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08-16-2006, 05:53 PM
Webb campaign criticizes Allen remarks aimed at volunteer
Associated Press Writer
August 14, 2006

RICHMOND, Va. -- A volunteer of Indian descent working for Democrat Jim Webb's U.S. Senate campaign said Monday he felt insulted when Sen. George Allen called him a name that sounded like "Macaca" during a rally in western Virginia. http://www.dailypress.com/news/local/virginia/dp-va--allen-webbvolunte0814aug14,0,6594124.story?coll=dp-headlines-virginia


McKinney campaign when reached for comment:

"Muthaf***ing Crackers..you got your uncle tom...you ain`t in Israel,and this ain`t no lebanese people that gonna back up"


08-17-2006, 01:11 AM
Webb campaign criticizes Allen remarks aimed at volunteer
Associated Press Writer
August 14, 2006

RICHMOND, Va. -- A volunteer of Indian descent working for Democrat Jim Webb's U.S. Senate campaign said Monday he felt insulted when Sen. George Allen called him a name that sounded like "Macaca" during a rally in western Virginia. http://www.dailypress.com/news/local/virginia/dp-va--allen-webbvolunte0814aug14,0,6594124.story?coll=dp-headlines-virginia


McKinney campaign when reached for comment:

"Muthaf***ing Crackers..you got your uncle tom...you ain`t in Israel,and this ain`t no lebanese people that gonna back up"


There is some level of politics, but Allen fucked up. You never give your opponent something to talk about. This will change the discussion of the race and only ruin Allen's character.

08-17-2006, 01:25 AM
Allen has no character...he almost makes Ollie ("keep North out of the south") North look credible...


Felicia Katt
08-17-2006, 02:15 AM
There is some level of politics, but Allen fucked up. You never give your opponent something to talk about. This will change the discussion of the race and only ruin Allen's character.
I say it defines his reputation, not ruins it. This is far from the first time he has done something like this.
Campaigning for governor in 1993, he admitted to prominently displaying a Confederate flag in his living room. He said it was part of a flag collection. He also kept a noose hanging on a ficus tree in his law office, he said it was part of a Western memorabilia collection.
In 1994, he said he would accept an honorary membership at a Richmond social club with a well-known history of discrimination--an invitation that the three previous governors had refused. Only after an outcry, did he reject the offer.
He replaced the only black member of the University of Virginia (UVA) Board of Visitors with a white one.
He issued a proclamation drafted by the Sons of Confederate Veterans declaring April Confederate History and Heritage Month, celebrating Dixie's "four-year struggle for independence and sovereign rights." There was no mention of slavery.
In 1984, he was one of 27 House members to vote against a state holiday commemorating Martin Luther King Jr. One of his reasons was that the proposed holiday would fall on the day set aside in Virginia to honor Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. In that same year, he co-sponsored a resolution expressing "regret and sorrow upon the loss" of William Munford Tuck, a politician who opposed every piece of civil rights legislation while in Congress during the 1950s and 1960s and promised "massive resistance" to the Supreme Court's 1954 decision banning segregation.

Allen also wore Confederate flag in his formal yearbook photo for his California High School

The only excuse he has offered for calling a dark skinned man the North African Equivalent of the N word (http://listofethnicslurs.quickseek.com/#M)is that he was a mohawk caca (shit head) Which makes no sense, (it would have been Caca mohawk, right?) and seem pretty unlikely, given that Allen's mother was raised in Tunisia, in North Africa.


08-17-2006, 02:24 AM
While obviously inappropriate and unfortunate, this also is one of the funniest mistakes made by any politician in quite a while. Seriously, this is like a Saturday Night Live skit, only it’s real, which still boggles my mind. What an idiot.


08-17-2006, 03:30 AM
George Allen 06= Jerry Kilgore 05

Last year after the Governor's race had been called for Tim Kaine, no doubt most of you were in an intense euphoric state (perhaps aided by a drink or two). For those of you who can remember, before Jerry the Duck came out and gave his concession speech, Felix calmed the GOP crowd and consoled them on the beatdown they had suffered. He threw out some ridiculous banter about being the party of ideas, about representing freedom, about leading the country, blah blah blah. The sentiment was clear: Felix was the captain of the team, Jerry was his awkward younger brother who couldn't carry his weight. Jerry had failed, but Felix would always prevail.
Here's the problem with that sentiment: Right now, I don't think Felix is in any stronger of a position than Jerry.

Hold on you say. We don't like Felix, but surely he's a stronger candidate than Jerry. But while Felix has won twice statewide, Jerry scored an impressive victory in 2001 over McEachin, garnering 60% of the vote. And while Felix has more money, more name recognition, and a little more smarts than Jerry, he's about to run into a big roadblock.
He is running against popular opinion on almost every issue.

Flashback a year ago with me. Jerry is running for Governor in a tough position. He's running to succeed the most popular Governor in Virginia's modern history, and he's doing so as a member of the opposition party. His base demands that he carry the party line, but he can't be stricly partisan or he'll get swamped by moderate voters. So how does Jerry present himself to the voters? His first TV ad had a narrator say something along these lines:

"It's about taking a tough stand on the issues. Abolishing parole for violent criminals. Protecting women and children from domestic abuse."

Now Jerry obviously lost a lot of support among the Beat Women Coalition and the Association for the Freedom of Murderers and Rapists (contrary to conservative myth, these are not important special interests in the Democratic Party). The larger point of this is that Jerry could not go face to face with Kaine on the issues of Education, Health Care, and Economic Development. So he resorted to character spots and trying to trash Kaine's intergrity. As the election results dictated, the charges did not stick.

Now I have said before that issues don't matter in an election. I stand by that, only clarifying that issues matter only if they serve to tell a narrative of the candidate. Kaine's narrative was simple: Catholic missionary, dedicated to a life of service to others, committed to working across party lines to solve Virginia's problems. Jerry's narrative: Eh, something along the lines of prosecutor who would take the bold move of executing Hitler if he could build a time machine, outsource important decisions to a referrendum vote, and make education 'focus on getting back to the basics'. The result was a 52-46 beating of Jerry, a margin I think would have been wider if it weren't for Kaine's eyebrows (damn you people's eyebrow!) and his F rating from the NRA.

Now come back to the present with me. George Allen is in a bit of a pickle. Virginia has grown more moderate. He's voted with an unpopular President 97% of the time. His party has overseen the greatest increase in spending since Lyndon Johnson, the greatest invasion of personal privacy since Richard Nixon, and the greatest foreign policy blunder since the founding of our nation. So what does George Allen tell the voters of Virginia in his first TV ads?

"Hey, remember when I was Governor? I abolished parole and gave you the SOLs. Wasn't that cool? Oh yeah, in the Senate I pushed for technology grants for minority colleges, even though some would have advocated just sending them candy and crayons. I took a tough stand. Aren't I a great leader? Look at these obscure quotes complimenting me! Wolf Blitzer and the Washington Times complimented me! Aren't I great?"

The second ad was the real kicker, showing Allen with his family. "I'm working on new laws to protect our children from internet predators. We need to protect our children. I love my children. Look at how precious they are. Doesn't loving my children make me a great Senator?"

To use Felix's lingo, those ads are all hat and no cattle. I can't imagine any voters look at those ads and become convinced Felix is a leader.

Now I write this not to say we've got a cakewalk, but to encourage you all to believe that Webb is going to win. Just as Kaine won last year, it's going to be a long, hard battle. We're facing off against the best GOP operatives in the country, we've got a novice candidate, and huge gaps in name recognition and fundraising. Just as Jerry tried to call Kaine a flip flopper and someone lacking in character, Allen will try the exact same thing. That being said, we do have one tremendous advantage.

Jim Webb is a better person than George Allen.

Now I'm not usually one to make such blunt statements, but I think it's true on every test of character.

Service to our country? Intelligence? Leadership? Empathy for others? Authenticity? On all of these fronts, the Webb campaign has a better story to tell. We've got the best narrative, and that's what wins. If we get the message out, Webb is going to win. I guarantee it.


Weasel Meter

Total Acts of Weasel: 14
George Allen tries to explain the defeat of pro-Iraq War Joe Lieberman in Connecticut, with this brilliant analysis: "Connecticut is not Virginia." Wow, you don't say? What a genius our junior Senator is! Even worse, though, Allen argues that "...Virginia recognizes that we were hit on 9-11 at the Pentagon in Arlington County," which is true, but ignores the fact that 65 Connecticut residents died on 9/11, nearly as many as the 81 Virginians who were murdered. So how come Connecticut voters didn't agree that invading Iraq has made us safer from attacks like occurred on 9/11? Perhaps Connecticut Democrats are smarter than George Allen?

George Allen is bringing in George "33% Approval Rating" Bush to raise money for him, but he's doing it VERY quietly, with no cameras and wayyyy out of the spotlight. If that's not weaselly, what is? George Allen: votes with George W. Bush 97% of the time but is ashamed to be seen with him.
George Allen is ducking debates with Jim Webb. Maybe he doesn't want to explain his investment in Barr Pharmaceuticals, maker of the Plan B "morning after" pill.
George Allen travels to Iraq on government expense, then uses the photo on his campaign website for political benefit. Who paid for his trip to Iraq, by the way? Wasn't that us, the taxpayers? So now, we're helping Allen for Senate by subsidizing his campaign trips to Iraq? Wonderful.
This one's almost too easy, like shooting fish in a barrel. George Allen says Democracy and open debate are "not helpful" with regard to Iraq, perhaps the most important issue of this election. How convenient! Hmmm...
George Allen campaigns with Vice President Dick Cheney aboard the USS Wasp, a ship launched in August 1987 when Jim Webb was Navy Secretary. In addition, the Webb campaign points out that "When Dick Cheney was Secretary of Defense, he repeatedly cut the fleet size of the Navy."
Still waffling on "net neutrality." Still has no clue on how we're ever going to get out of Iraq; just more of the same, "lie and die."
OK, this one's not directly about George Allen. But seriously, did you all catch Allen advisor Dick Wadhams (yes, that's his real name) on Hardball yesterday? My god, if this is the best that the Allen campaign can do, they are in BIG trouble. I mean, totally lame. And Webb senior strategist Dave "Mudcat" Saunders? Well, he's incredible, just sits back calmly and watches as Chris Matthews rips Wadhams a new one. Ouch!!!
George Allen panders to the far right and tries to distract everyone from his miserable record by pushing for an unnecessary constitutional amendment against "gay marriage." According to Allen, "This is important throughout the country." Oh really? You mean my heterosexual marriage is threatened by marauding gay men out to steal me away from my wife, or rampaging lesbians out to "convert" my wife and press her into their "deviant lifestyle choice?" Utterly ridiculous, but if George Allen knows anything, it's how to pander. Lame.
Does throwing his brother through a glass door, slamming a pool cue into his sister's new boyfriend's head, spray painting racially tinged graffiti at his high school, plastering his school with Confederate flags, voting against a holiday honoring Martin Luther King, or co-sponsoring a resolution honoring one of the leaders in the "massive resistance" to civil rights in this country count as "weaselly?" If so, I guess that George Allen is a weasel. But wait, that's an insult to weasels everywhere. Frankly, I don't even know what to think after reading the New Republic article on Allen. This creep who calls himself a US Senator has gone beyond "weasel" into "evil" territory. That's right, evil. Read it for yourself, and you decide.
Allen spokesman Dick Wadhams ("Dick Wad." for short) keeps repeating: "We just look forward to facing the winner of the wealthy-liberal self-funding primary."
Huh? Jim Webb? Liberal? Self-funding? What on earth? Hell, even Harris Miller's not a liberal - he's a very conservative Democrat - so what in bloody hell is Dick Wad. talking about?

Allen hires Scott Howell, the guy who created the racist "Black Hands" ad in the 2004 Oklahoma Senate contest, and the infamous "Hitler" ad for Jerry "The Duck" Kilgore in last year's gubernatorial contest. Classy!
George had to bus "fans" to support him at the annual Shad Planking and then gave them free tickets. Free beer for college students? On a school day? No wonder he had the crowd.
Let's kick this thing off with an easy one: Does George even want to serve Virginia? Sure doesn't look that way. Or does it. Actually, it sure looks like he wants to have it both ways.

12-17-2006, 05:08 AM
You don't get how the media works do you if his opponet would of said it the media would have coverd it up. In this case they where all over this story like no tomarrow same with the incendent in florida the media hates repubilcans so much they do this before the election.

12-17-2006, 07:16 AM
You don't get how the media works do you if his opponet would of said it the media would have coverd it up. In this case they where all over this story like no tomarrow same with the incendent in florida the media hates repubilcans so much they do this before the election.

Are you really that stupid? :roll: