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View Full Version : On the Ground with Lamont/Lieberman (Huff.Post tolerance)

08-02-2006, 09:50 PM
More bile and "tolerance" from that steaming pile of crap we laughingly refer to as the Fluffington Post(their pics) :lol: :


E.J. Dionne repeats a piece of conventional wisdom that irks the hell out of me every time I hear it - if Lieberman loses the primary and runs as an independent it will distract everyone from the true villain, the GOP, and therefore we should just give him a pass.

Balderdash. Lieberman has been an integral part of the GOP's bully machine for the past six years, the Democrat useful for his willingness to dicipline his own kind. Ned Lamont is running a legitimate primary contest and Joe is refusing to abide by the results of that primary. As Lowell Weicker said the other day, when he became an independent he didn't screw with the Republican primary first (my words not his) he just left. Joe is mucking up the Democratic primary and then abandoning the party to attack it from the outside. How this is the fault of Ned Lamont or his supporters I would very much like to know...

08-03-2006, 05:57 AM
More bile and "tolerance" from that steaming pile of crap we laughingly refer to as the Fluffington Post(their pics) :lol: :

We being you, and the others that Allanah is referring to here...

I have said it before and I will say it again.

If you are ON THIS SITE, ANY PORN SITE, ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLE SITE, or you practice any form of an alternative sexual lifestyle and you support Dubya and THIS ADMINISTRATION and consider yourself to be part f the right wing or moral majority-

YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A GOOD OLE' HYPOCRITE, IN THE CLOSET, YELLOW COCKSUCKER WHO LIKES TO TAKE IT IN THE ARSE, SWALLOW JIZZ, then politely wipe your mouth go home and kiss your wife- and then HAVE NERVE to talk shit about the homos and all the other rhetoric the right wing loves to spew out.

I know this type very well, because I have lived it. Believe you me, the ones out there talking shit about fags, trannys, rasing hell, fire, and brimstome, and trying to dictate morality- are the first ones to go suck a cock behind closed doors.

HYPOCRITES. Nothing but HYPOCRITES is all I can say.

08-03-2006, 05:52 PM
Bigots and hypocrites to be found here, exposed :P :

Endorsements for Lamont; Picture puts 'blackface' on Lieberman

Bridgeport-WTNH, Aug. 2, 2006 6:10 PM) _ Reverends Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton visited Mount Aery Baptist Church in Bridgeport to announced their endorsement of challenger Ned Lamont in his campaign against Sen. Joseph Lieberman. A picture of Lieberman in 'blackface' on a Lamont supporter's blog drew criticism

08-04-2006, 02:34 AM
Yuk Yuk

08-04-2006, 04:55 AM
Bigots and hypocrites to be found here, exposed :P :


Calling liberals bigots and hypocrites?

Aren't they the party of diversity and TOLERANCE?

LOL. They'll tolerate you, just as long as you agree with their ideology.

08-04-2006, 10:41 PM

08-04-2006, 11:39 PM
If Lieberman, McCain, and Hillary teamed up they could call themselves the two-faced (or maybe three-faced) triad ticket...finally we would have a viable and revolutionary third party ticket... :roll:

A touching pic of two war-loving lovers...I wonder if shrubya slipped him any tongue?