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View Full Version : Contributors needed for new Channel 4 Doc

08-11-2015, 04:42 PM
Contributors needed for new Channel 4 Doc in UK

...We at Zig Zag productions are currently developing a new, one off documentary with Channel 4 called “Yes, I Pay for Sex”. It’s about all the types of customers who pay for prostitution. We’re very interested in going against the stereotype of the “dirty, old man” and instead explore the wide range of individuals who don’t fall into this typecast. Like the young, old, men, women, transgendered, couples, open marriages, disabled, straight, gay, bi or even pansexual. We want to show the “punter” in a new light....

More info here:

May be someone can participate ?
My English is not my best side as you know it, so I am not suitable :)

08-11-2015, 07:07 PM
We’re very interested in going against the stereotype of the “dirty, old man”

That's me out, then! :shrug

08-11-2015, 07:11 PM
I'd be very wary of participating in any project like this. It might start out with the best of intentions but the final edit will end up portraying whatever angle they think will generate the highest ratings.

I'm out as well.

(It's becoming like an episode of Dragons Den on here...)

08-11-2015, 08:23 PM
They've probably got enough MP's already so that's me out.........oops!

08-11-2015, 08:26 PM
Well I'm obviously Duncan Bannatyne (Grumpy Scots bastard). Who are the 2 of you?

08-11-2015, 08:57 PM
I am attracted to asian agency shemales that have overstayed, so they won't cooperate for a free TV publicity, therefore i am out as well.

08-12-2015, 01:14 AM
The concern about any documentary is the final edit may not reflect what the participants have been told. Look at shows such as Benefits Street - where I believe the people in it were told it was to be a show about a community that pulls together despite not being very well off (or something along those lines) but the producers simply showcased people either doing the wrong thing or at the very least tried to make it look that way.

Unfortunately first TV impressions tend to stick; you could participate, hope to provoke a genuine debate about prostitution and if it could/should be legalized (such as in Holland) but then next thing you know your mug is all over a show called "Massive Perverts!!!" Or something equally crazy.

Not much you can do then..

08-12-2015, 02:01 AM
you go on the show thinking you are there to give fair representation of yourself...next thing...fucking chris hansen!