned, but I love Major League as well.

11-18-2015, 02:29 AM
If they are settling out of court for large sums of money it's the same thing as winning (the attorney who negotiates the settlement would also get paid). Also, why would someone sign an nda unless they are being paid damages? If he told his partners he did not have hiv and then transmitted it to them, it probably won't matter how crafty his attorneys are.

Your missing the point. One lets get it straight we don't know what exactly transpire. Don't assume. So there is information missing we don't know and you should always proceed with caution and verify information. When you sue you just don't go to trial over night. In pretrial I would look to do what I can to limit corroboration which is essential to witness testimonies.

The thing that keeps going through my head is that they have to prove that he is the source of infection. The majority of people he slept with engaged in prostitution. They will have to show that he is the sole source of infection. It can only be said if they engaged in risky behavior with him what about other clients. I don't know the rules of evidence in California (I am not going to look), but in New York if you have been active in the last three years in prostitution it's something to be consider. This is the hardest hurdle. Just because you have HIV and he has HIV, what other clients you see also had HIV or aware the HIV status. I am sure it will be easy to prove. Like I said it is no slam dunk. This is only one of the problem areas they are going to have to overcome.

11-18-2015, 02:53 AM
The reason I used the word if in my post was to account for the possibility he is not at fault. I said if he habitually lied to his partners, and had unprotected sex with them, he will likely find himself in a legal quagmire. If someone he lied to and gave hiv to ends up suing him, I don't imagine he proceeds all the way to trial just to argue he is not the source of infection. Yes, he would have to be the source of infection to have caused their hiv, but in that hypothetical he would be arguing that he lied about his status and then ejaculated in someone else's body but that other people might have been a source of infection. Why would he proceed to trial on a set of facts like that?

Yes, it's the type of case a lawyer working on contingency would pursue, if only to obtain a settlement. And if it proceeds to trial, it's not a slam dunk, but people settle to avoid the worst case scenario.

As a final issue, I'm not really sure what you're arguing. A page or so back you were talking about how ironclad non-disclosure agreements are. Why would he have someone sign an nda if he's WINNING?

11-18-2015, 03:25 AM
life, I would suggest reading this article. He is going to get the living crap sued out of him.


Charlie Sheen's Ex-Girlfriend Bree Olson: He Never Told Me He Had HIV, We Had Unprotected Sex, Occasionally Used Lambskin Condoms

“I am here to admit that I am, in fact, HIV-positive.”

On Tuesday morning, acclaimed Hollywood actor Charlie Sheen sat down for a candid interview (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/11/17/charlie-sheen-opens-up-about-being-hiv-positive-and-his-millions-in-extortion-payments.html) with the Today show’s Matt Lauer and said he’d been living with HIV for four years. He said he felt compelled to come forward after enduring a “barrage of attacks and sub-truths” in the tabloids, and paying up to $10 million in “shakedowns” and “extortion” over his condition. In one instance, he claimed a prostitute took a photograph of his antiretroviral medications and blackmailed him.

Lauer also asked Sheen, “Have you, since the time of your diagnosis, told every one of your sexual partners before you had a sexual encounter you were HIV-positive?”

“Yes, I have,” Sheen replied, adding, “No exceptions.”

Well, Sheen’s ex-girlfriend, the former porn star Bree Olson (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2011/08/03/bree-olson-talks-charlie-sheen-porn-two-and-a-half-men-more.html), begs to differ.

If you recall, Olson was one of Sheen’s two live-in girlfriends—along with Natalie Kenly, whom Sheen had met in a treatment program. Sheen labeled the women the “goddesses,” and they were by the Two and a Half Men star’s side during his highly publicized meltdown and anti-Semitic rant against that show’s creator, Chuck Lorre.

In an interview with The Daily Beast (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2011/08/03/bree-olson-talks-charlie-sheen-porn-two-and-a-half-men-more.html) after their split, Olson claimed she was “miserable and waiting for it to end,” and that she was the one who one day packed up her things and left Sheen’s chaotic mansion.

During his interview with Lauer, Sheen said he was diagnosed HIV-positive back in 2011, “on the heels” of his public downward spiral—and while he was dating Olson. She says the two remained together for around seven months.

Well, Olson appeared on The Howard Stern Show Tuesday morning following Sheen’s Today Show reveal. According to Stern, she appeared “shaking and upset” as she entered the studio.

