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08-07-2006, 07:34 PM
Even the hippies who`ve sobered up are worried.

!Go neo-marxist left go ! :claps

The "peace" Democrats are back. It's a dream come true for Karl Rove.

Monday, August 7, 2006 12:01 a.m
Mr. Peretz is editor in chief of The New Republic.

We have been here before. Left-wing Democrats are once again fielding single-issue "peace candidates," and the one in Connecticut, like several in the 1970s, is a middle-aged patrician, seeking office de haut en bas, and almost entirely because he can. It's really quite remarkable how someone like Ned Lamont, from the stock of Morgan partner Thomas Lamont and that most high-born American Stalinist, Corliss Lamont, still sends a chill of "having arrived" up the spines of his suburban supporters simply by asking them to support him. Superficially, one may think of those who thought they were already middle class just by being enthusiasts of Franklin Roosevelt, who descended from the Hudson River Dutch aristocracy. But when FDR ran for, and was elected, president in 1932, he had already been a state senator, assistant secretary of the Navy and governor of New York. He had demonstrated abilities.
At least in this sense, Mr. Lamont comes to this campaign for the U.S. Senate from absolutely nowhere--and it shows in his pulpy statements on public issues. Here is a paradigmatic one: "We need to provide parents and communities the support they need to assure that children start their school day ready to learn." Of course, he also thinks that U.S. troops should be replaced by the U.N. in Iraq. Does he know anything at all about the history of the idea that he so foolishly rescues from the dust? So what we have in this candidacy is someone, with no public record to speak of but with perhaps a quarter of a billion dollars to his name, who wants to be a senator. Mr. Lamont has almost no experience in public life. He was a cable television entrepreneur, a run-of-the-mill contemporary commercant with unusually easy access to capital.

But he does have one issue, and it is Iraq. He grasps little of the complexities of his issue, but then this, too, is true of the genus of the peace candidate. Peace candidates know only one thing, and that is why people vote for them. I know the type well. I was present at its creation.
I was there, a partisan, as a graduate student at the beginning, in 1962, when the eminent Harvard historian H. Stuart Hughes (grandson of Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes) ran for the U.S. Senate as an independent against George Cabot Lodge and the victor, Ted Kennedy, a trio of what in the Ivies is, somewhat derisively, called "legacies." Hughes's platform fixed on President John F. Kennedy's belligerent policy towards Cuba, which had been crystallized in the "Bay of Pigs" fiasco. The campaign ended, however, with Hughes winning a dreary 1% of the vote when Krushchev capitulated to JFK just before the election and brought the missile crisis to an end, leaving Fidel Castro in power as an annoyance (which he is still, though maybe not much longer), but not as a threat.

Later peace candidates did better. Some were even elected. Vietnam was their card. One was even nominated for president in 1972. George McGovern, a morally imperious isolationist with fellow-traveling habits, never could shake the altogether accurate analogies with Henry Wallace. (Wallace was the slightly dopey vice president, dropped from the ticket by FDR in 1944, who ran for president on the Progressive Party ticket, a creation of Stalin's agents in the U.S.) Mr. McGovern's trouncing by Richard Nixon, a reprobate president if we ever had one, augured the recessional--if not quite the collapse--of such Democratic politics, which insisted our enemy in the Cold War was not the Soviets but us.

It was then that people like Joe Lieberman emerged, muscular on defense, assertive in foreign policy, genuinely liberal on social and economic matters, but not doctrinaire on regulatory issues. He had marched for civil rights and is committed to an equal opportunity agenda with equal opportunity results. He has qualms about affirmative action. But who, in his hearts of hearts, does not? He is appalled by the abysmal standards of our popular culture and our public discourse. Who really loves our popular culture--or, at least, which parent? He is thoroughly a Democrat. But Mr. Lieberman believes that, in an age of communal and global stress, one would do well to speak with the president (even, on rare occasion, speak well of him) and compromise with him on urgent matters of practical law.

Yes, Mr. Lieberman sometimes sounds a bit treacly. He certainly is preachy, and advertises his sense of his own righteousness. But he has also been brave, and bravery is a rare trait in politicians, especially in states that are really true-blue or, for that matter, really true-red. The blogosphere Democrats, whose victory Mr. Lamont's will be if Mr. Lamont wins, have made Iraq the litmus test for incumbents. There are many reasonable, and even correct, reproofs that one may have for the conduct of the war. They are, to be sure, all retrospective. But one fault cannot be attributed to the U.S., and that is that we are on the wrong side. We are at war in a just cause, to protect the vulnerable masses of the country from the helter-skelter ideological and religious mass-murderers in their midst. Our enemies are not progressive peasants as was imagined three and four decades ago.

