View Full Version : The difference between "chasers" and "admirers"

07-31-2015, 03:50 AM
I was watching a video where these 2 beautiful and lovely ladies talk about transgender issues and also talk about girl stuff.

I watch the video because I want to know the difference between a chaser and admirer. I'm a guy who loves transgender women and not use them for sex, I do have sex with transgender women but I like to be in a relationship with one and marry one. I would like to know how to convince a transgender woman that Im not all about sex but something more solid?


07-31-2015, 04:15 AM
Not wanting to be in a relationship makes a person a chaser? Does the same metric hold true for people who just want to hook up with cisgender women? Are they merely fetishizing chasers?

07-31-2015, 04:18 AM
I hate all them creepy names..

07-31-2015, 04:19 AM
If u want to feel solid and she tell all her friends how she met Mr. Solid... than buy her a house, car and new wardrobe. You will be her lover for a long time.... Probably the remainder of this year until after Christmas .

07-31-2015, 05:08 AM
If u want to feel solid and she tell all her friends how she met Mr. Solid... than buy her a house, car and new wardrobe. You will be her lover for a long time.... Probably the remainder of this year until after Christmas .

No, Solid means I want to be in a relationship with them.

07-31-2015, 05:11 AM
I want to know the difference between a chaser and admirer.

Semantics, there is no difference...if you want to date/marry/have sex with a tg because she is tg (i.e. has a penis), you're a chaser/admirer.

07-31-2015, 05:28 AM
I do agree strongly with one thing they said, and this holds true for relationships with cis-gender or tg women:

If you meet a woman and you feel like you want to explore the potential of having a relationship, the worst thing to do imo is to have sex on first meet.

Men for the most part don't respect women who give it up quick, and the women are often left with negative feelings...and if later on a man tries to profess that he does have respect in spite of what happened, the probability is high the woman will think there's something wrong with him.

Hint #2...if the way to a man's heart is thru his stomach, than the way to a woman's heart is thru her friends...if you win them over...if you're "a catch" in their eyes...you're golden.

07-31-2015, 05:46 AM
you want to know what the difference is btw a 'chaser' and an 'admirer.' it is quite simple.

if you are the object of the pursuit, you will label a dude a 'chaser'
if you are the pursuer, you will label yourself an 'admirer'

that's all. attraction to transwomen, for those who want to be judgmental, including many transwomen themselves, has not yet graduated beyond the stigma of mere sexual attraction/cock obsession so by doing that, it means that you need special terms, regardless of their connotation.

don't get caught up in labels because convincing someone that you are anything but the label they put upon you is a futile attempt. just realize that there are as many people who will label you incorrectly as will agree with what you label yourself, but they are also equal to those who have no idea what to call you.

07-31-2015, 06:12 AM
Semantics, there is no difference...if you want to date/marry/have sex with a tg because she is tg (i.e. has a penis), you're a chaser/admirer.

what if i date/marry/have sex with GG's does that make me a GG chaser?admirer?

07-31-2015, 06:18 AM
what if i date/marry/have sex with GG's does that make me a GG chaser?admirer?

no, because people who use labels to categorize trans attraction NEED the label to assign value to something that is "different" or "alt" attraction to a gg must be "normal" to them. this includes transwoman because they are the first to call a dude a chaser.

you do realize that this is all bullshit because you cannot help what you are labeled. you can kick and scream about what you think you are and that will not change what someone else wants to label you. just accept that it is human nature to categorize things and move on.

07-31-2015, 06:23 AM
I heard that transwomen do not like dating guys that only attracted to them and usually they label guys chasers but as long they love them and care about them, it shouldn't be a problem

07-31-2015, 06:26 AM
I heard that transwomen do not like dating guys that only attracted to them and usually they label guys chasers but as long they love them and care about them, it shouldn't be a problem

dude...you must not know many women. trans or not, when has that EVER been enough for a woman?

07-31-2015, 02:50 PM
This is super simple.

If they like you, you are an admirer.

If they don't find you attractive or like you, you are a chaser.

I stopped caring what they think of me long ago and i suggest you do the same. Live life for you not them. Most of the ts that like to label dudes chasers are self centered ass holes anyway. Meanwhile they are "chasing" straight dudes (that don't like ts's and aren't open to them) that would never hook up with a TS and wonder why they are single. LMAO.

07-31-2015, 03:20 PM

If they like you, you are an admirer.
If they don't find you attractive or like you, you are a chaser.