Asked when she learned Sheen had HIV, Olson replied, “Right along with everyone else. Three days ago, I started getting calls—it was right when everything happened in Paris. Fox and everyone else started getting at me in emails, and even I wanted to blow it off [thinking], ‘Oh, this is just another Charlie thing,’” she said.

“He never said anything to me,” Olson added. “I was his girlfriend. I lived with him. We were together. We had sex almost every day for a year—with lambskin condoms.”

Lambskin condoms, by the way, do not prevent the transmission of HIV—they only prevent pregnancy. Olson told Stern that while she preferred standard condoms, lambskin was Sheen’s condom of choice.

Olson, who had driven from her hometown in Indiana to New York for the sit-down interview with Stern, brought in her HIV test, which she then presented to the radio host.

Stern observed her HIV test and read, “no HIV antibodies were detected.”

“I am negative for HIV,” said a relieved Olson.

Before shacking up with Sheen, Olson was a prolific porn star, but says she “left the industry” for Sheen and never returned. Recently, she appeared in the horror film Human Centipede 3.

When asked whether or not she feels betrayed, Olson paused. “I have not spoken to him in quite some time,” she said. “I had spoke nothing but positive things about Charlie. I have never said a negative thing, I’ve never torn him apart in any way, but I am so upset. I couldn’t be more angry. I’m shaking, I’ve been crying… to think that someone could do that to me. I loved him. He was my boyfriend.”

“He just admitted right in that [Today] interview that [the diagnosis] is during the ‘tiger blood’ time. That’s when I was with him!” she continued. “I was living with him. We were sleeping together every night. [He] never said a thing, ever. ‘I’m clean,’ he told me. ‘I’m clean, I’m clean,’ because I didn’t want to use lambskin, I wanted to use regular condoms… I trusted him.”

In his interview with Lauer, Sheen described the side effects he faced living with HIV, including a series of debilitating “cluster headaches and migraines,” as well as night sweats.

“I remember that [sweating],” Olson said. “He would wake up all the time in the middle of the night complaining of these symptoms, and he would blame it on steroids—these steroids he took.”

Indeed, during his Today chat, Sheen chalked up his “tiger blood” time to “’roid rage.”

“A doctor came to the house all the time and they’d go into a room by themselves,” added Olson. “He always told me, ‘This is for my steroids.’”

While Sheen claimed that many women had shaken him down in the past, Olson was adamant that she’s been an incredibly loyal ex. “I never went and sold any of my stories,” she said, even claiming to have turned down a $200,000 offer for a sit-down interview following their split.

“It’s illegal,” she said of Sheen’s non-disclosure.

Indeed, Sheen’s home state of California makes it a felony punishable by up to eight years in prison for a person with HIV to have unprotected sex with the intent to infect someone to whom they haven’t disclosed their status. Also, California has a misdemeanor charge carrying up to six months in prison for willfully exposing others to HIV.

When asked what sort of action she’ll take, Olson said wasn’t sure.

“I haven’t even thought about anything, but all I know right now is now, because of him, every time someone hears my name they think of HIV right next to it,” she said, later adding, “He doesn’t even value my life.”

11-18-2015, 03:30 AM
I hope he has got plenty of money.

11-18-2015, 03:37 AM
Bree Olson is full of shit.

She doesn't even have HIV so what the fuck are her damages???
Good luck for any escort who tries to sue Charlie Sheen for contracting HIV.lol

11-18-2015, 03:43 AM
She doesn't have it now. They slept together for years,so it's hard for me to believe she won't contract it at some point. Regardless if you believe her or not Sheen should have told her.

11-18-2015, 03:47 AM
Bree Olson is full of shit.

She doesn't even have HIV so what the fuck are her damages???
Good luck for any escort who tries to sue Charlie Sheen for contracting HIV.lol
The burden of proof in civil trial is only preponderance. If it's clear they had unprotected sex and he doesn't perjure himself in a deposition when asked about it, then it probably is more than a 50% likelihood he is the cause. This is especially the case if the defense doesn't have any specific information about her other clients. The escort could claim without easy contradiction that she only had unprotected sex with him and not other johns because he paid her so well. Not as easy to evade a low burden of proof with doubt.

