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View Full Version : So, the Advanced Search function is basically useless now then?

Tara Emory
07-25-2015, 04:16 AM
I admit, I haven't been here for a while, and given that it seems like I can't now do something I could easily do on the Old Hungangels, I guess I might not be here much more either.

Before, you could do an advanced search, and have it show the search results as indivudual posts. Seems like that feature is gone. Yes, it's true, I wanted to see if anyone was talking about me, and also I'm trying to find my old thread so I can post some new pictures on it.

But no, all the search results give you, is which threads your keyword appeared in. And some of these threads have hundreds of pages, so really, I'm not sifting through all those to find where someone posted something about me or mentioned me. Ugh. Am I missing something? Or is this feature gone, because it was really nice and I can't find it.

Tara Emory

Tara Emory
07-25-2015, 05:04 AM
Ah, I kinda figured a workaround (or maybe this is just how you're supposed to do it now). Appears that you can search and find which threads have your keyword, then when you are looking at a page of the thread, you can search within the thread and that sorta gives you the same results. I guess that makes sense that it's there now.

Yeah, I know.. I'm so vain. I probably think this thread is about me.

07-25-2015, 05:49 AM
I think you need to select the Advanced Search's Search Single Content Type tab and click the Show Results as radio button selector at the bottom for Posts


and you'll be back to basking in your own glory in no time at all :D