View Full Version : Gamers?

03-24-2015, 11:33 AM
Come on, show off that amazing gaming/workstation/whatever setup!
Here's mine!

03-24-2015, 01:44 PM
Nice! Luving your triple monitor setup Skye! I'm going to post my workstation/gaming setup in a bit. What's your PC specs? I'm not as heavy of a PC gamer like I used to be, hence I've decided to removed a highend ATi graphics card for quieter computing. Plus, Halo 1 doesn't work natively on Windows 7 ;(

Ts RedVeX
03-24-2015, 01:49 PM
Just because I play computer games doesn't mean I'm gaymer!!:dead:

03-24-2015, 09:16 PM
Nice! Luving your triple monitor setup Skye! I'm going to post my workstation/gaming setup in a bit. What's your PC specs? I'm not as heavy of a PC gamer like I used to be, hence I've decided to removed a highend ATi graphics card for quieter computing. Plus, Halo 1 doesn't work natively on Windows 7 ;(

Can't wait to see it!
Oh, let's see, I don't have the exact model, but...

I run two Radeon 295x2's in XFire; they are both liquid cooled, and fortunately the case supports liquid cooling. The case is an NZXT Phantom E-ATX.

1 TB WD Black
2 TB WD Green
1 TB Intel Hybrid SSD (PCI-E Card)

I use a hybrid SSD because it reads at 3 GB/s and writese at 2 GB/s. My autodesk/programming and other work is prioritized above gaming on the drive. I'm also using an oldschool processor. I just haven't upgraded it, to be honest... AMD Phenom II Black 3.7GHz Quadcore. It's literally so old you can't get it from retailers anymore XD. I literally just don't have the money to make any upgrades right now. I'm also using the sound blaster fatal1ty pci-e card, instead of the crappy built-in card on the motherboard. As for motherboard, asus crosshair v formula. I have a razer tiamat 7.1 analog headset for pc gaming and a razer kraken 7.1 usb headset for ps4 gaming. I need high-end graphics cards because I do a lot of graphics-intensive independent work. It also means I can play a game across all 3 screens, and that's kind of nice other than the fishbowl effect a lot of games produce, since they aren't designed to accommodate the extended field of view. I do also do occasional audio work; I have worked with many sony products like acid and vegas, as well as adobe products like premiere. So I do a lot of video and audio editing. Unfortunately, I'm just not qualified enough to work in either field, but it's a fun hobby! If you have steam or a PS4, feel free to add me from my signature. I absolutely love playing with new people.

my my my!
03-24-2015, 10:36 PM
nice setup Skye,

i am pretty much a PC gamer only.

my rig is

i7 2700k at 3.5 no o.c.
GTX 680 4gb MSi twin frozr
windows 7 64bit home premium
only one ASUS monitor (even at my height of pc gaming, have never liked the 3 monitor setup)
16 gb ram
2 tb hard drive
120gb SSD Kingston

regular stupid mouse
some games i play: Arma 3, Insurgency, some BF4, Skyrim. S.t.a.l.k.e.r. series, Metro 2033 and last light redux.

i've been getting alot into side scrollers, like this war of mine, trine, mark of the ninja and so on.

so far my PC runs everything i throw at it max :)

03-24-2015, 10:58 PM
Ah, shit. That's what I forgot to include.
2dimm 8gb (16gb) Kingston Hyper-X 2,133MHz ram. <- This is freaking beast.

I use a logitech mmo gaming mouse, and the g510 keyboard.

the monitors that i'm running are LED SMART displays. SMART is just a fancy acronym for "Features that no one ever uses."

I, too, run windows 7 64bit, but ultimate ed.

You can check out all of the games that I've played, at least on steam, here: http://steamcommunity.com/id/palevixen/games/?tab=all#0|25

I also play a lot of guild wars 2. I'm on blackgate if anyone plays. I used to play final fantasy 14 but the raids weren't challenging so I ended up quitting.

As for the intel/amd argument, I find intel hyper threading is great in a work environment, but overkill for gaming environments. It's generally why I stick to AMD for gaming, but spending less on the processor means i can splurge on those 2,000$ graphics cards. As of now, Every game to hit the market, I've played at 5760x1080. I run vsync at a stable 60fps. I still haven't needed to upgrade the processor I bought in 2010 since games these days are limited generally only by the GPU you're running.

03-25-2015, 01:37 AM
I don't have the kind of rig you've got, but I'm pretty happy with mine:

Windows 7 Professional 64-bit

Asrock z77 Extreme4 Motherboard
Intel Core i5 3570K (OC to 4.1 Ghz, although I might go higher eventually)
-CPU cooled with an Arctic Cooling Freezer i30
AMD Radeon R9 290x Sapphire Tri-X OC edition (4GB edition, wish I'd known they were going to release it in 8GB)

8 GB (total) G.Skill Sniper DDR3 1866 RAM. I can only fit two RAM modules in my DIMMs because of the size of my CPU fansink... 8GB is enough for now, but I might be wishing for 4-8GB more in a few years, although by then I'll probably upgrade again.

1TB Western Digital Caviar Black HDD
1TB external HDD (can't remember the brand), for Windows backups
500GB external HDD (can't remember the brand), for other backups (porn, mostly, :D and music)

Seasonic X 650W PSU

Rosewill Ranger case. I run it with 2 120mm fans (one in front lower, intake; and one in back, exhaust) and one 140mm fan up top in the rear, also for exhaust. The PSU sits on the bottom and pulls air from under the case. The fans are pretty quiet, and I replaced the top 140mm fan with a Corsair AF140, which is ultra quiet, although the fans that came with the case are pretty quiet, too.

ASUS 24" monitor, 1920x1080

Microsoft Sidewinder X4 Keyboard
Microsoft Laser Mouse 5000 (i'm getting kind of sick of it and might want an actual gaming mouse, but a lot of them feel odd in my hand)

I have a pair of Logitech X-140 speakers. I don't bother much with an extensive surround sound with my PC, although sometimes I wish I had.

I've upgraded my GPU on this PC once since I assembled it, and I expect the motherboard/CPU combination to last me for at least another year before it starts to lag behind the latest stuff. I'm going to get Windows 10 when it comes out this summer.
When I do upgrade, I'd like to do the SSD/HDD hybrid setup, with the OS on the SSD.

I have a lot of games...but I haven't played the most recent ones I've got. I get most of them on Steam these days. I was a big fan of the Mass Effect series, and Dragon Age (finished the latest in that series a month ago), and I have all of those in both series. I have all, or well, most of the Assassin's Creed series, except for a few of the spinoffs, but I have all the main games. I'm trying to get through Unity now, after it's finally been patched to a more playable state. It's one of the best looking games I've ever seen, but the gameplay is kind of...meh. I just recently finished Far Cry 4 and it was a lot of fun like Far Cry 3 before it. I used to play World of Warcraft, but it got kind of old. I haven't played StarCraft II in forever, but I do play Diablo 3 pretty often. There are a bunch of other games I've forgotten, though. I cycle a lot of them out now, because my hard drive space is getting rather limited with the newest games, since they all seem to have huge file sizes. I'd like to get GTA V, Arkham Knight, and I've already preordered The Witcher III, but I'm going to have to clear a whole bunch of space. I do have about 300GB left, though. I still have Shadows of Mordor to play, along with Alien: Isolation. Oh yeah, and Metrox Redux. I probably have a few others sitting in my Steam library that I haven't downloaded yet.

03-27-2015, 03:06 AM
Here's my setup.