If one of his partners comes forward with hiv and sues him, I doubt an attorney would even allow him to be deposed. I could be wrong....it depends on someone having contracted hiv around the time they had sex with him to see if this is even tested. My guess is that if one of his partners has hiv and can trace it to around the time of their intercourse, he settles. A deposition would be one giant temptation for him to commit fifty counts of perjury.

11-18-2015, 03:55 AM
Bree Olson is full of shit.

She doesn't even have HIV so what the fuck are her damages???

Negligent Infliction of Emotion Distress could be a starting point


11-18-2015, 04:01 AM
The burden of proof in civil trial is only preponderance. If it's clear they had unprotected sex and he doesn't perjure himself in a deposition when asked about it, then it probably is more than a 50% likelihood he is the cause.
And I know the odds of transmission per each act are not anywhere near that high, but this is what you might know in such a trial. You would know the plaintiff has hiv, you would know she had the bodily fluids of someone else who is infected in her prior to testing positive, and you would probably not have a ton of men coming forward advertising that they were hiv positive and also had sex with her. Where would the defense find such people? Given that and the potential for a long and invasive pre-trial, I think he'd settle.

It remains to be seen how many such people come forward.

11-18-2015, 04:07 AM
Seems like a good lawyer could very easily argue if an escort willingly had sex with Charlie Sheen unprotected, it stands to reason she did the same with others.

It can go both ways. Charlie Sheen is a target because of his bank account, not his HIV status.

Only SHeen's live in lovers and girfriends have potential cases against him, not women who support themselves financially by fucking random men for a living.

Any woman admitting she works as an escort really can't prove Sheen gave her anything.
And in fact Sheen could counter claim it was the escort who gave him HIV.

Only one question needs to be asked; did the escort check all her clients HIV status before having sex and if the answer is no, her case IMO is trashed.

11-18-2015, 04:12 AM
The burden of proof in civil trial is only preponderance. If it's clear they had unprotected sex and he doesn't perjure himself in a deposition when asked about it, then it probably is more than a 50% likelihood he is the cause. This is especially the case if the defense doesn't have any specific information about her other clients. The escort could claim without easy contradiction that she only had unprotected sex with him and not other johns because he paid her so well. Not as easy to evade a low burden of proof with doubt.

If one of his partners comes forward with hiv and sues him, I doubt an attorney would even allow him to be deposed. I could be wrong....it depends on someone having contracted hiv around the time they had sex with him to see if this is even tested. My guess is that if one of his partners has hiv and can trace it to around the time of their intercourse, he settles. A deposition would be one giant temptation for him to commit fifty counts of perjury.

I know what you are saying and lets hope its not the clear and convincing standard for proof. Still it is not something easily proven. It can't be mere speculation, because he has it and she has it. You really got to show that you were not at risk from other sources. It the causation step that is hard. Even under an action for negligence you still have problems. If your actions brings doubt like you barebacked with other clients well good luck. Statements without corroboration doesn't do well in court. You have to remember you are convincing a trier-of-fact and if they have doubts he walks. You think his deposition will be bad, lol the plaintiffs will have a nightmare on their depositions. There are few more things, but I would to take the whole night discussing it. If his legal team is on point, the plaintiffs are really going to have a hard time.

Is there anything plaintiffs can do, yes if there are certain things present. I have a few legal theories and approaches that might work. Still I would need more info. At the end of the day it will be interesting.

11-18-2015, 04:20 AM
It can go both ways. Charlie Sheen is a target because of his bank account, not his HIV status.

No one is arguing that. That is true of most civil defendants. It's not very often you see lawyers go after people with no money.

11-18-2015, 04:38 AM
Unless it's in his formal medical records(can those be subpoenaed by a DA??), he has the assumption of innocence, legally.

The rest is hearsay..
If he told someone he is hiv positive it's admissible unless subject to a privilege. It would be the statement of a party opponent which is an exception to the hearsay rule. I think he's already stated publicly that he's known for four years of his status.

Queens Guy
11-18-2015, 05:26 AM
Bree Olson is full of shit.

She doesn't even have HIV so what the fuck are her damages???
Good luck for any escort who tries to sue Charlie Sheen for contracting HIV.lol

Is Bree Olsen saying she hasn't had an HIV test in all the years since she left Charlie Sheen? That the test she took on the Howard Stern Show was her first one? Seriously? BS.

11-18-2015, 05:35 AM
He was awesome in Spin City and just a power house in 2 and a half men...but in Anger Management he was himself and that was awesome!

