View Full Version : Michigan Girls

08-19-2006, 09:01 AM
Do they even exist, or..? :lol:

08-19-2006, 03:38 PM
Do they even exist, or..? :lol:

orrr are they even good-looking? Nope.

08-19-2006, 06:56 PM
Ok, me being from Michigan, here's the answer.

There is NO hotties from Michigan. All you have are:

1: 300 pound sistas wearing stuff ment to be worn by girls less than half their size. And they strut about like they are desirable.......you are not, ladies, you're just fat, innercity sweathogs. :roll:

2: Good looking girls, BUT they dress and act as if they were raised by nuns, and will NOT let you even touch em unless you slip a ring on their figner.

3: Hillbillies and Rednecks. Where I live, there are a few trailor parks a couple miles away and the girls are more like a bunch of guys mopping around. I knew one in school who actually looked well, but I seen her recently, and she's got a beer gut that can rival most guys there. :x

In fact, we got an old joke around these parts:

What do you call a good looking girl in Michigan?

A tourist! ~rimshot~ :mrgreen:

08-19-2006, 09:46 PM
Well, I lived in Michigan most of my life. I just recently moved to Cali. There are a few good looking gals there. Most of them have piss poor attitudes and live life underground. So if you are looking for something deeper than just sex, I suggest you look elsewhere.