Pretty much, that...and two inches! :shrug

07-31-2015, 06:57 PM
:hide-1:When you're really hated, both words are preferable to the third label spewed out by the occasional, angry transsexual: "Faggot!!!"....

07-31-2015, 07:19 PM
:hide-1:When you're really hated, both words are preferable to the third label spewed out by the occasional, angry transsexual: "Faggot!!!"....

yeah, but when a transwoman resorts to calling the man attracted to HER a faggot, while she is trying to demean the dude...she has also demeaned herself.

the idea that a man is only attracted to a transwoman for her penis or because he is a closeted homosexual will persist no matter what because transgender people are not yet well understood. even now, i have heard my cohort, who are supposed to be well educated people refer to caitlyn jenner as a "he" saying "he" is not a woman until after GRS. That is insane but a prevailing thought by many. so, while trans-attraction is still so widely considered alt, a fetish or deviant, we cannot rid the cultural lexicon of the word admirer or chaser.

FYI...though the connotation of chaser is expressly negative and admirer is somehow milder, over time, i have grown equally resentful of both words and their like because the need for ANY label automatically segregates attraction to a transwoman from attraction to a ggirl and, honestly, at 36 years old, i know that for me, there is no difference.

07-31-2015, 07:34 PM
yeah, but when a transwoman resorts to calling the man attracted to HER a faggot, while she is trying to demean the dude...she has also demeaned herself.

the idea that a man is only attracted to a transwoman for her penis or because he is a closeted homosexual will persist no matter what because transgender people are not yet well understood. even now, i have heard my cohort, who are supposed to be well educated people refer to caitlyn jenner as a "he" saying "he" is not a woman until after GRS. That is insane but a prevailing thought by many. so, while trans-attraction is still so widely considered alt, a fetish or deviant, we cannot rid the cultural lexicon of the word admirer or chaser.

FYI...though the connotation of chaser is expressly negative and admirer is somehow milder, over time, i have grown equally resentful of both words and their like because the need for ANY label automatically segregates attraction to a transwoman from attraction to a ggirl and, honestly, at 36 years old, i know that for me, there is no difference.

I don't think anyone saying that, in the heat of the moment, is actually overthinking it, at that point..lol. (it's like women screaming out "suck my dick!!" in anger...when clearly they don't have one...)

As to your last paragraph...some passing thoughts:
Sometimes the word "admirer" also holds the connotation of a genteel trick.
Since we use labels, it makes perfect sense to occasionally separate someone , who perhaps, chases transsexuals far more aggressively than GGs because of the various fetishes that person may have.
I don't get particularly bent out of shape over that...and I'm much older than you.

But I think the "setting' of the word also makes a huge difference of course.

07-31-2015, 07:57 PM
Domino Presley once said "People need to jump out of their tiny little boxes of thought process and accept that NO ONE completely understands ONE ANOTHER! Gays do not under stand straights, straights don’t understand gays, gays don’t understand lesbians, lesbians just don’t give a fuck and NO ONE understands bisexuals… well guess what!!! It doesn’t stop there…. We are our own gender. Just like everything else in life, we require an equal balance. For every Chub, there's a Chubby Chaser and for every Asian, there's Asian Chasers… So what on fucking earth would make the trans group any different?"

07-31-2015, 08:15 PM
I fuckin' hate labels!!! That is all!!

07-31-2015, 08:30 PM
I fuckin' hate labels!!! That is all!!

Then I shall call you, The Label Hater...haterz gotta hate

07-31-2015, 09:28 PM
I fuckin' hate labels!!! That is all!!

Im with u ..It makes me feel like a weirdo

08-01-2015, 07:37 AM
I was watching a video where these 2 beautiful and lovely ladies talk about transgender issues and also talk about girl stuff.

I watch the video because I want to know the difference between a chaser and admirer. I'm a guy who loves transgender women and not use them for sex, I do have sex with transgender women but I like to be in a relationship with one and marry one. I would like to know how to convince a transgender woman that Im not all about sex but something more solid?


Chaser is just a term disrespectful transexual women use to try to degrade guys but I wouldn't get caught up in it there's a million things you can say back to someone who's disrespectful.

Dark passenger
08-01-2015, 07:41 AM
I love pretty girls n I like cock. I don't like men so I go for what gives be the best of both worlds. If I'm called a chaser, so be it. I like what I like n go for what I want.

