View Full Version : Tara Hudson ...aka TIA STAR

10-27-2015, 01:41 PM

I hope Tia is well and moved to somewhere that she will be safe.

10-27-2015, 01:57 PM
As a mostly proud Englishman this story really saddens me; I'm not condoning anything that Tara/Tia has done wrong but I had hoped we (by that I mean the state) in this country were far more progressive. Sending someone who identifies and looks like a woman - who is a woman - to an all male prison is beyond ludicrous and is simply sending Tara/Tia to a place where she will not be safe. The judge that ruled on this case should be removed from their position; if they really think what a passport says is more important than what their own eyes can see they must be mentally diminished and unable to perform their duties fairly.

Also shame on the Mirror for the whole 'born a man' headline. Last I checked we are all born as babies not full grown adults.

10-27-2015, 02:23 PM
As a mostly proud Englishman this story really saddens me; I'm not condoning anything that Tara/Tia has done wrong but I had hoped we (by that I mean the state) in this country were far more progressive. Sending someone who identifies and looks like a woman - who is a woman - to an all male prison is beyond ludicrous and is simply sending Tara/Tia to a place where she will not be safe. The judge that ruled on this case should be removed from their position; if they really think what a passport says is more important than what their own eyes can see they must be mentally diminished and unable to perform their duties fairly.

Also shame on the Mirror for the whole 'born a man' headline. Last I checked we are all born as babies not full grown adults.

I don't understand this too,United Kingdom is an EU-member and we know how the EU thinks about Gay/Lesbian/Transsexual/Transgender rights and this is happening in an EU memberstate. Hope it's an incident but it's still sad and a big disgrace that should be stopped.

10-27-2015, 09:01 PM
I don't understand this too,United Kingdom is an EU-member and we know how the EU thinks about Gay/Lesbian/Transsexual/Transgender rights and this is happening in an EU memberstate. Hope it's an incident but it's still sad and a big disgrace that should be stopped.

This is under English law. Scotland has a different legal system. Please don't lump the two together. We send our transexual criminals to the correct prison...



And for those tempted to see her, she's just started advertising again...

http://www.adultwork.com/3053820 or http://www.adultwork.com/TSKATELYNFINDLAY

10-28-2015, 12:13 AM
I thought that one of the things you could do as an EU nation was appeal to the Human Rights Commission, on these kinds of things? I trained briefly for my solicitorship in England & Wales, I thought that sentence could be stayed until a hearing to determine whether it violated her human rights took place. Is that no longer the case? (Was it ever? I trained for this in 2000, so it's been a while.)

10-28-2015, 09:28 AM
I will not bore readers with the specific details

Suffice to say that the coalition government, with full opposition support changed the Law in this Country on 1st April 2013

As a result the whole population has lost Access to Justice on a massive scale

They have my undying contempt, and this story is an example of the issues we all now face

The only reason the public is not up in arms is because the public does not know

And of course using a Lawyer is a distress purchase made when you need help- and hopefully most people do not need legal help- so their restricted rights are not made aware to them

Shame on the government, but sadly this story does not surprise me in the slightest

Access to Justice in this Country now is exactly the same as The Ritz Hotel- open to everyone but only a few can afford to use it

10-28-2015, 02:38 PM
Playing devil's advocate but if you placed her in a female prison would they have the same arguments? Surely you'd have to start having more than 2 types of prison if you go to the logical conclusion.

This comes down to how safe our prisons are; I would hazard a guess that the answer is not very.

10-28-2015, 08:07 PM
Playing devil's advocate but if you placed her in a female prison would they have the same arguments? Surely you'd have to start having more than 2 types of prison if you go to the logical conclusion.

This comes down to how safe our prisons are; I would hazard a guess that the answer is not very.

I caught some of a discussion about Tara on the radio this afternoon. Unfortunately, I didn't hear all of it but her mother was painting a picture of a "busty blond model" being sent to a male prison. The presenter (Vanessa Feltz, I think) was also playing devil's advocate, saying that as long as she has male genitalia then it's entirely correct that she should be sent to a male prison.

As far as I understand, the "reason" that she's been sent to a male prison is that her passport still states that she is "male" as she never got round to officially changing her gender.

10-28-2015, 08:51 PM
There is a change.org petition in support of Miss Tara Hudson. As already stated in this thread she has been sent to an all male prison that recent investigations have revealed has higher than average levels of violence, I hate to imagine what could happen to Tara. I, and I imagine quite a few members here have met Tara in person, there is absolutely nothing "male" about her, she is a stunning young transgender woman . Please try and help Tara by signing the petition to have her placement reviewed.

https://www.change.org/p/bath-magistrates-prison-govenor-of-hm-prison-bristol-british-judicial-system-stop-transgender-woman-tara-hudson-from-being-sent-to-an-all-male-prison-in-bristol?source_location=trending_petitions_home_pa ge&algorithm=curated_trending

10-30-2015, 07:56 PM
Some one has seen sense and she has been moved to a female prison after 140,000 signed the petition.


10-30-2015, 08:17 PM
Some one has seen sense and she has been moved to a female prison after 140,000 signed the petition.


Thats good news to hear,she doesn't deserve serving time in a male prison,thats a double punishment.

10-31-2015, 07:53 PM
if she escorts, and will do so on her release, who would see one with a string of convictions for violent offences including assault on a police officer?

10-31-2015, 08:54 PM
She was escorting so presumably she'll continue to do so after release. Her review thread is over in the Escort Reviews forum and she's a member on here too.

If she has regulars I guess they'd still be interested and conversely the press attention may help given there's no such thing as bad publicity...