View Full Version : craigslist prostitution bust

08-09-2006, 07:51 PM
i just read about 4 girls getting busted for prostitution through their craigslist ads...will the cops be going after eros (and all the rest) too? not cool...has anyone else heard about this yet?

08-09-2006, 10:26 PM
if you do a search for craigs list on here you'll notice some key signs to LE
I put up a few threads in the past, in all fairness CL isn't the best place to look for an escort anyway...................

some of the girls posting ads use pics they've stolen from here, eros, shemaleyum, etc.

others get slammed for posting their real pics
get slammed because some dickhead had a bad time and came back on CL to SLAM them so they'd lose business

LE has caught on and are doing multiple same hour posts with bullshit pics saying they are trannies or GG's getting simps to fall for it

not to plug this site too much but in all actuality the best place to find a ts/tv is on sites like these, or on eros OVER CL

08-09-2006, 10:57 PM
Anyone else but me here thinks prostitution should not be considered a crime?

I mean it's not a big deal if a guy's wife is friddeg or weighs 300 pounds that he needs to pay someone for sex.

Wanna know why it's illegal......cause the government can't make money off of it.

I say send the police after REAL criminals for a change. :P

08-09-2006, 11:20 PM
so you're saying the cops should be forced to chase themselves?

08-09-2006, 11:28 PM
My bad. Double post. :oops:

08-09-2006, 11:29 PM
so you're saying the cops should be forced to chase themselves?

No, no, no.

=OUTSIDE= of Brookline, MA. :lol: :lol:

08-09-2006, 11:31 PM

08-10-2006, 12:45 AM
cops like going after hookers cause it's so much safer than chasing bad guys. Every vice arrest is LE time not spent preventing rapes, murders, robberies, drug busts, etc.

08-10-2006, 01:04 AM
CL does indeed suck. I discovered a link to this site on here, I don't know who is behind it but I like. www.tgirllovers.com It's especially good for NYC area.

08-10-2006, 01:20 AM
you're right bxguy. good site with quality girls

I think it's the work of DIGITAL GOD. he used to post an FYI when a popular girl was visiting NYC.

Jamie Michelle
08-10-2006, 09:08 AM
cops like going after hookers cause it's so much safer than chasing bad guys. Every vice arrest is LE time not spent preventing rapes, murders, robberies, drug busts, etc.

"Drug busts" are in the category of "vice arrest[s]."

08-10-2006, 03:21 PM
in all fairness CL isn't the best place to look for an escort anyway...................

LE has caught on and are doing multiple same hour posts with bullshit pics saying they are trannies or GG's getting simps to fall for it

not to plug this site too much but in all actuality the best place to find a ts/tv is on sites like these, or on eros OVER CL[/quote]

Thanks, JWBL...the way i read about this bust, though, is that the girls, not the johns were arrested. my question is, if they are going after the girls on CL, why not the ones on eros, etc.? do those disclaimers at the bottom of the ads ("this is not an offer for prostitution") carry any weight?

Shining Star
08-12-2006, 11:47 AM
in all fairness CL isn't the best place to look for an escort anyway...................

LE has caught on and are doing multiple same hour posts with bullshit pics saying they are trannies or GG's getting simps to fall for it

not to plug this site too much but in all actuality the best place to find a ts/tv is on sites like these, or on eros OVER CL

Thanks, JWBL...the way i read about this bust, though, is that the girls, not the johns were arrested. my question is, if they are going after the girls on CL, why not the ones on eros, etc.? do those disclaimers at the bottom of the ads ("this is not an offer for prostitution") carry any weight?[/QUOTE]No, those "disclaimers" aren't worth the paper they are printed on/bandwith they take up, and will not hold up in court.

In most all states it is one's actions that constitute weather or not a criminal act is committed, and just because one says one is not doing something in print, does not mean one can do it in person and not be convicted.

In NYS the criminal code defines prositution as offering/accepting sex for money. Money does NOT have to change hands, nor does the sex act have to take place. The fact that one offered is enough to get a conviction. Offering by the way does not have to be an explict quid pro bono action. If LE arrives and one discusses, accepts, makes a gesture to accept, or anything else that indicates a willingness to complete the transaction, that is enough for an arrest. How strong the case is and weather or not it will stand up in court is another matter.

One cannot state in one's advert that one is offering say "massage only" (especially if one does not have a license), yet when a customer arrives is wearing lingerie, or changes into something other than normal attire for a massage professional. Courts will often use the "duck" rule; if it walks like a duck, talks, like a duck, it is a duck. Meaning a normal respectable woman/person would NOT invite a total stranger into her/his home, get undressed/wearing lingerie and just offer to have sex. These things taken in context with the advert, and whatever else LE can dig up (previous convictions, complaints of constant traffic of men, recording of telephone conversations/emails, etc, will build the case. Most of this is not required as most all prossie arrests plead guilty and take the fine/short jail stay, rather than risk being put away for a year.

The only method that would work is not to mention anything about quid pro quo in any communication (emails, telephone conversations, in person), until after the act is complete. This may only get a person so far as various states do allow LE not only to undress for undercover prossie stings, but touch the suspected prossie as well. NYS is not one of those states, and while LE will strip down to their undergarments, they cannot touch. This is usually a moot point, as more often than not, if NY LE gains entry, the girl/guy is going down. It will be up to the DA's office to make the case stick. Again, most will just take the plea.

As for busting CL vs Eros, LE works all sources. One NY LE told me ages ago, "we know where most all of them are, it is just a matter of how much time and effort vice wishes to put into making the arrest". One girl I knew who was popped was in the holding cell in the vice division and could hear LE making calls, sending emails to various prossies. They had Screw, the VV, and other papers scattered about/posted on a board, and of course print outs from the big websites such as Eros and Exotics.

Lots of people think that indoor prossing is very down low, when in fact it is VERY easy for LE to find out who is where. One phone call to the phone company and they know who's phone number is listed and the name of the customer who holds the account. From there the rest is just plugging the name into a database and see what comes up, especially if you have been arrested before anywhere. If neighboors complain, they will ask for the landlord's name/if the person knows the suspects real name/and or name on the mail box.

CL is easy pickings mainly because most of the girls/guys on there are clueless, and or they have already been "downtown" one, two or so many times it no longer matters. As for taking mainly the pros versus the johns, that has always been the case. It is easier pickings going after the pros, versus trying to set up indoor/street stings for johns. Those sort of stings are dangerous and require lots of back up to protect the LE doing the undercover work.

08-13-2006, 12:48 AM
i just read about 4 girls getting busted for prostitution through their craigslist ads...will the cops be going after eros (and all the rest) too?

They have been going after Eros girls for years.

Don't assume that placing an ad on Eros, CL or any place online offeres any kind of protection. A lot of the same shit that girls face on the corner, they face on line. Cops, jerks, freaks, the whole nine.

A vice squad looks at online ads like shooting fish in a pond because a lot of girl get less cautious as if police don't have internet access.

08-13-2006, 09:18 AM
lol, ive been arrested off craigslist before. It was awful. They went all out to get me. The guy came to pick me up at my house and even tried to get me to open beer in his car. He got me to quote sex for $ as oppose to $ for time and i spent a week in rykers island. They even tried to get me and Melannia in Mass during our last visit, but i outsmarted them this time. When the undercover came in he started talking about sexual activities, and i was like "excuse me? e're not prostitutes!!! We are pro escorts. Now should something happen while we hang, so be it, but thats not the type of service i offer!" He called me back after he left saying that he had friends who were interested in seeing me as well, and he was gonna tell them. COME ON! How many middle aged MARRIED men do u know who have friends they talk to about prostitutes in general... let alone TRANSSEXUAL escorts!!! His pathetic attempt to get me made me laugh. I told him "I hope u do tell your friends, i dont want ANYONE calling me thinking im a prostitute!"

Would u believe that the next morning, me and melania wake up and find a review on cl stating that we are fakes. I guess they figured if they couldnt arrest us, they aint want us to make any $ either lol. we called him a fool w a badge. So when i check out of my room, the guy on duty tells me how the police came looking for me and requesting my personal information. He said he knew what was up and he didnt give it to him. He described the same guy. He wen back 2 days later!!! LOL. Talk abou no life. I kno his partners must have been laughing at him for not getting us. Outsmarted by a ts... thats gotta hurt. Anyway, i think they have my phone tapped now. They must reaaaaaaallly want me

08-13-2006, 10:31 AM
I hope their pets are safe and they return home soon. :D

Shining Star
08-14-2006, 02:57 AM
I hope their pets are safe and they return home soon. :DA week in Rikers? Girl did you have warrants or something? *LOL*

Seriously, NYC treats prossies quite harshly in terms of pleas,convictions and such. Look at that DJ who got into so much trouble for running his mouth. In the end all he got was ACD (Adjourment In Contemplation of Dissmisal) which means if he does not get into anymore trouble for six months, the case is dissmissed and files sealed.

Have heard of even first time girls/guys doing at least one or two nights, having to plead guilty to prossing, and doing several days of community service, plus a fine and take mandatory VD classes. If they take you to Mid-Town Community Court, you WILL be convicted, do time and the rest since that system is set up to make sure "low level" crimes do not get off "scot free". If one goes downtown to criminal court, there is a chance depending upon circumstaces for the judge to take pity and either give ACD, or let the person plead to lower charges.

Have only heard of one girl who got her charges lowered to an offense instead of the criminal charge of prossing at Mid-Town, but it was her first time in and my girl was thinking fast on her feet.

Lots of girls get "caught" simply out of being lazy, and or stupid. Think how many times someone calls and says the are "at the corner", and once given the address/location does not show up. That is a BIG warning. It could be someone who was there before and decided against a repeat visit, or it might very well be LE confirming location. Worst thing any one can do is sit around and not peeping their corner when someone says they are calling from the location.

It is like the previous poster stated, LE treats calling ads like shooting fish in a barrel. They will spend a shift calling/trawling around, and unless one is on their feet, they will get caught. It only takes one slip, or moment of letting one's guard down.

Here are some tips I've been able to glean from girls who have been taken in by NYC LE.

1. Never let anyone use the bathroom. - LE goes in there to call/contact (they always are wearing a wire), their back up to let them know what is going down.

2. Never lower the lights. LE uses the lowering of lights to signal backup waiting outside which apartment they are in.

3. Never turn on loud music. LE wants some sort of background noise so the girl cannot hear back up storming the building/waiting in the hall to gain entry.

4. If a person won't touch you, get them the heck out. NYC LE cannot touch a prossie, so if someone insists you get undressed and they will not, and or backs away when you try to touch them, and or reaches out to pull down a bra strap then jumps away it is LE. The last bit is to make you MORE undressed so when LE busts down the door you will be in a state they can photograph that will hold up in court to prove what you wear wearing/doing at the time of the bust. And make no mistake they will take pictures, LOTS of pictures. Of the apartment/house, bed, condoms (which they will confiscate as evidence).

5. Listen to your inner mind. If something does not feel right, tell the guy to bounce. Better to be out $$$ than be arrested.

If one is popped:

1. KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. LE is wired and there will be three or four of them (besides the undercover), in your place to make the arrest. Everything you say will be taken down/recorded and used against you. They will play "good cop" and tell you " Just tell us what happened and we will see", or some such nonesense. Don't say anything nor believe anything LE says. You are going to be arrested and taken down regardless of what you tell them, you are not being let go.

2. Keep your personal ID and other stuff (mail, bills, etc), locked away. LE will be looking for anything with your name to take with you/them not only to speed processing, but to make sure you cannot give a false name.

3. Don't punk out. LE may ask you about other girls/things going on. If you are going down, so be it, but don't rat out on anyone else.

4. Ask to contact your attorney ASAP. Say nothing until you do besides your name. If you do not have one, and are going to rely on Legal Aid, then continue to say nothing until you see an attorney.
Again everything you say is taken down and LE will contact newspapers/media about arrests. So if LE asks "this is a very expensive area to live in, how do you pay your rent". And you reply "oh I work for XXX company". You can bet it will be in some media outlet "Employee of "XXX" company arrested for ....". LE will do everything they can to degrade and humliate you, not only does it give them kicks, but to them it will hopefully act as a deterant.

This last bit causes a bit of debate, as some will say not co-operating with LE makes things worse. Well girl, you've been arrested, how much "worse" can things be? LE cannot try or convict you, that is up to the courts. As I said before, they are not going to let you go with a desk appearance ticket (that went out with Mayor G.), if you are arrested you WILL be put through the system, period. The only lee-way NYC LE has is weather or not to send you to the community courts or central criminal court for each bourgh. Community courts are for low level offenses/crimes like smoking pot in public, drinking in public, shoplifting, and so on. The benefit is one is processed some what faster than the crowded community courts, and are not in with suspected rapists, thugs, etc..., the down side is the community courts are designed to make sure you "pay" for your crime, and prossie cases are rarely dismissed or pleaed down.

5. Do not automatically plead guilty without speaking to a good attorney. Only you know what the circumstances of your arrest were, but a good attorney can look at things and sum up your chances of being convicted. Legal Aid pretty much tells girls to just plead guilty and get things over with. This is ok if one is not worried about being a convicted criminal with a rap sheet, but if you are even thinking of doing anything else with your life, a prossie conviction (which qualifies as a moral turpitude convictin), and severely limit your options.

Finally a bit of advice. Have see many a girl after they have been popped, and can only say the first time is a wake up call. Now that LE has gotten you once, the likelyhood they will again goes up greatly. Especially if you continue to work out of the same address (now you know why girls change their name, phone numbers, move about so much). Subsequent arrests will likely mean a few more days jail time/higher fine, etc. If you want to leave the business, now this that time. While not easy, one arrest/conviction can sometimes be overlooked, explained, but several will likely consign you to working at MacDonalds for the rest of your life, flipping burgers, not handling cash.

08-14-2006, 03:12 AM
I hope their pets are safe and they return home soon. :DA week in Rikers? Girl did you have warrants or something? *LOL*

Seriously, NYC treats prossies quite harshly in terms of pleas,convictions and such. Look at that DJ who got into so much trouble for running his mouth. In the end all he got was ACD (Adjourment In Contemplation of Dissmisal) which means if he does not get into anymore trouble for six months, the case is dissmissed and files sealed.

Have heard of even first time girls/guys doing at least one or two nights, having to plead guilty to prossing, and doing several days of community service, plus a fine and take mandatory VD classes. If they take you to Mid-Town Community Court, you WILL be convicted, do time and the rest since that system is set up to make sure "low level" crimes do not get off "scot free". If one goes downtown to criminal court, there is a chance depending upon circumstaces for the judge to take pity and either give ACD, or let the person plead to lower charges.

Have only heard of one girl who got her charges lowered to an offense instead of the criminal charge of prossing at Mid-Town, but it was her first time in and my girl was thinking fast on her feet.

Lots of girls get "caught" simply out of being lazy, and or stupid. Think how many times someone calls and says the are "at the corner", and once given the address/location does not show up. That is a BIG warning. It could be someone who was there before and decided against a repeat visit, or it might very well be LE confirming location. Worst thing any one can do is sit around and not peeping their corner when someone says they are calling from the location.

It is like the previous poster stated, LE treats calling ads like shooting fish in a barrel. They will spend a shift calling/trawling around, and unless one is on their feet, they will get caught. It only takes one slip, or moment of letting one's guard down.

Here are some tips I've been able to glean from girls who have been taken in by NYC LE.

1. Never let anyone use the bathroom. - LE goes in there to call/contact (they always are wearing a wire), their back up to let them know what is going down.

2. Never lower the lights. LE uses the lowering of lights to signal backup waiting outside which apartment they are in.

3. Never turn on loud music. LE wants some sort of background noise so the girl cannot hear back up storming the building/waiting in the hall to gain entry.

4. If a person won't touch you, get them the heck out. NYC LE cannot touch a prossie, so if someone insists you get undressed and they will not, and or backs away when you try to touch them, and or reaches out to pull down a bra strap then jumps away it is LE. The last bit is to make you MORE undressed so when LE busts down the door you will be in a state they can photograph that will hold up in court to prove what you wear wearing/doing at the time of the bust. And make no mistake they will take pictures, LOTS of pictures. Of the apartment/house, bed, condoms (which they will confiscate as evidence).

5. Listen to your inner mind. If something does not feel right, tell the guy to bounce. Better to be out $$$ than be arrested.

If one is popped:

1. KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. LE is wired and there will be three or four of them (besides the undercover), in your place to make the arrest. Everything you say will be taken down/recorded and used against you. They will play "good cop" and tell you " Just tell us what happened and we will see", or some such nonesense. Don't say anything nor believe anything LE says. You are going to be arrested and taken down regardless of what you tell them, you are not being let go.

2. Keep your personal ID and other stuff (mail, bills, etc), locked away. LE will be looking for anything with your name to take with you/them not only to speed processing, but to make sure you cannot give a false name.

3. Don't punk out. LE may ask you about other girls/things going on. If you are going down, so be it, but don't rat out on anyone else.

4. Ask to contact your attorney ASAP. Say nothing until you do besides your name. If you do not have one, and are going to rely on Legal Aid, then continue to say nothing until you see an attorney.
Again everything you say is taken down and LE will contact newspapers/media about arrests. So if LE asks "this is a very expensive area to live in, how do you pay your rent". And you reply "oh I work for XXX company". You can bet it will be in some media outlet "Employee of "XXX" company arrested for ....". LE will do everything they can to degrade and humliate you, not only does it give them kicks, but to them it will hopefully act as a deterant.

This last bit causes a bit of debate, as some will say not co-operating with LE makes things worse. Well girl, you've been arrested, how much "worse" can things be? LE cannot try or convict you, that is up to the courts. As I said before, they are not going to let you go with a desk appearance ticket (that went out with Mayor G.), if you are arrested you WILL be put through the system, period. The only lee-way NYC LE has is weather or not to send you to the community courts or central criminal court for each bourgh. Community courts are for low level offenses/crimes like smoking pot in public, drinking in public, shoplifting, and so on. The benefit is one is processed some what faster than the crowded community courts, and are not in with suspected rapists, thugs, etc..., the down side is the community courts are designed to make sure you "pay" for your crime, and prossie cases are rarely dismissed or pleaed down.

5. Do not automatically plead guilty without speaking to a good attorney. Only you know what the circumstances of your arrest were, but a good attorney can look at things and sum up your chances of being convicted. Legal Aid pretty much tells girls to just plead guilty and get things over with. This is ok if one is not worried about being a convicted criminal with a rap sheet, but if you are even thinking of doing anything else with your life, a prossie conviction (which qualifies as a moral turpitude convictin), and severely limit your options.

Finally a bit of advice. Have see many a girl after they have been popped, and can only say the first time is a wake up call. Now that LE has gotten you once, the likelyhood they will again goes up greatly. Especially if you continue to work out of the same address (now you know why girls change their name, phone numbers, move about so much). Subsequent arrests will likely mean a few more days jail time/higher fine, etc. If you want to leave the business, now this that time. While not easy, one arrest/conviction can sometimes be overlooked, explained, but several will likely consign you to working at MacDonalds for the rest of your life, flipping burgers, not handling cash.

very helpful insights might i sy. Should always go with your gut. Everytime i have been arrested the funny thing was i felt it coming and wound up kickibg myself later with the "i should've known's" Thats why this time i was so proud of myself for outsmarting them. My trick is i kiss my clients. I went to kis him and he practically gave me the back of his head. Wierdly enough, as i was standing there plucking my eyebrows (after speaking to the officer on the phone) the thought popped into my hed "wha if i get arrested out here." Thats what ALWAYS happens riht before.

But no i didnt have a warrant but it was my 13th arrest. Before i started making a name for myself onlin i DID partake in streetwork, i wont deny. I had gotten arestd a few times on 14st as well as 43st. It took 13 arreste foor me to learn from my mistakes... they wont get me again!

08-14-2006, 03:30 AM
... they wont get me again!

I think flamboyant Mayor of Boston, James Michael Curley, said something to this effect. I'm not sure if it was before or after he made the announcement about his run for Massachusetts Governor.

BTW, he made that announcement from his cell at Walpole.

Never say never, just CYA. :wink:

08-14-2006, 03:43 AM
... they wont get me again!

I think flamboyant Mayor of Boston, James Michael Curley, said something to this effect. I'm not sure if it was before or after he made the announcement about his run for Massachusetts Governor.

BTW, he made that announcement from his cell at Walpole.

Never say never, just CYA. :wink:

u trying to jinx me... PUNK? lol j/k
I'll do all i can to avoid it ;-)

08-14-2006, 05:08 AM
sounds like you're NYPD shining star.
thanks for a great post. no one should ever be arrested for doing what we do.

08-14-2006, 06:13 AM
sounds like you're NYPD shining star.
thanks for a great post. no one should ever be arrested for doing what we do.

this msg from RUBY under melania's sn... my comp crashed

im not sure if that was sarcasm.... i know girls who have been arrested 60 times and more.... everytime they get arrested they do 30 days automatically now. I havent been arrested in over a year, and i was young and naive during most of the cases. Im not gonna sit here and argue either whether it should be legalized either, cuz if it was it will be taxed lol. I just dont feel that police should put us top priority when theres so much worse going on out there.

i remember one time getting arrested on 43rd there was a shotout down the block form the corner wheree i was being help by the police along with a female pros... they called for units nearby and the police paid it no mind and continued with us!!! We werent even arrested for prostitution.... loitering!

I remember a time when my girlfriend was in trouble with a guy who found out her "deal" and she needed a police escort to her home. The guy who didnt know had a lot of pull in her neighborhood and he wanted to kill her. The police wouldnt help. We went to the precinct and they said we should go to the house and call 9i11. "If we could go to the house WE WOULDNT HAVE NEDED THEM! It was horrible.

08-15-2006, 12:49 AM
no sarcasm intended. I think shining star had some sincere and helpful tips on being careful and avoiding arrest. I hate the fact that you had to do time, you're no more a criminal than Michael Bloomberg.

but you're right, if they legalize prostitution, you'll get killed with taxes.

08-15-2006, 05:08 AM
I'll try to keep this as simple as possible so that the viewing LE (not you shining, lol) doesn't consider me a pimp

this might work and it might not work for some of you broads.........

TAKE YOUR ASSES TO AMSTERDAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I walked down a street in Amsterdam and it was a block of trannies, all in their own glass door they rented out in broad daylight waiting for clients....... Legal as fuck over there, I remember speaking to a GG who was working over there she was from Brazil and was sending money home, no bullshit we met in Citibank over there..................

Keep your clientele you know & trust as a list but for that urge to make that quick buck do it somewhere muhfuckas don't care...........

other locations: Vegas (possibly, not sure ladies only been there once) & Toronto