08-01-2015, 07:59 AM
theyre all clients at the end of the day regardless of bs labels

08-01-2015, 08:28 AM
yeah, but when a transwoman resorts to calling the man attracted to HER a faggot, while she is trying to demean the dude...she has also demeaned herself.

I disagree with your sentiment but thats ok, we all can agree to disagree this post i posted is from another TS from another forum i agree with her sentiment:

"The level of misunderstanding in the transsexual community is beyond comprehension. When a transsexual female labels a male as gay, she is not making a judgement whether gay is good or bad, or right or wrong. She is merely reacting to this person's desire to define her sexually as someone who is comfortable performing as the male in the bedroom. For most transsexual women, this is not the case. Transsexuals are female, and most prefer to be treated as such both in and out of the bedroom. When a male approaches a transsexual defining her as some sort of sexual male/female hybrid, she is insulted, hence, this is why she will use the term gay to describe him. The act he is seeking to fulfill is one rife with homo eroticism. Most transsexual and genetic women will soundly reject this premise. She is not making a judgement about the validity of the gay lifestyle, she is merely saying to the male who desire she perform as a male that doing so is not her preference; which of course is a choice she has every right to make. Although there is a spectrum of sexuality in transsexual women, just as there is with genetic women, there is a small subset who would be open to performing as the male in the bedroom; however, for most women, transsexual and genetic, that is simply not the case."

08-01-2015, 03:10 PM
Clearly Jamiethewild does not understand the difference between sex and gender. It's ok.. many do not. It's not your fault. It is our education system that failed you.

Also my point was if a transwoman is calling her admirer gay, it undoubtedly even if only subconsciously casts dispersions on her view of herself. I am not calling a transwoman a gay man in drag, but they are essentially calling themselves that when they call the men who desire them gay.

08-01-2015, 03:11 PM
theyre all clients at the end of the day regardless of bs labels

Only if we pay. There are those that clearly chase cockt because they favor crossdressers because they are free.

08-01-2015, 03:14 PM
theyre all clients at the end of the day regardless of bs labels

That's a stupid comment as it assumes all t-girls are escorts.

08-01-2015, 07:03 PM
That's the thing, I'm a top and I don't bottom unless they want me to

08-01-2015, 08:34 PM
Clearly Jamiethewild does not understand the difference between sex and gender. It's ok.. many do not. It's not your fault. It is our education system that failed you.

Also my point was if a transwoman is calling her admirer gay, it undoubtedly even if only subconsciously casts dispersions on her view of herself. I am not calling a transwoman a gay man in drag, but they are essentially calling themselves that when they call the men who desire them gay.

Aww, why so defensive mrs. switcher ?
Agreeing with a statement doesn't make you clueless regarding sex and gender. Clearly someones got poor reading comprehension skills.

Also practice what you preach repeating your statement won't change a person's opinion about you, which also leads me to believe how narrow you are at the possibilities why a trans-women may be calling you faggot since you brought the "fag" word yourself.

Anyway, have a great a day sourpuss.

08-01-2015, 08:51 PM
when you have to resort to personal attacks like calling me Mrs. Switcher, it truly shows that you are mentally defective.

Switching is as glorious as being a top or being a bottom but apparently, you think it actually means something beyond what gets you off. That's rather pathetic but again, what else should I expect from a window licker who rides the short bus.

Simply put, you said you agree with a statement that a transwoman is a female. anyone that thinks a transwoman is female clearly does not know the difference between between sex and gender. All females are not women and all women are not females. That is a universally true statement.

Please note that I am not judging you for being stupid...the world needs burger flippers and cart boys at home depot. Just make sure posting here doesn't interfere with your pudding time.

08-01-2015, 08:59 PM
when you have to resort to personal attacks like calling me Mrs. Switcher, it truly shows that you are mentally defective.

Switching is as glorious as being a top or being a bottom but apparently, you think it actually means something beyond what gets you off. That's rather pathetic but again, what else should I expect from a window licker who rides the short bus.

Simply put, you said you agree with a statement that a transwoman is a female. anyone that thinks a transwoman is female clearly does not know the difference between between sex and gender. All females are not women and all women are not females. That is a universally true statement.

Please note that I am not judging you for being stupid...the world needs burger flippers and cart boys at home depot. Just make sure posting here doesn't interfere with your pudding time.

OOpps i forgot to mention someone else wrote this. Did you get that ?
Its clear females are in fact gg's to me. But i still agree with the concept.

Like i said, have a great day MR. sourpuss. Lol.

08-01-2015, 09:02 PM
That's the thing, I'm a top and I don't bottom unless they want me to

Then you probably shouldn't have commented about your experience in the "Bottoms Only" thread...lol

08-01-2015, 09:13 PM
OOpps i forgot to mention someone else wrote this. Did you get that ?
Its clear females are in fact gg's to me. But i still agree with the concept.

Like i said, have a great day MR. sourpuss. Lol.

Jamie...is this you?

For everyone else...enjoy a sour puss.

08-01-2015, 09:21 PM
Indeed, if that helps you feel better. :dead:

08-01-2015, 09:27 PM
Then you probably shouldn't have commented about your experience in the "Bottoms Only" thread...lol

Didn't you read the part that I said "I don't bottom unless they want me to"

08-01-2015, 09:33 PM
I was watching a video where these 2 beautiful and lovely ladies talk about transgender issues and also talk about girl stuff.

I watch the video because I want to know the difference between a chaser and admirer. I'm a guy who loves transgender women and not use them for sex, I do have sex with transgender women but I like to be in a relationship with one and marry one. I would like to know how to convince a transgender woman that Im not all about sex but something more solid?

I've seen a number guys on different forums talk about wanting to marry a transgender woman. I always wanted to know why specifically a transgender woman? I could understand meeting someone and deciding you want to spend the rest of your life with them, but what do transwomen offer, besides the obvious, that ciswomen don't offer? I ask; because, the decision not to have SRS as a part of transition is becoming more accepted, but what happens if your wife decides to have SRS after you're married? If you're okay with that, why specifically seek out transender women to marry? If you're not okay with it, did you really love her?

TL;DR What would make you prefer to marry a post-SRS transgender woman over a cisgender woman?

08-01-2015, 09:50 PM
Didn't you read the part that I said "I don't bottom unless they want me to"

I did, and I'm really just busting your balls cause I thought that was funny
...but look, that "unless they want me to" argument loses it's potency the more you give in to "unless they want me to".
We sometimes do shit we don't want to in relationships...it's called compromise.
But we usually don't do shit we don't want to do in hookups or short time "whatevers".
Anyway...it's not that important.
I've had girlfriends that I've only topped and some that preferred to top me...but I didn't exactly hate either experience.

08-02-2015, 02:02 AM
I'll bet good money that all those who moan and drone on endlessly on here and predictably about how labels are unimportant on the issue of your trans attraction and sexuality, when it comes to whether or not youre straight, gay, bi, curious or whatever, are the first to dive into this one and define the strict differences between 'chasers' and 'admirers' and how being one is objectively 'superior' to the other

08-02-2015, 03:37 AM
what if i date/marry/have sex with GG's does that make me a GG chaser?admirer?

I'm glad you made this point...I would love for some of the girls to answer it.

08-02-2015, 04:27 AM
I'm glad you made this point...I would love for some of the girls to answer it.

me too

08-02-2015, 06:01 AM
I'm glad you made this point...I would love for some of the girls to answer it.

My thoughts on this: I think an admirer is one who admires/fantasizes about tg but doesn't have the balls to meet and fulfill their desires (creepers behind PC screens jerking off to tgurl porn and chats for "online fun" or on Kik. A chaser are those of who bangs as much tail as they can from fem transgenders and brags about it.

But then again, I could be wrong.

08-02-2015, 06:20 AM
My thoughts on this: I think an admirer is one who admires/fantasizes about tg but doesn't have the balls to meet and fulfill their desires (creepers behind PC screens jerking off to tgurl porn and chats for "online fun" or on Kik. A chaser are those of who bangs as much tail as they can from fem transgenders and brags about it.

But then again, I could be wrong.

what if your not either of those?

08-02-2015, 06:57 AM
A chaser are those of who bangs as much tail as they can from fem transgenders and brags about it.

Don't forget about them sexy fem cd's too lol

08-02-2015, 08:39 AM
That's a stupid comment as it assumes all t-girls are escorts.

thats a stupid comment to assume most arent

08-02-2015, 08:40 AM
A chaser are those of who bangs as much tail as they can from fem transgenders and brags about it.

.sounds like a guy

08-02-2015, 09:13 AM
thats a stupid comment to assume most arent

Even if that were true, it still means that your initial comment was wrong and my follow up comment correct. Thank you for confirming exactly who the stupid person is...