11-18-2015, 05:40 AM
a) It was not a comprehensive list, b) yes Eddie Murphy (I think he was into Summer St Cerly), and c) I have never heard of Gavin Rossdale...guess I will have to google him. All of this being more interesting than Charlie Sheen, who to me is a minor figure with little talent if Half a Man or whatever it is, is anything to go by.

you have never heard of Gwen Stefani or the band Bush? seriously? thats pretty shocking.

11-18-2015, 06:00 AM
Gwen Stefani is this generations Yoko Ono.....WTF...killed a great band...fuck no...killed two bands!
Well assuming you ignored her shit singing!

11-18-2015, 06:22 AM
Gwen Stefani is this generations Yoko Ono.....WTF...killed a great band...fuck no...killed two bands!
Well assuming you ignored her shit singing!

Which bands are you referring to? No Doubt is still together.

11-18-2015, 07:25 AM
She doesn't have it now. They slept together for years,so it's hard for me to believe she won't contract it at some point. Regardless if you believe her or not Sheen should have told her.

Dude, they broke up in 2011, and she tested negative recently. She doesn't have it.

11-18-2015, 08:55 AM
Yes, it's the type of case a lawyer working on contingency would pursue, if only to obtain a settlement. And if it proceeds to trial, it's not a slam dunk, but people settle to avoid the worst case scenario.

As a final issue, I'm not really sure what you're arguing. A page or so back you were talking about how ironclad non-disclosure agreements are. Why would he have someone sign an nda if he's WINNING?

2 things to say about this. Nowhere close to a slam dunk in a civil trial, if it is specifically regarding giving an individual HIV. That's the big money case. There would need to be specific proof involved, and that is going to be incredibly hard to get. Lesser money comes with negligence claims that he was negligent in exposing a client to the potential of disease transmission. Try this. Prove to me right now, with evidence that you had protected sex with someone from 2013. Can you do it? did you keep the condom? Will the other person admit to it? Any photos to even show you were even in the same room with them during that time? See, it is incredibly hard to prove. Even the easier claims like infliction of emotional distress are going to be very hard to prove. Without a ton of evidence, it's he said, she said, and no attorney takes that to court on contingency, because a settlement isn't going to come your way. He's also got a lot of defenses.... not going to go into all of them, but most of the ladies brought their own level of risk to the matter.

As for NDA's. There is no such thing as an ironclad NDA. Further, if one is used to cover up an illegal activity (prostitution, illicit drug use, etc.) is it invalid and is deemed to have never taken effect.

Bree Olson is full of shit. She doesn't even have HIV so what the fuck are her damages???
Good luck for any escort who tries to sue Charlie Sheen for contracting HIV.lol

The beautiful thing about suing someone, there are all kinds of damages. She was in the adult film industry, so potential loss of future income, loss of actual income, expenses from testing, intentional infliction of emotional distress, etc. Heck, anyone she slept with after him could also sue, as they would be a victim of his negligent exposure. Moreover, if there was a significant other who followed him and might have considered marriage to Bree, but didn't because of this, there is a potential for "Lack of Consortium" (read as lack of sex due to the potential or actual medical condition, if someone did contract it from him) and they could sue, even if they hadn't been exposed. If Bree slept with a married porn star, and that porn star's wife can't sleep with him now because potentially he may have caught it. Lack of Consortium still applies. Even if it was temporary, like 2 years, there are potential damages, and claims that can come out of that like maybe marriage counseling costs, tests for her, etc. The potential damages are really varied and numerous, and chain of people they apply is huge.

Attorney's fees. Those and the attorney expenses he will have to pay for possibly 50 plaintiffs, who will be hiring big time expensive (read $1500 to $3000 per hour attorneys) is potentially huge. Damages are easy to find, the potential damages depend on the relationship, and distance from Charlie, but they are plenty. Like I said above, proving some of them are going to be hard. If he claims they used a condom, she says they didn't, hard to prove unless there is video or something. Bree and Charlie being in a relationship, easy to prove, assumption that they slept together, easy to prove. Proving he told her he was HIV positive, really hard to do without something in writing, and even then, something like the NDA could be inadmissible if it was based on fraud, done for the purposes of criminal activity, etc. Based on that, I can think of at least 15 potential claims she could win on, maybe net somewhere around $5 mil in damages for past injury, and more for future maintenance. (HIV tests, doctors fees, etc.)

No one is arguing that. That is true of most civil defendants. It's not very often you see lawyers go after people with no money.

The term for a civil defendant with no money is "Judgment-Proof." You're right, most attorneys won't go after a defendant who is judgment-proof, unless they are on a crusade, or pre-paid by their client. If Charlie Sheen was suddenly broke, and living in a box in his dad's garage, if Bree really wanted to send a message, she could pay the attorney herself, and have any future income attached by the court. She'd own every residual check he would ever receive, and any salary he made on future projects. It is very rare, but it does happen.

11-18-2015, 08:58 AM
The term for a civil defendant with no money is "Judgment-Proof." You're right, most attorneys won't go after a defendant who is judgment-proof, unless they are on a crusade, or pre-paid by their client. If Charlie Sheen was suddenly broke, and living in a box in his dad's garage, if Bree really wanted to send a message, she could pay the attorney herself, and have any future income attached by the court. She'd own every residual check he would ever receive, and any salary he made on future projects. It is very rare, but it does happen.

Even if he were broke and living in a box, he'd still be worth it for most attorneys, simply because, as you said, he has relatively significant future earning potential.

11-18-2015, 09:08 AM
Even if he were broke and living in a box, he'd still be worth it for most attorneys, simply because, as you said, he has relatively significant future earning potential.

Yeah, but if it were me as an attorney, I wouldn't take it. You're betting on him and his movies still being popular after all of this. Robert Blake was found innocent, and you never see his movies or TV shows anymore. No residuals, minimal sales of DVD's... The general rule of future potential is that it always equals 0. And if the DA's office prosecuted him criminally, they could trump any civil claims on this future income, and the money would go to a general victims fund for the state. It's a bad bet, but like I said, if she paid up front, at least you would have your hourly fees. But I wouldn't take it.

11-18-2015, 09:33 AM
Yeah, but if it were me as an attorney, I wouldn't take it. You're betting on him and his movies still being popular after all of this. Robert Blake was found innocent, and you never see his movies or TV shows anymore. No residuals, minimal sales of DVD's... The general rule of future potential is that it always equals 0. And if the DA's office prosecuted him criminally, they could trump any civil claims on this future income, and the money would go to a general victims fund for the state. It's a bad bet, but like I said, if she paid up front, at least you would have your hourly fees. But I wouldn't take it.

Yes but even Blake was found civilly liable for $30 million.

11-18-2015, 10:11 AM
Charlie covered his ass, if you look at his steps. He was never stupid. It also appears to have taken the right steps in giving himself protection through NDAs.

Hello...knowingly infecting someone with HIV is a crime and no NDA can override that...it wouldn't have any legal basis, it's worthless.

It's like an assault, there needs to be a witness (i.e. the person assaulted) in order for a prosecutor to win a conviction, which means Charlies pays to keep the witness quiet, which means her lawyer gets paid.

Mr. Sinister
11-18-2015, 04:27 PM
Is anyone surprised that it turned out to be Charlie Sheen? He is the only Hollywood Actor that fit the profile.

11-18-2015, 04:40 PM
Is anyone surprised that it turned out to be Charlie Sheen? He is the only Hollywood Actor that fit the profile.

Charlie Sheen is the only Hollyweird star whose private life is so public.

Don't be so sure he's the only one who parties with escorts, GG and TS, and isn't too keen on protection.

If it was 30 years ago the logical choice IMO would have been Jack Nicholson.

Mr. Sinister
11-18-2015, 05:23 PM
Charlie Sheen believes he got his HIV from a transsexual! Also, there was supposedly a sex tape of him and a transsexual!

11-18-2015, 09:02 PM
Charlie Sheen is the only Hollyweird star whose private life is so public.

Don't be so sure he's the only one who parties with escorts, GG and TS, and isn't too keen on protection.

If it was 30 years ago the logical choice IMO would have been Jack Nicholson.

Jack Nicholson having unprotected sex! Surely not, I'd have thought his first words in any session would be..."Here's Johnny"...:tongue:

11-19-2015, 05:31 PM
Read Charlie Sheen's letter about having HIV (http://pagesix.com/2015/11/17/charlie-sheen-sees-hiv-as-an-opportunity-and-a-challenge/) Charlie Sheen (https://nyppagesix.wordpress.com/tag/charlie-sheen/) was having sex with scores of hookers just months before he found out he was HIV-positive (http://pagesix.com/2015/11/17/charlie-sheen-reveals-hiv-diagnosis-on-today/) — and he paid them not to use protection (http://nypost.com/2015/11/17/can-charlie-sheen-really-have-doctor-approved-unprotected-sex/?_ga=1.204076056.929664914.1423553034), Manhattan’s soccer-mom madam told The Post on Tuesday.
Anna Gristina, who pleaded guilty to running an Upper East Side brothel in 2012 (http://nypost.com/2012/09/25/hockey-mom-madam-anna-gristina-takes-plea-deal/?_ga=1.61479716.929664914.1423553034), said she supplied prostitutes to Sheen and his then-wife, Brooke Mueller (https://nyppagesix.wordpress.com/tag/brooke-mueller/), at their LA mansion in 2009 and 2010. Sheen said on Tuesday he learned he was HIV-positive in 2011. (http://pagesix.com/2015/11/16/charlie-sheen-to-reveal-hes-hiv-positive/)
“He could have given HIV to dozens of girls,” Gristina said, noting that her agency was only one of many Sheen used.
“The porn girls he liked would agree to go bareback [without protection] because he gave them an extra $5,000, $10,000. And some of them would agree because they were hoping they would get pregnant,’’ Gristina said. “He would give girls incentives not to use protection, and the girls would try to please him because they wanted to come back.’’


11-20-2015, 03:38 AM
I wonder if he was ever with Noureen, from his TV show; one of my favorite girls:


11-20-2015, 03:50 AM
So why aren't folks curious about the person that Sheen contracted it from and how many others that person has infected?

Or hey - how about Sheen suing that person if the situation warrants?

11-20-2015, 04:14 AM
So why aren't folks curious about the person that Sheen contracted it from and how many others that person has infected?

Or hey - how about Sheen suing that person if the situation warrants?

Everyone acts if he just woke up one day and was HIV positive, because none of the people he slept with could ever have HIV. People dislike him so much they couldn't care less.

11-20-2015, 04:19 AM
Folks should be more worried about the person that gave it to Sheen and possibly spreading it even more rather than slamming Sheen....

11-20-2015, 04:32 AM
Everyone acts if he just woke up one day and was HIV positive, because none of the people he slept with could ever have HIV.

Oh and...excellent point!

11-30-2015, 12:14 AM

Does anyone think Mia had relations with Charie Sheen?

11-30-2015, 12:23 AM
Try searching other threads where this topic has been debated over and over. I for one hope the mods close this as it's just more repetition.

11-30-2015, 12:27 AM
By 'relationship' you mean he paid to have sex with her ? Quite possible. :fuckin:

11-30-2015, 01:54 AM
she loves talking about everybody she was with.

11-30-2015, 02:28 AM
its not a possibility. its 100 percent fact. anyone who says otherwise is lying.

11-30-2015, 02:58 AM
Kiss and tell.

Shame on you mia Isabella.

11-30-2015, 04:19 AM
Try searching other threads where this topic has been debated over and over. I for one hope the mods close this as it's just more repetition.
There's a maddening obsession with anything Charlie Sheen

Vladimir Putin
11-30-2015, 04:59 AM
I love Mia, but I wish she would stop talking about every celebrity she's slept with.

11-30-2015, 05:22 AM
As long as money is there to be made and fame to be had, groupie behavior will continue for women who come into contact with celebrities.

12-01-2015, 06:16 PM
Did you know that one out of every two and a half men is HIV positive? :hide-1:

12-03-2015, 11:23 PM
Does anyone think charie Sheen may have spread HIV to his gg and tigirl friends through bareback them?

12-03-2015, 11:25 PM
No no one believes that

12-04-2015, 12:19 AM
all of the ones in porn have been tested many times since then. so it would have to be randoms that are only hookers.

12-04-2015, 03:38 AM
Does anyone think charie Sheen may have spread HIV to his gg and tigirl friends through bareback them?

Ever wonder how many "regular" people contracted it from the person that Sheen got it from?

12-04-2015, 12:27 PM
Ever wonder how many "regular" people contracted it from the person that Sheen got it from?

What is 'regular' ?

