View Full Version : Vicki moving to Costa Rica?

Vicki Richter
08-02-2006, 07:29 AM
I am thinking about moving to Costa Rica. I have found that people can buy large houses there on huge lots (several to dozens of acres) for $200k - $400k or so.

I am wondering if anyone has any thoughts on this. I read something about "squatters rights" in Costa Rica where someone can literally move on to your property and you have to pay them to leave. However, I think this isn't possible as long as you are occupying your residence. At most, I would leave for a few weeks or so at a time.

I am thinking that the lifestyle I could have there would be way better than anything I could ever afford in this country. Since I don't vote anyway, I wouldn't really miss out on anything there. The only people in the world who I am close to is my parents since the rest of my family has disowned me for being TS. That said, I could easily fly them out a few times a year. I could also host 2257 immune sites (not illegal content, but free from the barbaricly unreasonable overdone rules being proposed by this country). An example of this is about $4000 in licensed content I had on my server that I had to remove because the primary producer went out of business because they were afraid of 2257. All of the models are clearly older than 21 if not 25 to the point where no reasonable person would question this. However, as a secondary producer I was not overly concerned at the time about the reprecussions of 2257 when models aren't even remotely questionable and the content was legally licensed from a primary producer.

Essentially, I could move to Costa Rica, and just supplement my web income, money from my new video series, and with occassional escorting while living a few miles from a beach. Does this sound crazy or reasonable to people here?


08-02-2006, 07:40 AM
Girl with this 2257 nonsense going on here now,,,3 companies in last week to be investigated with 23 possible to go,,,,,,,,ANYWHERE but here sounds reasonable and sane LOL

08-02-2006, 07:44 AM
Vicki, if you do move, I want to come with you.

Vicki Richter
08-02-2006, 08:01 AM
Actually, the place I buy will have apartments to rent out as well... kind of a thing for tourists who want to stay a month or so. It would also help offset costs. Some of the places have the main house plus 2-3 apartments to rent out. The main house being seperate and 2000-4000 sq/ft.

It would be cool to have friends come visit occassionally for my pleasure. ;)

08-02-2006, 08:05 AM
and how is this different from the US??
You can get kicked off your property here in the US without warning or getting paid for it if the government (city & state) felt it needed to.

08-02-2006, 08:12 AM
Adverse possession laws in Costa Rica are probably close to the same as they are here (meaning that scumbags can set up shack on your property for X amount of time and steal it) because of Costa Rica's ties with America.

Find an American real estate broker who is familiar with real property in Costa Rica.

08-02-2006, 08:14 AM
and how is this different from the US??
You can get kicked off your property here in the US without warning or getting paid for it if the government (city & state) felt it needed to.

She's talking about squatters.

08-02-2006, 11:44 AM

08-02-2006, 01:17 PM
i think u will be the bomb where ever u go....and hope it all works out, loving your work sweetheart.

08-02-2006, 02:26 PM

I’ve spent a lot of time in Latin America and have been to Costa Rica on a couple of occasions – and even considered moving there at one point. If you are considering moving there, I would highly recommend renting there for a while first. There are many things to like about Costa Rica.

The people are genuinely warm and accommodating. They are also some of the best educated in Latin America. Additionally, the nation is regarded by many as being the most stable in the region. It’s also largely free of the racial tension you find in much of Latin America. Buying a house in the 200-400K range will get you a nice piece of property. Until not too many years ago, you could find decent properties for around 150K. As you might guess, the popularity of Costa Rica as a destination for expatriates has driven prices up.

The squatter’s rights issue is a common one in Latin America. I have a friend who lost a prime piece of beach front real estate in Brazil this way. In many cases, you can’t even pay them to leave; they just literally get your property if they’ve been there long enough. In other cases, they can claim part of your property if they’ve been there long enough. There are other issues. For example, in some nations, foreigners can own property, but they can’t pay taxes on the property. Only locals can pay for them.

The best way around the squatter’s rights issue is to buy in a gated community. There are quite a few of them in Costa Rica, many of which have very good security at a modest cost. Make friends with your American, Canadian, and British neighbors so that someone can watch your house when you aren’t there.

Also, you might want to consider two other places. Panama City, Panama is growing by leaps and bounds, having become perhaps the most modern and cosmopolitan in the region. Houses can get a bit expensive, but you can get really nice condos there cheap. Also, look at Buenos Aires. Places there that can be bought for a song by US standards. Great people, great architecture, and a low cost of living (one of the lowest for any great city) make Buenos Aires one of my favorite cities on the planet. Both Panama City and Buenos Aires have an incredible night life. Both also have good food, though Buenos Aires is clearly better in this regard. Both also have some beautiful women, with the women of Buenos Aires being the better looking of the two groups.

Mmmmmmmmmmm..... Buenos Aires.........


08-02-2006, 02:27 PM
big ts community in san jose....wild, town, prostitution, gamblling, out of control.....economically, you may be 5-7 years late....from i heard, best deals are all gone, many many people thinking like you are....the new frontier, is nicaragua......friend of mine, bought like 10 acres of land for about 10 grand!.....but everyting, i know is second hand....research carefully before throwing down....dajuicy

08-02-2006, 03:42 PM
Costa Rica!?!

Well, on the plus side it's certainly a tropical type enviroment, and you'd presumably be living near the ocean, which you would enjoy. Not sure how you'd transport your aquarium stuff down there, but I'm sure it's possible. By all accounts I've heard it's a pretty cool place.

On the down side, it's been a land grab in Latin America for awhile now, lots of swindlers are selling off what's left. I'd proceed with extreme caution if this is something you're seriously thinking about.

Once I have the financial means, I hope to be a frequent guest in one of those swinging bungalow apartments. If things don't work out for me, I'll just disguise myself in festive native garb and hang out with the aspiring squatters of the Richter Compound.

I guess I'll have to take a boat down there, but boats aren't that bad.

08-02-2006, 05:07 PM
You're only asking for trouble when moving to places like this.
All it takes is for a new government to take office, a coup, a civil war, or any other internal strife in the country and the money you have in a bank down there and your property can be taken by the government any time they want.
Places like these are great to visit, or to even have a condo part time to go to for a few months every year. But when it comes to moving there be very careful. Everything you have can be confiscated by the government in a heart beat.

Vicki Richter
08-02-2006, 06:20 PM
Well on the bright side, Costa Rica has a very well established democracy. I don't see them having a coup.

08-02-2006, 07:16 PM
One more thing: US style mortgages are non-existent in Latin America, particularly when it comes to foreigners purchasing property. It's largely a cash affair.


08-02-2006, 07:26 PM
Please consider Panama!!!! its right next to CR, the US dollar is the national currency (really!), and real estate prices are excellent!

Vicki Richter
08-02-2006, 11:55 PM
Well that could happen... It sounds entertaining. I will check around all around there...

08-03-2006, 12:14 AM
All it takes is for a new government to take office, a coup, a civil war, or any other internal strife in the country and the money you have in a bank down there and your property can be taken by the government any time they want.
Places like these are great to visit, or to even have a condo part time to go to for a few months every year. But when it comes to moving there be very careful. Everything you have can be confiscated by the government in a heart beat.

Much like the US. :?

Though here they politely call it "emminent domain".

I've had worse happen to me in Massachusetts, but that was before I knew the Kennedys and hob-nobbed with Dukakis.

Unless you are in a clearly volitile nation like Uganda or Cuba (Under Raul Castro), it's all a crapshoot, really.

No joke: If you do this, tell me where you are, because where I live now sucks big donkey dicks and doesn't swallow.

08-03-2006, 01:46 AM
I would say Panama. I, and friends of mine, have places in Panama. I would choose it beofre other Latin countries for various reasons. I have a friend that has a place in Costa Rica and loves it though, so who knows. It is very American friendly in Panama. Real estate is still a good bargain, but not for much longer. It is rapidly becoming the cool place to buy real estate. There are still good deals. You can get a 2000 sq ft condo on the water for less than 200k brand new with all of the typical aminities (private parking, gym, pool, etc..).
Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.

08-03-2006, 04:08 AM
Ok, so why choose panama on top of other options.

- Daily flighs to major cities in the US (NY, Miami, LA, Houston, Atlanta, etc.), and to every major destination in south america and europe.

- The national currency is the dollar. (not colones or pesos or whatever).

- You can buy condos in sky high buildings (non existing in other countries in the region due to possible earthquakes, the highest building in Costa Rica have no more than like 10 stories). Check the trump ocean club project in panama www.trumpoceanclub.com to get an idea about what you can buy. There are a ton of projects like that, just like boogiecrew says.

- Communications, you can get anything from toll free US 1-800 phone numbers, to cable modem, to adsl, to GSM, to wireless, to plain old phone, you name it, from different companies at very cheap prices. (I doubt you can get anything above 128 kb in costa rica, since the only internet company is the government owned racsa, and that is the most they offer).