If Mr. Lieberman goes down, the thought-enforcers of the left will target other centrists as if the center was the locus of a terrible heresy, an emphasis on national strength. Of course, they cannot touch Hillary Clinton, who lists rightward and then leftward so dexterously that she eludes positioning. Not so Mr. Lieberman. He does not camouflage his opinions. He does not play for safety, which is why he is now unsafe.

Now Mr. Lamont's views are also not camouflaged. They are just simpleminded. Here, for instance, is his take on what should be done about Iran's nuclear-weapons venture: "We should work diplomatically and aggressively to give them reasons why they don't need to build a bomb, to give them incentives. We have to engage in very aggressive diplomacy. I'd like to bring in allies when we can. I'd like to use carrots as well as sticks to see if we can change the nature of the debate." Oh, I see. He thinks the problem is that they do not understand, and so we should explain things to them, and then they will do the right thing. It is a fortunate world that Mr. Lamont lives in, but it is not the real one. Anyway, this sort of plying is precisely what has been going on for years, and to no good effect. Mr. Lamont continues that "Lieberman is the one who keeps talking about keeping the military option on the table." And what is so plainly wrong with that? Would Mahmoud Ahmadinejad be more agreeable if he thought that we had disposed of the military option in favor of more country club behavior?

Finally, the contest in Connecticut tomorrow is about two views of the world. Mr. Lamont's view is that there are very few antagonists whom we cannot mollify or conciliate. Let's call this process by its correct name: appeasement. The Greenwich entrepreneur might call it "incentivization." Mr. Lieberman's view is that there are actually enemies who, intoxicated by millennial delusions, are not open to rational and reciprocal arbitration. Why should they be? After all, they inhabit a universe of inevitability, rather like Nazis and communists, but with a religious overgloss. Such armed doctrines, in Mr. Lieberman's view, need to be confronted and overwhelmed.

Almost every Democrat feels obliged to offer fraternal solidarity to Israel, and Mr. Lamont is no exception. But here, too, he blithely assumes that the Palestinians could be easily conciliated. All that it would have needed was President Bush's attention. Mr. Lamont has repeated the accusation, disproved by the "road map" and Ariel Sharon's withdrawal from Gaza, that Mr. Bush paid little or even no attention to the festering conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. And has Mr. Lamont noticed that the Palestinians are now ruled, and by their own choice, by Hamas? Is Hamas, too, just a few good arguments away from peace?

The Lamont ascendancy, if that is what it is, means nothing other than that the left is trying, and in places succeeding, to take back the Democratic Party. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Maxine Waters have stumped for Mr. Lamont. As I say, we have been here before. Ned Lamont is Karl Rove's dream come true. If he, and others of his stripe, carry the day, the Democratic party will lose the future, and deservedly.

08-07-2006, 11:48 PM
It comes as no surprise that the neo-con neo-nazis and their other right-wing extremist cohorts are afraid...very afraid indeed...

'I'm not Bush,' pleads trailing Lieberman before vote


BRIDGEPORT, Conn. - Joseph Lieberman, once a Democratic star, reached back to his political past as a prosecutor yesterday to deliver his "closing argument" in what could be his last campaign as a Democratic senator from Connecticut.
Lieberman, his party's nominee for vice president in 2000, is facing the prospect of losing a Democratic primary tomorrow to anti-war upstart Ned Lamont, a cable-TV millionaire. Lamont leads the senator 54% to 41%, according to the latest poll by Quinnipiac University.

"This is my closing argument to the people of Connecticut," Lieberman said after a speech at Bridgeport's New Vision Evangelical Ministries, where he was accompanied by D.C. Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton.

"It's not just about Iraq," Lieberman said, casting himself as a progressive who has fought for health care, Social Security, education and the environment.

Portraying Lamont as a political novice and an opportunist, Lieberman complained that Lamont has spent $4 million of his own money on a campaign of "smears" and "lies" to link the relatively conservative senator with President Bush.

"Look at me, folks - I'm not George Bush," Lieberman said, pointing to his 18 years in the Senate. He has vowed to stay in the race on an independent line if he loses the primary.

Lamont shot back that Lieberman's campaign is spending more and attacked Lieberman's record.

"What has that 18 years got us?" Lamont asked at a fire-department carnival in Orange. "I just don't think Washington should be just for those who are lifetime career politicians. How about a guy who started up a business from scratch?"


Rep. Bob Ney drops re-election bid By JOHN McCARTHY, Associated Press Writer
39 minutes ago

COLUMBUS, Ohio - Republican Rep. Bob Ney (news, bio, voting record) abruptly abandoned his bid for re-election Monday, becoming the latest Capitol Hill figure to fall victim to the Jack Abramoff scandal.

The six-term congressman insisted in a statement that he was innocent and said he was acting for the sake of his family.

"I must think of them first, and I can no longer put them through this ordeal," he said.

He is the second congressman to announce his retirement in the fallout from the probe. Former Majority Leader Tom DeLay of Texas resigned from Congress earlier this year, but Democrats have gone to court to block removal of his name from the November ballot.

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060807/ap_on_el_ho/congressman_withdraws;_ylt=AvSv2fkH1JxvgNa.ATQmwIK yFz4D;_ylu=X3oDMTA2Z2szazkxBHNlYwN0bQ--

Casey Leads Sen. Santorum in Pa. Poll

Aug 6, 4:30 PM (ET)

ALLENTOWN, Pa. (AP) - The latest independent statewide poll shows Democratic challenger Bob Casey with a slight lead over Republican incumbent Rick Santorum in their hotly contested Senate race.

The poll found 45 percent of the voters questioned supported Casey, the state treasurer, while 39 percent supported Santorum, the No. 3 Senate Republican.

The poll of 550 registered voters was conducted from July 31 to Aug. 3 by The Morning Call of Allentown and the Muhlenberg College Institute of Public Opinion. The poll results carry a sampling error margin of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

The poll, which appeared in Sunday editions of The Morning Call, found 43 percent viewed Santorum favorably and 34 percent unfavorably, compared to a 42-38 favorable-unfavorable split in March.

Casey notched a 39 percent favorability rating and a 21 percent unfavorable score, compared with a 38-18 split in March.

In mid-June, a Quinnipiac University poll of 1,076 registered voters found Casey with a 52 percent to 34 percent lead over Santorum.

In the governor's race, the new poll found Democratic Gov. Ed Rendell holds a 16-point lead over Republican challenger Lynn Swann, compared with only a slight advantage in April. Rendell had support from 51 percent of those surveyed and Swann 35 percent, compared to Rendell's 45-39 lead in late April.



08-08-2006, 01:02 AM
Lieberman, ACU rating 18

Reid, ACU rating 21


08-08-2006, 02:27 AM
You can run...but you can't hide...white canadian chickenhawk cracker...

It looks like the canadian chickenhawks are coming home to roost...pilgram...

08-08-2006, 07:14 PM
You can run...

It looks like the canadian chickenhawks are coming home to roost...pilgram...

McGovern ring a bell? :lol:

The neo-marxist left has forgotten lessons of political history and strategy, and appear poised to return their party to national irrelevancy.

I love it. It`s hilarious to watch. :P

08-12-2006, 11:34 PM
Lieberman, ACU rating 18

Reid, ACU rating 21


LMFAO @ the ACU...and at you....

Lamont Has Truly Arrived--American Conservative Union Hates Him

The American Conservative Union (ACU) is such a relic of political days gone by, that Progressive candidates for national office should covet their condemnation in much the same way that we in the media yearn to be on Bill O'Reilly's enemies list.

After all, groups like the ACU are so far outside the mainstream of American opinion that having them come after you is very much a badge of honor.

Such is the case with the ACU taking all of a nanosecond after Ned Lamont's victory as Connecticut's Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate, to begin coming after him with guns blazing.

"Lamont's victory was a triumph for the left and a defeat for the United States because it may mean that future elections will be run between candidates of a pro-US party and nominees of an anti-US party," said ACU chairman, David Keene, in an August 8 e-mail dispatch to his followers. "Ned Lamont is a nobody with money who became the tool of the MoveOn.org crowd and has managed to demonstrate to the world that there is no room in the Democratic Party for candidates or office holders who disagree with the far left belief that our country is the source of all evil in the world."

I'm sure that comments like that would sting Ned Lamont considerably were Lamont not a respected man and his party's nominee for a U.S. Senate seat and Keene not, well, just another right-wing nutcase with a history of being wrong and making bizarre statements.

Here's more from Keene, a man clearly off his medication, as he describes Lamont and the 52 percent of Connecticut Democrats who chose him as their standard bearer on Tuesday:

"The Lamont victory over a former vice presidential candidate of the party means one thing and one thing only. The wealthy but crazed inhabitants of the left wing fever swamps are taking over a party that has been trying to reidentify with the voters that allowed it to dominate American politics for most of the last century. The purge that began with the McGovernite seizure of the party in the early seventies has been reinvigorated.
"The boys and girls who lionized Che, Mao and Fidel in the 60s and 70s have grown up and are now championing suicide bombers and telling us that the rulers of nations like Iran and North Korea are really just misunderstood. Their own country appalls them and they are convinced that if it weren't for the United States, the world would be a far safer and more pleasant place."

Wow, I was too busy playing in Little League baseball to study Mao and I can't say I recall the last fundraiser I attended for suicide bombers either.... Keene's charges would sound pretty damning coming from a more mentally-balanced person wouldn't they?

He must be talking about Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean who, speaking of the current security environment and the Democratic plan to protect Americans, said that the events in the United Kingdom yesterday "...are a troubling reminder that we are living in dangerous and trying times. These are times that call for real leadership. Not posturing, or name calling."

Said Dean:

"As Americans we must be unwavering in our commitment to fighting and winning the war on terror. We need a new direction in our national defense policies that's tough and smart. That means tracking down terrorists and providing our troops and agencies with the tools they need to stop future attacks, implementing the 9/11 Commission recommendations to close the gaps in our security, securing our ports and borders, chemical and nuclear power plants and properly equipping our first responders and our national guard.
"It also means we have to be honest about the failures of our current foreign policies, which have let Iraq slip into civil war, enabled Iran to increase its nuclear capabilities, failed to address the growing threat posed by North Korea, and Afghanistan has seen a resurgence of the Taliban. Osama Bin Laden, Al Qaeda's mastermind, is still on the loose, and the Middle East is deep in crisis."

Yeah, those must be the kind of wild-eyed, radical thoughts that Keene is talking about.

And let's hear from Lamont himself, the subject of the ACU's silly missive:

"We need to focus on our security, on apprehending Osama Bin Laden and other terrorist leaders and on building a credible, effective foreign policy with our allies. In the United States Senate, I will support policies to make us safer and stronger, and attentive to our true priorities," said the Democratic Senate nominee yesterday. "We need to change course, and that means standing up to this administration and fighting for our security in a rational, serious way rather than being bogged down in a war than is harmful to our security."

As a reminder, this is the candidate who legitimately won his party's Senate nomination and who the majority of Connecticut voters clearly did not feel considers America itself the enemy, as the delusional Keene says.

But Keene has a history of being embarrassingly wrong. It was him, along with Tony Perkins of the ultraconservative Family Research Council, who launched a campaign to defend that stand-up guy, Tom DeLay, against corruption charges -- including a dandy little fundraising scheme to pay for DeLay's mounting legal bills.

"A literal cabal of left wing groups -- in concert with the liberal media -- have initiated a multi-million dollar smear campaign of ABSURD lies and distortion at House Majority Leader Tom DeLay," yelped Keene in 2005.

"It's unbelievable!" he continued hysterically. "The left is actually trying to paint DeLay -- a man who celebrity Ben Stein described as, 'a man with more moral decency in his little finger than his detractors have in their whole bodies' -- as corrupt and ethically challenged. And what is probably more distressing is that THEY ARE SUCCEEDING!"

Of course, Keene leaves out the fact that the real people who succeeded were the people of Texas, who hit Tommy Boy with criminal charges of conspiracy to violate election laws and money laundering.

"But for now -- rest assured that these attacks are nothing more than a combination of lies and trumped-up charges designed to smear the reputation of a man who is well-known for his honest and moral integrity," wrote Keene in 2005, I'm sure somehow managing to keep a straight face. "When I hear the attacks against Tom DeLay, I am reminded of the slogan from George Orwell's novel 1984: "WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH. I tremble when I realize just how far astray things have gone. But I also know that we can beat them at their own game."

So when Keene calls Ned Lamont, his supporters and Connecticut voters "crazed," it kind of makes it hard to do anything but snicker.

What I want to know is, what am I doing wrong that the ACU isn't coming after me?


08-13-2006, 12:21 AM
Lieberman, ACU rating 18

Reid, ACU rating 21


LMFAO @ the ACU...and at you....

Lamont Has Truly Arrived--American Conservative Union Hates Him


Sure,the fluffingtonpost. Pravda lost it`s glamour now that the USSR is dead?

LOL @ Bob Geiger :P
is a writer, activist and Democratic operative in Westchester County, NY.

Just another left-wing shill who thinks the Constitution means whatever he feels it means.