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View Full Version : Hezbollywood Horror/Qana and the Hezbos` Sockpuppets

08-04-2006, 06:26 PM
It was the shot seen round the world: shocking, disturbing, heartrending and intentionally so. [Graphic content appears below and in links.] A man dressed up as a rescue worker held up a dead infant, purportedly killed in the basement of a building that supposedly collapsed after it was allegedly hit by Israeli ordnance.

The AP wire story begins: "Abu Shadi Jradi pulled bodies out of wreckage for hours - two toddler girls wearing tiny gold earrings, a small boy whose pale blue pacifier still hung from his neck [sic]. Somewhere in the middle, Jradi slumped beneath a tree and wept." Since we have a picture of this man pulling the small boy out, it is quite clear that Mr. Jradi is the "Man with the Green Helmet."

Remarkably, although the child was caked the thick dirt, the pacifier -- which in fact was attached to his shirt -- was immaculately clean.

"'There are so many children, so many children," the veteran civil defense worker said Sunday, barely able to get out the words.'"

Certainly the man called Abu Shadi Jradi is a veteran. In April 1996, after a misguided Israeli airstrike which really did kill scores of civilians, he appears in a similar pose [Extremely graphic image], holding up a child's bloodied headless body for the press to photograph. But is he a civil defense worker? http://resistance.jeeran.com/massacres/qana/001.jpg

Based on these descriptions, it seems highly likely that Abu Shadi the mortician and Abu Shadi the green-helmeted "civil defense worker" are one and the same.

Some problematic facts surrounding the Qana incident are already well known. A senior Israel Air Force general said that helicopters fired two rockets -- one of which turned out to be a dud -- just after midnight but the collapse of the house was only reported after 7. Brent Sadler of CNN reported that the only visible crater was 20 or 30 meters from the building. The Israeli general was baffled why the house would have collapsed six or seven hours after the airstrike. It's also possible that, if the crater was up to 100 feet away, the Israeli target was not even the building where the people died.

Other inconsistencies with earlier reports have also appeared in the local press. Rather than a four-story completed apartment building, the Lebanese Star reported on July 31, "The half-finished three-story house belonged to Abbas Hashem and lay at the end of a narrow lane that winds down a hillside flanked by olive groves and small tobacco patches. The Hashem family and their close neighbors, the Shalhoubs, had moved onto the ground floor 10 days earlier, hoping that a large pile of dirt and sand for construction would help protect them." ...
