View Full Version : ...Astrology Signs...

melody mayheim
09-01-2015, 03:25 AM
Whats ur astrology sign and which sign do you think your most compatible with? I'm a libra n feel I can click with just about anyone but I still dont know...Do you believe it?!? Lol

Hemi Royd
09-01-2015, 03:59 AM
Melody,I'am a Libra,I do tolerate my own to some extent,lol,I dont get along Gemini's,Aquarius and Pieces male or female,lol

melody mayheim
09-01-2015, 04:39 AM
They say gemini n Aquarius are suppose to b our most compatible..ive never met many Aquarius'...n gemini n I automatically click but idk about dating them..theyre usually all over the place!

09-01-2015, 05:00 AM
I am a Gemini. We are supposedly best with Aries. I don't know how much I believe in Astrology, but it is definitely fun to talk about.

melody mayheim
09-01-2015, 05:03 AM
Idk if I know many aries..

09-01-2015, 05:07 AM
i'm a virgo and i'm married to a capricorn

melody mayheim
09-01-2015, 05:36 AM
And hows that going? Well ur on here so that says a lot lol

09-01-2015, 03:03 PM
And hows that going? Well ur on here so that says a lot lol

my wife knows and supports my lust for transgender women. we are polar opposites in many ways and completely aligned in others so it works really well. she is my emotional and intellectual equal which is quite a feat and she actually tolerates me so she must really love me. capricorns and virgos are to have pragmatic, smart relationship. We are both quite rational, we share a similar occupation, we both are over-achievers and we both are goal oriented...whether that goal is for a degree, to win an argument or to make the other cum first. Ironically, it is said that I am supposed to love her for her "capricorn-y" intensity and dedication while she is supposed to love me for my "virgo-y" intuition and attention to detail...but in fact, i'm the intense one who is dedicated and she has far better intuition and attention to detail than i. in short...while life is not without its occasional complications, there is nearly nothing i would change about her...maybe make her a couple inches taller (she is 5'4" and I'm 6'3") and probably make her tolerate the sun a bit more. she is the type that gets burned from even saying the word sun. i should buy stock in coppertone for how much business she gives them.

back to being here....i agonized over telling her about my lust for a few years. She had found 1 video in 2002 while we were living together and thought I had downloaded it as a joke. 6 years went by until, 2008, about a year before we were married, when probably equally because of guilt over it as well as hope that she would be into it, i told her what i liked.

now, she knows that when i am online, if i have 10 tabs open, a few are probably work related, a few sports related, at least 1 is a home brew forum, because i make beer and wine and love to talk about that as much as i do porn, and a few will be transgender porn. she doesn't understand some of the girls that i am attracted to...it is hit or miss. she doesn't agree that hazel tucker and she are dead ringers for each other but i think that is more resistance than anything else. ultimately, she is really the reason i have the second doctorate in psychology, encouraging me to work with a transgender cohort, though for the past 2 years, i've shamefully not worked on those projects.

she draws the line at a threesome but really, i can't complain about that because that's a pretty liberal line to have.

Hemi Royd
09-01-2015, 04:40 PM
Dreamon I dont believe much either,just that I like bringing in conversation as to know more about a person,and in most cases,most people dont match their zodiac signa after all,I'am a Libra,big deal,maybe being a scale I go up and down either way,lol

Hemi Royd
09-01-2015, 04:47 PM
For being a Libra,,,,I should seek a TS named Sapphire,since is my birthstone,I guess Not,the stone I like is either Esmerald or Ruby

melody mayheim
09-02-2015, 05:51 AM
Um...lol ok

09-02-2015, 06:33 AM
The positioning of the planets in the night sky at the moment of your birth definitely have zero effect on your personality, luck or destiny; the stars have even less. I can tell you I'm a Virgo and my domestic partner of eight years is a Leo, but I can't tell you what my horoscope said today - or any other day. A brief inquiry like, "What's your sign" is a easy ice-breaker, but of itself, it's hardly riveting conversation.

What may be more relevant to the formation of personality is the season you were conceived; especially in earlier centuries when the types of fruits, grains, tubers and vegetables available were seasonal. Your mother's diet during morphogenesis may have a significant effect on your personality and later heath. In a prior age (again when the availability of various species of food was dependent on the season) your "sign" would likely have correlated with your mother's diet and consequently your fetal development.

09-02-2015, 08:45 AM
Is there any truth in the claim that Scorpio is the most adventurous, if not deviant, sexual sign? Maybe it is the time of the year in which one is born as Trish suggests? I am also Virgo, but I have Scorpio rising, hence the interest.