View Full Version : 'Boy Meets Girl' - New BBC primetime sitcom ...

08-25-2015, 04:18 PM
Boy Meets Girl (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-33734931)

Not just a show featuring a transgendered character, but a show whose main character is transgendered and played by a transgendered actor. And it's a sitcom !!

All the write-ups seems to suggest that it avoids most of the stereotypes and manages to be funny whilst remaining politically correct.

Who says transgender issues are becoming more mainstream? Looking forward to it ... :)


08-25-2015, 04:22 PM
Thanks for the heads-up. I'll be giving it a look.

08-25-2015, 04:34 PM
Good to see a transgendered character actually played by a trans person. That was rarely the case in the early days. Hopefully it'll succeed at something American television comedies almost always fail at.... It'll be funny

08-25-2015, 05:58 PM
Be looking out for it.

I would have cast a different TS but that's me.

It's good for television shows to acknowledge TS actually exist.

08-26-2015, 07:58 AM
Don't know who gets HBO here, but the new show "Blunt Talk" had a TS actress (name escaping me), she went topless, and Patrick Stewart dove on in. She was pretty. I hadn't seen her before.

09-03-2015, 10:13 AM
Boy Meets Girl airs tonight on BBC2.
In the meantime The Independent reports on how Candis Cayne walked off Curb Your Enthusiasm (a programme I have never seen) followed by Alexandra Billings; and that another transgendered actor, Bethany Black will appear in a forthcoming episode of Dr Who.


09-05-2015, 04:33 PM
i enjoyed it and its set in my home town which is nice

09-13-2015, 03:09 PM
I missed part one, but saw part two last night. Can't fault it for being respectful (Judy, the TS character, is probably the most "normal" one!), but I just didn't find it all that funny. They'd created an excruciating situation (your whole extended family gatecrashing your date) but never really went anywhere with it. Imagine what Steven Moffatt (in his Coupling and Joking Apart style) would have made of that. Still, will give it another go next week.

That said, there was one line that I really did enjoy: "He's a saint, Jackie, not a miracle worker!"

09-15-2015, 09:50 AM
I enjoyed it. Sweet comedy drama.

09-21-2015, 01:36 AM
Anyone see this show? I got the torrent online but it's a british show. Two episodes so far. I watched it. TERRIBLE.

I can't say i'm attracted to tgirls in real life but on the screen they're pretty good looking. IN this case though...UGHGGHHHHH!! There are TONS Of smoking hot tgirls out there but they picked one who looks like a linebacker - 6 foot tall easily, just huge. Meanwhile the guy who "falls in love with her" on the very first episode looks like a clean cut, good looking guy. It's a VERY STRANGE concept. Anyone else see it?

09-21-2015, 01:39 AM
here's a link to the happy couple on the show

09-21-2015, 09:22 AM
Anyone see this show? I got the torrent online but it's a british show. Two episodes so far. I watched it. TERRIBLE.

I can't say i'm attracted to tgirls in real life but on the screen they're pretty good looking. IN this case though...UGHGGHHHHH!! There are TONS Of smoking hot tgirls out there but they picked one who looks like a linebacker - 6 foot tall easily, just huge. Meanwhile the guy who "falls in love with her" on the very first episode looks like a clean cut, good looking guy. It's a VERY STRANGE concept. Anyone else see it?

Nah never seen it and won't, but you're right on about what you said!!!

09-21-2015, 11:27 AM
The transladies I see around town in real life vary in age, looks and stature like the rest of the female population.

I think it's rather shallow to expect every tgirl that appears on screen to be drop-dead gorgeous.

09-27-2015, 04:30 AM
well yeah, but she's the leading lady character on a show where a guy falls in love with her. I'd think she would look like someone hot - not catelyn jenner!