- Everything is cheaper than in costa rica, or buenos aires.

- Foreigners are excempt of all import duties and taxes for the first 5 years.

- The banking centre is the biggest of the region, and allow you to do transactions to whatever banks you like, you name it, bahamas, virgin islands, NY, london, etc.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask, I know very well what I'm talking about.

08-03-2006, 04:27 AM
Vickie, sorry to hear you might move, but you could'nt have picked a better place. I'm considering the move myself within about 2 years I've been there several times since 1989 and fell in love with the place. Besides all the natural wonders the locals are great(Ticos) and the government is the most stable around, not your typical banana republic. I don't know about the sqawters right issue, but I will be filing for a pensionato status. You show you are on a pension or post a bond and you have all the rights of a citizen except voting. There is another status also.The health care is excellent and happens to be the place for plastic surgery with most procedures costing a fourth of here and the doctors are US trained. Check out a paper for gringos called the TICO TIMES which is online. There are 30,000 plus Americans living there, 3rd next to Mexico and Canada. See you there ......neighbor?

08-03-2006, 04:51 AM
That's all great input, I'm pretty sure she can figure things out for herself. None of my business . . .

Phoney swindler jerks.

Hehe. I'm just kidding. I'm just saying be careful.


Vicki Richter
08-03-2006, 09:18 AM
Ok, so why choose panama on top of other options.

- Daily flighs to major cities in the US (NY, Miami, LA, Houston, Atlanta, etc.), and to every major destination in south america and europe.

- The national currency is the dollar. (not colones or pesos or whatever).

- You can buy condos in sky high buildings (non existing in other countries in the region due to possible earthquakes, the highest building in Costa Rica have no more than like 10 stories). Check the trump ocean club project in panama www.trumpoceanclub.com to get an idea about what you can buy. There are a ton of projects like that, just like boogiecrew says.

- Communications, you can get anything from toll free US 1-800 phone numbers, to cable modem, to adsl, to GSM, to wireless, to plain old phone, you name it, from different companies at very cheap prices. (I doubt you can get anything above 128 kb in costa rica, since the only internet company is the government owned racsa, and that is the most they offer).

- Everything is cheaper than in costa rica, or buenos aires.

- Foreigners are excempt of all import duties and taxes for the first 5 years.

- The banking centre is the biggest of the region, and allow you to do transactions to whatever banks you like, you name it, bahamas, virgin islands, NY, london, etc.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask, I know very well what I'm talking about.

Thank you and thank you also Pirate. You guys are really helping out. Another concern is personal safety. I was thinking Costa Rica would be safer because it is more of an island community. I will admit I am totally making that up. I am terrible with geography. I just know in a lot of South America they like to kidnap Americans and ransom them. I would think this would be a lot more limited in an island nation. Again, I am showing my geographic ignorance. Yes, I want to move to a place I don't even know where it is.

08-03-2006, 09:45 AM
Ok, so why choose panama on top of other options.

- Daily flighs to major cities in the US (NY, Miami, LA, Houston, Atlanta, etc.), and to every major destination in south america and europe.

- The national currency is the dollar. (not colones or pesos or whatever).

- You can buy condos in sky high buildings (non existing in other countries in the region due to possible earthquakes, the highest building in Costa Rica have no more than like 10 stories). Check the trump ocean club project in panama www.trumpoceanclub.com to get an idea about what you can buy. There are a ton of projects like that, just like boogiecrew says.

- Communications, you can get anything from toll free US 1-800 phone numbers, to cable modem, to adsl, to GSM, to wireless, to plain old phone, you name it, from different companies at very cheap prices. (I doubt you can get anything above 128 kb in costa rica, since the only internet company is the government owned racsa, and that is the most they offer).

- Everything is cheaper than in costa rica, or buenos aires.

- Foreigners are excempt of all import duties and taxes for the first 5 years.

- The banking centre is the biggest of the region, and allow you to do transactions to whatever banks you like, you name it, bahamas, virgin islands, NY, london, etc.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask, I know very well what I'm talking about.

Thank you and thank you also Pirate. You guys are really helping out. Another concern is personal safety. I was thinking Costa Rica would be safer because it is more of an island community. I will admit I am totally making that up. I am terrible with geography. I just know in a lot of South America they like to kidnap Americans and ransom them. I would think this would be a lot more limited in an island nation. Again, I am showing my geographic ignorance. Yes, I want to move to a place I don't even know where it is.

Choose Iceland, then! Safe & secure island, stable democracy with me on it ;-)

08-03-2006, 03:12 PM
I think it a smart move Vicky and the part about renting out to tourist can be real lucrative.

Would you become a citizen of costa rica?

Whats there heath care like?

08-03-2006, 06:57 PM

Just to point a couple of things out.... Neither Costa Rica nor Panama are (at least in their capital cities) Island Commuties.

San Jose, the main city in Costa Rica is like a big town in a valley, because of the valley geography the city have a very nice weather, but no beaches, no water, instead lots of rivers with activities like rafting and such.

On the other hand, Panama City (the main city in Panama) is on the Panama bay in the pacific ocean (not an island either), everything is near the beach, and because of that the weather is hotter, and the landscape is not like a valley with mountains, but more like south beach, the bay, the ships, the ocean, the high buildings.

Both cities are very very secure. Colombia is a beautiful country but very dangerous (south of Panama border), and so is Nicaragua (north of Costa Rica border), yet both Panama and Costa Rica are both very secure.

In terms of health care, I don't know for Costa Rica, but Panama is fairly well developed, there are 4 major private hospitals that have all of the equipment you'll find in the best hospitals in the U.S., and most of the panamanian doctors do their specialties in the U.S. There is also a John Hopkins Medical Center with all the facilities you can think of in a hospital.

About renting, I know a couple of friends that rent their places in Panama, and always have people in, the whole activity is quite lucrative.

If you are looking for something more island like, a very popular destination is "Bocas del Toro", on the north west of Panama near the border with Costa Rica, you can buy your own island there, or live in the main island (Isla Colon). Check this site http://www.puntacaracol.com/ to give you an idea about Bocas del Toro, and http://www.visitpanama.com/ to see a couple of pictures and get the whole picture about the city.

I know Panama very well, and have been in Costa Rica a fair couple of times, so if you have any questions feel free to ask.

08-03-2006, 11:14 PM
Also, keep in mind that Panama is rated one of the safest countries in the world by several different agencies. There are only a couple of areas to stay out of in Panama, and they are easy to recognise.

08-03-2006, 11:15 PM
Panama is much more cosmopolitan than CR, of course my opinion is somewhat biased!

08-04-2006, 03:47 AM
OK, I just don't get this thread.

"I'm might be moving to Costa Rica!"

"I want my friends to visit me in Costa Rica!"

"Maybe I'll move to Panama, or somewhere!"

"I don't even know where Costa Rica is. . . because I couldn't just look at a map, or something. . . actually I'm just kidding, or am I?"

I've (virtually) known you for nearly two years, online. I've hung out with you in real life. I'm not bragging, I have. I have no idea what you're talking about anymore.

It's none of my business, of course, but this whole thread is just goofy. Feel free to attack or ignore me, I'm just curious as to what the hell this thread is suppose to be about.

08-04-2006, 04:35 AM
^^^^^^Finally, someone making sense. lol^^^^^^^^

08-04-2006, 04:41 AM
Oh, bullshit Arianna. I've been playing these games with her for way too long.

I like her, but she's been focusing this control/manipulation shit on me for a long time (it's all on record and I can site hundreds of examples, and I will if I have to). It's not like it's a big secret. I've always just wanted to talk to her like a normal person on a regular basis.

It's clear that that will never happen.

Still, I wish her the best and I think she's a beautiful and amazing person.

She's a very cool girl. I'll just ignore her posts here from now on.

08-04-2006, 05:56 PM

You can get a huge house in Houston for that kind of money! I've traveled all over the Americas and NOWHERE compares to the good ole USA!!!

08-04-2006, 06:28 PM
I've (virtually) known you for nearly two years, online. I've hung out with you in real life. I'm not bragging, I have. I have no idea what you're talking about anymore.

It's none of my business, of course, but this whole thread is just goofy. Feel free to attack or ignore me, I'm just curious as to what the hell this thread is suppose to be about.Costa Rico, Shmosta Rico.Who cares? I wanna see Vicki's new snatch. :P

Here, here!! Bring on the new beaver!!

(hadn't heard she had a new one though)

Kurdy M
08-04-2006, 07:58 PM
I was there for the first time in 1983, nice little country. From then i was there a couple of times. Now? No thank you.
It has changed a lot, tourists are being kidnapped, crime is bigger etc.
Vicki you would be nuts to go there. But it is your choice.

08-05-2006, 01:12 AM
Oh, bullshit Arianna. I've been playing these games with her for way too long.

