View Full Version : Harassment/Police Discrimination

Carlos Cain
03-22-2015, 11:29 PM
I know a girl who has recently suffered harassment in the form of phone calls, emails. The police were contacted and they were investigating, However now they have discovered she is TS they seem to have lost all interest. Selective discrimination in my opinion, how can this be in this day and age?

03-23-2015, 12:06 AM
Which country?

03-23-2015, 01:39 AM
Try the ACLU?

03-23-2015, 02:32 AM
I know a girl who has recently suffered harassment in the form of phone calls, emails.

Exactly what kind of harassment? Unwelcome messages or explicit threats?

The police were contacted and they were investigating, However now they have discovered she is TS they seem to have lost all interest.

Did they actually say that or did they simply opt not to pursue the investigation citing other reasons?

It's very possible that it was simply a case of prosecutorial discretion. Just as the cop can opt to give you a warning instead of a speeding ticket, they can also choose which crimes to investigate based on available resources & priorities.

Selective discrimination in my opinion, how can this be in this day and age?

It would be unfortunate if they opted not to pursue further investigation because of the reason you stated, however good luck proving that. Alas far too often the police won't get involved unless there is a legitimate threat to ones safety as involving themselves in every single "my ex won't stop calling me and asking me to take them back" would leave them rather thing for other investigations.

Unfortunately sometimes the best thing to do is to either block the offending #'s and addresses or change ones own # & address. I've known people who have had to do this as they either didn't want to get the police involved, or when they did they said there was nothing they could do.

Carlos Cain
03-23-2015, 07:09 AM
In The UK.
It was threats being issued.
Of course they never came out and said that, it was more the way things happened really. Its her ex. The police were looking into it, he played the she's a TS Escort card, all of a sudden they lost interest.

03-23-2015, 09:14 AM
As a discrimination case, the only piece of evidence you have is a temporal proximity between the phone harasser's comments and the police dropping the case. The problem with that is that you are accusing the police not the phone harasser of discrimination. For all you know they disregarded any perceived appeal to bigotry by him.

What you don't know: whether there was disparate treatment; was this a breach of standard protocol? Do the police typically follow up on cases like this when they don't have a confession and the sole victim is also the sole witness? It's not like a rape case or an assault case where you have physical evidence with complex stories and defenses to corroborate. Police simply don't have the manpower to follow-up every case of phone harassment, even those involving threats.

You don't seem to have heard of this police department disregarding similar complaints by ts women or if you have you didn't say.

Did the police say anything that made her or you think they had a motive to discriminate against her?

I worked in employment law for a time and helped investigate a number employment discrimination claims. There were some cases where I suspected there was discrimination but there was not enough proof. But it would take more than what you've said to furnish a suspicion.

Carlos Cain
03-23-2015, 10:04 AM
Well you are right. It is merely conjecture by myself, there is no solid proof there has been discrimination or that they have taken his comments on board, my suspicion does simply come from the proximity of events.

Prior to this happening I did feel there would be little done anyway I guess, as you have said the manpower required to follow every case of harassment simply is not there, you do pretty much need to hurt or murder someone before the police can really do anything these days.

03-23-2015, 10:47 AM
I know a girl who has recently suffered harassment in the form of phone calls, emails. The police were contacted and they were investigating, However now they have discovered she is TS they seem to have lost all interest. Selective discrimination in my opinion, how can this be in this day and age?

Because it never left. Why are people so shocked? The police is OUT OF CONTROL!

03-28-2015, 10:20 AM
Is this the Valentine of Yummy Asian hoohaa?