12-04-2015, 05:42 PM
Ever wonder how many "regular" people contracted it from the person that Sheen got it from?
A lot less likely to wonder when I know nothing about that other person. You need a couple of facts to get the imagination going.

12-05-2015, 02:18 AM
What is 'regular' ?

Non/not a celebrity.

I tend to look at things from a big picture perspective. There are few posts related to how many people did Sheen affect & now in the news, one of his ex's is suing Sheen.

Sheen didn't wake up one day with HIV - It was transmitted to him. So assuming it wasn't through blood transfusion, why no talk about where Sheen got it from? Why no talk about Sheen having a potential lawsuit against the person that infected him?

And the person that infected Sheen didn't get it from thin air either....and thus, the cycle repeats itself...

12-05-2015, 02:30 AM
Sheen didn't wake up one day with HIV - It was transmitted to him. So assuming it wasn't through blood transfusion, why no talk about where Sheen got it from? Why no talk about Sheen having a potential lawsuit against the person that infected him?

Because if he doesn't say or doesn't know...there's no way to know where he got it from. Unless you know something the rest of us, including Sheen himself, don't...

12-05-2015, 02:58 AM
And the person that infected Sheen didn't get it from thin air either....and thus, the cycle repeats itself...
We know. Everybody who got hiv got it from someone else's infected bodily fluids. This person who infected Charlie (call Mr/Mrs X) may not have known they had it when they gave it to him. Since we don't know who the person was and don't know under what circumstances they were infected or infected other people, there's nothing to latch onto. I'm not sure what you're having trouble following.

12-05-2015, 03:49 AM
Non/not a celebrity.

I tend to look at things from a big picture perspective. There are few posts related to how many people did Sheen affect & now in the news, one of his ex's is suing Sheen.

Sheen didn't wake up one day with HIV - It was transmitted to him. So assuming it wasn't through blood transfusion, why no talk about where Sheen got it from? Why no talk about Sheen having a potential lawsuit against the person that infected him?

And the person that infected Sheen didn't get it from thin air either....and thus, the cycle repeats itself...

You're really on to something there.......it's a massive conspiracy of silence being perpetuated by shadowy figures to hide the real truth: Charlie Sheen is just a puppet.

12-05-2015, 03:56 AM
Because if he doesn't say or doesn't know...there's no way to know where he got it from. Unless you know something the rest of us, including Sheen himself, don't...

I never insinuated/eluded to that I know anything outside of what's been reported in the media.

What I'm saying is that there's a much bigger picture here than just Sheen himself...

12-05-2015, 03:59 AM
You're really on to something there.......it's a massive conspiracy of silence being perpetuated by shadowy figures to hide the real truth: Charlie Sheen is just a puppet.

I'm not sure what you're having trouble following.

All I'm saying is that there's a much bigger picture than Sheen himself. Anything else and you're reading too far into it.

12-05-2015, 04:54 AM
I never insinuated/eluded to that I know anything outside of what's been reported in the media.

What I'm saying is that there's a much bigger picture here than just Sheen himself...

I think the issue is you keep asking the same question that nobody here could possibly know the answer to. Unless you think you're Sheen's eskimo brother, it doesn't really matter. I'm sure everybody that has been with Sheen has gotten themselves tested by now.

Personally, I have a feeling Sheen has probably had a lot more partners than the person that infected him making him the biggest potential source of infection. Paying extra to have unprotected sex with strangers, possibly without recent STD results, is just plain stupid.

12-05-2015, 07:08 PM
I have'nt been keeping up with the media too much lately, did that tranny come out and expose him yet? I've seen a magazine that said "tranny that gave sheen aids was found dead".. dont know if real or not

12-05-2015, 11:00 PM
All I'm saying is that there's a much bigger picture than Sheen himself. Anything else and you're reading too far into it.

No one knows who gave it to him, including Sheen himself.

What we DO know is that Chuck continued to have unprotected sex with people after he was diagnosed without telling them.

THAT is why no one is talking about who he got it from. Because it doesn't matter. You sound like you're being apologetic for his disturbing behavior...

Clone 0101
12-08-2015, 06:08 PM
Don't forget Gavin Rossdale and Eddie Murphy my friend.

Gavin Rosdale dated a straight up dude not trans or anything of that nature... The singer Marilyn lived as a man and never identified as anything but a man... The only difference is he wore makeup and presented a femme appearance that looked like a man. This is not me being shady just facts...