I like her, but she's been focusing this control/manipulation shit on me for a long time (it's all on record and I can site hundreds of examples, and I will if I have to). It's not like it's a big secret. I've always just wanted to talk to her like a normal person on a regular basis.

It's clear that that will never happen.

Still, I wish her the best and I think she's a beautiful and amazing person.

She's a very cool girl. I'll just ignore her posts here from now on.

Now what makes you think this is in any way directed at you? She's focusing control and manipulation on you? Here's what happened, Honda. You and her became online friends. You became fixated on her, and went to her town without an invitation and she went to your hotel because you went to so much trouble. You guys had some fun, not sexually, then by your own admission you started molesting her in her sleep. She woke up and wasn't into it and left. You started mentioning it in every other thread, flipped out on several members of her forum while apparently drinking, got yourself banned, continued to smirk about your unique status here for months, recently stated that next year you'd be triumphantly returning to her hometown to kick the other bofriend's asses and claim her as your own. She finally told you to pipe down and knock it off, and that your talk was 'crazy'. And now you seem to think that her musing about moving to another country is somehow supposed to be manipulating YOU?
As I said a couple of weeks ago, if there's a relationship the rest of us don't know about, then why continue to bring it up here if she doesn't? It's called keeping your private life private. And if there's really nothing to it other than the events happening as I surmised above, based on what's been stated by the two of you here, it seems like a really stupid way of getting her attention. I'm sure if she was interested, you two would be together. This is not rocket science.
Does anybody want to hear about all the really hot girls that don't want me? Cause I've got some really cool stories about being told no, going home alone, and having my opening lines rebuffed. Why just yesterday an incredible looking girl didn't even once glance in my direction! She totally wanted me though.

08-05-2006, 04:51 AM
Hey, Uh, "Suckseed". . . Why don't you keep your mouth shut and stay out of other peoples business? I'm not looking for some weird ass online "friend".

None of this has anything to do with you. You're acting like that Chief Mike weirdo.

Anyone who wants to talk to Vicki:

www.vickirichter.com and join the yahoo group or forum

And for the record, I think you're looking for attention. I don't like you and please stop posting in relation to me.

Goodbye. No need for response.

08-05-2006, 09:29 AM
Gee, Honda, I really didn't think my observations were going to put me on your Christmas list. I was totally on your side until I started reading what you're like when you decide to get nasty. News flash: I don't like you either. Keep your 'business' off public forums if you don't like strangers responding to them. I want attention? And this is coming from you? Give me a break.
Nice rebuttal to my arguments, by the way.
I'm just saying.

08-05-2006, 08:56 PM
Hey! Quit using my catch phrases!

I'm just saying. . . hehe

Honestly, you seem like a decent guy, so I'll break things down here for ya (although it's a bit obvious, I would think):

I like Vicki, I have for a long time. I'm not psychotic about it, but I am intent in my pursuit. You have to keep in mind that she does currently present a sexual fantasy as her public persona, and she does it extremely well. She is beyond question a superstar and is moving forward.

Like any girl, she's currently up for grabs if the right guy for her comes along. I do not have the means to even see her, and certainly couldn't date her in the near future.

Anyone being a fan of her is awesome. She is, in my opinion, the perfect girl (as shemale, or post srs, whatever).

Until someone claims her, it's anybody's game.

Obviously I'd like to "win". I think I will someday. I wouldn't be playing this game if I thought otherwise.

08-05-2006, 09:03 PM
C'mon, let's get back to the Costa Rica/Panama real estate quiz. :D

All this talk about Panama reminds me of a landlady/business associate I had some years ago whose father was a security chief for the state department at various embassies throughout his career. Under the Eisenhower administration, he and his family were attached to the US embassy there.

Legend has it that when the Panamanian President, José Antonio Remón Cantera, was assassinated in 1955, word reached the US embassy only that "...the president is dead." Since the message wasn't very clear, it was assumed that Eisenhower had passed away.

SOP for ambassadors on hearing of the death of the president is to submit a letter of resignation to the incoming administration, giving them the option to retain or replace the diplomats as they see fit.

When the pouch arrived in DC, however, it was said to be filled to overflowing with the resignations of everyone from the ambassador to the embassy kitchen and landscaping staff. :shock: When the call went down to Panama as to what was going on, an embarrassed staff member, learning that Eisenhower was still kicking, said with relief "Then Nixon isn't president yet?" :lol:

They loved their presdient, but their confidence in his VP was shaky, at best. :lol: