View Full Version : Photography trip to Thailand

03-20-2015, 02:40 PM
First: My work as a photographer: My website (http://photosample.co.uk/)

Hello people,

I am Kalin, photographer living in London, UK.

A month ago I had the opportunity to visit Thailand.
I never expected that this country will be so beautiful, charming and so many nice people.
You can see some of the photos from this trip here:

I would like to go back in September or October and to make more photos. To be able to capture the moments, the life and the mood in the air and to show it to the world.

Unfortunately living in London and travelling at the same time for a photo trips is not very easy.

I will use my own photo equipment, so no investment needed for equipment.
For my first trip I used a small camera - Sony RX100 mark I. Next time I will take Canon 6D + Sigma 35mm + Canon EF 70-200 F4L IS USM + various accessories and flashes.

The plan is to organize the visit around the end of the year.
It will be short trip for less than 15 days to minimize the cost.
I will need to buy a plane ticket in advance to get cheaper rates and I will sleep in the cheapest accommodation to reduce the cost of the trip.

I know that not everyone can afford to donate or just don't want to donate.
But even if you share, like and retweet the campaign will help me a lot and I will be very grateful for that.

I don't want anything for free, so:

- I will update the trip in real time as soon as I got some footage to show

- If you donate 30 pounds - You can choose 1 photo from the trip and I will send you a Full Size, uncompressed image suitable for print, posters and publishing with my permission to use it

- If you donate 100 pounds - You can choose 5 photos from the trip and I will send you Full Size, uncompressed images suitable for print, posters and publishing with my permission to use.

Here is the campaign: http://www.gofundme.com/kalpachev

Thank you very much for your time,

03-23-2015, 09:30 PM
bump for Kalin

03-24-2015, 12:10 AM
I donated £20 for you Kalin. That means i defo want my picture of you riding an Elephant.

03-24-2015, 04:42 AM
I used to have an RX100 Mk I - Nice & tidy camera. Very good if you understand its parameters.

03-24-2015, 02:24 PM
I used to have an RX100 Mk I - Nice & tidy camera. Very good if you understand its parameters.

The Biggest advantage of Sony RX100 is that you can keep it in your pocket.
And no one makes problem when you take it out for photo.

May be I used too much Canon 6D and that's why I miss the full frame, especially paired with Sigma 35mm F/1.4 - It become very good low light monster.

Will see next time :)

Thanks for everyone that liked and shared the project.


04-02-2015, 01:48 AM
Field report of my recent trip:
London - Thailand (18.02 - 11.03.2015)

You can get pretty good flight if you book in advance.
Actually I bought my ticket at Harrods and the price was 475 pounds return with Qatar Airways.

Our flight was from Heathrow with Airbus A380 to Doha. It is a BIG plane:

Here is the outside camera on the plane, to help you imagine how it is big:

Heathrow from above:

And on board the plane during the night:

Doha just after midnight:

We landed at Doha, Qatar. 2 hours wait and the next flight to Bangkok.

Going for the next flight:

And finally in Bangkok:

Taxi to the central area and then we found a nice hotel. Not very luxury but we were planning to stay only two days, so it was ok. And 800 Baht is a good price for a 5 min walking distance to Nana Plaza.

The contrast in the small streets, very close to Nana Plaza:

The Small street, where were our hotel:

And of course Nana Plaza:

And the entrance:

A bar next to Nana Plaza:

The famous Tuk Tuk transport in Thailand:

And all kind of business on the streets:

The streets in Bangkok at night time:

Another small street at the night:

This was my first street food. I survived. And it was tasty :)

End of part 1.
Will publish more :)

04-02-2015, 03:34 AM

04-02-2015, 04:47 AM
Yes, more please. And also could someone please do a similar field report with pics for Rio or Sao Paulo. Nice to see how a trip progresses step by step A-Z. Thank you kindly in advance.

04-02-2015, 04:58 AM
Well, thanx for the pics so far, but a true trip report should have us looking at some of the nightlife with the girls or special gurls in the report and pics.

04-02-2015, 05:07 AM
Kalin, I have a small house in the Northeast of Thailand along the Mekong on the border with Laos. I am there 4 times a year and I stay with my ladyboy girlfriend, you are more than welcome to stay with us at no charge, hell you can even eat with us for free, I am always willing to help out someone in their endeavors.

04-02-2015, 01:56 PM

There will be more. I will try to publish more photos tonight with some info and text.

Yes, more please. And also could someone please do a similar field report with pics for Rio or Sao Paulo. Nice to see how a trip progresses step by step A-Z. Thank you kindly in advance.

Thank you, I will do more

Well, thanx for the pics so far, but a true trip report should have us looking at some of the nightlife with the girls or special gurls in the report and pics.

I know that most people want to see more explicit and naked photos of the ladyboys.
But I decided not to do it. I don't have photos of such nature from this trip.
I was thinking to do it, but there is thousands and thousands of such photos on the next, so there is no point.
I wanted to blend and just to show the people the ordinary person, the ordinary life and the street - things often not shown on the other reports.

Kalin, I have a small house in the Northeast of Thailand along the Mekong on the border with Laos. I am there 4 times a year and I stay with my ladyboy girlfriend, you are more than welcome to stay with us at no charge, hell you can even eat with us for free, I am always willing to help out someone in their endeavors.

Thank you very much for the offer - it sounds very nice. Will see on my next trip which part of Thailand I will be.

As I promised above - I will try to update the thread with new photos and some description later in the night.

Have a nice day for now.

04-03-2015, 02:13 AM
Any questions about my trip welcome - it will be nice to help.

Typical taxi in Thailand. Most of the taxis use NGV as fuel. And drive a lot of Japanese cars - I believe they are cheaper.
Taxi from Bangkok to Pattaya - 1000-1200 Baht (20-24 British pounds). Around 110 miles.

Fresh fruits. Very nice, fresh and cut:

Scooters and small motorcycles - very common and usual transport. Photo in Pattaya:

Pattaya beach during the day. The locals don't like to swim too much - they say the water is not very clean. I... I was swimming. Still alive :)

Sunset at Pattaya beach. It is beautiful:

Normal small street after sunset. It is strange - a good coffee could cost almost 2 pounds, and at the same time you can find a good massage for 3 pounds. Good reason to stop the coffee :)

The local taxis. No helmet required. you could see 2,3 people on the bike as well :)

This is Sunset at Jomtien beach in Pattaya. A good place in Pattaya, almost invaded by the Russians. Many labels on the local market are in Russian language.

More to come....

sukumvit boy
04-03-2015, 04:55 AM
Well done ! thank you.

04-12-2015, 05:23 PM
Let's Continue.

The real life in Pattaya begin after the sunset.
When you sit somewhere on the street bars - people will try to sell you almost everything.


Anyone toys ?

This is the bar on the top of Hilton Pattaya. Around 6000 baht per night (120 British pounds)

Me with ladyboy friend:

Again there with a ladyboy friend:

Another view from the same place:

My first gas station in Pattaya. The bottles on the left is the fuel. Later I was told that it is much better, cheaper and better quality if I go to the real gas station. Every day is a school day :)

Pattaya from the top:

A sunset at Jomtien beach, Pattaya:

Typical street bar in the night:

A lot of people on the beach at night time:

And of course some delicious street food. ( I did not tried it :)

More to come.

Don't forget to visit my fund raising link.
Even to share it will be helpful for me :)


04-12-2015, 05:31 PM
nana plaza, good fun :)

04-12-2015, 06:19 PM
Anyone who contributed to your trip to go bang some some ladyboys...lol...gotta try this myself!

04-13-2015, 03:23 PM
Anyone who contributed to your trip to go bang some some ladyboys...lol...gotta try this myself!

start a gofundme page, it worked for that pizza shop :dancing:

04-14-2015, 05:06 PM
Anyone who contributed to your trip to go bang some some ladyboys...lol...gotta try this myself!

You are welcome :)

nana plaza, good fun :)

Yes, but I found better places :)

start a gofundme page, it worked for that pizza shop :dancing:

Thank you !

A little more:

The Walking street in Pattaya during the night:

A ladyboy friend :

And again her:

Natural beauty on the street selling fresh fruits:

The best spaghetti in the town (Pattaya):

Two of the common symbols in Thailand: Tuk Tuk and 7/11 shops:

Very nice beach, 60 km south of Pattaya:

And the usual small street in Pattaya:

P.S. If someone is offended that I am using a funding page - just don't donate :)
If I get funded - I will go
If I do not get funded - I will find way to go again

I just would like to share the normal street life there and the atmosphere.

More to come :)

Have a nice day.

04-21-2015, 03:25 PM
£85 already, bump for more :)

04-21-2015, 05:46 PM
Very nice color saturation in the pictures.

What kind of camera are you using?

05-02-2015, 06:22 PM
Very nice color saturation in the pictures.

What kind of camera are you using?

On that trip I went with the small Sony RX100 Mark I
The good point for the Sony is that it is very small, fit in your pocket and it is light.

Also edit the photos in Adobe Lightroom, and sometimes Silver Efex PRO V2

Next trip I will get the bigger Canon 6D + Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L II USM and probably Canon EF 70-200mm F/4.0 L IS USM (Still not sure which lens, as I have some other options).

Some more photos from the trip:

Pattaya beach, after midnight:

Typical parking bellow shopping center:

Street food and vegetables:

P.S. Thanks to everyone that donated so far :)

05-02-2015, 07:21 PM
I used to have that Sony (RX100 Mk 100) nice little camera.
Now I'm a Fuji shooter when I'm not purpose shooting with my Nikon.

Great images btw! :wiggle: